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Jessica Biel on Justin Timberlake as a workout buddy: 'So much more fun'



Jessica Biel on Justin Timberlake as a workout buddy: 'So much more fun'

When it comes to her workout routine, Jessica Biel seems to have an enviable mantra: Can’t stop, won’t stop.

The actor regularly inspires fans with videos of her intense sweat sessions and she exhibits laser focus while executing tricky moves like single-leg pistol squats.

It appears nothing can distract Biel from her fitness goals — not even her husband, Justin Timberlake, who has been known to bust a move to make her laugh while she’s working out.

Wondering where the star’s dedication to fitness comes from and how she stays red carpet ready? Here’s everything the 42-year-old has said about her workout routine and diet.

Yoga is a big part of her life

Yoga can help tone and strengthen your body, but it can also refresh your mind, and that’s one of the many reasons Biel was initially drawn to yoga in her twenties.


“I was searching for my identity as a person, and what defines me,” she told Women’s Health. “And yoga became a space where I can really touch back into myself and my spirituality.”

The star quickly found a sense of community while attending classes and she continues to practice yoga 20-30 minutes each day when she can.

“It’s become so much more than an exercise—more of a stress reliever and a life calmer,” she said. “It just helps me with everything that I have to do in my life.”

Of course, Biel also enjoys the physical benefits of yoga and told Elle it keeps her muscles “long and flexible.”

The actor has dabbled in several forms of yoga, including Ashtanga yoga, a practice that emphasizes synchronized breath and movement.


“You put in effort to learn and memorize all these movements, and then you can be in almost a completely meditative state when you’re going through the process, because you’re going at your own pace and the speed of your own breath,” she told Self in 2018. “It’s been a wonderful way to practice my at-home yoga.”

She loves working out with her husband and sons

Finding the motivation to go to the gym is a lot easier when you’re working out with someone else. Luckily for Biel, her husband is a ready and willing exercise partner.

“We’ll work with a trainer and just do different circuits and do different types of cardio training or sprinting, just different things depending on what we’re working on and goals we’re trying to hit at the time,” she told Self in 2018.

Biel told Women’s Health she adores exercising with her hubby, saying, it’s “so much more fun to do it with someone else.”

The couple’s two sons also get in on the action from time to time.


“We work out together a ton,” Biel told Women’s Health.

The actor’s trainer will teach her eldest son, Silas, a modified version of his parents’ routine and will have her youngest son, Phineas, stretch or walk on the treadmill.

“He’ll give Silas what he’s doing, Justin’s doing something, I’m doing something,” she said. “We’re all doing it together and it’s really fun.”

She avoids workout ruts by trying a variety of exercises

Yoga holds a special place in Biel’s heart, but she also enjoys switching things up and trying different workouts, including boxing, martial arts, snowboarding, hiking and more.

“I love working out with a trainer, doing circuit work and strengthening. I think the lengthening and internal breathing you get from yoga, (in addition to) strength training of weights and circuits and cardiovascular, to me that’s the perfect combination,” she told Women’s Health in 2018.


Her squat game is on point

Squats seem to be Biel’s workout superpower and the fitness buff has shown off her perfect form on several occasions.

In 2018, Biel tried her hand at single-leg pistol squats and totally nailed the tricky move.

The following year, Biel mastered the art of skater squats and her personal trainer Ben Bruno showed off her handiwork on Instagram as she performed six reps.

“This is just nuts. This isn’t something we did one time for the video either; this was her third set and I have her do these routinely. It’s really a wonder she hasn’t fired me yet,” he captioned the post.

She tailors her training based on her current goals

Biel certainly has go-to workouts that she loves, but she often switches up her training depending on the project she’s working on or a goal she wants to achieve.


For instance, the star walked a lot with a 30-pound backpack on an incline when she hiked Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2010 to raise awareness about the global water crisis.

“I also tried to spend as much time in altitude as I possibly could, which was really key. Altitude really affects you in weird ways,” she told the Los Angeles Times.

Before the 2024 Met Gala, Biel focused on arm moves such as tricep pushdowns and lat pull-downs so she could highlight certain features based on her outfit. Additionally, the star snuck in plenty of cardio, squats and lunges before the event.

“What I’m wearing will be all upper body-exposed, like arms, collarbone, shoulders, upper back, lats,” she told Women’s Health. “There’s an emphasis on just toning there.”

She doesn’t mind staying up late to work out

Biel prefers to work out in the morning to “get it out of the way,” she told Self. However, she’s not opposed to nighttime sweat sessions.


“I’ve definitely been known to be in the gym late night, even 10 or 11 p.m. Keep in mind, that is ‘late night’ for me these days,” she said.

When she’s working out at night, Biel usually opts for a circuit workout or yoga.

“Sometimes, you just gotta do it and fit it in when you can,” she said.

She sticks to ‘boring’ but effective fitness tricks

When it comes to fitness, there’s no such thing as a magic trick to whip us all into shape. But we can learn a thing or two from Biel’s simple, yet smart fitness habits.

“For me, getting enough sleep, drinking lots of water, having a healthy diet, and staying away from alcohol are musts. It’s so boring, I know, but doing those things really helps,” she told Elle in 2011.


Her perspective on fitness has evolved

With age comes wisdom, and Biel has shifted her mindset on fitness over time.

“When I was in my twenties, it was important to me how much I could bench press and how ripped my shoulders are, and all that stuff is less important to me now,” she told Women’s Health in 2024. “What’s important to me now is mobility. I don’t want to be living with pain.”

For this reason, the actor is a fan of Pilates since it helps gain strength and enhance joint health.

Her diet is all about ‘balance’

Too much of a good thing is never great, and Biel told the Los Angeles Times her diet mantra is all about “creating a balance.”

“I just try to eat really healthy. I mean, of course I have cheat-days and will go out and have, like, cookies and pizza. If I’m training maybe I up the protein intake…. I don’t do so much eating for training unless I’m really training for something specific,” she said in 2017.


Biel did acknowledge that she feels “better” when she avoids gluten, wheat and dairy.

“My digestion is better, I feel better, I have more energy,” she said.

The star also tries to load up on greens from her home garden and said she enjoys making salads with spinach, radishes and other healthy options.

“If I’m home for lunch, I run out to the garden and grab some leaves and throw together a quick salad, maybe throw some quinoa in there or something, or I like these veggie burgers that you can get from Whole Foods or Erewhon and you can grill it up and throw it on top with some nuts… and then some kind of snack during the day — maybe gluten-free pretzels with this really yummy almond cheese dip. It almost tastes like cream cheese, but no dairy,” she said.

She encourages her kids to eat healthy but isn’t unreasonable

Getting kids to eat their fruits and vegetables can be a struggle, but Biel is trying to lead by example.


“We all eat healthy — I mean, we try to. Silas (her oldest son) is a kid, so sometimes he doesn’t want to eat that broccoli or eat that spinach, so you go, ‘All right, pasta it is,’ or ‘French fries it is,’” she told the Los Angeles Times.

Biel and Timberlake try their best to encourage their kids to eat healthy foods, but they’re also not militant on the matter.

“We were talking about it yesterday and Justin said, ‘Do our kids need to eat more vegetables?’” she recently told Women’s Health. “I was like, ‘Yeah, but everybody kind of needs to eat more vegetables! Everyone in the whole world.’”

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Somatic exercise coach shares 3 stretches to boost your mind-body connection and release tension



Somatic exercise coach shares 3 stretches to boost your mind-body connection and release tension

You may be most familiar with exercises that involve repeating the same movements over and over, like lifting the best adjustable dumbbells for multiple reps and sets to build strength and muscle, or taking stride after stride to perfect your running form and get faster.

However, amidst your usual workouts, how often do you slow down and truly connect with what your body is doing and how it feels? This is exactly what somatic exercise is all about, and it offers some impressive benefits. 

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5 exercises that help lower cholesterol levels naturally – Times of India



5 exercises that help lower cholesterol levels naturally – Times of India
Cholesterol is a critical substance in our bodies that plays a significant role in building cells and producing certain hormones. However, high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) can lead to serious health issues such as heart disease and stroke. To our relief, we can take steps to lower cholesterol naturally, and regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to achieve this.Here are 5 exercises that have been proven to help reduce cholesterol levels and boost our heart health.

The most simple and effective way is walking

Foods That Can Help Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

One of the easiest and most accessible exercises to lower cholesterol is walking. Studies show that walking at a medium pace for 30 to 60 minutes most days of the week can significantly lower LDL cholesterol and raise good cholesterol (HDL). Research published in the journal “Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology” suggests that walking can help reduce bad cholesterol by up to 7%. So, lace up your sneakers and take a stroll in your neighbourhood or a nearby park.


How does pedalling help?

Cycling is another effective exercise for lowering cholesterol levels. Whether on a stationary bike or riding through the streets, cycling helps increase HDL cholesterol while lowering LDL cholesterol. A study conducted by the “Journal of the American Heart Association” found that adults who cycled regularly experienced a significant reduction in LDL cholesterol levels and improved overall cardiovascular health. Aim for 30 minutes of cycling, three to five times a week, to see benefits.

No Gym Needed: Try This Effective Home Workout To Get Fit Quickly


Jogging is a fantastic way to boost heart health and reduce cholesterol levels. It helps burn calories, improve cardiovascular fitness, and increase HDL cholesterol. According to a study in the “Journal of the American College of Cardiology,” regular jogging can significantly reduce LDL cholesterol levels and lower the risk of heart disease. Add jogging into your routine for 20-30 minutes, three to four times a week, for optimal results.



Yoga might not be the first exercise that comes to mind when thinking about lowering cholesterol, but it can be incredibly effective. Yoga helps reduce stress, which is linked to higher cholesterol levels. Research from the “Indian Heart Journal” found that practising yoga regularly can help reduce LDL cholesterol and improve heart health. Try to include yoga sessions for 30 minutes, three times a week, focusing on poses that enhance cardiovascular health.

Build muscle, burn cholesterol

Strength training is essential for overall health and can help lower cholesterol levels by improving body composition and increasing metabolism. A study published in “Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise” found that resistance training helped lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol in adults. Add strength training exercises, such as weight lifting or bodyweight exercises, at least twice a week for the best results.

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How an innocent comment from his 3-year-old inspired 1 dad to lose 160 lbs



How an innocent comment from his 3-year-old inspired 1 dad to lose 160 lbs

Welcome to Start TODAY. Sign up for our Start TODAY newsletter to receive daily inspiration sent to your inbox — and join us on Instagram!

Jason Henriques clearly remembers what his 3-year-old son, Wyatt, said one day. “We were sitting on the dining room floor playing and he said, ‘Daddy, when I get big like you, I want a big tummy like you,’” Henriques tells

At the time, Henriques was a 37-year-old with obesity, and his weight and diet were affecting his health. His asthma was so bad he was hospitalized to treat it about once a year. He had allergies, herniated discs, torn ligaments in his knees and gastrointestinal problems like colitis, gastritis and gallbladder issues. And Wyatt’s comment made him realize he needed to be a better role model for his children.

For Henriques, a comment from his son about the size of his stomach was his motivation to make a lifestyle change.Source Jason Henriques

He started his fitness journey by walking and rowing

“I got up the next day, put Wyatt in a stroller, and started walking. From that day on, for months, we walked three to 12 miles a day. My mindset was, ‘I have to do this. I have to be a better parent. I have to be a better role model. I completely changed my mindset and went all-in,” he says.

When Henriques started walking, he was self-employed as a photographer. “I had my own schedule, and I made the time. Walking was my number one priority in the morning. I pushed everything else to the side for a little while,” he says.


While walking worked well for him for a few months, when the winter weather started to set in near his Monroe, Conn., home, he wanted to find a new way to improve his fitness. So, he joined a gym and took advantage of a free personal training session they offered.

The trainer asked him to row 1,000 meters on a rowing machine. He was hesitant at first. “It was new, it was challenging and I was in a routine of walking, jogging and cycling. Rowing shook it up, and change is hard sometimes. But I loved it because it didn’t have the impact of running or cycling on my joints. I felt great,” he says. He kept working out with the trainer, and he also joined a CrossFit gym. Rowing was often part of his workouts.

Looking for a challenge, he ran a turkey trot 5k that Thanksgiving. That got him even more interested in running and exercise. “I just fell in love with the whole world of fitness and how I felt afterwards,” he says.

He loved how rowing and running balanced each other: “Rowing is the perfect counterpart to running because you can build your endurance on the rower without the impact. And once you hit the streets, you can use rowing as recovery from your running.”

Before an dafter weight loss
At 37 years old Henriques struggled with obesity, asthma, herniated discs and gastrointestinal issues.Source Jason Henriques

He inspired his whole family to find their competitive streak

It’s exciting to be into fitness as a family, and it strengthens our bond, too.

Jason Henriques


As his fitness improved, he and his wife Maggie started competing in obstacle-filled Spartan races along with their children, Wyatt, now 11, Presley, 8, and Hudson, 3. Last year, his two oldest children finished a triathlon. “It was so cool watching that. It’s exciting to be into fitness as a family, and it strengthens our bond, too,” he says.

Henriques did his first triathlon on his own, running and biking near his home and swimming in a nearby lake. “I didn’t care if anybody knew about it. I just wanted to do it for me. That was something never in my life I thought I would do,” he says.

He recently did a 48-mile row, rowing four miles every four hours for 48 hours. He also pushed himself to run a half-marathon on his own, and eventually, he would like to run a full marathon.

Before an dafter weight loss
Since shifting his mindset and prioritizing his health, Henriques has lost 160 pounds.Source Jason Henriques

He cleaned up his diet with a food journal and growing his own food

When Henriques started exercising, he and his wife also got rid of all the junk food in the house. He realized he needed to learn what his body needed and what triggered his asthma and allergies.

Tracking his macronutrients and keeping a food diary helped. He discovered that his body doesn’t like dairy, refined sugar or processed carbs, and onions make his gastrointestinal issues worse. He didn’t think he was an emotional eater, but he found he was turning to food when he was bored. These insights helped him eat in tune with his body.

He also started to pay more attention to where his food comes from. He and his wife recently bought a historic home that they are renovating. “We cleared a quarter-acre of land we’re going to use as a garden. We built a huge chicken coop, and we have 19 chickens so far. We’re basically starting a homestead,” he says.


They plan to grow a lot of their own food, and they also buy meat and produce from area farms. He acknowledges that buying fresh, local food can be expensive compared to the packaged and processed food he was eating before, but he feels it’s worth it: “I’m investing in my health now versus having to spend the money on healthcare later. I’m investing in the quality of my life.”

He and his family now prioritize meals together. “We sit at the table together to eat. We cook together a lot of the time. It has strengthened our family bond,” he says.

Before and after weight loss
After losing 160 pounds, Henriques no longer struggles with asthma or joint pain.Source Jason Henriques

He’s seen huge improvements in his health

In the first year after his mindset change, Henriques lost 160 pounds, and he’s maintained his weight since then. Between his weight loss and his diet changes, he no longer has gastrointestinal issues. His asthma has mostly cleared up, his allergies are much better and most of his joint pain is gone. He still has herniated discs, but strengthening his core has helped protect his spine.

At one point, a friend who is a gastroenterologist suggested that Henriques might want weight-loss surgery. But after four months of focusing on his health, he had lost 60 pounds, and he no longer qualified for the procedure — they told him if he wanted to have it, he would need to gain some weight: “I walked out of that office and never went back. That was all the motivation I needed to keep going.”

And now? “I feel better at 44 than I did when I was 24,” he says.

Before and after weight loss
Henriques became a coach and eventually a general manager at Row House.Source Jason Henriques

His health changes led to a new career

With his focus on rowing, Henriques caught the attention of the team at Row House in Monroe, Conn. They invited him to audition as a coach, and he got approved and started coaching in the mornings before work. He says, “I got even stronger as a rower, and I had the potential to help other people who might be going through something I’ve been through. What’s better than that?”

He feels that his health struggles make him a better coach. “I can relate to people who have them, and I can be more strict on form because I know being out of alignment the tiniest bit can aggravate some injuries,” he says.


When he coaches, he shares stories about his life and his struggles. “Somebody else in that room might be going through something similar. They can relate. I really like to build those connections,” he says.

When the general manager position at Row House opened up, he decided to make a career change: “It was a little bit scary, but it was one of the best decisions I ever made.”

Looking back, he appreciates how an innocent comment from his son put him on a new path. “That moment is what changed not just my health and fitness, but the whole trajectory of my life,” he says. “And my three kids look at me in a whole different light. Now I’m doing this parenting thing right.”

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