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Aaron Rodgers Won't Appear On McAfee Show Anymore This Season, Pat Announces



Aaron Rodgers Won't Appear On McAfee Show Anymore This Season, Pat Announces


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Tell us: Do you have an 'only in L.A.' story?



Tell us: Do you have an 'only in L.A.' story?

There’s no place in the world quite like L.A. If you’ve spent any time living in this diverse, vibrant city, chances are you have a few stories under your belt that only could have happened here.

Here are two favorites from my own life:

Several years ago my husband and his parents took my 8-year-old son to a magic shop. (My kid was really into magic at the time.) Afterward I called my husband to ask how it went. “David Arquette bought him a magic set,” my husband said. I didn’t think I heard him right.

But when I asked him to repeat himself, it turns out I did. Arquette, who was a regular at the shop, heard the salesperson talking to my kid about magic, and he added a big magic set to his own purchases that he left at the counter for my son.


This next story is even stranger. My first dog’s foster mom asked me to go with her to the Bodhi Tree (an iconic New Age bookstore in West Hollywood that has since closed) to hear a lecture from a chiropractor who claimed he was given healing powers after an encounter with an alien. The chiropractor transmitted his power to my dog’s foster mom and she transmitted it to me so I could provide healing to my aging dog.

Only in L.A.!

Now it’s your turn. Please submit your best only-in-L.A. story below (300 words or less), including your full name and email address so we can contact you if we publish it.

Thanks for sharing, and we can’t wait to read your stories!

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Reality TV, romance, and race : Pop Culture Happy Hour



Reality TV, romance, and race : Pop Culture Happy Hour
Bachelorette Jenn Tran holding a heart.

Some people may flinch at the genre of reality TV – it’s full of tropes and manipulative editing and ridiculous premises. It’s been referred to as a funhouse mirror of our culture. But it can reflect back to us new ways of understanding what we accept as a society – especially when it comes to things like gender, sexuality, class and race. Today we’re bringing you an episode of NPR’s Code Switch that zeroes in on the The Bachelor and Love Island.

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Celeb Baby Bumps Guess Who!



Celeb Baby Bumps Guess Who!


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