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Is cryptocurrency helping Hamas fund terrorism?



Is cryptocurrency helping Hamas fund terrorism?

The US and Israel have stepped up their efforts to limit cryptocurrency transfers to Hamas since the group’s brutal October 7 attacks on Israel. Bitcoin, Dogecoin and Ethereum are increasingly blamed as conduits of funding for Islamist groups, but to what extent is this justified?

In the wake of Hamas’s attacks on Israeli territory on October 7 that were unprecedented in scale, the role of digital currencies like Bitcoin and Dogecoin and crypto exchange platforms in financing the radical Islamist movement are increasingly under scrutiny.

On October 19, the US Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) proposed new regulations identifying “Convertible Virtual Currency Mixing (CVC mixing) as a class of transactions of primary money laundering concern … to combat its use by malicious actors including Hamas [and] Palestinian Islamic Jihad”.

These online services, known more casually as “mixers” or “tumblers”, mix cryptocurrency of illicit origin with other cryptocurrency funds. As such, “the risk of employing crypto mixers to launder money or conceal earnings is pretty considerable”, acknowledges crypto industry news site Cointelegraph.

Appeals for Bitcoin via Facebook, Instagram and Telegram

In the wake of the October 7 assault, the Israeli defence ministry claimed it had seized virtual wallets linked to Hamas that had received $41 million (€39 million) between 2019 and 2023. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad group, for its part, has raised $94 million (€89 million) in cryptocurrency in recent years, according to Elliptic, a British firm that analyses virtual currency transactions.


And that’s not all. Washington also decided on October 18 to sanction “Buy Cash”, a Gaza-based company accused of “facilitating” cryptocurrency transfers to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

“Hamas’s use of crypto first came to light in January 2019,” writes David Carlisle, co-founder of Elliptic, in a blog post published on October 11. The al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s armed wing, was caught red-handed while organising a call for Bitcoin donations via Facebook and Instagram. 

At first, these “funding 2.0” initiatives only raised a few thousand dollars, but Hamas has increasingly used social networks as funding channels ever since. And the Palestinian group formally listed as a terrorist organisation by the EU and the US is not alone in its actions. “Using crypto in conjunction with social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, and I’ve seen Telegram mentioned recently – has become quite popular,” says Nicholas Ryder, a professor of law and specialist in terrorist financing networks at Cardiff University.

The recent attention paid to funds transferred to Hamas in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies may give the impression that without this windfall, the Islamist movement would be bankrupt or would, at least, have had a much harder time financing its attacks on Israel.

Secondary means

“There is a degree of hyperbole about this topic. It’s relatively new, has cachet and is unknown by many people, so of course it attracts attention. You cannot ignore it, but if you think about the pros and cons of [using it for] raising or moving funds, crypto is not the best,” says Tom Keatinge, director of the Centre for Financial Crime Research and Security Studies at the Royal United Service Institute, one of the UK’s leading think tanks on security issues.


For example, Hamas, which Forbes magazine ranked in 2014 as “one of the richest terrorist groups in the world”, has an estimated annual budget of nearly $1 billion. Most of the money comes from “expatriates or private donors in the Gulf region”, points out German news channel Deutsche Welle.

In this respect, the $41 million in cryptocurrencies seized by the Israeli authorities may seem like a drop in the bucket for Hamas. What’s more, these amounts should be taken with a grain of salt: it can be very difficult to separate funds intended to finance terrorist activities from others in a virtual wallet, Chainalysis, an American blockchain analysis company, notes in a blog post.

“[It’s] impossible to quantify how much money is transferred via crypto, but it has become a more and more prominent funding method,” says Ryder.

The rise of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Dogecoin in the world of terrorism can be explained first and foremost by the simplicity of making a transaction, notes Keatinge: “It’s easy, and I can make a donation from my couch at home.” It’s also much quicker than having to open a bank account and find intermediaries willing to transfer the fund. “You just need a smartphone and/or a laptop,” adds Ryder.

International authorities are also putting more effort into countering traditional terrorist financing channels, so these groups are trying to compensate with new ways of raising money. “The more we put pressure on traditional ways of financing, the more they’ll find alternative ways like crypto. And we are becoming better at fighting against the traditional means of financing. It’s like a balloon: when you squeeze one part, the other gets bigger,” says Keatinge.


Not so anonymous

Hamas, al Qaeda and Hezbollah don’t hesitate to combine the best of both worlds, either. For example, there can now be a cryptocurrency dimension to the use of fake NGOs, a classic means of funding for terrorist groups. “They can cut the top 10 to 15 percent and convert it into crypto, and then transfer it in order to make it more difficult to trace,” explains Ryder.

However, these movements’ interest in such new funding methods is not as strong as current media noise might suggest, because they are not ultimately as anonymous as we’ve been led to believe. “It may seem as though crypto is some kind of secret way to channel funds, but it has vulnerability. As soon as you start blockchain transactions, they are traceable. They’re not as secretive as many people think,” says Keatinge.

Indeed, all Bitcoin transactions pass through the blockchain, which is the digital equivalent of a ledger that is accessible to all. Admittedly, the names of those transferring or receiving the funds do not appear, but it is possible to track every movement of funds, and companies such as Chainalysis and Elliptic have become masters in the art of tracing their origin.

Of course, there are ways of making these transactions more anonymous, but they come at the expense of ease and speed – the main advantages of the use of cryptocurrencies for terrorists and other criminals. In the end, it’s still easier and more anonymous to hand-deliver suitcases full of cash.

This article is a translation of the original in French. 



What Is Celestia (TIA) Cryptocurrency?



What Is Celestia (TIA) Cryptocurrency?

The native token of the Celestia blockchain, TIA has a market capitalisation of over $US1.3 billion. That places it in the top 100 coins globally, but the token’s value seems to be trending downwards.

TIA started the year at around $US12, reached an all-time high of over $US20 in February, and at the time of writing was worth $US6.90. Of course that’s still up over 200% on its initial listing price of $US2.08 around 240 days prior.

Celestia is a Layer 1 blockchain, designed to be ‘modular’ in nature with the goal of making it easy for developers to launch their own blockchain. Development time is primarily reduced by enabling developers to combine existing rollup (aka Layer 2 scaling solution) technology options to create their own customised stack. Celestia lets you can build an independent blockchain where:

  • The ‘execution’ layer of the blockchain—where smart contracts and transactions happen—can be separate from the consensus mechanism.
  • The blockchain’s consensus mechanisms and data availability functions leverage Celestia infrastructure, including its network validators.

The Celestia project was initiated in 2019 by co-founders Mustafa Al-Bassam and Ismail Khoffi and attracted considerable venture capital investment including a $US1.5 million seed round in 2021 and $US55 million raised in 2022. Celestia is built on the Cosmos SDK framework.

What Is the TIA Token?

One billion TIA tokens were created, with 20% for public allocation. Its current circulating supply is around 193 million. More tokens owed to initial investors will be gradually unlocked over coming years—which can be freely traded—with the first unlock event in October this year.

The TIA token’s role in the Celestia blockchain is three-fold:

  1. Developers use TIA to pay gas fees on transactions and to publish data to what’s known as a ‘blobspace’ on the network’s data availability layer.
  2. Network validators and delegators stake TIA to support network consensus activities—verifying and securing transactions across a decentralised network of computers—as Celestia is a proof-of-stake blockchain. Validators and delegators also earn staking rewards in the form of TIA.
  3. TIA holders get some governance powers, being able to propose and vote on proposals to change a subset of network parameters.

Celestia’s TIA token is not to be confused with the token of the Tiamonds project, which also trades under the TIA symbol. The alternate TIA is a token distributed to owners of tokenised diamonds sold via the Tiamonds platform—which touts itself as the world’s largest tokenised diamond marketplace.

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Usiacurí Pioneers Cryptocurrency Integration in Colombia with the Crypto District Initiative



Usiacurí Pioneers Cryptocurrency Integration in Colombia with the Crypto District Initiative
  • Usiacurí becomes Colombia’s first municipality to integrate cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Tether, and Tron into its economy.
  • The “Crypto District” initiative is a partnership between Usiacurí’s municipality, Certika, Universidad de la Costa, and Corporación CienTech.

Usiacurí, a quaint coastal town in Colombia, has taken a pioneering step by becoming the country’s first municipality to legally incorporate cryptocurrencies into its local economy. Launched on June 21, this innovative move is part of the “Crypto District” project, a collaborative effort between the Usiacurí municipality, Certika, Universidad de la Costa, and Corporación CienTech.

The CienTech Corporation participated in the launch of the Crypto District project in Usiacurí Atlántico, an initiative developed in alliance with Certika, the Universidad de la Costa (CUC) and the Mayor’s Office of Usiacurí that will allow the population of Usiacurí to connect to large global capitals through through Blockchain, the technology behind cryptocurrencies.

This initiative allows the use of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Tether, and Tron for both tourists and local residents to conduct transactions. The integration of digital currencies into Usiacurí’s economy is aimed at addressing the needs of foreign tourists and adapting to the demands of an increasingly globalized and digital world.

As we have written in Crypto News Flash, it positions Usiacurí at the forefront of financial technology by enabling artisans and local businesses to transact using blockchain technology, thus providing a fast and secure payment method.

Beyond facilitating e-commerce, the project is designed to boost the local economy by enabling artisans and small businesses to seamlessly sell their goods and services using blockchain technology. This move is expected to transform how commercial transactions are conducted in Usiacurí, enhancing efficiency and security for both buyers and sellers.

The inspiration for the “Crypto District” came from Bitcoin’s adoption in El Salvador, which you can read more about in our coverage in Crypto News Flash,  which was closely studied by Tito Crissien, the executive director of CienTech and an advisor at Universidad de la Costa. The university has been instrumental in the project, providing research and academic support through its studies on blockchain and its applications.

Crissien commented:

“The participation of the Universidad de la Costa was fundamental throughout the entire process, since through its teachers and researchers they have been strengthening the line of research into blockchain and its applications, such as this tool that “It allowed us to turn Usiacurí into the first municipality with a cryptocurrency district, generating more sales in its tourism and hotel sector.”

Usiacurí’s mayor, Julio Mario Calderón, expressed his enthusiasm about the initiative, highlighting its potential to attract visitors and establish the municipality as a key destination for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. According to reports, over 60 local artisans, three hotels, two tourist guide agencies, and seven restaurants are already participating in the project.


At the project’s launch, local artisans were equipped with cryptocurrency wallets and trained to conduct their first transactions. This initiative not only enhances Usiacurí’s tourism and hospitality sectors but also positions it as an innovative model for integrating crypto technology into municipal management and local commerce.

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COVID-induced social isolation drove cryptocurrency investment up 75%



COVID-induced social isolation drove cryptocurrency investment up 75%
Credit: CC0 Public Domain

Lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic saw an exponential rise in cryptocurrency investments which was partially driven by the stress of social isolation, QUT researchers have found.

The study’s results have major implications for financial advisors, marketers and policymakers on how to curb excessive risk-taking among isolated individuals.

The article, “Social isolation and risk-taking behavior: The case of COVID-19 and cryptocurrency,” was published in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.


Dr. Thusyanthy Lavan and Professor Brett Martin, from the QUT School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations, with overseas colleagues, studied the consumer interest in cryptocurrency during the pandemic.

Dr. Lavan said the team looked at the impact of the pandemic’s prolonged enforced social isolation coupled with economic instability that drove risk-taking behavior, particularly in cryptocurrency investment.

“At the beginning of the pandemic, in January 2020, market capitalization of these online currencies was about $191 billion but had surged to $769 billion by December 2020,” Dr. Lavan said.

“This shift is underscored by the significant increase in the Bitcoin price, up 700% from March 2020 to March 2021.

“The attraction of these high-risk investments could be linked to their perceived potential for high returns during times of economic instability and market volatility.


“A further factor might be people’s tendency to try to reinstate some control in their lives and gravitate toward more autonomous and seemingly empowering activities, such as trading in cryptocurrencies.

“With this in mind, our aim was to look for the broader psychological responses to social isolation that catalyzed these changes in consumer decision-making, particularly in adopting new, and potentially riskier behaviors.

“Previous research has established the direct effects of social isolation on risk-taking behavior in non-purchase situations such as sharing of personal information on social media, but this is one of the first studies to examine risky purchase behavior.”

Professor Martin said they conducted a survey in December 2022 during a lockdown period in Australia of 216 participants screened for awareness of and familiarity with cryptocurrency but who were not current investors.

“By focusing on potential future investors, we aimed to capture unbiased perceptions and insights into cryptocurrency investment decisions,” Professor Martin said.


“Our survey sought to identify how three psychological constructs—perceived stress, sense of control and neuroticism—might underlie the relationship between social isolation and risk-taking behavior.

“Perceived stress is a personal interpretation of stress regarding a situation in a person’s life they consider to be beyond their adaptive capacities, while sense of control reflects a person’s belief in their ability to influence events and outcomes in their life.

“Neuroticism is a tendency to experience negative emotional states such as anxiety and impulsiveness.

“Our analysis of the results showed that perceived stress, rather than a sense of control or neuroticism, plays a key role in driving risk-taking behaviors during periods of social isolation.

Professor Martin said the researchers were not criticizing cryptocurrency.


“To be clear, my recently published research has shown how the process of cryptocurrency investing can have a positive effect on peoples’ lives.

“In this project, we looked at the effect of lockdowns and isolation-induced risk-taking. This research can provide insights on developing better support strategies for vulnerable populations.”

The research team comprised Dr. Lavan, Professor Martin, and Professor Weng Marc Lim and Professor Linda Hollebeek from Sunway University, Malayasia.

More information:
Thusyanthy Lavan et al, Social isolation and risk-taking behavior: The case of COVID-19 and cryptocurrency, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2024.103951

Provided by
Queensland University of Technology


COVID-induced social isolation drove cryptocurrency investment up 75% (2024, June 25)
retrieved 25 June 2024

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