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‘Disclaimer’ is a sprawling thriller built for the streaming age



‘Disclaimer’ is a sprawling thriller built for the streaming age

Cate Blanchett as Catherine Ravenscroft in the new Apple TV+ series Disclaimer.

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Apple TV+

Ever since streaming became a thing, I’ve wondered why more people who make TV don’t take advantage of its freedoms.

Sure, creatives talk often about how they’re making 10-hour movies. But that’s frequently just empty bluster to cover for projects which feel like skeletal ideas stretched over too many hours, or a jumble of plotpoints shoehorned uneasily into episodes aimed mostly at boosting engagement.

And then a project comes along like Apple TV+’s Disclaimer. This seven-episode series uses the breadth and sophistication of streaming to tell a tale which evolves steadily, appearing to be one thing before morphing into something else.


In the process, it subverts expectations to ask pointed questions of both the characters and its audience.

A woman who has it all faces her deepest secret

It all begins with Cate Blanchett’s character Catherine Ravenscroft. She’s a journalist and documentary filmmaker successful enough to earn a high-profile award presented by CNN star Christiane Amanpour one moment, and credibly fool a co-worker into thinking Jodie Foster will star in a movie adaptation the next.

She is the sort of high-achieving, work-focused alpha female that Blanchett plays so magnificently – see 2022’s Oscar-nominated Tar – flanked by a well-meaning but feckless husband and an emotionally floundering son.

Living a glamorously upper middle class life, Catherine is a character easy to envy and suspect – so when a novel shows up in her mail which presents a lightly fictionalized story of her extra-marital encounter with a young man decades ago, it’s tough to find sympathy for a woman who seems to have betrayed everyone in her life.

The book, titled The Perfect Stranger, comes prefaced with an ominous, um, disclaimer: “Any resemblance to persons living or dead is not a coincidence.”


The novel paints a picture of horrific self-absorption Catherine is desperate to keep hidden. It details how a woman had an affair with a young man who later drowned trying to save her son, leading the woman to tell police she didn’t know him to cover up their connection.

A journalist renowned for exposing others’ secrets seems to have a terrible one of her own.

Kodi Smit-McPhee plays Nicholas, Catherine's son, while Sacha Baron Cohen plays her husband, Robert Ravenscroft.

Kodi Smit-McPhee plays Nicholas, Catherine’s son, while Sacha Baron Cohen plays her husband, Robert Ravenscroft.

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Apple TV+

A story that moves carefully

It is difficult to explain the many twists this narrative takes without dropping spoilers that will ruin the experience. And some may feel the plot – crafted with an auteur’s flair by writer/director Alfonso Cuarón, based on a 2015 novel by Renee Knight – is too predictable and outlandish to land with the power he so obviously intends.

But I found myself swept away by Cuarón’s patient, attentive style. (You’ll spend way too much time wondering about the inner life of a cat which constantly pops up in Catherine’s home at the oddest moments, framed artfully by the director’s lens.) This is a story that moves carefully in revealing its secrets, but never completes an episode without delivering forward momentum, leaving you with new clues, bigger questions and a desire to learn more.


Cuarón, a Mexican filmmaker whose name is associated with ambitious movies like Gravity and Roma, assembles an ace cast here. Sacha Baron Cohen is convincingly emasculated as Catherine’s entitled husband Robert and Oscar nominee Kodi Smit-McPhee brings maximum emo energy as their drug-addled son, Nicholas.

But it is Kevin Kline who is the revelation, even though he’s turned in Oscar, Emmy and Tony-winning work for decades. An American often cast as the prototypical yank, here Kline expertly plays a quietly caustic British widower – retired private school teacher Stephen Brigstocke, devastated after the loss of his wife.

Kevin Kline as Stephen Brigstocke.

Kevin Kline as Stephen Brigstocke.

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Apple TV+

With an immaculate accent and disheveled style, Kline plays Brigstocke as a man grieving over a family life atomized by loss, stumbling on an ambitious, merciless plan for revenge.

He blames Catherine for the death of his son, which happened after the two met years ago. Brigstocke vows to make her pay, in part, by circulating the book.


Shifting narrators bring different perspectives

Even the narration is complicated here. While Kline’s character often reveals his thoughts by speaking directly to the viewer, Catherine’s ideas are rendered by an omniscient female narrator speaking about her, sometimes sounding like the voice of the book itself. (And yes, it can be confusing, possibly on purpose). There are also flashbacks featuring Kline playing Brigstocke as a younger man and a different actress, Leila George, playing the younger version of Catherine.

It all services a tale exploring the power of storytelling and the danger of assumptions leveraged to make us believe.

Yes, the ending is dramatic while spotlighting those ideas in stark terms – some may even find it overly manipulative and a little too pat.

But I reveled in a well-told tale that truly earned every second of its seven-episode length, allowing a master filmmaker the time, talent and resources to weave a story perfectly suited for the streaming space.

Here’s hoping a few other folks working in this industry are paying close attention.


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‘This outfit isn’t flattering’ 5 Common style gripes and how to fix them



‘This outfit isn’t flattering’ 5 Common style gripes and how to fix them

When you get dressed for the day and look at yourself in the mirror, is self-criticism the outfit that always seems to fit best?

Los Angeles-based stylist Sophie Strauss, a self-described “stylist for regular people,” wants to change that. She helps her clients find clothes that make them feel confident, comfortable and stylish. One step to getting there is to reframe how they talk about their clothes in relation to their bodies, she says.

People often assume that it’s their fault that their clothes don’t look good on them, says Strauss. But that’s not true. “You’re not failing the shirt. The shirt is failing you.”

So if you find yourself engaging in negative self-talk in the dressing room, take a moment to flip the narrative around, says Strauss. Here are positive and constructive ways to tackle common style complaints.


“I have nothing to wear!”

A woman reviews and organizes all of the clothes from her closet into folded piles on her bed.

To start your fashion refresh, take inventory of the clothes you own and identify what makes you feel good.

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People often say this when they feel stuck or bored with their style, says Strauss. But instead of immediately buying a new outfit, look at this as an opportunity to reexamine your wardrobe.

Try on all the clothes in your closet to identify pieces that make you feel good — or simply forgot about, like that sparkly 80s number in the back of your closet. You might be surprised by just how much you have to work with.

Then get creative. Tuck, tie, cuff, roll, belt, layer, cinch. Try wearing a maxi skirt as a dress, then belting it around your waistline. Style your button-down shirts as a layering piece. Strauss says people forget all the ways you can alter clothing to play with its look and feel.

“This outfit isn’t flattering”

Photograph of a woman trying on clothes in a store dressing room. She is photographed from behind as she looks at her outfit in the mirror.

If you don’t think an outfit looks “flattering” on you, don’t blame your body, blame the clothing. That can help you find pieces that make you feel more comfortable.

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Comments like “this isn’t flattering” or “this outfit isn’t doing me any favors” are usually code that your clothing isn’t slimming or age-appropriate, says Strauss. And that puts the fault on your body, not the clothing.

So put that onus back on the outfit. Start by saying, “I don’t like this.” Then, unpack why that might be — and get specific. Is the neckline choking you? Is the fabric too itchy? You may realize your outfit isn’t “doing you any favors” because the garment is tight or the material is uncomfortable. And maybe that means swapping out that garment for something you do like.

“I could never pull off that look”

A woman in a white jumpsuit with a pink hair ribbon and pink sunglasses walks through a crosswalk in New York City.

If you’re worried about taking a fashion risk, take baby steps. Practice wearing garments you love (but are nervous about) to low-stakes locales, like the grocery store.

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A woman is walking down the street in an all-white getup. You think to yourself, dang, I wish I could pull off the monochrome look.

Anyone can take fashion risks. It just takes confidence, and that’s something you can build, says Strauss. Find low-stakes opportunities to wear a garment you love but feel nervous about. Rock that glittery new top at the grocery store or that groovy pink wig at your favorite cafe. The more you practice wearing it out, the less scary it’ll feel.


“My outfit isn’t unique enough”

Personal style is about exercising agency, not about being the most uniquely dressed person at the grocery store.

Personal style is about being intentional, not about being the most interesting looking person on the street.

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“There seems to be this misconception that personal style is a race to be the most unique person on the street,” says Strauss.

But personal style is about making the right choices for yourself. If you feel most comfortable running errands in a T-shirt and jeans, you’re doing it right. If you want to wear a feather-trimmed hot pink blazer to feel like the special person you are on your birthday, that’s OK too.

“Help! I feel like this doesn’t match”

A woman takes a photo of a woolen poncho and a necklace on a mannequin.

There is no rule book on personal style. If it looks good to you, it doesn’t matter if it “matches.”

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Strauss says clients will often come to her looking for concrete guidelines on how to dress. Do these shoes match with this outfit? Am I supposed to wear a belt with these pants?


If you feel any kind of pressure about the right and wrong ways to dress, that’s not style — that’s marketing, says Strauss. Personal style doesn’t have a rule book.

“Style is the expression of your preferences and personality through your clothes,” she says. That means no one else but you can decide if the shoes match your outfit or if your pants need a belt – so rock what feels good to you.

This episode of Life Kit was produced by Clare Marie Schneider. The digital story was edited by Malaka Gharib. The visual producer is Beck Harlan.

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