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Tired of your state politics? These residents are looking to secession as the solution.



Tired of your state politics? These residents are looking to secession as the solution.

An Oregon ballot initiative is the latest in a long line of secession efforts that speak to the nation’s sharp divide.


PRINEVILLE, Oregon ‒ Tens of thousands of rural, conservative eastern Oregon residents are so frustrated with their liberal urban neighbors they’ve decided they can no longer even share a ZIP code.

The “Greater Idaho Movement” would shift the Oregon border 200 miles west, a secession effort aligning the conservative farming, ranching and logging communities of eastern Oregon with their like-minded neighbors to the east. A dozen counties in eastern Oregon have already approved the plan, and voters in Crook County and the county seat of Prineville are currently considering the non-binding measure with results due Tuesday.

“I love Oregon but I just don’t love the people running it right now,” said Eric Smith, 48, who owns two retail shops on Prineville’s main street. “It doesn’t feel like they want to keep us anyway.”

Across Crook County, pop. 26,325, even voters who oppose the measure say they’re tired of the dictates from liberal lawmakers in the state capital of Salem and the state’s population center of Portland, citing marijuana legalization, efforts to reduce fossil fuel use, gun-control measures and how the state handled the coronavirus pandemic.

The sentiment in eastern Oregon reflects a broader national frustration and divide over the direction of the country that’s playing out in school districts, university campuses and big cities, all the way up to Congress.


A 2023 study by a Colby College professor found that more than 25% of Americans support some sort of secession by states, and nearly 25% percent agreed it “makes sense to split the country up.”

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican, highlighted the division many Americans feel when she tweeted in February 2023 that “we need a national divorce. We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government…”

Ryan D. Griffiths, a political science professor at Syracuse University, said the Oregon ballot initiative is the latest in a long line of efforts, though most have never amounted to more than slogans and bumper stickers. Among them: the failed “State of Jefferson” proposal in Northern California, simmering secession movements in Vermont and Texas, and a short-lived effort to move a chunk of Northern Colorado into Wyoming.

Griffiths said like other secession efforts, the Greater Idaho Movement lacks a significant groundswell of public support, and in most cases is more of a referendum on state-level governance.


“It’s a pipe dream, in a way. What they’re doing is partly performative, for ideological purposes,” he said. “A lot of time, secessionist movements are really just bargaining efforts.”

Griffiths said scholars who study secession efforts, like those of the former U.S.S.R., see U.S.-based movements as “pretty lightweight stuff.” But he also acknowledged secession efforts like Greater Idaho keep bubbling up.

“It’s gaining a weird creeping momentum,” he said of proposed partisan divorces.

“If you imagine a full-blown project to divide America into red and blue states, that would be incredibly dangerous because you’d have to partition people off,” he said. “You don’t actually have neatly sorted populations, despite what many people think.”


Should neighbors share the same values?

In Oregon, the measure’s backers say they’re using a peaceful, existing political process to reduce friction between people at opposite ends of the political spectrum who are already living separate lives within the state. Supporters say they don’t want to just sell their homes and move to another state because they like living where they are.

“People have already sorted themselves into like-minded communities,” said Matt McCaw, a Greater Idaho movement spokesman. “People like to live around people who share the same values they do.”

Smith, the shop owner, used to live in nearby Bend, part of the far more liberal Deschutes County, but left in frustration over its political direction.

In the 2020 presidential election, Deschutes County voted 52% for Joe Biden, while Crook County, where he now lives, gave Trump 73% of its vote. The measure’s backers say they likely won’t seek support from Deschutes voters, even though the county is considered part of eastern Oregon.


Smith said he’s not sure how he’ll vote on secession, but he understands why people support it.

“Quit treating us like Portland,” he said, echoing the sentiment of many Crook County residents.

Experts say the kind of self-segregation decisions people like Smith make are reflected in recent migrations nationally to states like Texas and Florida, but also in the “white flight” movement of the 1950s and 1960s, as white city-dwellers moved to the suburbs.

The Greater Idaho movement would need approval from both Oregon and Idaho’s legislatures, along with Congress. Also undetermined would be how the Native American reservations in Eastern Oregon would be incorporated, as they span county and state borders.

McCaw, a foster parent who lives north of Prineville, said he doesn’t want to be forced to accept that there are more than two genders, or that people can change genders, and is frustrated by liberals who reject the role of the Christian church in daily life.


He said he and many of his neighbors are also still upset by how Oregon required businesses and churches to close during the coronavirus pandemic, compared to the looser restrictions in Idaho.

“We were forced into things we didn’t want and it was all done under the threat of punishment from the western part of state,” he said. “That opened a lot of people’s eyes. It’s one thing to see the legislature pass policies you don’t agree with, and another to have your business closed, couldn’t go to church.”

Workers and owners shop in the same stores

Above all, Crook County residents say, is the idea they know their neighbors, from the farmers and ranchers to the tech support workers at the massive Facebook and Apple data centers, and the ladies behind the counter at the Sandwich Factory.

Prineville shop worker Amanda Halcom, 30, said she’s still unsure how she’ll vote. She said the cost of housing is going up, and she worries drug abuse is increasing. She said she believes many of the laws passed by Oregon’s legislature will ultimately make Crook County more urban.

She said knowing her neighbors, taking personal responsibility for her actions and solving local problems locally are important values.


“We are supposed to be a small town. That’s whole point,” said Halcom, who worries about raising her kids in what she considers an increasingly liberal environment. “That’s the kind of stuff we move here for.”

One concern: what would happen to Halcom’s pay if eastern Oregon joined Idaho. While minimum wage in Crook County is $13.20 per hour, it’s $7.25 an hour in Idaho.

The nearest Walmart to Prineville is 30 miles away, and political concerns are usually more focused on whether a new dollar store fits into the community, and if nonprofit cleanup groups should get free access to the county dump.

Generally, Crook County has more in common with Idaho than most of its own state: The county is overall less racially diverse than both Oregon as a whole and the entire United States, and people living there earn less money than Oregon’s average. Crook County’s median family income is about $75,000, while it’s about $70,000 in Idaho and almost $87,000 for Oregon statewide.


“The mill owner and the mill worker have to go to the same restaurant, shop at the same grocery store. That keeps things in check,” said Seth Crawford, a Crook County commissioner.

Crawford hasn’t taken a formal position on the proposal, but he understands why many of his neighbors support it. He said he shares their concerns with how things are decided by “The Valley” ‒ the western Willamette Valley that’s home to 70% of the state’s population in Portland, Eugene and Salem.

Crawford has knocked on hundreds of his neighbors’ doors during his election campaigns and said he regularly hears the same concerns, from statewide marijuana legalization that Crook County opposed to complaints about how legislators want to regulate guns. People are also frustrated about paying higher taxes to fund government services they oppose, and want the freedom to raise their families as they see fit.

And while he said he still believes Crook County can make its voice heard at the statehouse, he understands why his neighbors might be willing to take the drastic step of secession.


“They want to be able to send a message to Salem: We’re not happy with the situation we’re in,” Crawford said.

People are tired of arguing

Competing signs across Prineville call to “Move Oregon’s Border” or urge voters to reject the effort with an “IdaNo!”

Secession supporter Josh Derrick, 44, said he thinks things go further than disagreements over how to live. He said fundamental lifestyle differences indicate a lack of common ground.

Derrick sells RVs, mostly the kind that require a large pickup to tow. But he keeps smaller ones on hand too, to sell to SUV-driving liberals who won’t buy trucks.

“People are just tired of arguing,” he said. “I want to work, make money, play with my toys and go fishing.”


Derrick said he never used to pay much attention to local politics, but got involved as the Greater Idaho movement came to his attention.

“I love Oregon. The chances of (the initiative) going through are pretty slim. But it’s getting a lot more people involved in politics,” he said. “If this gets more people involved, I count that as a win.”

Besides, he laughed, “I don’t hate liberals. I still need their money.”

McCaw, the initiative spokesman, said even if the Crook County vote fails, the Greater Idaho Movement will persist.


He said he believes Americans are just too divided, and that while people who disagree can live side-by-side, Oregon’s liberal politicians consistently force their values onto rural areas. He said if other states decide to follow suit, so be it ‒ there’s a process for changing boundaries for this exact reason.

“I don’t think we can sustain the path we are on,” McCaw said said. “We need to be OK saying your values are yours, mine are mine, and you have to respect our ability to have different views.”

Smith, the shop owner, said he might vote against the initiative because he favors keeping Oregon whole. Munching on a McDonald’s hash brown, Smith said he opened two shops because he’s confident Prineville and Crook County are good places to be.

He just wishes, he said, that politicians in Salem would listen to eastern Oregon’s concerns so that this talk of secession would die down.

Smith said he appreciates that Oregon has a wide diversity of thought and lifestyles, geography and employment: “That’s what made Oregon, Oregon. And I don’t want to let that go.”


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Oregon Ethics Commission nixes investigation into Gov. Kotek, First Lady



Oregon Ethics Commission nixes investigation into Gov. Kotek, First Lady

The commission said its analysis would be different if Aimee Kotek Wilson received a salary or other private benefits

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — The Oregon Government Ethics Commission has decided against launching a full investigation into complaints concerning Gov. Tina Kotek and her wife, Aimee Kotek Wilson.

At a meeting on Friday, the agency examined the preliminary report on the case involving a potential Office of the First Spouse before determining that the governor did not violate any ethics laws — including those on conflicts of interest or nepotism.


“We note that had the Governor unilaterally decided to provide the First Lady with a salary or other private benefits, the above analysis would be different,” the commission wrote in its preliminary review. “The analysis would also be different if there was any suggestion that the public duties of the First Lady could financially benefit a private business with which the First Lady was associated.”

In late March, news broke that Kotek Wilson had an office in the governor’s base of operations at the state library and an on-loan staffer from the Department of Administration Services. With a master’s degree in social work, the First Lady was also known to attend official meetings regarding behavioral health.

The following week, the governor clarified that her wife was solely an “unpaid volunteer with both lived and professional experience.” Kotek also announced she had asked the Ethics Commission for guidance on a potential Office of the First Spouse, but the commission later said it couldn’t advise her because of its plans to review complaints on the same matter.

Subsequently, the governor abandoned plans to create the First Lady’s office.

“After listening to and reflecting on the concerns of Oregonians who have contacted my office, as well as the advice of staff, I want to be clear about next steps: There will not be an Office of the First Spouse,” Kotek said.


The announcement came after her office released several emails from senior staff members who abruptly left their positions earlier in the year. In one email, Kotek’s former Chief of Staff Andrea Cooper said she was “asked not to attend” a meeting where events were added to Kotek Wilson’s calendar.

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U.S. Supreme Court sides with Oregon city, allows ban on homeless people sleeping outdoors • Maine Morning Star



U.S. Supreme Court sides with Oregon city, allows ban on homeless people sleeping outdoors • Maine Morning Star

The U.S. Supreme Court Friday sided with a local ordinance in Oregon that effectively bans homeless people from sleeping outdoors, and local governments will be allowed to enforce those laws.

In a 6-3 decision, Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote in the opinion that the enforcement of those local laws that regulate camping on public property does not constitute the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment.

“Homelessness is complex. Its causes are many. So may be the public policy responses required to address it,” he wrote. “The Constitution’s Eighth Amendment serves many important functions, but it does not authorize federal judges to wrest those rights and responsibilities from the American people and in their place dictate this Nation’s homelessness policy.”

The case originated in Grants Pass, a city in Oregon that argues its ordinance is a solution to the city’s homelessness crisis, which includes fines and potential jail time for repeat offenders who camp or sleep outdoors.


Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote a dissent arguing that the ordinance targets the status of being homeless and is therefore a violation of the Eighth Amendment.

“Grants Pass’s Ordinances criminalize being homeless,” she wrote. “The Ordinances’ purpose, text, and enforcement confirm that they target status, not conduct. For someone with no available shelter, the only way to comply with the Ordinances is to leave Grants Pass altogether.”

During oral arguments, the justices seemed split over ideological lines, with the conservative justices siding with the town in Oregon, arguing that policies and ordinances around homelessness are complex, and should be left up to local elected representatives rather than the courts.

The liberal justices criticized the city’s argument that homelessness is not a status protected under the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. The liberal justices argued the Grants Pass ordinance criminalized the status of being homeless.

The Biden administration took the middle ground in the case, and U.S. Deputy Solicitor General Edwin Kneedler offered partial support.


“It’s the municipality’s determination, certainly in the first instance with a great deal of flexibility, how to address the question of homelessness,” he said during oral arguments in late April.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.

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OHA: Oregon needs 3,700 mental health, substance abuse treatment beds, closing gap could cost $170 million a year – KTVZ



OHA: Oregon needs 3,700 mental health, substance abuse treatment beds, closing gap could cost $170 million a year – KTVZ

SALEM, Ore. (KTVZ) – Oregon needs up to 3,700 adult mental health and substance use treatment beds to close existing gaps and meet future service projections, according to a final Oregon Health Authority study of the state’s behavioral health continuum of care.

The findings are part of an assessment that Governor Tina Kotek directed the OHA to commission last year. The report was produced by Public Consulting Group, a public sector solutions implementation and operations improvement firm that has produced similar studies in Washington and other states.

The findings inform an ongoing funding and implementation effort that state leaders are committed to pursue, which could take several biennia to complete, according to OHA’s news release, which follows in full:

According to the final Behavioral Health Residential + Facility Study report, closing the gap could require investments of as much as $170 million per year over the next five years and the creation of approximately 650 new beds per year.


The final report includes a new five-year funding recommendation that recognizes the importance of:

  • Increasing the behavioral health workforce to support expanded capacity.
  • Improving access to mental health and substance use disorder support services to help individuals stay within their communities.
  • Expanding supportive and transitional housing opportunities.

State health officials will continue to work with Governor Kotek and the Legislature to apply the study’s findings and guide investments toward closing the gap in treatment services.

“We don’t get to choose between adding beds, and adding workforce. We must do both in order to make real change in our behavioral health system. It’s important to note that capacity in Oregon’s behavioral health system is dynamic, and the data in the report represent a point-in-time snapshot of one part of a broader continuum of care,” said OHA Behavioral Health Director Ebony Clarke.

“This report provides us with critical data to inform how we prioritize the creation of more treatment beds and it also underscores the broader understanding that we need to continue to invest in solutions that reduce the number of beds needed,” Clarke said. “We do this through investing in protective factors and earlier intervention – additional community-based programming, crisis and outpatient programs, in addition to other supportive services – to prevent people who are experiencing mental illness or substance use from progressing to a level of severity in their illnesses that would require treatment in a more acute setting.”

The final report follows the draft preliminary report released in February.

At the direction of OHA, the final report reflects updated data for the facilities within scope for this study. Although there is no perfect methodology for determining the appropriate number of high-acuity beds in a behavioral health system, PCG used state and national data sets, findings from peer-reviewed literature and surveys of treatment facilities to estimate mental health and SUD treatment bed capacity and needs within the continuum of care. PCG worked at the direction of OHA to include Oregon-specific data.


Even as the report was finalized, state officials were moving quickly to supplement capacity and have already identified several short-horizon “priority” projects, which are likely to bring community beds online within the next year or two and to address what are considered critical service gaps. OHA is working to publish a dashboard later this summer that will track and highlight progress toward new beds coming online.

Over the past four years, the Oregon Legislature has invested more than $1.5 billion to expand behavioral health treatment capacity, raise provider payment rates and stabilize the treatment workforce. Oregon’s current capacity shortfall would be even greater without these investments.

According to the report, recent legislative investments from HB 5202 (2022) and HB 5024 (2021) have supported the creation of 356 new licensed mental health residential beds (exclusive of adult foster homes), SUD residential, and withdrawal management beds, which are under construction and scheduled to open by the third quarter of 2025.

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