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Minneapolis, MN

Vial Honors the Minneapolis Punk Tradition in Exciting Next-Gen Style – Review + Photos



Vial Honors the Minneapolis Punk Tradition in Exciting Next-Gen Style – Review + Photos

Vial – All photos by Notes From Vivace

Photos and review by NOTES FROM VIVACE

LOS ANGELES – Vial, the three piece bratpunk band from Minneapolis, Minn., rushed onto the El Cid stage to start their set. That’s right, they didn’t walk casually from the stage entrance like most bands do. They ran onto the stage as their adoring fans, who had lined up early on Sunset Boulevard, and were now pressed up close, screamed their approval.

Vial - All photos by Notes From Vivace 8
Vial – All photos by Notes From Vivace

Teenagers with Xs marked on both their right and left hands were up front. Tweens were off to the side with their parents. The older crowd (maybe parents of some of those teenagers) were politely in the back. Someone yelled out to bassist Taylor Kraemer, “I love your hair.” Kraemer responded, “I love you, whoever said that.”

Vial – All photos by Notes From Vivace

The band released their second album at the end of March called burnout and has been on a 22-city tour to support the album, starting out with a record release party in their home town, and ending at Punk Rock Bowling. The album is 10 songs and comes in at a uniquely short 20 minutes. A song such as “two-faced” clocks in at 3 minutes 12 seconds while a song called “chronic illness flareups” is just 37 seconds.

Vial – All photos by Notes From Vivace

At El Cid, the band put on an 18-song clinic that had the crowd in the palm of their hands. The pop-punk song “bottle blonde” got the crowd singing to the quick hit lyrics. There were screams of approval to the fun loving ode to soup, “broth song.” The band most definitely loves good food as Kraemer’s bass had the words “Fish Fear Me” written on it. You knew the audience followed the band closely when it did the Nirvana cover “Territorial Pissings.” The band told the crowd that everyone knew what chant was needed to start the song and the crowd immediately started yelling “Piss! Piss! Piss!”

Vial – All photos by Notes From Vivace

During the set, an amusing tour tale was told. At their Toronto tour stop, Kraemer had an unfortunate encounter, “We stepped out of our disgusting van, sweating and stinky. And we look up at the venue, which is three flights of stairs. No f*cking elevator. And I immediately feel something on my shoulders and my brand new skirt. I look down, brown and white bird shit . . . f*ck the birds of Toronto.” Laughter and then cheers arose from that story as the band launched into “friendship bracelet” with drummer Katie Fischer starting the music off with pounding drum beats.

Vial – All photos by Notes From Vivace

Having fun in the mosh pit was expected of the fans. Early in the set, the band had the crowd repeat the following pledge to each other, “Dearest friend, you look good tonight. I hope after tonight, we can still be dearest friends, after I break your nose and steal all your teeth.” Then later in the set, the band had the crowd separate to the sides of the venue, leaving a wide gap down the middle. Why? The two sides rushed each other like the clash of opposing medieval fantasy armies. Did anyone break their nose or have their teeth stolen? Probably not, there was too much fun being had for hospital / dental visits to ruin the night.

Vial – All photos by Notes From Vivace

The song “Piss Punk” closed out the set. The intense beats had fans rushing the stage for one last mosh pit, “I can do the things that you do, and I can do them better than you. Do the things that you never thought that any fucking woman could do.” But back to the band having the crowd in the palm of their hands . . . guitarist KT Branscom stopped the song and told the crowd, “I need it to be completely and utterly silent.” The mosh pit ended and the venue went completely silent. “You guys are good at that.” A couple nervous laughs occurred, “Shh!!! No laughing. At the count of three, are you guys ready, one two three.” The crowd yelled back the chorus “You’re so boring” as they restarted jumping and dancing with abandon.

Vial – All photos by Notes From Vivace

An encore was demanded and provided. The band played a song that they said hadn’t been played in three years. Some in the crowd knew exactly what it would be and screamed out “DIY / Or Die.” Afterward, as the crowd was hustled by security to the El Cid patio (this was an early show and a later show was on the schedule), a conversation between two fans was overheard, “I had so much fun” with the reply, “Me, too.” Follow Vial on social media.

Vial – All photos by Notes From Vivace

Opening up for Vial were San Diego-based band (and west coast tour mates) Rain on Fridays and Los Angeles-based band Suzie True. Vial joined Rain on Fridays for the song “Slumber Party,” which is about not being the cool kids. It can be considered a bookend to the Vial song “friendship bracelet.” Their sound is fuzzy with garage rock influences and perhaps some painful teen memories, “Raise your hands if you’ve cried this week.”

Suzie True wowed the early crowd with their vocal screams and dynamic, as well as aerobic, stage show. Lead singer Lexi McCoy proclaimed her unabashed love for . . . “I love chocolate milk.” And exemplified the DIY attitude of many a Los Angeles band, “I feel like I was looking at a deep fryer and then I looked up and I was here.”

Vial setlist. two-faced, falling short, bottle blonde, broth song, Black Sheep (Metric cover), Ego Death, apathy, friendship bracelet, Roadkill, Territorial Pissings (Nirvana cover), ur dad, chronic illness flareups, Mr Fuck You, Planet Drool, Embryo, Rough, Piss Punk. Encore: DIY/Or Die


Rain on Fridays: evolutionary peak of boredom, Idiotic Defense, Cry It Out, Hey Man, Phono, Keep Yr Chin, Wasa, Slumber Party


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Minneapolis, MN

Four local gymnasts headed to Olympic Trials in Minneapolis



Four local gymnasts headed to Olympic Trials in Minneapolis

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WHNT) — What is the threshold for success for an athlete?

Well, everyone is different.

For some, it’s making the starting lineup on varsity.

For others, it’s securing that college athletic scholarship and playing at the next level, and maybe even getting to the pros.


But for four local trampoline gymnasts, they’re eyeing something bigger….the Olympics.

Paul Bretscher, Cody Gesuelli, Maia Amano, and Trinity Van Natta, all returned from Lima, Peru, after competing at the Pan American Championships for Team USA in Trampoline Gymnastics.

All are returning with a gold medal in hand.

“I actually just came off of a knee injury, so I tore several ligaments in my knee back in April of last year and I had surgery for that. And so this was my first international competition since that injury. So for me, it was all about like, you know, proving to myself that I can still compete on an international stage and um, I think I was able to do that because I ended up getting a personal best score,” said Maia Amano.

These four are members of the USA Gymnastics Senior National Team, so winning gold silver or bronze is nothing new to them.


Right now, they’re already eyeing the next competition, the Olympic Trials in Minneapolis starting on June 27.

“Normally on the equipment, we do 17 and a half hours,” said Paul Bretscher, “We normally go and work workout, doing weightlifting and strength and conditioning, probably 2 to 3 more times in the week.”

“A lot of my training and preparation since Peru going into nationals has been sort of focused on that mental block. I do three days a week in the morning and then every day, Monday through Friday in the evening. So in the mornings, I focus on just working my skills individually,” said Trinity Van Natta.

“I’m trying to get into a better mindset. I think the last Olympic trial, I kind of put too much pressure on myself and I was expecting a greater result. When that didn’t happen, you know, that hurt my feelings quite a bit. But, you know, luckily we had Peru the week after the last Olympic trials, and so it was a good rebound for me,” said Cody Geuselli.

For these athletes, qualifying for the 2024 Olympics is the mountaintop.


“That’s been my goal since I was probably 12 years old,” said Amano.

“I’ve been competing with the goal of going to the Olympics for probably my whole trampoline career,” said Bretscher.

“It’d be a culmination of all the sacrifices that I made for this sport. You know, I’ve moved twice already around the country for it to just, you know, train and try to compete at my best. So it would just be the icing on the cake,” added Gesuelli.

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Minneapolis, MN

Woman gravely injured in shooting near Minneapolis homeless encampment



Woman gravely injured in shooting near Minneapolis homeless encampment

Woman gravely injured in shooting near Minneapolis homeless encampment – CBS Minnesota

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Minneapolis Police say a woman was seriously injured after being shot near a homeless encampment at 28th and Columbus.


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Minneapolis, MN

Woman found seriously wounded after being shot in south Minneapolis



Woman found seriously wounded after being shot in south Minneapolis

A woman was shot Saturday evening in south Minneapolis and found seriously wounded in a nearby homeless encampment. Minneapolis police responded at 6:07 p.m. to a shooting report on the 2800 block of Park Avenue South. Police said they found evidence of shooting and then found a woman in her 20s with a “life-threatening” gunshot wound at an encampment at East 28th Street and Columbus Avenue. …

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