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This is how Medicine Ball Throw can be an effective exercise in weight loss



This is how Medicine Ball Throw can be an effective exercise in weight loss

Medicine ball throw can be one of your go-to exercises in the gym if you know how to do it properly. This one object can help you with numerous specific exercises done to train specific muscles in the body.

If you can do this exercise in a specific way, it can provide you with tons of benefits. In this article, we will tell you how to incorporate medicine ball throw in the most specific way in your exercise regime, to get the most benefits.

What Is Medicine Ball Throw?

Medicine balls are solid, weighted balls that are available in various sizes, varying from 2 pounds to over 110 pounds, and come in different variations of materials including inflatable, rubber and grip balls. Also, there are specific balls, fitted with straps. Some balls are also specifically filled with sand or gel to absorb the impact.

Medicine Balls are weighted in different variations (Image via Pexels/Bk Aguilar)
Medicine Balls are weighted in different variations (Image via Pexels/Bk Aguilar)

The technique of medicine ball throw has evolved from an invention by the Greek physician Hippocrates, who is also known as the father of medicine. He used weighted balls to treat injuries in patients. Studies have suggested that medicine ball throw has been used for strength training, as equipment for ancient gladiators. Medicine ball throws have been used during workouts as progressive overload that can significantly help to increase muscle strength.

Medicine ball throw integrates weighted balls and training style into a broader program. One of the major benefits of the medicine ball throw is that it helps in the development of strength, balance and endurance in the key, which are the key elements to our fitness.

Benefits Of Medicine Ball Throw

Medicine ball throw has numerous good health effects, and if done properly can completely change your fitness game. They can give you a playful time, while also turning it into a purposeful fitness activity. Some of the major health benefits of medicine ball throwing are as follows:


1) Balance And Coordination

Improves body balance (Image via Pexels/Mikhail Nilov)Improves body balance (Image via Pexels/Mikhail Nilov)
Improves body balance (Image via Pexels/Mikhail Nilov)

Some of the best athletes are known to add medicine ball throws to their exercise regime. This seemingly fun exercise can be a tool that can improve the awareness and perception of your body and mind coordination. Also, this can boost the speed and accuracy of your movements. Medicine ball throw is used in rehabilitation and strength training, which can significantly help old people regain control when they start to lose their balance. As we age our mind and muscle coordination begin to fade off and including medicine ball throw can significantly help you to regain your balance.

2) Develops Core Strength

Core strength increases (Image via Pexels/Kampus Production)Core strength increases (Image via Pexels/Kampus Production)
Core strength increases (Image via Pexels/Kampus Production)

Medicine ball throw helps significantly to gain core strength, which is one of the key elements to enhance your fitness game. That is why boxers generally use medicine balls by receiving blows in their stomach, which can significantly help your abs. The weight and versatility of this exercise cover several exercises including chest twists and sit-ups, helping to strengthen your stomach muscle, which is the glory of the body.

3) Completes A Full Body Workout

Allows a full body workout (Image via Pexels/ Julia Larson)Allows a full body workout (Image via Pexels/ Julia Larson)
Allows a full body workout (Image via Pexels/ Julia Larson)

Medicine ball throw specializes in hitting the core muscles of our body. The added weight of the ball helps in increasing strength, resulting in a full body workout, that helps in burning calories while also building strength if consistent over time. Increased circuits or movement patterns using medicine ball throw make it more challenging. This can be used by fitness athletes to improve their explosive strength, which can be essentially combined with squats.

4) Increased Muscle Recovery

Helps in building muscles (Image via Pexels/Onur Bahadır)Helps in building muscles (Image via Pexels/Onur Bahadır)
Helps in building muscles (Image via Pexels/Onur Bahadır)

Medicine ball throwing is a very essential exercise that is done adequately and can successively increase muscle recovery after workouts. Medicine ball throw can stimulate our entire body weight without affecting our joints making them a very powerful technique to speed up the body’s process of healing muscles. It is a very crucial step if you are going to build more muscles. However, if you are suffering from some underlying bone injuries, it is always wise to consult a doctor before taking up a medicine ball.

5) Simplifying The Workout

Medicine balls are a simpler workout form (Image via Pexels/Antoni Shkraba)Medicine balls are a simpler workout form (Image via Pexels/Antoni Shkraba)
Medicine balls are a simpler workout form (Image via Pexels/Antoni Shkraba)

medicine ball throw is one of the best beginning points if you are trying to go into resistance training, on people who have just started their fitness journey. It is comparatively a simpler version of a workout tool to act on as compared to other complex fitness types of equipment. Most people are familiar with balls, while dumbells or barbells are an alien thing to the ones who have never visited the gym. Hence, it gets easier for beginners to include the medicine ball throw during their first exercises.

6) Satisfactory Fitness

Effective in relieving stress (Image via Pexels/ Antoni Shkraba)Effective in relieving stress (Image via Pexels/ Antoni Shkraba)
Effective in relieving stress (Image via Pexels/ Antoni Shkraba)

Medicine ball throw is so popular among athletes because it provides the three core benefits in fitness: strength, endurance and athleticism. This exercise can not only help to burn calories and tone the body by growing muscles but it can also release endorphins in the body that improves our mood and relieves stress. Overall, medicine ball throw is a dynamic workout, that boosts our performance and improves our overall fitness in all three dimensions.

Medicine Ball Toss Exercises

Medicine ball throw is a great way to build strength, coordination and flexibility in the body. Medicine balls can be used in many workouts that include squats, lunges, crunches and Russian twists. Adding a medicine ball throw to our workout regime can improve the form and prevent muscle injury.

To maintain safety and avoid any injury during the workout, make sure that the ball is not too heavy for you. You can check if the weight is comfortable enough for you by doing a single rap. Avoid extending your ribs or arching your back to build a proper form, also bend your knees and maintain a straight spine while you lift the ball from the ground. Keeping in mind these following things can not only help to do the workout most effectively but can prevent you from hurting yourself.

The medicine ball throw is a simple kind of training that you can add to your regime to start enjoying its numerous benefits. It can be an added advantage for you from the rest. Someone wanting to take their fitness game to a different level must add a medicine ball throw to their daily gym sessions.

In whatever step you are in your fitness journey, you can always add the medicine ball throw that suits the best to your goals. It is the most simple, compact, and easy-to-go exercise that you can start doing in your warm-up sessions and then slowly add up in your resistance training. So why wait, take those weighted balls from the stack in your gym, and start enjoying its benefits.

Edited by Abigail Kevichusa

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Exercise Really Can Make You Smarter, Especially Certain Forms, Study Finds



Exercise Really Can Make You Smarter, Especially Certain Forms, Study Finds
Aerobic exercise and resistance training help improve cognitive and executive functioning, with older populations seeing the biggest boost, according to a new meta-analysis

In the longevity game, health and wellness have evolved into more than just obtaining an ideal BMI; they’ve become tools to improve and extend mental acuity — and aerobic exercise and resistance training could be the keys to positive cognitive and executive functioning. 

Aging is inevitable for all, but one systematic review and meta-analysis — described by its authors as a comprehensive “one-stop shop” — has offered new insights into exercise’s impact on cognitive function and provides a new perspective for longevity-seekers.

Exercise is commonly recommended to boost cognitive function, but researchers say few meta-analyses have truly evaluated the cognitive advantages associated with variables such as exercise frequency, intensity, duration, type, volume and progression (FITT-VP) in healthy populations.

In their review, published in Ageing Research Reviews, researchers used PubMed and Web of Science to gather 54 randomized controlled trials with 6,277 participants (aged 6 to 60) to examine each FITT-VP variable’s effects on healthy individuals’ cognitive function, including executive function, memory, attention and information processing. 

The included 54 studies met the following criteria:

  • The study was a randomized controlled trial with healthy participants to explore the effects of chronic exercise on cognitive function
  • The interventions included any type of exercise training with supervision
  • Control group participants received no intervention, usual care, health education, sham exercise training, or were on a waitlist for the study
  • Studies had to report at least one cognitive outcome, which included global cognition, executive function, memory, attention or information processing

The key takeaway? Aerobic exercise performed with moderate duration, frequency, intensity and overall length was associated with the greatest improvement in global cognition, the authors found.

When it comes to improving executive functioning, researchers suggest that resistance training is better than aerobic exercise, although both modalities offer strong benefits.

Mind-body exercise (in this case, yoga and tai chi) with moderate duration, frequency and overall length but high intensity also showed benefits to memory, although the authors caution that the results assessing attention and information processing should be interpreted cautiously due to the low number of included studies. 

See Also

Perhaps most interesting is the finding that older participants benefited the most from exercise interventions — a point complemented by recent research on the powers of daily, low-intensity physical activity.

“This study offers new insights on the dose-response relationship of chronic exercise and the use of FITT-VP exercise principles to improve cognitive abilities or prevent cognitive decline in the process of aging,” the authors concluded. 


The longevity space continues to soar, with many emerging solutions and products that proponents say can slow down the ticking clock of age or, at the very least, support health in the present. From mushroom-powered drinks and gummies to enhance focus to GLP-1 and other weight loss management solutions to assisted stretching, analysts are bullish on the wellness boom.

Courtney Rehfeldt

Courtney Rehfeldt has worked in the broadcasting media industry since 2007 and has freelanced since 2012. Her work has been featured in Age of Awareness, Times Beacon Record, The New York Times, and she has an upcoming piece in Slate. She studied yoga & meditation under Beryl Bender Birch at The Hard & The Soft Yoga Institute. She enjoys hiking, being outdoors, and is an avid reader. Courtney has a BA in Media & Communications studies.

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Exercise Scientist Exposes Liver King's Diet and Training Claims! | BOXROX



Exercise Scientist Exposes Liver King's Diet and Training Claims! | BOXROX

In the ever-evolving world of fitness and health trends, few figures have captured as much attention and controversy as the Liver King. Known for his bold claims about primal living, intense workouts, and unconventional dietary practices, Liver King has amassed a significant following. However, recent scrutiny from exercise scientists, including Dr. Mike of Renaissance Periodization, sheds new light on the validity of these practices.

An Introduction to Liver King’s Controversy

Liver King, or Brian Johnson as he’s known off-screen, has built his brand on a narrative of returning to primal roots through rigorous physical training and a diet he claims mimics ancient practices. Central to his philosophy are “ancestral tenets” which he asserts are crucial for optimal health and fitness.

Dr. Mike, an exercise scientist with a background in sport and exercise science, as well as competitive bodybuilding and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, has taken a critical stance. In a recent analysis, Dr. Mike dismantles Liver King’s claims, questioning both their scientific basis and practical application.

Decoding Liver King’s Ancestral Diet and Training

Liver King advocates for a diet rich in organ meats, bone marrow, and other foods he deems essential for primal nutrition. His approach emphasizes consuming the entire animal, from “nose to tail,” which he believes provides a comprehensive spectrum of nutrients vital for health.

However, Dr. Mike highlights the inconsistencies and impracticalities of such a diet in modern contexts. He points out that while organ meats do offer nutritional benefits, there is no scientific evidence supporting the necessity of consuming them exclusively or in such large quantities. Most nutrition experts agree that a balanced diet incorporating a variety of food groups is more effective and sustainable for long-term health.


Moreover, Liver King’s diet ignores modern advances in nutrition science. Contemporary dietary guidelines are based on extensive research, showing that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains promotes overall health and prevents chronic diseases. The hyper-focus on organ meats and other primal foods might also lead to nutritional imbalances and deficiencies if not carefully managed.

Red meat is rich with Iron

The Truth About Liver King’s Training Regimen

Liver King’s training regimen is equally contentious. He promotes intense physical activities like carrying heavy loads over long distances and exposure to extreme cold as ways to enhance strength and resilience. These methods, while invoking a sense of primal toughness, are critiqued by Dr. Mike for their potential risks and limited effectiveness compared to more conventional exercise approaches.

Dr. Mike advocates for evidence-based training methods that prioritize progressive overload, compound movements, and structured rest periods. He argues that these methods not only build strength more efficiently but also reduce the risk of injury associated with extreme training practices. Compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses are foundational in building muscle and strength because they engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, promoting functional fitness.

Additionally, the extreme elements of Liver King’s regimen, such as carrying heavy loads over long distances, can lead to overuse injuries and chronic pain. Modern exercise science emphasizes the importance of a balanced workout routine that includes cardiovascular, strength, flexibility, and mobility training to ensure holistic fitness and prevent injuries.

Epigenetics and the Misuse of Scientific Terms

Liver King often references epigenetics to justify his dietary and training choices. However, Dr. Mike clarifies that while epigenetics is a legitimate field of study, Liver King’s application of the term is misleading. Epigenetics refers to the study of how gene expression can be influenced by environmental factors, but it does not validate extreme dietary or training regimes as claimed by Liver King.


The misuse of scientific terms like epigenetics can be misleading for individuals seeking genuine health advice. It’s crucial to understand that while lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise can influence gene expression, these effects are complex and cannot be simplified into blanket statements endorsing extreme behaviors. Reputable health and fitness advice should be grounded in robust scientific evidence, considering the multifaceted nature of human biology.

Shielding and Other Dubious Health Practices

Liver King advocates for shielding against modern environmental “dangers” like Wi-Fi and synthetic clothing, claiming they disrupt natural biological rhythms. Dr. Mike dismisses these claims, citing scientific consensus that these technologies pose no significant health risks when used appropriately.

The idea of shielding oneself from everyday modern conveniences is based more on fear-mongering than scientific reality. Research has shown that everyday exposure to Wi-Fi and synthetic clothing has minimal to no adverse effects on human health. Instead of focusing on these unfounded concerns, individuals should prioritize well-established health practices such as regular physical activity, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, and stress management.

The Reality Behind the Persona

Beyond the controversies, Liver King’s persona raises questions about authenticity and credibility. Dr. Mike asserts that while Liver King’s message may resonate with some seeking alternative health approaches, his methods lack scientific rigor and may pose risks to followers’ health.

Moreover, the revelations about Liver King’s use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) further undermine his claims of achieving his physique through natural and ancestral means. This discrepancy highlights the importance of transparency and honesty in the health and fitness industry. Aspiring to unrealistic standards set by individuals who do not disclose their use of PEDs can lead to disappointment, disillusionment, and potentially harmful behaviors in those trying to emulate them.


In conclusion, the Liver King phenomenon serves as a cautionary tale in the fitness and health industry. While his charisma and unconventional approach may attract attention, consumers are urged to critically evaluate the scientific basis of health and fitness claims.

Dr. Mike’s analysis underscores the importance of evidence-based practices supported by peer-reviewed research. As consumers navigate the landscape of fitness influencers and health trends, skepticism and informed decision-making are crucial.

For those genuinely interested in improving their health and fitness, Dr. Mike recommends seeking guidance from certified professionals and relying on established principles of exercise science and nutrition.

In the end, the Liver King saga reminds us that while the allure of ancestral lifestyles and extreme fitness practices may be compelling, health decisions should always be grounded in scientific evidence and reasoned analysis.

Watch Dr. Mike’s full analysis on YouTube for a deeper dive into the controversy surrounding Liver King’s diet and training claims.


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The 5 best exercises to tone your arms this summer – no equipment needed



The 5 best exercises to tone your arms this summer – no equipment needed

A PT has shared her ultimate summer arm workout – and there’s not a dumbbell in sight.

If lugging weights around the gym for the sake of sculpted guns isn’t for you, then don’t sweat it – just five equipment free exercises are enough to tone up those biceps and triceps.


Want sculpted arms this summer? Look no furtherCredit: Chloe Thomas
PT Chloe Thomas revealed how to strengthen your arms in five moves, no equipment needed


PT Chloe Thomas revealed how to strengthen your arms in five moves, no equipment neededCredit: Chloe Thomas

And what’s more, you can do them from the comfort of your own home – or hotel room, if you’re jetting off for the holidays.


Personal trainer and women’s health and mindset coach Chloe Thomas put together a circuit of five exercises guaranteed to have your arms burning.

The PT – who goes under the name Chloe Inspires Coaching – recommended you do the circuit two or three times a week for best results.

“Aim for three rounds, with 30 seconds rest between each exercise,” she said.

Read more on arm workouts

Chloe advised you take 90 seconds of rest between each circuit.

And if you’re feeling brave – and looking for an extra burn – why not attempt doing the circuit four times over?


Your arms might feel sore afterwards – but they’ll certainly look fabulous.

Just make sure you warm up first to avoid injury, the PT said.

Chloe noted: “No exercise can spot reduce body fat; this is a myth and not possible.

“These exercises will increase strength and muscle mass.

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“To reduce body fat you need to be eating in a caloric deficit and eating healthy, minimally processed foods.


“If you want to build muscle in your arms or core you need to make sure you are eating adequate protein each day.”

Roll out your mat, make sure you have a chair nearby, and let’s get started.

1. Diamond press ups

Start off kneeling as a beginner and then progress to planking


Start off kneeling as a beginner and then progress to plankingCredit: Chloe Thomas

Begin by kneeling on all fours with your hands under your chest, forming a diamond shape with your thumbs and index fingers.

Lower your body by bending your elbows, keeping them close to your sides – make sure you’re not flaring them out.


Lower until your chest is just above the ground and then push back up to the starting position.

Aim to do 10-12 reps of this exercise.

Beginners should start this exercise kneeling, but you can progress to full body press ups once you’re feeling confident, with no knees on the floor.

Simply get into a plank position and do the same sequence of movements.

2. Plank to shoulder taps

Start in plank and tap each shoulder while keeping your hips steady


Start in plank and tap each shoulder while keeping your hips steadyCredit: Chloe Thomas

Begin in a plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your body in a straight line.

Lift your right hand and tap your left shoulder.

The aim is to try and avoid moving your hips, so keeping your core tight will help with this.

Put your right hand to the floor and do the same with your left hand tapping your right shoulder.

Repeat this 10 to 12 times on each side.


3. Pike Push ups

Start on your knees to make think exercise easier or pop your feet on a sofa chair to up the ante


Start on your knees to make think exercise easier or pop your feet on a sofa chair to up the anteCredit: Chloe Thomas

If you think you’re going to get a nice stretch out of this downward dog, think again!

Assume the position, with your hips raised and your hands and feet on the ground.

Next, bend your elbows to lower your head towards the ground.

The 5 best exercises to zap belly fat fast


Agonising sit ups aren’t the only way to blast belly fat.

 London-based personal trainer Will Duru shared five exercises to get a trimmer tummy this summer.

1. Knee tucks

Lie on your back and place your hands in a V shape at the bottom of your spine for support.

Lift your legs off the ground and bend them in towards your chest, before extending them out in front of you.


Do four sets of these, with 20 reps in each.

2. Plank side-to-side twist

Get into a plank position, resting on your forearms with your body in a straight line.

Twist from one side to the other, dipping your hips.

Do four sets of 20 reps.


3. Mountain climbers

Start in a plank position, weight resting on your palms and making sure your bum isn’t sticking up.

Alternate bringing one knee into your chest and back out again.

You can do these slowly with control, or speed up to a ‘running’ pace.

Do four sets, 40 seconds each.


4. Toe touches

Lie on your back and extend your legs at a 45 degree angle in front of you.

Extend your arms towards your toes and curl your torso off the floor, engaging your core to do this.

Repeat the movement 20 times. Do four sets in total.

5. Butterfly sit ups


Lie on the floor, bend your knees and place the soles of your feet together so your legs are ‘butterflying’ out.

Stretch your arms above your head, resting them on the floor, or out in front of your chest.

Sit all the way up, bracing your core, and bring your hands as close to your feet as possible, before curling back into the floor.

Do four sets of 10.

Watch Will demonstrate how to do the exercises here. 


Lower until your head is just above the ground, before pushing back up to the starting position.

Aim to do between five and eight reps.

To make this easier start on your knees and move to your feet.

But if you’re finding it too easy, pop your feet onto a sofa or chair.

4. Chair Dips

Grip the edge of a chair and slide yourself off it, lowering your bum towards the floor


Grip the edge of a chair and slide yourself off it, lowering your bum towards the floorCredit: Chloe Thomas

Sit on the edge of a sturdy chair, with your hands gripping the edge next to your hips.

Slide yourself off the chair and lower your body by bending your elbows.

Lower until your elbows are at about 90 degrees, before pushing back up to the starting position.

Do 10-12 reps.

To make this harder, move your legs further away from the chair.


5. One armed press ups

Place on hand down next to you and extend the other one out sideways


Place on hand down next to you and extend the other one out sidewaysCredit: Chloe Thomas

Begin in a kneeling position with your knees just behind your hips.

Place one hand next to you on the mat and splay the other arm out, with your palm on the floor.

Lower until your chest is just above the ground. Push back up to the starting position.

Do five to eight reps and perform the exercise on the other arm.


As this gets easier you can go to full plank position, not using your knees.

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