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New Mexico State Police officer recognized by White House for 2023 traffic stop



New Mexico State Police officer recognized by White House for 2023 traffic stop

NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – Multiple law enforcement personnel are being recognized for their contributions to help alleviate the nation’s drug epidemic. A New Mexico officer made the list.

The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) has released a list of officials and agencies recognized for their work to fight against criminal networks and drug trafficking. The honorees were dignified for their achievements at the United States Interdiction Coordinator Awards.

“Since Day One, President Biden has taken historic action and made historic investments to support law enforcement and drug-related crime prevention as part of his whole-of-society effort to address the overdose epidemic,” said ONDCP Director Dr. Rahul Gupta. “I’m proud to honor the heroic efforts of these law enforcement leaders today who are working tirelessly around the clock to prevent deadly drugs from reaching our communities and hurting vulnerable Americans. The Biden-Harris Administration is grateful for their steadfast partnership, and will continue to support life-saving law enforcement efforts to reduce overdoses, deprive drug traffickers of their profits, and keep Americans safe.”

ONDCP recognized New Mexico State Police Officer Julian Armijo for “highway interdictions” after an incident in September 2023. Armijo was conducting a traffic stop when he noticed “indicators of criminal activity,” which provoked a probable cause search. He reportedly found 10.5 kilograms of fentanyl pills. The driver was charged for possession. The investigation also uncovered details in the murder of Froylan Villegas, an 11-year-old boy. Villegas was outside of Isotopes Park in a vehicle with his cousin, Tatiana Villegas, when he was shot and killed. His cousin was also injured.


Other categories recognized include: Special recognition, maritime interdiction, land interdiction, international investigations, illicit finance, emerging threats, domestic investigations, and cyber investigations.

Officials with the Biden-Harris Administration said they have been addressing the overdose epidemic through law enforcement funding. To learn about the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program, click here.

Read about how the White House is funding law enforcement to tackle these issues by clicking here.

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New Mexico

Performance of heat-tolerant lettuce cultivars in Southern New Mexico in 2020—21



Performance of heat-tolerant lettuce cultivars in Southern New Mexico in 2020—21

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is a high-value crop cultivated worldwide. Harvested lettuce acreage in New Mexico, USA, trails the leading lettuce production states (California, Arizona), but growers in New Mexico are interested in expanding their production. For New Mexico farmers to increase lettuce production to reach new markets, information on heat-tolerant cultivar performance is needed.

Researchers from New Mexico State University have published new findings on the performance of heat-tolerant lettuce cultivars in Southern New Mexico. The study, conducted during the 2020-21 growing seasons, highlights the potential of specific lettuce varieties to thrive in high-temperature environments, offering significant benefits to local farmers and the agricultural industry.

The study evaluated six lettuce cultivars under the region’s challenging climatic conditions. Southern New Mexico’s high temperatures and intense sunlight can be detrimental to traditional lettuce varieties, making it crucial to identify cultivars that can withstand heat stress without compromising yield or quality.

To determine which cultivars and types of lettuce are better suited for southern New Mexico, researchers measured the following variables: marketable harvest weight, number of days from transplant to first bolt, and number of days from transplant to 50% bolted.


Temperature is one of the main factors affecting the germination and growth rate of lettuce. Higher temperatures often reduce lettuce yield and cause physiological disorders such as premature bolting, tipburn, and ribbiness (protuberances of the outer ribs that prevent normal head development). One of the main methods of overcoming temperature limitations for lettuce production is cultivar selection. Seed companies have many listed heat-tolerant lettuce cultivars, some of which have been evaluated in different locations and many cultivars have been found to be heat-tolerant in specific locations. Heat tolerance is the capacity of plants to function and remain productive under high-temperature stress.

Bolting, when lettuce transitions from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, is promoted in lettuce when temperatures exceed 86 °F. After bolting occurs, the edible portion of lettuce can no longer be harvested. Early bolting could be related to a high sensitivity to increased temperature and is not a desirable trait for lettuce cultivation in warmer temperatures.

This research trial is the first to identify optimal lettuce cultivars for the southern New Mexico region. The consistently high yield of romaine-type lettuce cultivar Sparx makes it a suitable option for growers in southern New Mexico. ‘Sparx’ was productive into the warmer months of the summer, while ‘Mikola RG10’ (butterhead type) and ‘Muir’ (green leaf type), demonstrated slower bolting in 2021. These cultivar performance results offer an initial starting point for further research into appropriate planting dates for southern New Mexico lettuce growers.

The full article can be found on the ASHS HortTech electronic journal website at:



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New Mexico Democrats mostly rebuff calls from Democratic governor to address high crime rates



New Mexico Democrats mostly rebuff calls from Democratic governor to address high crime rates

SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — Democrats in the state legislative majority on Thursday resisted calls by New Mexico’s governor for immediate action to address the “dangerous intersection” of crime and homelessness, shunning her proposals to enhance criminal penalties, restrict panhandling and expand involuntary detention and treatment for mental health problems.

Instead, the Legislature sent the governor a solitary bill that expands pilot programs for voluntary treatment of people with severe mental illness and addiction problems, along with an emergency aid package in response to devastating wildfires that burned through a village in southern New Mexico in June.

“We absolutely have a responsibility to do something about those people who are on the merry-go-round through our court system,” Democratic state Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino, of Albuquerque, said as the Legislature convened. “But the answer isn’t to say we should start putting them in jail. The answer is to say we should start providing services.”

The bill won final legislative approval on a 30-0 vote of the Senate, which adjourned the special session over the objections of Republican lawmakers who found common cause with Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, a two-term Democrat.


The governor accused Democratic legislators of having “no interest in making New Mexico safer.”

“Not one public safety measure was considered,” Lujan Grisham said in a statement. “Not one, despite the bills having the backing of police chiefs, public safety unions, mayors, prosecutors.”

It fell to Republicans in the legislative minority to introduce initiatives from the governor that would provide longer minimum sentences for gun-toting felons, combat fentanyl trafficking, restrict loitering on narrow roadway medians and take aim at organized crime by amending racketeering statutes. Those bills from state senators were referred to committees that never met.

“We embarked on this special session for one reason … it was crime, front and center,” said Republican state Sen. Greg Baca of Belen. “We had an opportunity here, and I want to thank the governor. … Why would we not take an opportunity to take a step?”

Democratic legislators said they shared the governor’s sense of urgency — but also are awaiting the research and recommendations of an ongoing state Supreme Court commission on mental health and competency.


“What we don’t need are bad bills that pass that are rushed, and then we are dealing with unintended consequences,” said Democratic state House speaker Javier Martínez of Albuquerque.

Senate majority leader Peter Wirth of Santa Fe acknowledged a rift between Democratic lawmakers and the governor. But he urged her to support a $3 million allocation toward voluntary treatment programs for people with severe mental illness, through both civil and criminal court proceedings.

“I would suggest that by signing this treatment diversion money into law, it’s an important first step towards rebuilding the collaborative relationship that needs to exist between the three equal branches of government,” Wirth said. “New Mexicans want that.”

Separately, the bill would provide $10 million from the state general fund to assist the Mescalero Apache Tribe with wildfire losses and reconstruction.

And it contains a $70 million allocation from the general fund to local governments as they replace and repair infrastructure destroyed by wildfires, including a conflagration that raced through the village of Ruidoso in June. That funding is designed to speed up projects already approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The state expects to be reimbursed.


Lujan Grisham convened the special session in an effort to address stubbornly high crime rates. She repeatedly referenced a “revolving door” within the state’s criminal justice system that has resulted in dangerous individuals and those who need mental health services remaining on the streets.

“This should be a terrifying environment for anyone,” said Lujan Grisham.

FBI data shows steep drops in every category of violent crime across the U.S. in the first three months of 2024 compared with the same period a year earlier, continuing a downward trend since a coronavirus pandemic surge.

That’s not the case in the Albuquerque metropolitan area — home to roughly one-third of New Mexico residents — where violent crime rates are holding steady at about three times the national average. Criminal cases involving juveniles and guns rose last year, as authorities also grappled with encampments of homeless people on sidewalks and in riverside parks.

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller said Wednesday that the city cleared 1,000 encampments in June alone and spends $1 million a month on housing vouchers. It’s not enough, he said.


Several states including California and Tennessee are embracing a more forceful approach to untreated mental illness and addiction issues amid concerns about crime and homelessness.

Lujan Grisham wanted legislators to make it easier to place a person involuntarily into treatment. She also wants to give courts and prosecutors more leeway to detain and evaluate criminal defendants when mental competency is in question.

The American Civil Liberties Union and other advocacy groups warned that the governor’s initiatives would make it easier to force someone into a locked mental health facility.


Associated Press writer Susan Montoya Bryan in Albuquerque contributed.


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New Mexico

GOP senators carry the bills for the NM special session • Source New Mexico



GOP senators carry the bills for the NM special session • Source New Mexico

It was straight to business Thursday as Senate lawmakers took to the floor and presented the merits and concerns they have with Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s special session agenda.

During the hour-and-a-half debate, it became clear that the rift between Lujan Grisham and top Democratic legislators over the special session remained wide open, even as Republican senators praised the governor and sponsored a slate of bills.

In comparison, the House only introduced one piece of legislation. House Bill 1 funds the special session but also puts money towards assisted outpatient pilot programs and provides grants and loans for wildfire response.

A mere three hours after the opening gavel, and after passing the HB 1 to the Senate, the House adjourned sine die, usually signaling the close of a session.


Legislative rules require that if one chamber remains in session, while the other gavels out, the adjourned body must return every three days as part of procedure. But there’s no requirement for them to do legislative work.

If the House continues not to convene, there would be no means for the Senate’s proposed legislation to become law.

‘I haven’t moved my positions’

Seventeen senators participating in the special session, just under half of the 42-member body, either announced retirement, or chose not to seek reelection.

Most of the bills introduced related to crime, which the governor laid out as the priority in her proclamation. Lujan Grisham’s agenda garnered praise from Sen. Crystal Diamond Brantley (R-Elephant Butte) and Sen. Craig Brandt (R-Rio Rancho).

Sen. Mark Moores (R-Albuquerque), who is not running for reelection and has moved to Las Cruces, said he is proud to sponsor the governor’s bills, saying they’re a step in the right direction to address crime.


“I haven’t moved my positions, but it seems like the governor has moved, and seen and actually is trying to take leadership,” he said.

Senator Joseph Cervantes, D-Las Cruces, and Rep. Andrea Romero, D-Santa Fe, present a bill to increase the waiting period for background checks when purchasing a firearm in during the 30-day 2024 session. (Photo by Eddie Moore / Albuquerque Journal)

Sen. Joseph Cervantes (D-Las Cruces) called the lead up to the special session frustrating, saying the governor’s office continued to change the proposed policy ideas.

“These proposals have changed month to month, week to week, hour to hour,” he said. “In the last 24 hours, we’re seeing new proposals that were never presented, never contemplated for this special session.”

Cervantes chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee and is poised to review most of the bills introduced in the special session.

Cervantes said lawmaking needs to be careful, saying some of the proposals already exist on the books or could have unintended consequences the way they are written now.


Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino (D-Albuquerque) urged his colleagues to support additional funding for pilot projects in courts across the state to offer treatments instead of jail time.

Ortiz y Pino said the governor’s statements that the legislature is not addressing crime are untrue, and the problems with a lack of mental health and drug abuse treatment won’t be solved with jailing people who can’t access it.

“To say we’re going to mandate treatment without providing any additional services is a guarantee you’re going to have people staying in jail because there is no room for them,” Ortiz y Pino said.

Sen. Katy Duhigg (D-Albuquerque) said she was concerned the median safety bill, also called the panhandling bill, could inadvertently limit free speech, does not address the real causes of pedestrian deaths and could potentially criminalize other activities, such as the annual Easter pilgrimage to Chimayó.

“Cities already have the ability to do this if they want to,” Duhigg said. “We do not need a state law, regulating – potentially limiting the public speech – on medians and roadways.”


Another top priority is addressing the damage from the South Fork and Salt fires in the Ruidoso areas, which is further flooding danger from the monsoon rains.

More than 850 homes were lost, and others remain imperiled by continued flooding, according to state officials.

Sen. William “Bill” Burt (R-Alamogordo) called on his colleagues to support state funding and relief efforts, saying while no official estimates are out, damages could be between $100 million and $150 million.

“I am hoping each and every one of you will consider in your heart to help the people of Lincoln, Ruidoso and Ruidoso Downs to begin the recovery and healing of the devastation,” Burt said.

In all, lawmakers introduced 15 bills and one constitutional amendment.


Of those, six bills were immediately assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Seven bills were instead sent to the Senate Committee’s Committee to determine if they are germane to the governor’s proclamation, then be heard by other committees.

As of 4:30 p.m. there were no posted agendas for any Senate committees.

Proposed legislation:

Senate Bill 5 – Amending the state’s racketeering laws.

Senate Bill 6 – Making the distribution of fentanyl resulting in death a capital felony


Senate Bill 7 – Requestings the state offer $119 million in zero-interest loans for public infrastructure damage during the South Fork and Salt fires and subsequent flooding

Senate Bill 8 – Appropriating $100 million to build a  barrier at the New Mexico-Mexico border

Senate Bill 9 – Changing the definition of “harm to self” and “harm to others” in the state’s commitment procedures

Senate Bill 10 – Initiation of civil commitment proceedings, changing competency proceedings

Senate Bill 11– Unsafe use of public highways and medians act


Senate Bill 12 – Increasing crimes during an evacuation

Senate Bill 13 – Exempting law enforcement and a buyer with a valid concealed carry license in another state from certain state gun laws.

Senate Bill 14 – Changing the sentencing for the crime of selling fentanyl

Senate Bill 15 – Prohibiting cities and counties from restricting personnel or resources in federal immigration law enforcement

Senate Bill 16 – Appropriation for cellular and radio towers in Doña Ana, Hidalgo and Luna counties.


Senate Bill 17 – Requiring reporting from local police departments to the Department of Public safety on crimes, and ballistic information

Senate Bill 18 – Increasing the prison time to 12 years for the conviction of a felon in possession of a firearm

Senate Bill 19 – Creating a school safety division in the Department of Public Safety.

Finally, Senate Joint Resolution 1, would amend the state’s constitution to make it harder for people to avoid being held in jail before trial. It would remove the requirement that only judges can revoke bail conditions. It would change the language to remove limits on revoking bail.


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