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Atlantic City’s main casino union, where most workers are women, is finally led by one



Atlantic City’s main casino union, where most workers are women, is finally led by one

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) — Most of the Atlantic City casino workers who clean hotel rooms, serve drinks and tidy up public areas are women.

For the first time in 107 years, the union that represents them is now being led by a woman.

Donna DeCaprio is one of the most influential people in Atlantic City as president of Local 54 of the Unite Here union, which has about 10,000 members and has repeatedly brought the casino industry to its knees during labor disputes.

But there will be labor peace in Atlantic City for at least three more years following the adoption of landmark contracts last summer, which gave workers the biggest raises they’ve ever had.


DeCaprio was the lead negotiator of those contracts, filling in for then-president Bob McDevitt who was still recovering from an illness that led to the amputation of one of his feet.

She was able to get the job done without a strike, which could have seriously damaged an Atlantic City casino industry that was already struggling with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and soaring inflation. And her decades-long working relationship with executives of the city’s nine casinos, as well as her understanding of what workers face each day, helped seal the deal.

“This is extremely hard work that they do,” said DeCaprio, who started her career in the casino industry making sure the bar was properly stocked and cleaned at the Trop World casino in 1987.

Sixty percent of Local 54’s members are women.

“I find that women generally take a more collaborative approach to issues,” DeCaprio said. “I would like to build more alliances with other unions and build some bridges.”


RuthAnne Joyce, a bartender at Harrah’s and Hard Rock, said she is “thrilled” to have DeCaprio leading the union.

“She works harder than anyone I’ve ever known,” Joyce said. “She is extremely knowledgeable and cares for the membership deeply.”

DeCaprio succeeds McDevitt, who left the Local 54 presidency in May to run the national union’s pension fund. He was one of the most powerful people in Atlantic City for nearly a quarter century, and was not known for shying away from a fight — whether it was sitting down in a roadway to block traffic outside a casino he felt was treating workers unfairly to leading the union on a full-blown strike, something that happened in 1999, 2004 and 2016.

DeCaprio acknowledged McDevitt could be confrontational when necessary.

“So can I,” said DeCaprio, who has been arrested 13 times during union demonstrations in support of workers’ rights. “Even more so, if need be.”


Having been secretary-treasurer of the union for the past 19 years — in effect the union’s No. 2 official — DeCaprio’s working relationships with casino executives helped both sides reach a deal without a walkout last summer.

“I have known Donna for over 20 years, and I am very happy for her as she settles into her new role,” said Resorts casino president Mark Giannantonio, who also heads the Casino Association of New Jersey, the industry’s trade group. “Donna is a capable and smart negotiator who always has the best interest of her members and the community in general in mind at all times.”

McDevitt said casino executives know and respect DeCaprio.

“You spend five minutes with her and you see how intelligent she is,” McDevitt said. “She has always been a leader. I expect great things from her.”

One big issue she’ll soon have to deal with is whether New Jersey should ban smoking in the casinos. Currently, it’s allowed on 25% of the casino floor, but a group of casino workers is pushing for a full ban.


More than half the state Legislature has signed on to a bill that would ban smoking, and Gov. Phil Murphy has said he will sign it. But the measure has yet to receive even a preliminary vote in Senate or Assembly committees, and no vote has been scheduled.

Like McDevitt, DeCaprio says a smoking ban as currently proposed “would be a suicide pact” given the proximity of casinos in Pennsylvania that allow smoking.

“We support and defend a worker’s right to work in a safe environment,” she said. But a total smoking ban “would eliminate thousands of lucrative jobs and probably lead to the closure of one casino” as customers forsake Atlantic City for other jurisdictions that allow smoking.

DeCaprio said she favors a compromise in which smoking would continue to be allowed on 25% of the casino floor, and casinos would be required to install the latest ventilation and air treatment technology. Casino workers, and some in the ventilation industry, say no technology can completely rid the air of harmful substances from cigarette and cigar smoke.

These casino workers also cite a study showing that non-smoking casinos are performing as well or better than those that allow smoking.



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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange stops in Bangkok on his way to a US court and later freedom



WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange stops in Bangkok on his way to a US court and later freedom

BANGKOK (AP) — A plane believed to be carrying Julian Assange landed Tuesday in Bangkok, as the WikiLeak founder was on his way to enter a plea deal with the U.S. government that will free him and resolve the legal case that spanned years and continents over the publication of a trove of classified documents.

Chartered flight VJT199 landed after noon at Don Mueang International Airport, north of the Thai capital. It was unclear if the plane was only refueling or how Assange will continue traveling to Saipan, the capital of the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. commonwealth in the Western Pacific, where he will appear in court Wednesday morning local time.

Protesters hold placards in support of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange outside the High Court in London, Monday, May 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung, File)


He’s expected to plead guilty to an Espionage Act charge of conspiring to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified national defense information, according to the U.S. Justice Department in a letter filed in court.

Assange is expected to return to his home country of Australia after his plea and sentencing. The hearing is taking place in Saipan because of Assange’s opposition to traveling to the continental U.S. and the court’s proximity to Australia, prosecutors said.

The guilty plea, which must be approved by a judge, brings an abrupt conclusion to a criminal case of international intrigue and to the U.S. government’s years-long pursuit of a publisher whose hugely popular secret-sharing website made him a cause célèbre among many press freedom advocates who said he acted as a journalist to expose U.S. military wrongdoing. Investigators, by contrast, have repeatedly asserted that his actions broke laws meant to protect sensitive information and put the country’s national security at risk.


Attorneys for Assange haven’t responded to requests for comment.

In a statement posted on X, WikiLeaks said Assange boarded a plane and departed Monday after leaving the British prison where he has spent the last five years. WikiLeaks applauded the announcement of the deal, saying it was grateful for “all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom.”

“WikiLeaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption and human rights abuses, holding the powerful accountable for their actions. As editor-in-chief, Julian paid severely for these principles, and for the people’s right to know,” WikiLeaks said.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who has been lobbying for the United States to end its prosecution of Assange, told Parliament that an Australian envoy had flown with Assange from London.

“Regardless of the views that people have about Mr. Assange’s activities, the case has dragged on for too long. There’s nothing to be gained by his continued incarceration and we want him brought home to Australia,” Albanese added.


The deal ensures Assange will admit guilt while also sparing him from additional prison time. He had spent years hiding in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London after Swedish authorities sought his arrest on rape allegations before being locked up in the United Kingdom.

Assange is expected to be sentenced to the five years he has already spent in the British prison while fighting extradition to the U.S. to face charges, a process that has played out in a series of hearings in London. Last month, he won the right to appeal an extradition order after his lawyers argued that the U.S. government provided “blatantly inadequate” assurances that he would have the same free speech protections as an American citizen if extradited from Britain.


Buildings are reflected in the window as WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is taken from court, where he appeared on charges, Wednesday May 1, 2019 of jumping British bail seven years ago, in London. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham, File)


Assange has been heralded by many around the world as a hero who brought to light military wrongdoing in Iraq and Afghanistan. Among the files published by WikiLeaks was a video of a 2007 Apache helicopter attack by American forces in Baghdad that killed 11 people, including two Reuters journalists.

But his reputation was also tarnished by rape allegations, which he has denied.

The Justice Department’s indictment unsealed in 2019 accused Assange of encouraging and helping U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning steal diplomatic cables and military files that WikiLeaks published in 2010. Prosecutors had accused Assange of damaging national security by publishing documents that harmed the U.S. and its allies and aided its adversaries.

Prosecutors said in a charging document filed in connection with the plea agreement that Assange conspired with Manning to receive and obtain documents, notes and other writings related to the national defense and to “willfully communicate” those records. The document takes care to note that Assange was “not a United States citizen, did not possess a U.S. security clearance, and did not have authorization to possess, access, or control documents, writings, or notes relating to the national defense of the United States, including classified information.”

The case was lambasted by press advocates and Assange supporters. Federal prosecutors defended it as targeting conduct that went way beyond that of a journalist gathering information, amounting to an attempt to solicit, steal and indiscriminately publish classified government documents.


The plea agreement comes months after President Joe Biden said he was considering a request from Australia to drop the U.S. push to prosecute Assange. The White House was not involved in the decision to resolve Assange’s case, according to a White House official who was not authorized to speak publicly about the case and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

Assange made headlines in 2016 after his website published Democratic emails that prosecutors say were stolen by Russian intelligence operatives. He was never charged in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, but the inquiry laid bare in stark detail the role that the hacking operation played in interfering in that year’s election on behalf of then-Republican candidate Donald Trump.

During the Obama administration, Justice Department officials mulled charges for Assange but were unsure a case would hold up in court and were concerned it could be hard to justify prosecuting him for acts similar to those of a conventional journalist.

The posture changed in the Trump administration, however, with former Attorney General Jeff Sessions in 2017 calling Assange’s arrest a priority.

Assange’s family and supporters have said his physical and mental health have suffered during more than a decade of legal battles.


Assange took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in 2012 and was granted political asylum after courts in England ruled he should be extradited to Sweden as part of a rape investigation in the Scandinavian country. He was arrested by British police after Ecuador’s government withdrew his asylum status in 2019 and then jailed for skipping bail when he first took shelter inside the embassy.

Although Sweden eventually dropped its sex crimes investigation because so much time had elapsed, Assange had remained in London’s high-security Belmarsh Prison during the extradition battle with the U.S.


Tucker reported from Fort Pierce, Florida and Durkin Richer from Washington. Associated Press writer Colleen Long in Washington contributed to this report.

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Iran's young voters navigate presidential race shaped by 2022 clashes



Iran's young voters navigate presidential race shaped by 2022 clashes
  • For young voters in Iran, the memories of the 2022 clashes against rulers have shaped the upcoming presidential race.
  • All six candidates have targeted youth voters through social media, recognizing their role in Iran’s political future.
  • The memory of the 2022 protests continues to influence Iranian youth, shaping their outlook on governance and political participation.

Atousa joined angry protests against Iran’s rulers in 2022 that loyalists like Reza helped crush. Two years on, the two young Iranians’ political views remain at odds, reflecting a rift that will shape the outcome of presidential elections this week.

Now 22, Atousa says she will abstain from voting in Friday’s ballot to choose a successor to Ebrahim Raisi after his death in a helicopter crash, regarding the exercise with derision.

But Reza, 26, a religiously devout member of the hardline Basij militia, intends to vote, a contrasting view of the worth of the election that underscores the division in Iran between supporters and opponents of the 45-year-old Islamic Republic.


All six candidates – five hardliners and a low-key moderate approved by a hardline watchdog body – have been wooing youthful voters in speeches and campaign messages, using social media to reach the 60% of the 85 million population aged under 30.

People light a fire during a protest over the death of Mahsa Amini, a woman who died after being arrested by the Islamic republic’s “morality police”, in Tehran, Iran, on Sept. 21, 2022. (West Asia News Agency)


“This election, like all elections in Iran, is a circus. Why should I vote when I want the regime to be toppled?,” Atousa told Reuters. She declined to be identified by her full name for security reasons.

“Even if it was a free and fair election and if all candidates could enter the race, the president in Iran has no power,” she said.

The hashtag #ElectionCircus has been widely posted on social media platform X by Iranians in the past few weeks, while some Iranians at home and abroad have called for an election boycott.


Under Iran’s clerical system, the elected president runs the government day-to-day but his powers are circumscribed by those of the hardline supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the last word on top issues such as nuclear and foreign policy.



Like many women and young Iranians, Atousa joined protests in 2022 sparked by the death of a young Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini, in police custody, following her arrest for allegedly violating Iran’s mandatory Islamic dress code.

The unrest spiraled into the biggest show of opposition to Iran’s clerical rulers in years.

Atousa, then a student, was arrested during the protests and her dream of becoming an architect was shattered when she was expelled from university as a punishment for participating in the demonstrations.

The Basij, a plain-clothes arm of the elite Revolutionary Guards, deployed alongside uniformed security during the 2022 unrest and helped suppress demonstrations with deadly force.

Over 500 people including 71 minors were killed in the protests, hundreds injured and thousands arrested in unrest that was eventually crushed by security forces, rights groups said.


Iran carried out seven executions linked to the unrest. Authorities have not given any official estimated death toll, but said dozens of security forces were killed in “riots”.

An Iranian pro-government woman holds the Iranian flag

An Iranian pro-government woman holds the Iranian flag during a rally against the recent protest gatherings in Iran, after the Friday prayer ceremony in Tehran, Iran, on Sept. 23, 2022. (Majid Asgaripour/West Asia News Agency)

“I will sacrifice my life for the leader and the Islamic Republic. It is my religious duty to vote. My participation will strengthen the Nezam (system),” said Reza, from the low-income Nazi Abad district in south Tehran.

Reza said he will support a hardline candidate who champions Khamenei’s “resistance economy”, a phrase meaning economic self-sufficiency, strengthening trade ties with regional neighbors and improving economic interaction with China and Russia.

The economy is beset by mismanagement, state corruption and sanctions reimposed since 2018 after the U.S. ditched Tehran’s 2015 nuclear pact with six world powers.


Reza and Atousa, both born after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, have regrets about the 2022 demonstrations, albeit for different reasons.

Reza blames the protests for bringing mounting pressure on Iran from Western countries, which imposed sanctions on Iranian security forces and officials for alleged human rights abuses. Iran accused Western powers of fomenting the unrest.

“I wish the protests had not taken place … our enemies used it as a pretext to mount pressure on our country,” he said.

Atousa looks back on that period with sadness.

“I was hopeful,” she said. “I thought finally the change will come and I will be able to live a life with no suppression in a free country … I paid a heavy price, but the regime is still here.”


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The Take: Will France’s election gamble pay off for Macron – or backfire?



The Take: Will France’s election gamble pay off for Macron – or backfire?


French President Emmanuel Macron has called a snap election. Could he be setting himself up for defeat?

Following a European Union election victory for France’s far-right, French President Emmanuel Macron decided to dissolve parliament. Now, France is facing a snap election and voting begins on June 30. With the far-right National Rally projected to win, what will the future of France look like?

In this episode: 

  • Tristan Redman (@TristanAJE), Al Jazeera senior producer and host of the award-winning investigative podcast Ghost Story

Episode credits:

This episode was produced by David Enders, and Duha Mosaad, with Amy Walters, Chloe K Li, Mohammed Zain Shafi Khan, Manahil Naveed and our host, Natasha Del Toro, in for Malika Bilal. 

Our sound designer is Alex Roldan. Our lead of audience development and engagement is Aya Elmileik. Munera Al Dosari and Adam Abou-Gad are our engagement producers.

Alexandra Locke is The Take’s executive producer and Ney Alvarez is Al Jazeera’s head of audio.

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