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Michigan Imam accuses Israel of harvesting Palestinian organs, praises terrorist leaders in sermon



Michigan Imam accuses Israel of harvesting Palestinian organs, praises terrorist leaders in sermon

During a series of ceremonies commemorating the month of Muharram in the Shiite Hadi Institute Youth Community Center in Dearborn, Michigan, on July 7 and 8, 2024, Imam Usama Abdulghani accused the Israeli military of skinning Palestinians and harvesting their organs, seen in a video published by MEMRI (The Middle East Media Research Institute) on Thursday.

Abdulghani stated, “There are a group of people in this world who, for 270 days, are facing the worst kind of atrocities imaginable. Now, the Yazids and Shemirs of today would like you and I to believe history began on October 7. No, history did not begin on October 7. These are people who regularly describe their military incursions as ‘mowing the lawn,’ so when you see them skinning the Palestinians or harvesting their organs or butchering…so imagine a group of people surrounded for so long by these kinds [of people], the worst of Allah’s creation.”


The tenth day of Muharram is Ashura, the holiday commemorating the Battle of Karbala in 680 CE. On this day, according to Islamic history, Muhammad’s grandson Hussein and his family were killed by Muslim forces loyal to a different individual in pursuit of leadership.

The caliphate of Yazid ibn Mu’awiya ibn Abi Sufyan, known as Yazid I, was characterized by the death of Muhammad’s grandson and the start of the Second Fitna, a period of general disorder and civil war. 

Abu al-Sabigha Shamir ibn Dhi al-Jawshan, known as Shemir, was the Arab military commander who killed Muhammad’s grandson.

Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivers his first address since the October conflict between Palestinian group Hamas and Israel, from an unspecified location in Lebanon, in this screenshot taken from video obtained November 3, 2023 (credit: AL-MANAR VIA REUTERS)

Earlier in his speech, the Michigan Imam praised Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah for his piety and knowledge and quoted Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in support of the supreme leader. 

Support for terrorist leaders

“When we are raising these children, who will be the soldiers of the Mahdi, we know what we are looking for…Inshallah, we are hoping to give our children a fighting chance to be in the army of the Mahdi,” Imam Abdulghani began. The Mahdi is a figure that appears at the end of the world to rid the world of injustice and evil. The Mahdi Army was an Iraqi Shia terrorist organization created by Muqtada al-Sadr in June 2003 and disbanded in 2008.


“So we want our children to be able to understand when they hear [Hezbollah leader] Hassan Nasrallah say that we are in Karbala, we are remembering Karbala, and we are in Karbala. We want our kids, the children, to get it, to understand,” Abdulghani stated.

“When somebody is at the level of piety and knowledge like Hassan Nasrallah when he says a statement like that, is he not aware of the hadiths that talk about the status of Hussein?” Abdulghani then rhetorically asked.

“Why does he say that Imam Khamenei is the ‘Hussein of the time?’ Why does the [Iranian Supreme] Leader say – may Allah protect him and keep him for us until he takes us to the Mahdi. Why does the Leader say that the war in Gaza isn’t a war between Gaza, Hamas, and Israel, this is Truth vs. Falsehood, all of faith vs. all of arrogance. Why would they say these things? Why do they connect the dots?” the Imam added. 


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Michigan’s unemployment agency back up and running after global IT outage



Michigan’s unemployment agency back up and running after global IT outage

Michigan’s unemployment agency hit by global IT outage


Michigan’s unemployment agency hit by global IT outage



(CBS DETROIT) – State departments were not spared from tech issues on Friday as Michigan and the rest of the country dealt with major disruptions from a global tech outage

Phone and online chat services are back online after being disrupted at Michigan’s Unemployment Insurance Agency.

“Here at the state of Michigan, we do have some state services that were impacted mainly through third parties or hosted services,” said Laura Wotruba, the director of communications for the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget. “One of those would be call centers that people call into for various help with various state services and programs. And so those were down, but since then, traffic has been restored.”

According to the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity, there were a few hours on Friday morning when customers could not reach employees, but systems are beginning to return to normal. 

“All of our state agency call centers are once again able to handle customer calls, and we here at the Department of Technology, Management and Budget continue to monitor all of our systems, just given the nature of a widespread global IT outage,” Wotruba said. “We’re just being extra vigilant to make sure things are up and running as they are supposed to be.”


Wotruba says that calls that came in during the disruption were rerouted. Those who received an error message can call now that things are running more smoothly. 

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What a Bowl Bid Would Do for Coach Jonathan Smith and Michigan State Football



What a Bowl Bid Would Do for Coach Jonathan Smith and Michigan State Football

Michigan State and Coach Jonathan Smith are entering what most expect to be a difficult season. Coach Smith and his coaching staff are taking over a messy situation in East Lansing, but they have already begun to turn things around for Michigan State’s football program. 

It has been a few years since Michigan State reached a bowl game, and many do not believe this will be the year they break that streak. However, Smith and Michigan State can do so this season with good coaching, good play on the field, and a little luck. While they have a four-game stretch that no team in the country would want to play, they still have six very winnable games on the schedule. 

Arguably, the most challenging aspect of a new coaching hire is the new coaching staff recruiting their desired players and then getting the most out of those players on the field. Smith and his coaching staff had a rough start in the transfer portal but recovered nicely. They’ve also done a solid job on the recruiting trail, nearly filling their 2025 recruiting class and getting started on the 2026 recruiting class. 

Smith and his coaching staff have taken care of nearly everything they can off the field this offseason. Soon, they will have to perform well as a team on the gridiron. A critical aspect of recruiting is on-field performance. Many schools host recruits during big games and want to perform well in those games so the recruits can get an accurate idea of what to expect if they commit and are enticed to sign with that school.


This is one of the most critical aspects of what a bowl appearance in Smith’s first season at the helm could do for him and his coaching staff. College football programs are built on recruiting, and potential recruits want to play for a winner. 

While Michigan State will undoubtedly take its fair share of losses in the first year under Smith, a bowl bid would be a massive success for him and his coaching staff. It would give them even more of a pitch to recruits of the impending turnaround for Michigan State football.

Smith and his coaching staff can tell recruits their hopes and plans for a turnaround, but a bowl bid in his very first season would be all the proof he needs of what is coming for Michigan State’s football program. It would be immediate proof that Michigan State is headed in the right direction. A bowl bid would say more to potential recruits than any words or sales pitch Smith and his coaching staff could come up with.

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Socialist Equality Party candidates submit 20,000 signatures to appear on Michigan presidential ballot



Socialist Equality Party candidates submit 20,000 signatures to appear on Michigan presidential ballot

The Socialist Equality Party (SEP) candidates in the 2024 US presidential elections, Joseph Kishore and Jerry White, announced Thursday that their campaign had submitted “far in excess” of the required signatures to appear on the ballot in Michigan.

The ballot access laws for third-party candidates are different in every state, compounding the difficulty of running a nationwide campaign. For Michigan, the socialist campaign was required to gather at least 100 signatures from a majority of the state’s 13 congressional districts and at least 12,000 total. A campaign manager for Kishore/White told this reporter that the campaign exceeded that total in at least 11 congressional districts, and as a whole the campaign submitted 20,000 signatures.

Presidential candidate Kishore stated in a video accompanying a press release that the gathering of the signatures was a “tremendous achievement” that “would not have been possible without the self-sacrifice and dedication of SEP supporters from throughout the state and indeed across the country.”

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Vice presidential candidate Jerry White said, “In the course of this campaign, we spoke with hundreds of thousands of people. There is enormous opposition to the genocide in Gaza, the escalating global war, extreme levels of social inequality and the turn of the ruling class toward dictatorship and fascism…

“As we turned these petitions in, the Republican National Convention was being held, a festival of fascistic reaction. In the aftermath of the attempted assassination of Trump, the line from the Democrats and Biden, dripping in blood from the genocide in Gaza, is “unity”—which means the unity of the ruling class in war abroad and war on the working class at home.”

Explaining the purpose of the SEP campaign, Kishore stated that it “gives expression to the interests of the working class, in the US and throughout the world.

“We are developing within the working class an understanding that our interests cannot be realized except through the fight against capitalism–that is, the taking of power by the working class, the expropriation of the rich, and the creation of a society free of war and exploitation, a society based on equality.”

Michigan is considered a “must win” state by both the Republican and Democratic campaigns. It is the third most populous state in the Midwest, with over 10 million people and 15 Electoral College votes. President Joe Biden won the state in 2020 by roughly 155,000 votes, while Donald Trump was able to best Hillary Clinton in the state in 2016 by some 11,000 votes.


In addition to the automotive industry, which still employs over 1.1 million workers in Michigan, tens of thousands of workers in the state labor at technology companies, such as Google, and in the healthcare industry, including at major facilities at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, the Detroit Medical Center and Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, and Corewell Health, a recently merged system that covers the entire state.

As of this writing, Kishore and White of the SEP would join Jill Stein of the Green Party and right-wing anti-vaccine zealot Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the ballot in Michigan. The campaign for Dr. Cornel West is still awaiting certification by the state, according to their campaign website.

In a bid to block the emergence of an independent, left-wing movement in the working class to the capitalist two-party system, both the Democrats and Republicans have used the courts, legislature and election boards to deny ballot access. Just this week, Democrats on the North Carolina State Election Board voted to block West from appearing on the ballot despite the fact that his campaign submitted over 3,200 verified signatures above the minimum limit.

According to the SEP campaign manager, a majority of the signatures were collected in populous Wayne County, home to Detroit, with over 1.7 million residents. The Kishore/White campaign was warmly received throughout the county, including in Dearborn, which is home to the largest Muslim population in the US per capita.

In Dearborn and throughout the state, there is mass outrage over the Democratic Party’s and Biden’s unwavering support for the genocide in Gaza, which a recent Lancet study estimated has claimed the lives of over 186,000 people. Petitioners for Kishore/White regularly campaigned outside halal grocery stores, mosques and community events, where they explained that the fight against Zionism requires a break from both the Democratic and Republican parties and a fight against the capitalist system which they all defend.


While over 11,000 signatures were gathered in Wayne County alone, the campaign also garnered over 6,000 signatures total in the other three counties of the greater Detroit-Ann Arbor metropolitan area, Oakland, Macomb and Washtenaw. Over 650 people signed the petition each in Genesee County, home to Flint, and Kent County, where Grand Rapids is located. Triple-digit signature totals were also gathered in Ottawa, Kalamazoo, Ingham and St. Clair counties. In total, the campaign gathered signatures in 74 of Michigan’s 83 counties.

The widespread and broad support for the socialist campaign in Michigan refutes notions advanced by demoralized middle-class elements that workers and students in the United States are hopelessly backward and incapable of entertaining the possibility of a socialist perspective.

Less than two years ago, some 5,000 autoworkers voted for socialist Will Lehman for president of the UAW, including many in Michigan. This was an expression of growing opposition in the working class to the UAW apparatus and support for an internationalist and socialist perspective.

The SEP is continuing to gather signatures in other states where it is fighting to get on the ballot.

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