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Seattle, WA

Diehard Fans Give Seattle Seahawks a Home-Field Advantage—in Germany



Diehard Fans Give Seattle Seahawks a Home-Field Advantage—in Germany

Like many Germans,

Lukas Spiess

loves soccer. Like quite a bit fewer Germans, he means the American sort, and the Seattle Seahawks particularly.

He likes the Seahawks a lot that he flew practically 5,200 miles from Stuttgart to Seattle to absorb the spectacle of his group’s season opener in September.


“It’s very totally different from the classical European sports activities occasion,” he mentioned, pointing to extravagant pregame tailgating and opposing followers commingling within the stands. “Perhaps there’s a little bit of smack speak,” he mentioned, “however very not often are there ever bodily altercations.”

Soccer reigns supreme throughout Europe, however increasingly more Germans are enduring a five-or-more hour time distinction to observe American soccer and the Seahawks are their group. They also have a German Sea Hawkers fan membership.

This Sunday, Mr. Spiess and his fellow German fanatics will benefit from the Nationwide Soccer League’s first-ever regular-season recreation in Germany when the Seahawks tackle the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The Buccaneers are technically the house group, but when the German Sea Hawkers membership has its manner, its group will take the turf at Munich’s 75,000-seat Allianz Enviornment with one thing of a home-field benefit.


German fan Lukas Spiess on the Seahawks’ season opener in Seattle.


Patrick Dinger

The NFL has hosted regular-season video games since 2007 within the U.Ok., the place the Seahawks are also common. After a 2018 matchup there towards the then-Oakland Raiders, Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll mentioned it “felt like a house recreation.”

How did the Seahawks wind up with so many European followers? The NFL’s European advertising and marketing push spanned a decade when the Seahawks have been stringing collectively deep playoff runs with a colourful and charismatic group of stars that then included operating again

Marshawn Lynch

and cornerback


Richard Sherman.

On the similar time, German TV station ProSieben Maxx was providing free telecasts of extra video games.

In January 2014,

Daniel Humburg,

then a pupil, was flipping via channels when he got here throughout the Seahawks’ first postseason recreation in what turned their march to the Tremendous Bowl.


“I’m in my room, watching a sport I don’t perceive, and I’m fully into it,” he recalled. He stayed up watching till about 5 a.m., two hours earlier than courses started.

Some German followers started rooting for the Seahawks years in the past when operating again Marshawn Lynch, pictured in 2019, was a star.


Alika Jenner/Getty Photos

He was transfixed by a operating again nicknamed Beast Mode. “It was Marshawn Lynch bursting via D-lines like they have been little youngsters,” mentioned Mr. Humburg, now finding out to change into a high-school instructor.

Max Länge,


a Leipzig resident, suspects he was the primary particular person in Germany to personal Mr. Lynch’s jersey. He mentioned he was received over to the Seahawks by the “swagger” of Mr. Sherman and the remainder of their trash-talking defensive secondary, generally known as the “Legion of Growth,” throughout that run to a 2014 Tremendous Bowl victory.

Max Länge, founding father of the German Sea Hawkers fan membership, at a recreation in Seattle in 2013.


Max Länge

Mr. Länge gathered about 15 fellow followers later that 12 months and utilized to create a German chapter of the Sea Hawkers, a semiofficial booster membership that already had a foothold within the U.Ok.

The group turned a vanguard of Germany’s American soccer zeitgeist, as new followers gravitated towards the very best groups, corresponding to Seattle and the New England Patriots. “Nobody would change into a Browns fan,” Mr. Länge mentioned, referencing the chronically unsuccessful Cleveland franchise.


The German Sea Hawkers have grown to extra 1,800 than members. A digital media arm reaches extra with German-language evaluation and merchandise. Group-specific podcasts and different social-media pages have sprouted lately as streaming choices for video games have expanded.

Nonetheless, the Seahawks are removed from a family identify, mentioned

Simon Kell,

an information-technology skilled who lives outdoors of Düsseldorf. “Most Germans don’t know the place Seattle is in the US,” he mentioned.


A gathering of the German Sea Hawkers in Wiesbaden, Germany, final November.


Christopher Mettken

Mr. Kell visited New Orleans final month to observe the Seahawks play. He likes the X’s and O’s of soccer technique, in addition to the tradition round it: anthem singing, flag waving and occasional flyovers by jet fighters. “Every little thing is greater,” he mentioned.

When tickets went on sale for the Munich recreation, Mr. Kell discovered himself behind about 600,000 different followers with a web based vendor. “I used to be fortunate that I had mates who received tickets,” he mentioned, including that he would have coughed up 500 euros, or practically $500 a seat. Tickets have since offered in resale markets for hundreds apiece.


Tom Lang has been a Seahawks fan since residing close to Seattle as a part of a high-school trade program.


Dave Fleming

As out-of-town followers descend on Munich, air-traffic controller

Tom Lang,

who lives outdoors the town, plans to function an area information. “I’m getting concerned in all types of loopy stuff occurring,” he mentioned.

Mr. Lang has been a Seahawks fan since 1986, when he lived close to Seattle as a part of a high-school trade program. A season ticket-holder for six years, he visits Seattle recurrently to attend video games with a buddy, promoting or making a gift of unused tickets.

The German Sea Hawkers have offered greater than 800 tickets for a celebration at a Munich beer corridor the night earlier than kickoff. An Instagram publish promoting the occasion describes it as a “Heimspeil Celebration,” or home-game occasion, with conventional wheat beer and Bavarian delicacies.


Mr. Länge, the Leipzig resident who based the German Sea Hawkers, mentioned the gathering will probably be a fruits of years spent making an attempt to carry followers in his nation collectively.

“I will probably be there, watching folks and smiling, and shedding some tears,” he mentioned. “It’s simply what I dreamed of.”

Seahawks vast receiver Tyler Lockett throughout a recreation in October.


Steph Chambers/Getty Photos

Write to David Uberti at


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Seattle, WA

Vice President Kamala Harris headlines two Seattle fundraising events for Biden Victory Fund



Vice President Kamala Harris headlines two Seattle fundraising events for Biden Victory Fund

It has­n’t been a month since Pres­i­dent Biden head­lined two fundrais­ing recep­tions in the Seat­tle area and already Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris has done the same. 

Mon­ey is the moth­er’s milk of pol­i­tics, the say­ing goes, and pres­i­den­tial cam­paigns in this day and age demand a lot of it. Accord­ing­ly, the entire pur­pose of Har­ris’ quick trip up from Cal­i­for­nia to the Pacif­ic North­west was fundrais­ing. She stepped off Air Force Two, zipped over to West Seat­tle for one recep­tion, then prompt­ly left for a sec­ond in down­town Seat­tle, then swift­ly returned to Boe­ing Field for a flight back to California.

Unlike their pre­de­ces­sors, the Biden-Har­ris admin­is­tra­tion allows the press to send a rep­re­sen­ta­tive to these closed-door cam­paign fundrais­ing events. For this trip, The Seat­tle Times’ Claire With­y­combe was tasked with send­ing reg­u­lar updates (known in media par­lance as pool reports) to the White House press corps. 

In her first dis­patch, she described the scene where she await­ed Har­ris’ arrival: “The home where the fundrais­er is being held is on a qui­et street in West Seat­tle. The VP’s vis­it has gen­er­at­ed some excite­ment among the neigh­bors, but as of 3 PM, there were no crowds on the near­by block. Guests are stand­ing and chat­ting in the back­yard of the home, which has an impres­sive, panoram­ic view of Puget Sound. A few boats are glid­ing through the water. Guests stand near cock­tail height tables cov­ered in pale green table­cloths. I am in the garage, where cater­ing staff are prepar­ing and send­ing out an array of savory appe­tiz­ers, includ­ing crab cakes, short­rib and hon­eyed feta toast.”


At 4:02 PM, with motor­cy­cles rum­bling, Har­ris’ motor­cade pulled up at the home of Melis­sa and Peter Evans, to cheers from the neigh­bors. Har­ris waved to them on her way into the fundrais­er. About a half hour lat­er, she began her observ­able remarks.

Har­ris told the small gath­er­ing of donors that the stakes of the elec­tion are high and momen­tum is on the Biden campaign’s side.

“In this re-elect, lis­ten, guys, we’re gonna win,” Har­ris said. “We may have bloody knuck­les when it’s over, but we’re gonna win and our coun­try is worth fight­ing for.”

Har­ris added that this piv­otal 2024 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion is not about what team you’re root­ing for but “what kind of coun­try we want to live in.”

“We believe in the promise of Amer­i­ca,” she said. “And we know that in order for us to achieve that promise and make it real we have to fight for it.”


Har­ris empha­sized that the out­come of the elec­tion will impact peo­ple around the world. She warned that if Trump is elect­ed and Con­gress passed a nation­al abor­tion ban, Trump would sign it, where­as Biden would veto a nation­al ban. She tout­ed the Biden admin­is­tra­tion’s work to cap insulin costs for seniors and called the con­trast between the pri­or regime and the Biden admin­is­tra­tion “extreme.”

Har­ris’ remarks last­ed for a lit­tle less than thir­teen minutes.

Not long after that, around 5 PM, the motor­cade was rolling again. Peo­ple lined the blocks near the fundrais­er, hold­ing cell phones and waving.

With roads closed to accom­mo­date the motor­cade, the trip down­town took less than twen­ty min­utes, about the same length of time that the trip to West Seat­tle took. For­tu­nate­ly for Seat­tle Mariners fans attend­ing the sec­ond to last game of the home­s­tand, first pitch had already been thrown an hour before­hand and the Mariners were on their way to a 9–0 vic­to­ry over the Los Ange­les Angels of Anaheim. 

Har­ris’ entourage pulled up to the West­in around 5:16 PM. 


Har­ris’ observ­able remarks began around 5:40 PM. She spoke from a podi­um with Amer­i­can and Wash­ing­ton State flags behind her. Her audi­ence for this sec­ond Vic­to­ry Fund recep­tion num­bered about one hun­dred and twen­ty peo­ple.

The Vice Pres­i­dent repeat­ed sev­er­al of the same com­ments from ear­li­er in the day at the Evans­es’ home about the high stakes of the elec­tion, oth­er coun­tries look­ing to the Unit­ed States as a role mod­el, the neces­si­ty of defend­ing repro­duc­tive rights, and cap­ping the costs of insulin for seniors. 

But at this recep­tion she also dis­cussed the Biden administration’s work on the econ­o­my, cit­ing “his­toric” low employ­ment and new man­u­fac­tur­ing jobs.

She char­ac­ter­ized the choice as super clear, declar­ing that many things in the world and in the coun­try are “com­plex and nuanced” but Novem­ber of ‘24 is “bina­ry.”

“There’s two choic­es. And let’s be clear, if you pull up the split screen, what we’re look­ing at,” Har­ris said. “On one side, you’ve got a for­mer pres­i­dent who open­ly prais­es dic­ta­tors and said he’d be a dic­ta­tor on day one, who has essen­tial­ly said he will weaponize the Depart­ment of Jus­tice against his ene­mies, polit­i­cal ene­mies, who has open­ly talked about how proud he is of what he did in undo­ing the pro­tec­tions of Roe v. Wade.”


“On the oth­er side, you have Joe Biden and our admin­is­tra­tion, which has done trans­for­ma­tive work, which the his­to­ry books, if not the pun­dit­ry right now, will show has been his­toric in terms of what we have done to strength­en and grow the Amer­i­can econ­o­my and invest in the future of our nation.”

The Vice Pres­i­dent also addressed the issue of med­ical debt, say­ing that it affects so many peo­ple and it’s usu­al­ly incurred because of a med­ical emergency.

“What we are say­ing that med­ical debt can­not be used in your cred­it score,” she said.

Har­ris’ remarks were inter­rupt­ed on two sep­a­rate occa­sions by pro­test­ers opposed to Israel’s mil­i­tary oper­a­tions in the Gaza Strip. 

The first, in a red shirt, stood up and yelled what sound­ed to With­y­combe like “Chil­dren are being buried in Rafah,” then was escort­ed out of the room.


“I appre­ci­ate your right to express what is right­ly a con­cern… we are work­ing to end this war as soon as pos­si­ble. Thank you, thank you, thank you,” said Harris. 

After the pro­test­er left, she said: “And that’s why we’re fight­ing for our democ­ra­cy. That’s exact­ly why we’re fight­ing for our democracy.”

Soon after, a sec­ond pro­tes­tor stood up and said: “Vice Pres­i­dent, when will you stop send­ing weapons to Israel?”

“Thank you, I’m talk­ing now,” Har­ris said as the pro­tes­tor kept try­ing to interrupt.

“You can stop this geno­cide Vice Pres­i­dent, you can stop this geno­cide,” the pro­tes­tor assert­ed. They were also removed from the reception.


The Vice Pres­i­den­t’s remarks last­ed around nine­teen min­utes and con­clud­ed at 6 PM.

Har­ris returned to Boe­ing Field short­ly there­after, con­clud­ing her trip to Seattle. 

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Seattle, WA

Crawford's slam, Miller's arm help Seattle Mariners thump Angels



Crawford's slam, Miller's arm help Seattle Mariners thump Angels

SEATTLE (AP) — J.P. Crawford hit a grand slam, Bryce Miller struck out nine in six smooth innings and the Seattle Mariners beat the Los Angeles Angels 9-0 on Saturday.

Seattle Mariners 9, Los Angeles Angels 0: Box Score

Miller (5-5) allowed just three hits for the Mariners, who lead the AL West on June 1 for the first time since 2003. They have won seven straight home series and six of their last seven games overall. Seattle (33-27) is a season-high six games over .500.

“That was a fun ballgame, it really was,” manager Scott Servais said.


Seattle got nine hits, including three from Julio Rodríguez, and two home runs — a day after firing bench coach and offensive coordinator Brant Brown.

“I think we’re just freeing things up,” Servais said, “and I know that it’s been a point of emphasis over the last couple of days. Let’s free these players up, let’s talk about and really focus on what they do well and playing to their strengths.”

Miller gave up leadoff singles in the first and second, but after switching up his strategy to throw more four-seam fastballs and breaking pitches, he allowed just one more hit and never permitted a runner past second base.

“Yeah, like, the second inning, I don’t know where the fastball went, but I lost it,” Miller said.

“I guess it fell out of my pocket or something, but we found it between innings.”


It was the second-year right-hander’s 11th career game with six or more innings and three or fewer hits allowed, and the ninth time this season he’s held an opponent to two or fewer earned runs. His eight quality starts bring the Mariners’ major league-leading total to 36.

Three relievers finished a six-hitter. Seattle is 29-12 when its starters pitch six or more innings.

Angels starter Reid Detmers (3-6) set up Crawford’s fourth-inning slam, a line drive to right field, with a pair of walks that loaded the bases. He yielded four hits and five earned runs with three strikeouts and four walks in 3 2/3 innings.

Video: Seattle Mariners SS J.P Crawford belts grand slam vs Angels

After the game, Detmers was demoted to Triple-A Salt Lake.


While not known for his power, Crawford is known for his confidence, and the shortstop had little doubt he would produce runs in his fourth-inning at-bat. He’s batting .650 with three grand slams and 34 RBIs with the bases loaded since the start of 2023.

“I was just trying to be quick to the ball and not do too much,” Crawford said. “He threw me (a curveball) on the previous at-bat before and I got a feel for it, then just reacted and it went over. Thankfully, the roof was closed.”

Cal Raleigh hit a two-run double to cap a four-run sixth. Luke Raley had a solo homer and Rodríguez added his second RBI single of the game. The star center fielder has reached base safely in eight straight games after a slow start.



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Seattle, WA

4 people, including 2 juveniles, hurt in Seattle shootings Saturday



4 people, including 2 juveniles, hurt in Seattle shootings Saturday

The Seattle Police Department (SPD) is investigating two separate shootings that took place early Saturday. In the first, two juveniles were injured in a drive-by shooting in Downtown Seattle. Several hours later, a male and female were shot during a gunfight in the city’s Yesler Terrace neighborhood.

Seattle shootings: 2 juvenile males injured in drive-by incident

In the first of two Seattle shootings, SPD said it is investigating after two boys were injured in a drive-by incident downtown early Saturday, according to a blog post on the department’s SPD Blotter.

At 1:11 a.m., officers responded to 911 call in the 300 block of Pike Street reporting multiple shots fired and people running.

The officers on the scene found discovered two “juvenile males” suffering from gunshot wounds, the SPD Blotter states. The Seattle Fire Department (SFD) then arrived and provided medical aid to the shooting victims.


Both of the young victims were then transported to Harborview Medical Center to receive additional treatment. One was in serious condition while the other was in serious condition.

The circumstances leading up to the shooting remain under investigation and no suspects have been taken into custody, the department wrote in its post.

More from the crime blotter: Man killed, another injured after Queen Anne park stabbing incident

Man, woman shot during Yesler Terrace gunfight

SPD also is conducting an investigation after a man and a woman were shot during a gunfight in the city’s Yesler Terrace neighborhood Saturday morning, a separate blog post on the department’s SPD Blotter explains.

Officers responded to multiple 911 calls at 5:01 a.m. reporting that shots fired and vehicles speeding away near 12th Avenue South and South Main Street.


The officers who arrived at the scene found evidence of a shootout including various calibers of shell casings, blood, multiple vehicles and a building struck by gunshots, the SPD Blotter post states.

While investigating, two victims, a man and a woman both in their 20s, were brought to the emergency room at Harborview Medical Center suffering from gunshot wounds.

According to the the SPD Blotter post, members of the department went on to determine that two groups of people were shooting at each other with rifles and handguns on South Main Street from Borren Avenue South to the east side of the Yesler Terrace Hillclimb.

What led to the shooting remains under investigation and no suspects have yet been taken into custody, SPD reported. The department did say a vehicle was seized as evidence.

If anyone has information about either incident and the crimes committed, they are asked to call the SPD Violent Crime Tip Line at (206) 233-5000, or Crime Stoppers of Puget Sound at 1-800-222-TIPS.


Steve Coogan is the lead editor of MyNorthwest. You can read more of his stories here. Follow Steve on X, or email him here.

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