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Roads, school and national debt: Here’s what Eddy County representatives hope to make law



Roads, school and national debt: Here’s what Eddy County representatives hope to make law

No more bills could be introduced into the New Mexico Legislature for the ongoing 2024 session, as the deadline passed Wednesday.

There were 641 bills, resolutions and memorials introduced in the New Mexico House and Senate, and being considered by lawmakers for adoption before potentially moving on to the desk of Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham for signing into law.

Here are the bills introduced by members of the New Mexico House of Representatives from Eddy County.


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Rep. Cathrynn Brown, Republican, District 55 – Eddy, Lea

House Bill 56: HB 56 would clarify in New Mexico law that the crime of trespassing includes people who knowingly enter the lands of others without expressed permission from landowners or designated land custodians and raised the crime from a misdemeanor to a fourth-degree felony. The bill was assigned to the House Rules and Order of Business Committee.

House Bill 146: This would create a transportation trust fund to provide matching funds the State of New Mexico could use to pursue federal grants for road projects in the state. The bill also specifies several sources of funding that would be sent to the trust fund, and how it would be distributed. This bill passed the House Transportation, Public Works and Capital Improvements Committee and was sent to the House Appropriations and Finance Committee.

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House Bill 153: Brown cosponsored this bill with several other representatives from southeast New Mexico to pay for road improvements on U.S. Highway 380, which runs from Chaves County to the Texas State Line. If passed, the bill will appropriate $350 million for the work. It was being considered by the House Appropriations and Finance Committee.

House Bill 161: HB 161 would require school buses purchased after July 1, 2025 be outfitted with air conditioning and seatbelts if they are driven in areas of the state where the heat can pose a safety risk. It also required by law that drivers undergo proper training to determine the capacity of buses when children are loaded. This bill was awaiting a hearing in the House Rules and Order of Business Committee.

House Bill 208: This bill would provide $100 million to pay for stipends given to state residents attending trade schools in New Mexico and create a trade school assistance fund to carry out the funding. The bill was being considered by the House Education Committee.

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House Bill 231: HB 231 would make a $300 million appropriation for work on State Road 128 between State Roads 31 and 18, as 128 runs between Eddy and Lea counties. The bill was sent to the House Appropriations and Finance Committee for consideration.

House Bill 238: A $30 million appropriation would be made by this bill to allow the Department of Transportation and Eddy County enter into a joint agreement for road construction on State Road 31 between U.S. Highway 285 and State Road 128. This was being considered by the House Appropriations and Finance Committee.

House Bill 248: This would remove caps on social security exemptions previously set at incomes of $75,000 for married people, $150,000 for heads of households and $100,000 for single people. HB 248 was being considered by the House Commerce an Economic Development Committee.

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House Bill 249: This bill would tie tax filers’ gross income when considering social security exemptions to inflation. It was also in the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee.


Rep. Jim Townsend, Republican, District 54 – Eddy, Lea

House Bill 76: This bill was in direct opposition to a state policy that required auto dealers in New Mexico to increase the percent of electric or zero-emission vehicles in their fleets. HB 76 would block the Environmental Improvement Board from adopting the rule by amending the Air Quality Control Act. It was sent to the House Rules and Order of Business Committee.

House Bill 280: HB 280 would strip language from New Mexico’s income tax law that specified how income tax would be applied to taxpayers based on income level and marital status, leaving just a 1 percent tax for all New Mexicans. This bill was assigned to the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee.

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House Bill 281: This would remove language from state statute governing eligibility for college students to receive the lottery scholarship used to offset tuition costs, removing a definition of a “legacy student” meaning one who successfully earned three or more semesters of tuition by the end of Fiscal Year 2014.


Legacy students were allowed to get funding for up to eight semesters, while non-legacies could only receive seven. This appeared an effort to expand eligibility of the lottery program to increase the semesters potentially earned by a non-legacy student.

House Joint Resolution 14: HRJ 14 would add a ballot question for voters to decide if a program could be established to provide state funds for private or homeschooling in New Mexico. This was being considered by the House Government, Elections and Indian Affairs Committee.

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Rep. Jimmy Mason, Republican, District 66 – Eddy, Lea and Chaves

House Bill 55: This bill would establish a pilot project for oral drug tests that could be conducted during traffic stops and would spend $650,000 to do so. The project would study technologies and determine the effectiveness of such tests in preventing driving while intoxicated. It was sent to the House Rules and Order of Business Committee.

House Bill 153: Mason also cosponsored HB 153 with Brown to pay $350 million for road improvements on U.S. Highway 380, which runs from Chaves County to the Texas State Line.


House Bill 238: Mason was listed as a cosponsor on HB 238 to make a $30 million appropriation to allow the Department of Transportation and Eddy County enter into a joint agreement for road construction on State Road 31 between U.S. Highway 285 and State Road 128.

House Joint Resolution 12: This resolution would ask Congress to call a Constitution Convention where fiscal restraints could be imposed on the federal government. The resolution as proposed argued the federal government continue to “accrue unsustainable increases in national debt” adding burden to New Mexico’s taxpayers.

Adrian Hedden can be reached at 575-628-5516, or @AdrianHedden on the social media platform X.

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New Mexico

Should You Retire in New Mexico?



Should You Retire in New Mexico?

If you love green chile and Georgia O’Keeffe, and you’re thinking of relocating for retirement, consider the lovely state of New Mexico. It offers a lot of natural beauty and opportunities for outdoor recreation, such as hiking, fishing, and skiing. It also offers plenty of culture, with museums, festivals, art galleries, and even a famous annual hot air balloon fiesta in Albuquerque.

The climate is another plus. While it can get very cold or hot depending where you are, parts of New Mexico have a moderate climate that will suit many people more than the heat of Florida or Arizona.

Someone is outdoors, smiling broadly.

Someone is outdoors, smiling broadly.

Image source: Getty Images.

When it comes to taxes, New Mexico is not among the 41 states that do not tax Social Security benefits. But thanks to a recent law, it only taxes those with relatively high incomes — such as singles who earn more than $100,000. Meanwhile, withdrawals from 401(k) and IRA accounts and pension income are also taxable, though only partially. There’s no estate tax in New Mexico, either — although federal estate taxes still apply.


The quality, availability, and cost of healthcare should be a major concern for retirees and should be factored into your overall retirement plan. New Mexico scores fairly well on this count: has rated it the 18th-best state in the nation for elderly healthcare.

New Mexico’s cost of living is only about 94% of the national average, per the World Population Review, which is a plus — especially if you move there from a high-cost region. The typical home price in New Mexico was recently only $306,434 — about 84% of the national average. Car insurance is also on the low side, recently averaging $2,438 annually, about $579 below average.

If you’re liking the idea of New Mexico, know that it does have some vulnerability to natural disasters, such as wildfires, flooding, and even earthquakes, and water isn’t as abundant as it is in many other places. It’s smart to spend at least a few months living in any place you’re thinking of moving to — to ensure it’s a good fit.

The $22,924 Social Security bonus most retirees completely overlook

If you’re like most Americans, you’re a few years (or more) behind on your retirement savings. But a handful of little-known “Social Security secrets” could help ensure a boost in your retirement income. For example: one easy trick could pay you as much as $22,924 more… each year! Once you learn how to maximize your Social Security benefits, we think you could retire confidently with the peace of mind we’re all after. Simply click here to discover how to learn more about these strategies.

View the “Social Security secrets” »


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New Mexico

New Mexico DOJ pressures the state to crack down on illegal fencing on public waters



New Mexico DOJ pressures the state to crack down on illegal fencing on public waters

NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – It’s been a long-debated topic pinning private landowners against people using New Mexico’s rivers recreationally.

Friday morning, New Mexico’s Department of Justice (DOJ) and two outdoor organizations pressured the state to crack down on illegal fencing on public waters.

“These are extremely dangerous to the public,” said Sherry Barrett with New Mexico Paddlers Coalition.

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Fencing across rivers and streams with hopes of keeping out trespassers on private property interferes with what the state law now deems legal.

“There had been barriers that had been allowed by certain regulation, and the New Mexico Supreme Court said that those regulations were unconstitutional,” said NMDOJ Chief Deputy Attorney General James Grayson.

The NMDOJ, New Mexico Wildlife Federation, and the New Mexico Paddlers Coalition went before legislators during the Water and Natural Resources Committee presenting the status on stream access enforcement.

“The waters belong to the public. The waters of New Mexico, whether they’re perennial or torrential belong to the public, and the public has a right to recreate and to fish on those waters,” said Grayson.

Some legislators asked: how far is too far? At what point do public rights become trespassing on private property?


“This is a balanced approach. The public does have the right to recreate. The public has the right to access those waters, but the public can’t trespass over private land to get to the water, and the public can’t exit the water onto private land,” said Grayson.

The DOJ shared how they reached out to property owners along the popular Pecos and Chama rivers with illegal fencing asking for barriers to be taken down. The next step was to send cease and desist letters.

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“We wanted to work with the landowners to let them know what their rights were and what the public’s rights were. We successfully managed to have a number of barriers removed from the Pecos River,” said Grayson.

In some cases, where owners refused to comply, further legal actions were taken. The state spoke to the severity of the dangers of having fencing along these rivers and streams.


“One of the problems is it’s a barbed wire fence, and these can be very difficult to see on rivers, especially in high flows, and again, these can ensnare people – boaters and anglers – and cause drowning,” said Barrett.

Some legislators wondered how landowners are supposed to exclude or contain livestock from entering or leaving their property without the barriers.

“We have to figure out a way to get these fences, if they’re necessary, to be paddler friendly,” said Barrett.

The discussion went back and forth as legislators fought to clarify what would be “reasonable;” some advocated for private landowners and asked for stricter guidelines on trespassing, and others were in support of the DOJ’s efforts to open the use of waterways to the public.

The New Mexico Paddlers Coalition and other outdoor groups have already volunteered time to install paddler-friendly fencing and hold regular trash cleanups along popular rivers.


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New Mexico

AFR crews rescue hiker stranded in Sandia Mountains



AFR crews rescue hiker stranded in Sandia Mountains

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Albuquerque Fire Rescue crews rescued a lost hiker who called them reporting he had no more food, water or additional warm clothing with him.

The call came in Thursday night at 8:17 p.m. The hiker reported he was off-trail and couldn’t move due to the tough terrain.

AFR dispatched a team to conduct a backcountry rescue. Then, AFR’s Heavy Technical Rescue team contacted New Mexico State Police’s Search and Rescue team and worked with open space teams from APD and BCSO.

Finally, around 12:30 a.m. Friday, they reached the hiker with food and water. Rescue members hiked out with him and found he wasn’t injured.


According to AFR, all units returned from the field by around 4 a.m.

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