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Lakebed dust is a worry in Utah. In California, it’s already a problem



Lakebed dust is a worry in Utah. In California, it’s already a problem

Sitting on the couch next to his mom inside their mobile home in Mecca, California, 5-year-old Ruben Mandujano lets out a gurgled cough while playing on a tablet. The phlegm stuck in his throat is noticeable. But the constant cough is something he’s used to.

His mother, Rosa Mandujano said he came down with some kind of illness about “eight out of the 12 months of the year” when he was younger. Now, after various surgeries, an asthma diagnosis, medications and a nebulizer, Mandujano estimates her son is sick “five months out of the 12.”

The family has grown accustomed to the frequent infections. Both of their children suffer from asthma. A cupboard in their kitchen is dedicated to dozens of over-the-counter and prescription drugs.

Mandujano said her son’s problems get worse when the air quality is awful – another common issue for Coachella and Imperial Valley residents. Mecca, where the Mandujano family lives, is enveloped by agricultural fields and a short distance from the north shore of the declining Salton Sea, a saline lake facing similar turmoil as Utah’s Great Salt Lake.


Dust storms have become the norm being so close to agricultural fields and the Salton Sea, she said. Winds reaching 75 miles per hour whip through predominantly low-income and immigrant communities. The dust gets so bad, Mandujano said, that “you can’t see what’s in front of you.”

Kristin Murphy


Deseret News

Dust lingers after OHVs drove by in West Shores, Calif., on Friday, Dec. 15, 2023.

With the exposed Salton Sea lakebed and the loose dirt and pesticides from the surrounding fields, Mandujano said it’s rare to find a Coachella Valley resident who doesn’t suffer from allergies or asthma. But the impact of the bad air quality and dust storms is worse for some, like Ruben.

“His asthma and his allergies combine, it’s a ticking bomb for him,” Mandujano said. “He says that everything hurts. His ears hurt, his eyes hurt, his nose hurts. He doesn’t even want to get touched.”

When the phlegm won’t leave his throat, Ruben has to use a nebulizer, which circulates well-known asthma medications like Albuterol or Pulmicort through a mask. Mandujano said she hooks her son up to the nebulizer about 121 times a year.

“He hates it because it makes him throw up because it gathers all of the phlegm,” Mandujano said. “He knows he’s going to start throwing up. So he just says, ‘Mommy, I don’t like this,’ and keeps trying to take it off.”

While Rosa Mandujano fights to keep her family healthy, California state leaders, scientists and community advocates are trying to identify solutions to clean up the air, especially as it pertains to the dust accumulated from the Salton Sea. Like Great Salt Lake, there are toxins in the sediment of the exposed lake bed.


Charlie Diamond, University of California, Riverside, Earth and Planetary Sciences Department academic coordinator, talks about the Salton Sea during an interview in front of hay bales used for dust mitigation by Bombay Beach, Calif., on Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023.

Kristin Murphy


Deseret News

Charlie Diamond, University of California, Riverside, Earth and Planetary Sciences Department academic coordinator, talks about the Salton Sea during an interview in front of hay bales used for dust mitigation by Bombay Beach, Calif., on Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023.

Scattered near the roughly 27,000 acres of exposed Salton Sea playa are lines of hay bales.


Charlie Diamond, a researcher with the Salton Sea Task Force at the University of California Riverside, said it’s a “dust suppression project” aimed to “break up the flow of air right at the ground level.” The goal, Diamond said, is for the hay bales to “suppress the dust production or emission.”

During high wind events, Diamond said toxins and other sediments like gypsum and salt get “blown around in the surrounding communities, [and] causes a lot of problems with respiratory health, especially in young folks.”

Usually, Diamond said, the hay bales are planted with native vegetation, which the shoreline severely lacks. That acts as another dust suppressant. But “these projects are really contingent on some external source of freshwater,” Diamond added, and that’s the crux of the issue – in the arid climate, there isn’t enough fresh water making its way to the Salton Sea to begin with.

With an exorbitant amount of dried lakebed, it’s unlikely hay bales will prevent all the dust from pummeling community members.

“That’s not a solution, it’s a band-aid,” Diamond said.


Local officials are working on other remedies. The Imperial Irrigation District, which oversees the hay bale projects, is also planting and germinating natural vegetation near the shoreline. Environmental specialist Ross Wilson said the district is using groundwater to hydrate the plants.

Hay bales used for dust mitigation in a Salton Sea Management Program project are pictured on approximately 68 acres near Bombay Beach, Calif., on Monday, Dec. 11, 2023. Some corresponding seeding to establish vegetation was attempted during last year’s rains, but further planting is on hold until a water source is confirmed.

Kristin Murphy


Deseret News

Hay bales used for dust mitigation in a Salton Sea Management Program project are pictured on approximately 68 acres near Bombay Beach, Calif., on Monday, Dec. 11, 2023. Some corresponding seeding to establish vegetation was attempted during last year’s rains, but further planting is on hold until a water source is confirmed.

Wilson said there isn’t a way to “necessarily make less dust,” the hope is the natural vegetation “catches the dust” like the hay bales and results in better air quality.

The agency also uses a Portable In-Situ Wind ERosion Lab, also known as a PI-SWERL, to figure out what exactly is in the dust. The device, which resembles an industrial floor polisher, replicates wind speeds and collects air quality measurements. Wilson added it also tracks which areas produce the most emissions.

“No one has the money to just mitigate the entire sea. So if we can dial down which areas actually are emissive and which areas are the problem, then we can really nail down our resources to those specific areas,” he said.

If more water isn’t funneled into the Salton Sea, the Imperial Irrigation District predicts upward of 70,000 acres of bare lakebed within the next 10 years.

Utah’s Great Salt Lake is up against the same fate as the Salton Sea when it comes to dust.


Ross Wilson, Imperial Irrigation District environmental specialist, poses for a portrait with a PI-SWERL, which stands for Portable In-Situ Wind ERosion Lab, in Salton City, Calif., on Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2023.

Kristin Murphy


Deseret News

Ross Wilson, Imperial Irrigation District environmental specialist, poses for a portrait with a PI-SWERL, which stands for Portable In-Situ Wind ERosion Lab, in Salton City, Calif., on Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2023.

Great Salt Lake Commissioner Brian Steed noted in the state’s first Great Salt Lake Strategic Plan that the lake’s low water levels are increasing dust emissions. He added the accumulation from the estimated 800 square miles of the exposed lake bed poses a public health risk and is causing snow to melt approximately 17 days sooner than normal.


Steed told KUER’s RadioWest that he believes dust from Great Salt Lake is “going to be the hardest one [problem] to solve.”

“When you have an exposed lake bed that weathers over time, which has happened over years, you see additional dust days and problems with PM 2.5 and PM 10,” he said. “And we know that we’ve had a problem [with air quality] along the Wasatch Front especially.”

The Utah Office of Legislative Auditor General highlighted in the Great Salt Lake Strategic Plan that it would cost a minimum of $1.5 billion to keep the lake’s dust at bay, along with $15 million each year for ongoing maintenance.

Steed recognizes the price tag associated with dust mitigation. In an ideal world, “the lowest cost alternative” is lifting Great Salt Lake’s water levels so the crust “keeps that dust in place.”


Rosa Mandujano shows a cupboard full of medicine related to her two children’s asthma at their home near the Salton Sea and Mecca, California, on Thursday, Dec. 14, 2023.

Kristin Murphy


Deseret News

Rosa Mandujano shows a cupboard full of medicine related to her two children’s asthma at their home near the Salton Sea and Mecca, California, on Thursday, Dec. 14, 2023.

Utah is just beginning to grapple with its looming dust problem, but for Rosa Mandujano in California, the dust is enough to make her contemplate if it’s worth staying in her hometown. Her two kids love to be outdoors, but the air quality often triggers adverse reactions, especially for Ruben, forcing them to remain inside.

“I’ve talked to my husband and said if we get a good job opportunity and we would have to move out of the state, I mean, let’s go,” Mandujano said. “I know it’s scary because my family’s here. All his family’s here, but I’ve seen friends done it. It’s nothing out of the world. You have to start somewhere.”


KSLTV5’s Alex Cabrero contributed to this report

Copyright 2024 KUER 90.1

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Grand County Sheriff: Search for missing Moab couple changes from ‘rescue’ to ‘recovery’



Grand County Sheriff: Search for missing Moab couple changes from ‘rescue’ to ‘recovery’

MOAB, Utah (ABC4) — The search for a missing Moab couple has officially transitioned from a ‘rescue’ mission to a ‘recovery’ one, according to Grand County Sheriff Jamison Wiggins.

Ray and Maranda Ankofski have been missing since June 21 after they traveled the Steel Bender off-road trail in Grand County. A search for the couple began after they didn’t return on time and their vehicle was reported as abandoned.

The son of the couple, Raymond Ankofski told earlier this week officials were planning to scale back their response at the end of the week because of the costs associated with the search efforts. According to a press release from Grand County Sheriff’s Office, as of Tuesday, eight agencies were involved in the search.

“Despite exhaustive efforts, including the use of advanced search techniques and resources, Ray and Maranda Ankofski have not been located,” stated a press release from Wiggins. “The decision to transition from a search and rescue mission to a recovery was made based on evidence at the scene during the operation.”


In the days following their disappearance, the couple’s children started a fundraiser via GoFundMe, with the initial goal of raising $25,000 — but Raymond Ankofski explained the money would not be for the family.

“The money is going towards the search and rescue to bring my parents back, and to find my parents,” Rauymond Ankofski said.

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Utah gets $20 million for transportation and traffic light technology



Utah gets $20 million for transportation and traffic light technology

The Federal Highway Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation has announced a $20 million grant to Utah.

Drivers of snow plows, public transportation buses, and other government-operated vehicles are using technology that can direct traffic lights to change in order to improve safety and travel time.

Under the “Saving Lives and Connectivity: Accelerating V2X Deployment” program, Utah will receive $20 million of the $60 million that is aimed to improve vehicle technologies. The other $40 million will go to Texas and Arizona.

“Connecting vehicles and infrastructure is a great way for us to be able to take advantage of technology to help improve safety and other outcomes. And Utah’s DOT has been a leader in this space for a long time,” Shailen Bhatt, US Federal Highway Administrator said.


UDOT will use this $20 million to fund projects in Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming, where each state represents different population concentrations and transportation facilities.

Bhatt says protecting personal private information can be one of the challenges when using these types of technology.

“So we will want people to understand what is being exchanged is called a basic safety message of DSM. The vehicle is going to report to the intersection that I’m approaching, and the intersection is going to report back ‘oh, the light is about to turn red or my light is red’, but it’s all anonymous data,” Bhatt said.

The technology is being used in Salt Lake City, where travel time reliability and bus performance have improved.

“It is unequivocal that when you deploy technology, we are able to reduce crashes, we’re able to reduce congestion, we’re able to reduce the amount of time people sit in traffic, and the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from our system. And we look forward to more investments being made on the basis of the data that we get from this initial deployment,” Bhatt said.


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As the Youth Group Hiked, First Came the Rain. Then Came the Lightning



As the Youth Group Hiked, First Came the Rain. Then Came the Lightning

Seven members of a youth group hiking in Utah were transported to hospitals on Thursday after lightning struck the ground near them. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints youth group from Salina, Utah, were in the eastern part of Sevier County around 1:45pm local time when a light rain began and the lightning hit, Sevier County Sheriff Nathan Curtis said in a statement. “Approximately 50 youth felt the shock of the lightning,” Curtis said, adding that seven of the young people had “medical concerns due to the electrocution,” per the AP.

Two of the victims had serious symptoms and were flown by helicopter to Primary Children’s Hospital in Lehi, Utah. Five others were transported by ambulance to Sevier Valley Hospital in Richfield and Gunnison Valley Hospital in Gunnison, Curtis said. None of the injuries were considered life-threatening, according to Curtis, who said the other hikers were returned to their families in Salina, about 140 miles south of Salt Lake City. (A man trying to warn kids was killed by a lightning strike on a New Jersey beach.)


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