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Pro-Israel Illinois Democrat Cancels Two Debates Against Challenger Who Backs Gaza Ceasefire



Pro-Israel Illinois Democrat Cancels Two Debates Against Challenger Who Backs Gaza Ceasefire

Rep. Bill Foster, an Illinois Democrat, agreed to three debates in his primary election race against Qasim Rashid, an insurgent progressive. Foster later dropped out of the other two debates, citing conflicting events. The first and only time Foster appeared alongside Rashid, the decadelong incumbent left halfway through the candidate forum, claiming he had another obligation.

Rashid said Foster is reluctant to defend his own record. Among other issues, the incumbent had criticized Israel’s war against Palestinians in Gaza but stopped short of calling for a ceasefire. Protesters were at the forum to express their displeasure with Foster and Rep. Sean Casten, a Democrat from a neighboring district, who also attended, for refusing to call for a ceasefire.

“Fundamentally, they realize that he wants them to vote for a record that even he isn’t willing to defend.”


“Voters are upset,” Rashid told The Intercept, said of Foster’s refusal to debate. “Fundamentally, they realize that he wants them to vote for a record that even he isn’t willing to defend.”

The March 19 Democratic primary in the suburbs and rural towns northwest of Chicago could become another congressional race where Israel plays an outsized role. Rashid is running on a broader progressive platform — hitting Foster for being out of touch with Democrats in the district and his acceptance of money from corporate PACs, fossil fuel companies, and the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries — but the ceasefire debate looms large.

Observers anticipate that Israel issues will attract outside money from lobbying groups like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee that are preparing to spend record amounts to defend Democrats that toe their line. And Foster had already amassed support from pro-Israel donors: One of his top contributors this cycle is the private equality group Apollo Global Management, whose CEO Marc Rowan helped orchestrate the ousting of the president and board chair at the University of Pennsylvania over Israel’s war on Gaza. (Foster’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment.)


Pro-Israel groups have worked to oust other Democrats in Illinois who opposed unconditional U.S. military support for Israel, including Rep. Delia Ramirez and former Rep. Marie Newman. AIPAC joined conservative Democrats to defeat Newman’s 2018 congressional campaign. Newman won election in 2020 but become a target of pro-Israel groups again last cycle and lost her reelection campaign.

Newman, who is supporting Rashid’s campaign, told The Intercept that the threat of spending from groups like AIPAC and its ally, Democratic Majority for Israel, is scaring incumbents into submission and deepening schisms within the Democratic Party.

“In the last 3 months I’ve talked to several MOCs” — members of Congress — “who live in absolute fear of AIPAC and DMFI working against them or primarying them,” Newman said by text. More than anything else I’m deeply concerned about how AIPAC, Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI) and their 20 affiliate PACs are putting a huge wedge in the Democratic Party, particularly in the House.”

AIPAC Waiting in the Wings

For decades, AIPAC played an influential role in Middle Eastern policy by sending its legions to lobby members of Congress in their offices and only organizing campaign donations informally among members. In recent years, however, the group transformed its spending on congressional elections with the launch of a new super PAC in the last election cycle.

The direct influence on money in politics has exacerbated partisan rifts that have emerged around Israel and AIPAC. Democratic voters, for their part, are shifting away from AIPAC’s uncompromising positions on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict — especially as a majority of Americans came to support the ceasefire that AIPAC opposes.



Amid the current flare-up of violence, even some more centrist Democrats have found themselves unable to stay in lockstep with AIPAC, which frowns on virtually all criticism of Israel. In Illinois’s 11th Congressional District, for instance, Rashid acknowledged that Foster has also been a vocal critic of Israel. With the death toll in Gaza mounting, Foster has expressed concern about Benjamin Netanyahu’s military strategy and said there was a “special place in hell” for the prime minister, but stopped short of calling for a ceasefire.

Foster’s record, Rashid said, is more notable for the things he has not done. He voted for two measures expressing support for Israel, but neither of them mentioned Palestinians killed by Israeli forces. Foster is not a co-sponsor of the ceasefire resolution introduced in October nor a resolution introduced by another Illinois Democrat, Ramirez, that honored a 6-year-old boy, Wadee Alfayoumi, who was killed in Plainfield in an alleged hate crime during the first week of Israel’s war on Gaza.

Foster criticizes Israel’s actions, Rashid said, but won’t take the steps necessary to end the bloodshed in Gaza — namely supporting a ceasefire.

“The big difference between he and I is not on a question of whether international law is being violated. We both agree with that,” Rashid said. “The difference is that I have the integrity to say it and demand action.”


Foster has long had support from J Street, a pro-Israel advocacy group that positions itself as a liberal alternative to AIPAC. Until this week, J Street had resisted pressure, both internal and external, to call for a ceasefire, even threatening to pull endorsements from members who did so. The group announced support for a “negotiated stop” to violence in Gaza on Monday.

J Street said in a statement to The Intercept that it’s proud to endorse Foster again this year. Foster has “been a champion for pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy values on Capitol Hill since his election in 2008,” J Street spokesperson Tali DeGroot told The Intercept, pointing to his support for the now-defunct 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which was supported by J Street but opposed by AIPAC, the Israeli government, and a clutch of hawkish Democrats.

“We’ve seen the polling. Eighty percent of Democrats want a ceasefire.”


Rashid’s campaign has been careful to tread lightly on the Israel question while pushing unequivocally for a ceasefire. His approach has been to focus on ending the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip and tap into majority support for a ceasefire among Democratic voters. “We’ve seen the polling. Eighty percent of Democrats want a ceasefire,” Rashid said. “Even a majority of Republicans and Independents want a ceasefire. For us, this is basic integrity.”

Foster has been in office for a decade and faced few challengers in recent years. Foster’s last opponent in the 2020 Democratic primary, Rachel Ventura, received 41 percent of the vote.

Rashid works at a Chicago law firm and grew up in the area, which he recently returned to. In 2020, he ran as the Democratic candidate in the general election for Virginia’s 1st Congressional District and lost to Republican Rep. Robert Wittman.


Rashid raised $305,000 in the third quarter of 2023 — $10,000 more than Foster — and had $114,000 cash on hand. Foster has $1.3 million cash on hand and $1 million in debts, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission. Rashid said his campaign had received more than 10,000 individual contributions. In the Democratic primary, a large cash intervention by AIPAC or one of its allies could play a major part.

Rashid, for his part, said he was ready for the challenges: “I have immense confidence in voters that they’re sick and tired of the mudslinging and the negativity and these outside lobbyist organizations meddling in our races.”

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Its official, Chick-fil-A is Illinois’ favorite chicken sandwich



Its official, Chick-fil-A is Illinois’ favorite chicken sandwich

PEORIA, Ill. (WMBD) — A new fast-food study from Richfield Research confirms what many Illinoisians could’ve guessed, Chick-fil-A is the king of chicken sandwhiches.

According to the study, Illinois isn’t alone. 30 other states ranked Chick-fil-A as the best place to get a chicken sandwich.

Popeyes and Wendy’s took home the silver and bronze, respectively.

In spite of the love Illinois has for chicken sandwiches, the state doesn’t even crack the top five states for consumption. The top five are Florida, Texas, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia.


On average, 14% of Americans are eating a chicken sandwich at least once a week.

The full results of the study can be found below:

  • Illinois’ favorite fast food chicken sandwich hails from Chick-fil-A, the preferred choice in 30 other states
  • Popeyes (21%) and Wendy’s (8%) follow CFA in 2nd and 3rd place, respectively. 
  • Over 40% of Florida residents consume fast food chicken sandwiches on a weekly basis, the most among all U.S. States
  • 43% of Americans admit to consuming a fast food chicken sandwich on a monthly basis

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Looking to live off the grid? 3 Illinois counties are among the country’s top choices



Looking to live off the grid? 3 Illinois counties are among the country’s top choices


Looking to get away from the bustle of the city? Suburbia just not for you? An off-grid lifestyle might appeal to you.


According to a recent poll, three Illinois counties are among the best for off-the-grid living, including one in the top 10:

Top Illinois counties for off-grid living

In its poll of 3,000 people nationwide, says these counties were the most popular choices in the Land of Lincoln:

  • No. 9, Pope County: The southernmost county in Illinois sits on the border of Kentucky, along the Ohio River. It has 3,763 people — second-fewest people in Illinois, according to the 2020 census. The entire county is hilly and during rainy weather, “rivulets cascade down the hills in the park forming waterfalls of varying sizes and heights,” according to Wikipedia. The county contains Dixon Springs State Park and is part of the Shawnee National Forest.
  • No. 36, Johnson County: The immediate western neighbor to Pope County has 13,308 people, according to the 2020 census. It includes part of Cypress Creek National Wildlife Refuge and Shawnee National Forest.
  • No. 124, Jo Daviess County: Let’s go to the opposite side of the state with the northwesternmost county in Illinois. Part of the so-called “Driftless Area,” the county contains “rugged terrain compared to the rest of the state,” says Wikipedia, including Charles Mound, the highest natural point in Illinois. The county has a population of 22,035 and sits in a tri-state area including Dubuque, Iowa, and Platteville, Wisconsin.

The top 5 locations nationwide to live off the grid

  • No. 1, Wasco County, Oregon: The county gained significant attention as the setting for the Netflix series “Wild Wild Country,” which documents the controversial Rajneeshpuram community led by Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in the 1980s. Despite the community’s tumultuous end, the show has appeared to have sparked renewed interest in off-grid lifestyles in Wasco County, according to Business Electric.
  • No. 2, Hot Springs County, Wyoming: Ranked second, Hot Springs County in central Wyoming offers a rural environment enriched with natural hot springs, rivers, and mountains. The county’s remote areas provide the essential seclusion and resources necessary for off-grid living.
  • No. 3, Meriwether County, Georgia: Located in west-central Georgia, Meriwether County offers a rural setting with large parcels of land available for purchase. The county’s strong agricultural community and abundant natural resources support a sustainable off-grid lifestyle.
  • No. 4, Bienville Parish, Louisiana: Situated in northern Louisiana, Bienville Parish provides a rural environment with access to plentiful natural resources like forests and bodies of water. The parish’s remote areas offer privacy and opportunities for alternative living.
  • No. 5, Somerset County, Maine: Completing the top five, Somerset County in central Maine boasts a rural environment with vast forests and access to rivers and lakes. The county’s low population density and natural beauty make it an ideal location for off-grid living.

Top off-grid locations in Iowa and Missouri

The poll conducted by Business Electric found the following counties in Iowa and Missouri among the most popular for living off the grid:


  • No. 12: Clayton County, Iowa
  • No. 56: Allamakee County Iowa
  • No. 109: Adams County Iowa


  • No. 65: Ozark County, Missouri
  • No. 74: Oregon County, Missouri
  • No. 104: Shannon County, Missouri

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Former NC State Commit Robert Jones III Commits to Illinois



Former NC State Commit Robert Jones III Commits to Illinois

3-Star 2025 Center Isaac Sowells Jr. (6’2″/295) took an Official Visit to NC State last weekend. I caught up with him to get his take on the experience.

Walk through the visit. What did you do? Where did you go? Who did you meet?

We did a lot of things. We went through academics, facility tours, photo shoots, a lot of eating, and just getting to get comfortable around the people in the building.

What was the message from the coaches to you? What is your relationship like with the coaches?


The message from the coaches to me is I can be the Center of the future and help this program in the right direction. I’ve had a great relationship with Coach 2J since they offered me in August. He’s been texting me basically every single day, multiple times a day.

How do you think NC State might be a good fit for you?

I feel like I could fit in there because the depth chart is appealing and I can have the opportunity to play early. They have an explosive offense and keep getting top-tier Recruits. They also have a top ranked defense.

What were your favorite parts?

I’d say my favorite parts were just really getting to hang out with the people at dinner and just getting to know a little bit more about the commits and recruits.


Who was your host?

Zeke Correll

What are your thoughts on where NC State’s at, and where they are headed?

I feel very great about the program. They have a Top 25 defense and a very explosive offense. They keep bringing in top guys and don’t go too deep into the portal.

Where does NC State stand in your recruitment? What do you like about the Wolfpack?


I’d say they sit pretty high in my recruitment. I just like the way they treat their top guys and make you feel like a priority.

When do you plan on making your college decision?

July 18th.

What’s your relationship like with the current players and some of the other players they are recruiting?

I’d say with the current players I’m getting to know them a little bit more, like Zeke Carroll and I got to meet (Jacarrius) Peak. When it comes to recruits, me and (Michael) Gibbs talk every day, and I’ll talk to Gus (Ritchey) and Will (Wilson) periodically.


What is it that you like the way Coach 2J coaches the O-Line?

I like his approach. He’s there to coach you hard, but he also loves you and he makes that known.


A month ago, Sowells Jr. released his Top-5, and NC State was included along with Kentucky, South Carolina, Miami and Louisville. He has taken Official Visits to South Carolina, Miami and Kentucky.

ESPN ranks Sowells Jr. as the #3 Center in the nation, and the #4 player overall in the state of Kentucky.


As a Junior last year, he had 85 Knockdowns for Louisville Male High School (Louisville, KY).

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