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Never Tried A Sardine? Neither had Patti Bodner Before They Helped Her Drop 5 Pants Sizes and Reverse Diabetes



Never Tried A Sardine? Neither had Patti Bodner Before They Helped Her Drop 5 Pants Sizes and Reverse Diabetes

For decades, the only time you’d hear sardines mentioned would be in reference to something else being ‘as packed as tightly as a can of sardines.’ But there is a sea change afoot. Influencers from TikTok to You Tube to Instagram are beginning to sing the praises of the lowly sardine in a new way: as a key player in successful weight loss.

Do the little fish deserve the buzz? Are sardines good for weight loss? “Without a doubt,” says Annette “Dr. Boz” Bosworth, M.D., a Florida-based internist and rising YouTube star herself. Dr. Boz says she’s seen sardines help even the most frustrated dieters slim down. Take Georgia grandmother Deb Hamilton, 61, for example. She used sardines and Dr. Boz’s guidelines to drop a whopping 17 pounds in a single week! Read on to discover how Dr. Boz recommends using sardines for weight loss.

What exactly are sardines?

Sardines are small, oily fish that are part of the herring family. The term “sardine” does not actually refer to a single species of fish, but rather to a group of several types of small, oily fish that are commonly canned and consumed by humans.

Sardines are generally available canned, often in oil, water, tomato sauce, or mustard. Canned sardines can be eaten right out of the can or used in a variety of dishes. And you can find them in your local grocery store or online with no problem.

What makes sardines so healthy?

Sardines are exceptionally nutrient-dense, explains Dr. Boz. They boast ideal doses of healing amino acids, magnesium, vitamin D and a highly absorbable form of calcium. These little fish are also one of the most inexpensive sources of protein in the world: One serving of sardines will deliver 16 grams of protein and run you just a little over $1.


Best of all, just one serving of sardines delivers 2200 mg of omega-3 fatty acids, which the NIH says is more than twice as much that than you get from a typical fish oil pill.

“Let me just brag on how good those omega-3s are for you. They’re good for your brain, they’re good for your heart and your overall heath,” says Dr. Boz. Omega-3s also help reduce the harmful inflammatory effect of other fats we may eat — and many experts believe reducing inflammation also aids in weight loss.

How sardines speed weight loss

Dr. Boz is a proponent of the keto diet, which she credits with helping restore her ailing mom’s health. Keto works by lowering carbs so our bodies can’t make enough blood sugar for fuel. At that point, the body starts turns to burning fat fat for fuel, and in doing so, creates compounds called ketones that become our new fuel. When we’re running on ketones, research shows body fat begins to burn off significantly faster as metabolism speeds up.

Dr. Boz, a keto coach, went looking for a way to help people maximize ketone production, “and I kept reading about small fish,” she says. “When I first mention sardines, people yell, ‘No!’” But that’s before they realize sardines taste a lot like tuna and can quickly improve blood sugar levels and keto diet results. And she says sardines makes keto far more powerful.

When it comes to sardines and weight loss, Dr. Boz says all those omega-3s in sardines are key because they help stimulate ketone production. And that means more fat is able to be burned. “No other food compares,” she says. Dr. Boz is a fan of incorporating sardines into any healthy menu. But to help jumpstart weight loss, she created a 3-day sardine challenge that she says can do pretty amazing things. “People go from saying, ‘I’d never do that’ to, ‘I want do it again!’” 


Why do a 3-day sardine challenge for weight loss?

A 3-day sardine challenge is a shortcut to get better weight loss results on keto. Why might you need a jumpstart? If you try keto-style eating after years of struggling with blood sugar issues, your cells may be so damaged that they struggle to respond. But research shows adding two weekly servings of sardines makes a healthy diet significantly more likely to reverse severe prediabetes. Dr. Boz coached one diabetic woman who wasn’t seeing much difference on a traditional keto diet. She tried the sardine challenge and saw a 460% rise in ketones as her blood sugar fell to normal for the first time in years. 

How do you do the 3-day sardine challenge?

The 3-day sardine challenge for weight loss is exactly what you think: Eat only sardines in oil for 72 hours. The clock starts when you eat your first bite of sardines. “Eat as many as you like, whenever you like. There are no limits and no hunger,” Dr. Box says. You can pan-fry or air-fry them if you like for crispiness. You can also eat them right from the can.

Eat only as much as you need to feel satiated. “If you can’t get past the flavor, you can have some carb-free hot sauce,” Dr. Boz says. But beyond that or another carb-free seasoning, you should only consume sardines in oil, salt, water and black coffee. Keep it up for three days. Then have one last can of sardines. “I don’t let you end the fast until you eat your last bite of sardines at the 72nd hour.” 

It worked for Patti — she lost 5 pant sizes and got off 6 meds!

Patti Bodner lost 5 sizes and reversed diabetes using a 3-day sardine challenge.Krystal Radlinski/

Hoping to get off pricey insulin, Patti Bodner tried keto. “My cravings went away, and the weight just started falling off,” recalls the Florida grandmother, 67, a lifelong dieter. Did she plateau? Yep, and her diabetes was better but not gone. So she dove into Dr. Boz’s 3-day sardine challenge. “I’d never had a sardine, but I figured they had to be better than insulin,” Patti says. She found them tuna-like and ate them with mustard for 72 hours. “I had no hunger and crazy energy.” 

After 25 years of diabetes, her A1C finally fell back to normal. She eventually lost 5 pants sizes. “I was led to believe I had a disease that could only get worse. Now I’m off insulin and five other meds. It saves me $1,000 a month at the pharmacy. I’m also back to my high school weight. This has been a miracle!”

But are sardines high in mercury? 

Sardines actually have far less mercury than large firsh like tuna and swordfish and even contain about half the mercury in salmon (which is itself a low-mercury fish). “The rule is the smaller the fish, the smaller the risk of mercury,” says Dr. Boz. “You would need to eat so many sardines to have a mercury risk that it’s not physically possible.”


What if I don’t like sardines? Is there a substitute?

Sardines are unrivaled, and there really is no substitute. Part of the reason is because people usually don’t go crazy for sardines as they might for, say, bacon—so you eat less overall, which is part of why the approach works so well. You’re giving your system a break from being overloaded as you flood it with sardine super-nutrients. 

For long-term success, make sardines part of a keto diet

Dr. Boz basic keto guidelines start with cutting carbs to 20 grams per day as you focus on fat-rich foods like avocado, eggs, cheese, buttered non-starchy veggies, fatty meat and especially sardines. You can do this using recipes like the one, below, to develop a taste for sardines before you try the 3-day challenge. 

Try this! Sardines-for-beginners salad recipe

Swap sardines for tuna in simple salads to quickly develop a taste for nature’s metabolic miracle food

  • 1 can sardines in oil 
  • 1 hard-cooked egg
  • 2 cups simple mixed salad
  • Olive oil, vinegar and seasoning

Use sardines straight from the can, or for firmer texture, sauté or air-fry using medium-high heat for about 5 minutes. Toss sardines with salad ingredients and dress to your liking. Note: In blind taste tests, folks don’t notice the highly nutritious bones/skin in traditionally packed sardines. But boneless/skinless versions are also available. Serves 1

This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your physician before pursuing any treatment plan.

A version of this article originally appeared in our print magazine, Woman’s World.


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Better Than Ozempic? Doctors Say These Medications Are Better for Weight Loss Than the Popular Semaglutide 

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Honeybees can detect lung cancer, researchers say



Honeybees can detect lung cancer, researchers say

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What happens when you pair honeybees and halitosis? Potentially a life-saving new method to screen for cancer, according to one study.

Researchers at Michigan State University have learned that honeybees can detect chemicals associated with lung cancer in human breath. The insects were able to sniff out human lung cancer biomarkers with a remarkable 82% success rate, according to a study published in the journal Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 


“These results indicate that the honeybee olfactory system can be used as a sensitive biological gas sensor to detect human lung cancer,” the study authors wrote. 

“Insects have an amazing sense of smell the same way dogs do,” said MSU professor Debajit Saha, according to an MSU news release.


A honeybee drinking nectar from a flower in Markham, Ontario, Canada. (Creative Touch Imaging Ltd./NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Saha, an assistant professor in the College of Engineering and MSU’s Institute for Quantitative Health Science and Engineering, sought to determine whether honeybees could distinguish chemicals in a healthy person’s breath from that of someone sick with lung cancer. 


His team developed a “recipe” for a synthetic breath mixture that contained six compounds present in the breath of someone with cancer and a synthetic “healthy” breath mixture.

“It took a steady hand to create the recipe,” said Elyssa Cox, Saha’s former lab manager. “We tested the synthetic lung cancer versus healthy human breath mixtures on approximately 20 bees.”

The researchers placed each live bee in a custom 3D-printed harness and attached a tiny electrode to its brain to measure activity. 


Concept photo showing lung cancer

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. An estimated 235,580 people will be diagnosed with lung cancer in 2024 in the U.S., according to the Lung Cancer Research Foundation.  (Mohammed Haneefa Nizamudeen/iStock)

“We pass those odors on to the antenna of the honeybees and recorded the neural signals from their brain,” said Saha. “We see a change in the honeybee’s neural firing response.”


The researchers found that the bees were able to detect the cancer-indicating compounds even in small amounts. 

“The honeybees detected very small concentrations; it was a very strong result,” said Saha. “Bees can differentiate between minute changes in the chemical concentrations of the breath mixture, which is in the parts per 1 billion range.”

The bees also could tell the difference between the synthetic lung cancer breath and healthy breath.


Honeybee approaches catmint plant

A honey bee visits a blooming catmint plant growing in Santa Fe, New Mexico. (Robert Alexander/Getty Images)

Scientists hope this research will lead to the development of a sensor based on a honeybee brain that can be used to test human breath for the presence of lung cancer.


“What’s amazing is the honeybees’ ability to not only detect cancer cells, but also distinguish between cell lines of various types of lung cancer,” said Autumn McLane-Svoboda, a graduate student on Saha’s team. “The future implications for this are huge, as our sensor could allow for patients to receive specific cancer diagnoses quickly, which is imperative for correct treatment routes.”

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. An estimated 235,580 people will be diagnosed with lung cancer in 2024 in the U.S., according to the Lung Cancer Research Foundation. 

Smoking is the leading risk factor for lung cancer and is responsible for 80% of lung cancer deaths. 

Early detection of high-risk lung cancer can reduce the chance of death by up to 20%. 


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COVID vaccine companies told to focus on KP.2 variant for fall shots, per FDA announcement



COVID vaccine companies told to focus on KP.2 variant for fall shots, per FDA announcement

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recommended that COVID vaccine manufacturers update their formulas for fall doses, in an attempt to target the KP.2 strain of the JN.1 variant.

The Thursday announcement came just a week after the agency’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) voted to recommend a “monovalent JN.1-lineage vaccine” at its June 5 meeting.


As of the end of March 2024, the KP.2 variant was responsible for just 4% of infections in the U.S., according to the COVID Data Tracker from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


Meanwhile, over 50% of infections at that time were attributed to its parental strain, JN.1.

Just a few weeks later, KP.2 is now the cause of around 28% of infections, while the JN.1 variants have largely dropped in prevalence, the tracker shows.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has recommended that COVID vaccine manufacturers update their formulas for fall doses, in an attempt to target the KP.2 strain of the JN.1 variant. (iStock)


Dr. Marc Siegel, clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center and a Fox News medical contributor, recently spoke with Dr. Peter Marks, director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) at the Food and Drug Administration, about the new vaccine formulations.


“It makes sense to target the KP.2 strain because it is becoming the predominant strain — it is surging in California and will spread across the country,” Siegel told Fox News Digital.

KP.2 test

KP.2 is now the cause of around 28% of infections, while the JN.1 variants have largely dropped in prevalence, CDC Tracker data shows. (iStock)

The KP.2 strain is “highly immunoevasive,” the doctor warned — which means that immunity from previous variants and subvariants don’t offer much protection.



“On the other hand, the vaccine will cause a production of immune cells and antibodies that will continue to protect you against previous variants and subvariants,” Siegel added.

COVID vaccine

The updated vaccine is especially important for high-risk groups, those who have chronic illnesses, the elderly and anyone who comes in contact with them, according to doctors. (iStock)

It is especially important for high-risk groups, those who have chronic illnesses, the elderly and anyone who comes in contact with them, according to the doctor.


In a statement to Fox News Digital, vaccine maker Novavax — which makes protein-based vaccines — said the company “just filed” its application for a JN.1 COVID vaccine. 

Novavax vaccine vile

A vial of the Phase 3 Novavax coronavirus vaccine is seen ready for use in the trial at St. George’s University hospital in London, on Oct. 7, 2020. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant, File)

“Novavax’s updated JN.1 COVID-19 vaccine is active against current circulating strains, including KP.2 and KP.3,” the company said in a press release.


“The submission is in line with guidance from the U.S. FDA, European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to target the JN.1 lineage this fall.”

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Fox News Digital reached out to Pfizer and Moderna — both of which produce mRNA-based vaccines — requesting comment on their plans for fall formulations.

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