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San Diego City Council passes resolution supporting striking hotel workers



San Diego City Council passes resolution supporting striking hotel workers

In a largely symbolic move, the San Diego City Council on Tuesday threw their overwhelming support behind the more than 700 hotel workers on strike at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront.

In a 7-0 vote, they approved a resolution that calls for a “fair and just” conclusion of the dispute that has embroiled the workers and the Hilton San Diego Bayfront hotel since Aug. 31, when the last contract expired.

The resolution accords no funds or resources to support the workers or their cause. But it sends a message of solidarity with workers as the strike pushes into its third week.

One by one, every council member present spoke about fairness and the courage it takes to strike. They lamented the long distances some workers have to commute to their jobs at San Diego hotels and they said it’s tough to need work two jobs to make ends meet.


Roughly 700 unionized hotel workers are striking at the 1,190-room Gaslamp Quarter hotel in a bid for higher wages, staffing increases, improved protections from harassment and reduced workloads. The union has said that efforts to reach an agreement with the hotel started in July and didn’t succeed in time for the contract expiration.

“We will continue to strike until we get a FAIR contract,” a Facebook page of the union states.

Hilton did not provide a statement on Tuesday. Before the strikes began, Hilton had said it was “committed to negotiating in good faith to reach fair and reasonable agreements.”

At Tuesday’s council meeting, hotel worker Rosa Carillo said in Spanish that San Diego is in an “economic crisis” because of high rents. “We are not living. We are surviving,” she continued. She said workers should only require one job to get by. If hotel workers are stretched thin working multiple jobs, they can’t spend time with their children or properly tend to them. “We are very worried,” she said.

In two public notices, the union has said it wants raises that would bring “wages in line with our cost of living in San Diego.”


The union has juxtaposed “record high” hotel profits against lagging worker wages. Data from CoStar, a real estate data and analytics company, shows that both profit and labor costs were up in 2023 compared to 2022 nationwide.

Beyond voicing support in council chambers, the resolution ratifies what city council members have been saying throughout the strike. Lee joined strikers last week. On Monday, the strike’s 16th day, Joe La Cava posted a selfie with workers, with the hashtag #onejobshouldbeenough. Council President Sean Elo-Rivera and council members Stephen Whitburn, Raul Campillo, Henry Foster III, Marni von Wilpert and Vivian Moreno have each marched with workers, sent staff or sent messages of support in the strike’s first days.

In public comment at the meeting, Bridget Browning, the union’s local president, said she and the striking workers were moved and inspired by the council’s support.

“When I started in 1997, literally the only city council person who cared about us was Juan Vargas from District 8,” she said. “The rest only cared about TOT,” or the Transient Occupancy Tax, a city tax collected by tourism lodging properties.

Tuesday’s vote, with seven of nine council members in favor and two absent, reflects the current council’s stance on labor.


“I’m certainly proud to not only be joining this resolution, but to simply recognize that we are living in a pro-labor city and that we are here to stand with our workers,” said Councilmember Kent Lee, who represents District 6.

Von Wilpert she hopes the hotel will deliver a “win-win.”

“We support our hotels,” she said. “We think they’re wonderful, and we think the workers who work there are wonderful and there can be a win-win situation here if hotel management can come back to the negotiating table and do what’s right for our workers.”

No talks were scheduled as of late Tuesday.

San Diego City Council’s resolution is not unique. In July, Minneapolis’s City Council support striking workers with a resolution. Los Angeles City Council did the same last year, compelling Hollywood studios to negotiate with striking writers.


Staff writer Lori Weisberg contributed to this report.

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San Diego, CA

Blocked channel leads to fish die-off in San Elijo Lagoon



Blocked channel leads to fish die-off in San Elijo Lagoon

The mouth of the San Elijo Lagoon, where a $120 million restoration was completed three years ago, is filling with sand faster than ever, a condition that endangers the wildlife there.

Last week’s warm temperatures turned areas of the closed lagoon hypoxic for the first time this year, said Jennifer Bright, chief operations officer and philanthropy director for the Nature Collective.

That means fish, mostly small anchovies, began dying because of the low oxygen levels in the stagnant water, Bright said Monday.

Fortunately, the weather turned cooler this week. The die-off slowed or stopped, and shore birds quickly cleaned up most of the evidence. Still, the winter rains that naturally restore the lagoon are months away.


The lagoon’s outlet usually is bulldozed open once each summer, Bright said. This year it’s been done twice, and it’s needed again. The first time waves took a few weeks to refill the opening with sand. The second time it took just days.

The restoration, a project 20 years in the making, widened and deepened the lagoon channel to expand and improve the wetlands habitat. A healthy and biodiverse wetlands supports hundreds of important species of plants, fish and birds that help to keep a balanced ecosystem.

“We saw a lot of success with that,” Bright said.

Eelgrass thrives in the shallow water, where the plant provides a nursery for fish. Endangered species of native birds, such as the California least tern, feast on the fish and build their nests on the shore.

“By widening the channel (in the restoration), we get three times as much tidal flow into the lagoon,” Bright said. “But what it’s also doing is bringing more sand in.”


The sand is carried farther into the lagoon than in the past, reaching the channel beneath the railroad bridge between Coast Highway 101 and Interstate 5.

Hayne Palmour IV / For The San Diego Union-Tribune

The train trestle that crosses a portion of the San Elijo Lagoon in Encinitas on Monday.

The Nature Collective, formerly known as the San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy, has overseen the care and preservation of the lagoon for nearly 40 years.

Almost every year the nonprofit uses bulldozers, skip loaders and trucks to open the lagoon after the summer waves build up a berm on the beach, closing the connection to the ocean.

“We knew we would still have to continue opening the inlet,” Bright said. However, the maintenance has become more than expected.


Now, in addition to another beach opening, the lagoon’s caretakers need to dredge the sand that has accumulated at the railroad bridge, an area that is harder to reach. That will require more money and heavy equipment, and probably a boat-based dredge.

A rough estimate of the work needed is $1 million, Bright said. The Nature Collective has issued a request for proposals that will help determine the cost, but so far it does not have all the money. Mitigation funds could be available from Caltrans or the San Diego Association of Governments. The lagoon restoration was paid for by Transnet, the half-cent sales tax approved by voters and administered by SANDAG.

Every year, sand from the opening is used to widen nearby beaches. During the restoration, thousands of additional cubic yards of sand dredged from the lagoon were used to expand more than half a mile of the shoreline at Cardiff State Beach.

Called the Cardiff Living Shoreline project, the sand was placed atop a buried rock revetment and planted with native vegetation to help protect Coast Highway 101 from the steady erosion of high tides and winter storms.

An egret viewed from the Solana Beach side of the San Elijo Lagoon on Monday.

Hayne Palmour IV / For The San Diego Union-Tribune

An egret viewed from the Solana Beach side of the San Elijo Lagoon on Monday.

All of San Diego County’s coastal lagoons would naturally close up each summer without human intervention. Some, like Agua Hedionda and Batiquitos in Carlsbad, have been modified with rock jetties and periodic dredging to stay open year round.


Sand from those projects also is placed on nearby beaches to slow the effects of coastal erosion. A number of additional local and regional replenishment projects have been completed and more are planned to dredge offshore sand and place it on the shrinking shoreline.

All that sand placement also could be affecting the lagoons, filling them up faster, but the process is complicated and more studies are needed.

California’s wetlands were once considered wastelands, only fit to be drained, filled and developed. More than 90 percent of the state’s coastal wetlands have disappeared over the last century.

Only recently have people realized the value of their special coastal habitats and passed laws to protect them.


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William B. Alexander



William B. Alexander

William B. Alexander – San Diego Union-Tribune


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San Diego, CA

San Diego unveils Chicano Movement exhibit at City Hall for Hispanic Heritage Month



San Diego unveils Chicano Movement exhibit at City Hall for Hispanic Heritage Month

As National Hispanic Heritage Month gets underway, the city of San Diego on Monday unveiled a new exhibit at City Hall documenting the Chicano Movement.

The exhibit is part of the inaugural “Telling Our Stories and Preserving Our Histories” series and is a collaboration between the Chicano Park Museum and Cultural Center and the City Clerk’s office.

It features historical images, city records and documents that provide a comprehensive view of the Chicano Movement in San Diego. The movement started over a broken promise to build a park in Logan Heights.

It is especially poignant for City Clerk Diana Fuentes.


“As the first Latina city clerk for the city of San Diego, this is the first year that I got to put my thumbprint on the archives exhibit,” she said.

In the 1960s, the city started building highways through communities of color, which usually had fewer resources to fight back. That was happening in Logan Heights.

Interstate 5 and the Coronado Bridge construction divide the neighborhood in half, separating residents from their church, library and post office. The southern half of Logan Heights is now called Barrio Logan.

The community was promised a park, but in April 1970, the city tried to build a Highway Patrol station. That was what led to the Chicano Movement in San Diego.

“What I want people to get is to understand the history that happened in Chicano Park, and how that has really just evolved and shaped the history of San Diego,” Fuentes said. “To show the artifacts, show the documents, and let people make their own conclusions as to what history was being created and what effect it had on the city and its citizens.”

Replicas of the murals at Chicano Park on display at San Diego City Hall, Sept. 16, 2024.

As visitors walk through the exhibit, there are colorful replicas of the murals on the freeway pillars at Chicano Park and documents recording the park’s history.

Alberto Pulido from the Chicano Park Museum said the exhibit is important to show the history of Logan Heights, which is rarely talked about.

“People don’t know that Logan Heights is the first neighborhood of this region,” he said. “Logan Heights went through major changes (due) to the arrival of Interstate 5 and the arrival of the Coronado Bridge. It was rezoned into an industrial zone. So a neighborhood of 20,000 people vanished.”

San Diego City Councilmember Vivian Moreno, who represents the neighborhood, said that history is recorded on the murals at Chicano Park.


“The vibrant murals painted on the freeways, pillars and walls depict powerful images of social justice, resistance and pride, reflecting the community’s fight for civil rights and its deep connection to the land,” she said.

Inside the exhibit is an interactive installation telling the story of the impact of the Chicano Movement.

Afterward, visitors are asked to reflect on what they would have done in the Chicano Movement era and leave a note on the decision tree, which will become a part of the exhibit.

“Telling Our Stories and Preserving Our Histories: The Chicano Movement in San Diego” is on exhibit at San Diego City Hall, 202 C St., through Oct. 18.


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