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Chinese move on Taiwan would hit ‘every country on earth’: Blinken



Chinese move on Taiwan would hit ‘every country on earth’: Blinken

Any try by China to forcefully change the established order with Taiwan would hit “fairly actually each nation on earth,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned in an interview with Euronews during which he additionally made clear his nation doesn’t search a direct confrontation with Beijing.

China considers Taiwan a breakaway province and has vowed to reunite the democratic island with the mainland, a purpose that Western international locations interpret as a coded language for a doable full-scale army intervention someday sooner or later.

These fears have drastically elevated after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has prompted an evident deterioration in relations between China and the West.

Chatting with Euronews after a gathering on Wednesday of NATO overseas affairs ministers in Brussels, Antony Blinken shared his private nervousness and warned of far-reaching and enormously damaging penalties if China makes a unilateral transfer in opposition to Taiwan.

“I heard this in conversations with lots of our NATO allies in addition to companions in Asia: there may be concern that, had been there to be a disaster because of China’s actions over Taiwan, that may have repercussions for fairly actually each nation on earth,” Blinken stated.


“50% of world business visitors goes by way of the Taiwan Strait day by day. 70% of the semiconductors that we’d like for our smartphones, for our dishwashers, for our vehicles, they’re made in Taiwan,” he went on.

“If there was some sort of disaster because of one thing that China did, that may have terribly disruptive results on the worldwide economic system, which is why international locations all over the world look to everybody to behave and act responsibly.”

‘We’re not making an attempt to include China’

Blinken’s feedback come as Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen met with US Home Speaker Kevin McCarthy in California, a high-profile encounter that triggered verbal threats from Beijing.

Regardless of the rising tensions between the 2 superpowers, the Secretary of State insisted Washington wouldn’t alter the long-standing One China coverage that recognises the Individuals’s Republic of China as the only reliable authorities of China.

Taiwan, a complicated economic system and main exporter of high-tech merchandise, is against this recognised as an impartial state by simply 13 small-sized international locations.


“We now have been very clear that we don’t need, we don’t search a battle. We’re not making an attempt to include China. We, quite the opposite, need to protect peace, stability, create alternative,” Blinken stated.

“In the case of Taiwan, our coverage has been constant for many years. Any variations between mainland China and Taiwan must be resolved peacefully. Neither aspect ought to do something to disrupt the established order, nor take any unilateral actions that may do this.”

Blinken famous that each nation has “sophisticated and really consequential” relations with China and defended a technique of “de-risking” quite than decoupling.

This strategy was just lately voiced by European Fee President Ursula von der Leyen in a important speech, which Blinken described as “very sturdy and completely constant” with America’s China coverage.

“Sure, we’re in competitors. Nothing fallacious with competitors so long as it is truthful,” the Secretary of State stated.


“However we need to make it possible for that competitors doesn’t veer into battle.”

‘China is making an attempt to have it each methods’

Throughout his interview with Euronews, Blinken additionally spoke about China’s position within the Ukraine conflict, which Western international locations have criticised as overly ambivalent and imprecise, and expressed his hope Beijing would chorus from supplying deadly help to Moscow, a much-dreaded situation that diplomats and evaluation stated could be a game-changer.

“I believe China’s additionally making an attempt to have it each methods,” Blinken stated.

“It needs to be seen as making an attempt to advance peace and on the identical time, it continues to assist Russia in numerous methods, rhetorically, making its case in worldwide establishments, advancing Russian propaganda in regards to the aggression.”

Blinken painted Russia as “more and more dependent” on China and the “junior accomplice” within the pair, an unbalanced relation that provides Beijing “some leverage” over Moscow.


The Secretary then urged China, a everlasting member of the United Nations Safety Council, to make use of this affect to uphold worldwide legislation and persuade the Kremlin to present again the occupied territories in Ukraine, a situation that in his view is non-negotiable to strike a peace deal.

“A simply peace is one which respects the fundamental rules of the United Nations constitution, together with territorial integrity. It will possibly’t be a peace that endorses Russia’s seizure by power of a lot of Ukraine’s territory,” Blinken stated.

“And it must be sturdy within the sense that we will not simply have one thing that permits Russia to relaxation, to refit its troops after which to reattack when it is extra handy.”

Additionally within the interview, Blinken celebrated Finland’s turning into the thirty first member of NATO and appeared satisfied that Sweden, which utilized for entrance concurrently Helsinki did, would be a part of the alliance by the point NATO convenes a leaders’ summit in July.

Sweden’s bid is presently blocked by Turkey and Hungary, that are but to ratify the appliance.


Requested if Turkey’s hesitancy was associated to Ankara’s pending request to purchase 40 new F-16 fighter jets from America, the Secretary stated each points had been “completely separate.”

“We assist Turkey getting an upgraded F-16 programme,” Blinken stated. “That’s for us, for the Biden administration, impartial of the accession course of to NATO or, for that matter, every other query.”

This text has been up to date to incorporate extra quotes from the interview.

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Middle East Crisis: Critically Ill Children Allowed to Leave Gaza for First Time Since May



Sixty-eight people, including sick and injured patients and their escorts, crossed the border to get treatment, the Israeli military said. The evacuation was carried out in coordination with the U.S., Egypt and the international community.

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Taiwan issues travel advisory after China vows to execute independence supporters



Taiwan issues travel advisory after China vows to execute independence supporters

The Taiwanese government warned its citizens not to travel to mainland China on Thursday after Beijing threatened to execute residents who support the island’s independence.

Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council spokesman Liang Wen-chieh issued the warning during a routine press conference. The Chinese government announced a new policy targeting “separatists” last week, and said it would pursue the death penalty for “diehard” supporters of Taiwanese independence.

“I want to stress: Democracy is not a crime; it’s autocracy that is the real evil. China has absolutely no right to sanction Taiwan’s people just because of the positions they hold. What’s more, China has no right to go after Taiwan people’s rights across borders,” Taiwan President Lai Ching-te said Wednesday.

“I also want to call on China to face up to the existence of the Republic of China and have exchanges and dialogue with Taiwan’s democratically elected, legitimate government,” he said, using Taiwan’s formal name. “If this is not done, relations between Taiwan and China will only become more and more estranged.”



The Taiwanese government warned its citizens not to travel to mainland China on Thursday after Beijing threatened to execute residents who support the island’s independence. (AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying)

China has long considered Taiwan to be its territory, and Chinese President Xi Jinping has threatened to take the island by force in recent years.


China’s Taiwan Affairs Office clarified on Wednesday that the threat of execution applies only to a small number of Taiwanese independence “diehards’ evil words and actions.”

Xi Jinping

China has long considered Taiwan to be its territory, and Chinese President Xi Jinping has threatened to take the island by force in recent years. (Szilard Koszticsak/MTI via AP)

The move is the latest escalation of tensions between Taipei and Beijing. Recent months have also seen China conduct extensive military drills surrounding the island. China has used the drills as intimidation, typically following events connecting the U.S. and Taiwan.



China first conducted live-fire drills in 2022 after then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. D-Calif., traveled to Taiwan. It was the first time a U.S. speaker visited the island in over 25 years. 

Chinese soldier looking through binoculars with a military ship in the background

Recent months have also seen China conduct extensive military drills surrounding the island, typically following events connecting the U.S. and Taiwan. (Lin Jian/Xinhua via AP)

Beijing’s execution threat comes just days after the U.S. approved the sale of $360 million in drones, missiles and other equipment to Taiwan.

Reuters contributed to this report.


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Serbian police shut down cultural exchange festival with Kosovo



Serbian police shut down cultural exchange festival with Kosovo

The festival ban comes a day after the EU Foreign Policy chief Josep Borrell said no progress had been made during talks in Brussels towards implementing an EU-backed agreement towards normalising ties between Belgrade and Pristina.


Serbian police have banned a festival that promotes cultural exchange with Kosovo following a rally by far-right protesters outside the venue. 

In a statement, Belgrade police cited security concerns as the reasons for stopping the event from going ahead, saying they wanted to prevent ‘danger to the security of people and property and to public peace and order on a larger scale.’ 

The police statement also said that the anti-festival protest, which saw several dozen right-wing extremists gather outside the festival venue, waving Serbian flags and banners saying ‘No surrender’, had also been banned. 

Several Serbian government officials have sharply criticised the festival in recent days, describing it as anti-Serb.

While the festival has been held alternatively in Serbia and Kosovo for the past decade, this year’s ban in Serbia illustrates a general toughening of the government’s stance toward its critics.


The Mirëdita, dobar dan festival, whose name means ‘hello’ in Albanian and Serbian, is organised by youth groups from Serbia and Kosovo and was due to open on Thursday with a theatre show from Kosovo.

According to the festival’s website the event, which was due to run for two days, aims to ‘enrich regional perspectives and foster cooperation and peacebuilding’.

No progress

The festival ban came a day after the EU Foreign Policy chief Josep Borrell said no progress had been made during talks in Brussels towards implementing an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti had met to discuss an EU-backed plan to normalise ties. However, unresolved issues, including Pristina’s demands that Belgrade hands over the suspected organisers of the Banjska attack, blocked further progress.

Speaking after the meetings, Borrell said that the European Union will continue to exert all its efforts and capacity to normalise relations between Belgrade and Pristina.


“Kosovo was not ready for this, Kosovo was not willing to do this trilateral meeting. Serbia was ready to do it, but you need two to dance tango and we need two to sit around the table in order to continue the dialogue,” Borrell added.

Borrell said on Wednesday ahead of the meeting that a new round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina would “hopefully send a different message and end in a different note.”

Brussels has warned both Belgrade and Pristina that refusal to compromise jeopardises Serbia and Kosovo’s chances of joining the bloc.

Kosovo, a former Serbian province, declared independence in 2008, a move Belgrade does not recognise.

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