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Inside one of Nevada’s most famous high-end brothels where ‘courtesans’ are routinely tested for STDs every week, fed by an on-site private chef and rake in THOUSANDS of dollars an hour



Inside one of Nevada’s most famous high-end brothels where ‘courtesans’ are routinely tested for STDs every week, fed by an on-site private chef and rake in THOUSANDS of dollars an hour

Ever wonder what it’s like on the inside of an high-end legal brothel? 

YouTube star Tyler Oliveira has taken people inside the famed, and infamous, Chicken Ranch in Pahrump, Nevada.

Tyler spent the afternoon interviewing the women and other staffers at the brothel, and even bought one-on-one time with a ‘courtesan’ known as Air Force Amy.

The brothel, founded in 1976, is totally legal. Along with this, the sex workers, who rotate in and out of the venue every few weeks to months, are routinely tested for STDs, and there’s comprehensive security measures in place for everyone’s protection.


YouTube star Tyler Oliveira dropped by the famed Chicken Ranch brothel in Pahrump, Nevada, where he got a tour and even spent one-on-one time with one of the courtesans 

To kick things off, a courtesan named Sammie Sweets – who shared she specializes in neuro- and tantric massages – gave Tyler a tour of the Chicken Ranch grounds, where she’s been working for the past two and a half years.

To be clear, she added that the ladies preferred the term ‘courtesan’ over ‘prostitute,’ which she felt implies working the streets under much skeevier conditions.

Each of the women working at the brothel are legally required to undergo an STD panel weekly; and condoms are required for both male and female clients. 

If someone does test ‘dirty,’ they can undergo treatment, and are welcomed back to work once they test clean.

The Chicken Ranch also has an on-site private chef to provide meals for the women.


Elsewhere, Sammie revealed the ‘party shower,’ intended for up to eight clients and courtesans for group sex. And in an adjacent room, she pointed out a stripper pole plus a jacuzzi for a ‘naked hot tub immersion’ experience.

Sammie also added they’d hosted both bachelor and bachelorette parties in the ‘party shower’ on various occasions. 

Elsewhere on the premises, there’s an outdoor pool; while the ladies ‘don’t do sex in water,’ Sammie said, they can swim naked or ‘enjoy your client, or a cocktail with your client’ poolside.  

One of 19 legal brothels nationally, the Chicken Ranch was founded in 1976

One of 19 legal brothels nationally, the Chicken Ranch was founded in 1976

Courtesans, as they prefer to be called, rotate in and out of working at the Chicken Ranch every few months

Courtesans, as they prefer to be called, rotate in and out of working at the Chicken Ranch every few months

Nearby, there’s a wheelchair accessible entrance and space.

‘We do get a lot of clients that are paraplegics, we get a lot of clients that are wheelchair-bound, we get a lot of vets that are amputees,’ Sammie explained, adding that she had indeed met with a paraplegic.


‘They turn into regulars. They come to see you like once a year. I mean, I feel like if you can touch somebody in that way, and they can come and see you every year, it’s because they trust you,’ Sammie said.

‘It’s really hard for somebody that’s like an amputee, or say, a paraplegic, to go to like a bar. And try to pick up on somebody. Like, people are mean!’

But clientele don’t always just want to get busy with the courtesans.  

She went on to share that she had recently seen an autistic client, who was ‘super, super nice.’

‘He was awkward, he couldn’t really do bar things, he couldn’t be in large crowds, which I get,’ she said.


‘He actually paid me to watch Michael Myers with him… We weren’t like intimate. He just wanted to hang out and talk and watch Michael Myers.’

A courtesan named Sammie Sweets gave Tyler a tour of the premises

A courtesan named Sammie Sweets gave Tyler a tour of the premises

A large 'party shower' is intended to accommodate up to eight courtesans and clients, usually for group sex

A large ‘party shower’ is intended to accommodate up to eight courtesans and clients, usually for group sex

As for one of her ‘craziest’ encounters: ‘I had a client pay me to work out for an hour. He wanted me to be super, super, super sweaty, workout. And then he wanted to party for two hours, with me,’ she said, adding that ‘party’ is a general term for a session. 

Over the two hours following Sammie’s workout, the man ‘didn’t want to do anything sexual – but he did want to lick my whole body. Mind you, he wanted me to workout for an hour before. So his thing was like, the smell… feet, armpits, and the back of the knee.’

Then there was a BDSM, Fifty Shades of Grey-style dungeon, with the girls able to roleplay as both dominatrixes and submissives. 

A separate, private RV was also on site for clients who desired more ‘intimate’ experiences.


‘Let’s just say you wanted to have something away from the house, and you didn’t want everybody to hear you. You just want something to yourself, where it feels more like a honeymoon,’ she said of the purpose of the RV.

Showing off her designated room, Sammie revealed two floral bouquets from regular clients of hers that she saw ‘a few times a year.’

‘I’ve impacted their lives. These are clients who have suffered through depression and mental illness, and they come to me to kind of get that stress relief, because they say they feel comfortable and vulnerable, and they’re able to like, be themselves,’ she said.

‘So even if nothing sexual happens, just being in my presence helps them.’

She took him to an area with a stripper pole, also pointing out a nearby jacuzzi, intended for a 'naked hot tub immersion' experience

She took him to an area with a stripper pole, also pointing out a nearby jacuzzi, intended for a ‘naked hot tub immersion’ experience

Offered available girls in a line up, Tyler chose sex-industry veteran - and actual military veteran - Air Force Amy for some one-on-one time

Offered available girls in a line up, Tyler chose sex-industry veteran – and actual military veteran – Air Force Amy for some one-on-one time 

Next, Tyler spoke to the Chicken Ranch’s COO, Will. 


Will explained that there are 19 legal brothels currently operating, all of them ‘heavily regulated.’

He explained that obtaining a brothel license was similar to obtaining a gaming license, and it was ‘really tough to do.’ 

‘You have to show your whole history, you have to show people you know, where you’ve lived, income, everything, and they know everything about you. And they can make some of that information public information,’ Will explained, adding that the process took six months.

Will also screens applications for women wanting to work out of the Chicken Ranch, looking for those who would be a ‘good fit.’

He went on to state that he believed that safe sex work had a ‘net benefit’ to society.’


‘It’s not just about the sex, believe it or not… It’s about the emotional support, it’s about the human connection. And if a guy gets a party for let’s just say, an hour, it might be five minutes of sex, and it might be 55 minutes of chatting. And, they’re kind of therapists,’ Will said.

Will also stated that they saw a lot of older virgins come it, with the oldest he’d known of being 48 years old.

‘Not only are you going to lose your virginity when you leave here, but you’re going to have more confidence with other girls, more confidence at work, and the guys always leave with a big smile of their face.’ 

He also recalled how a quadriplegic, brought in by his mom, also made monthly visits for a while. 

Tyler then announced it was time to ‘put myself in the shoes of a customer.’


He then sat on a sofa while the available courtesans lined up for him, including Sammie and four other women.

Rates for any of the women aren’t explicitly listed on the Chicken Ranch’s website, but discussions about the brothel on Reddit suggest the ballpark hourly range is at least in the mid-four figures, with each courtesan further offering a ‘menu’ of extra services.

Tyler ultimately decided on Air Force Amy, a blonde bombshell type who claimed to have at one point actually served in the Air Force. 

Her bio, as listed on the Chicken Ranch website, reads: ‘I love to snuggle and hug and giggle and I love to get expressive, passionate, and uninhibited too.

‘I’m here to show you how fantastic and worthy you are and to let you experience just how fantastic and enjoyable sex, sensuality, and eroticism is too.’


Tyler and Amy then retreated to her bedroom, where he asked her more about herself – including what her specialties were. 

Among them: ‘upside-down, backwards blowjob,’ in which she lies down on her back on a bed, head over the edge, receiving a man’s member in this position.

‘No gag reflex,’ she cheekily added. 

She admitted she’s probably slept with ‘tens of thousands’ of men over the course of her career.

Working out of the Chicken Ranch, she reflected, is ‘almost like a vacation to be here. Because you get to, if you think of it, I walk to work, I can sleep on the job, I can have sex on the job, I can drink on the job.’


She further described herself as ‘oversexed and boy crazy.’

‘I love sex, everyday,’ she said, further speculating she probably had ‘at least’ four orgasms daily. 

Tyler asked how she’d approach a man with a ‘tiny pecker.’ 

She emphatically nodded that she’d teach him how to use it, going on to insist, ‘It’s not about the size, you know? That is the case. You know? It’s just that, people get judged.

‘And I’m here to show you, I’m not going to judge you, I’m going to find something in you that I really, really like, which is going to be a lot of things. And you’re going to feel like a million bucks!


‘Sometimes I’m just like a stepping stone for someone that just doesn’t have really good social skills. And I give you that confidence, and it’s just a springboard for you to pew, go out there and start dating.’

She further admitted that she would play into the ‘dumb blonde’ archetype, swearing the strategy made it ‘easier to do business.’

‘Because it’s a man’s world,’ she whispered. ‘You can’t be too smart.’

Afterward, Tyler sat with Amy and Sammie as well as two other courtesans named Mya and Tallie for a group interview.

Tyler asked the courtesans to name ‘one thing’ people ‘don’t understand’ about working at the Chicken Ranch.

Tyler ultimately concluded his exposé of the Chicken Ranch by interviewing four of the courtesans in a group interview

Tyler ultimately concluded his exposé of the Chicken Ranch by interviewing four of the courtesans in a group interview

‘They think we’re working at the same level as other girls who might be accepting low, unhygienic parties, might be working with clients out of desperation,’ Mya said. 

‘We’re in a really good position here. People don’t realize how high-class a lot of our customers, most of our customers, are. The people that walk in this door and have that view of us, they tend to not party with anybody because we’re out of their budget, we’re out of their expectations.

‘I have people coming in here saying, “You know, I’ve hired girls off the street, and never had anything even close to this.” So, we’re playing in a different league here.’

Amy added, ‘Illegal prostitution and legal prostitution, is just apples and oranges. You can’t compare the two. But we do often get thrown in the same bag as a street prostitute.’


Tyler then asked whether they’ve had ‘a particular moment or client’ that has made them feel like ‘the work I do is cool and I make people happy.’

‘Definitely,’ Sammie said. ‘You have people who tell you about how they suffer from anxiety and depression for years. And they come to you, and you’ve eased that, or you’ve made them feel human again.’ 

She further added that she had a client who passed away from suicide and actually thanked Sammie in his note for the positive impact she’d had on his life.

Mya added that she had found it really gratifying to help people who had remained virgins into their 40s or 50s.

‘It’s not because of how they look or anything. It has to do with how they view themselves, and how they go about the world and their confidence levels,’ she said.


‘Being able to have somebody break down their barrier for the first time in their life around you, it’s very vulnerable, it’s really rewarding. I’ve had people come out the other side of losing their virginities looking like a completely different person, talking about themselves differently with confidence.

‘Getting to do that for somebody is priceless.

Chimed in Sammie: ‘If more people opened their eyes and really seeing it what it was, they’d see we are normal people.’

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Kari Kohler: Nevada might be the ideal place to retire



Kari Kohler: Nevada might be the ideal place to retire

Your Money Matters
with Jon Hansen

Monday-Thursday, 6-7pm

“Your Money Matters” features topics including the basics of personal finance, investing and wealth management, financial security, financial literacy, and retirement planning. Host Jon Hansen leads sharp, engaging conversations with personalities and experts in the world of finance, offering a fresh take on complex issues presented in an approachable and fun way. (Click for more.)

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Supporters of a proposed voter ID amendment in Nevada turn in thousands of signatures for review



Supporters of a proposed voter ID amendment in Nevada turn in thousands of signatures for review

RENO, Nev. (AP) — Supporters of a proposed constitutional amendment that would require voters to show photo identification at the polls have turned in signatures as part of an effort to get the proposal on the 2024 ballot.

The Repair the Vote political action committee submitted about 179,000 signatures to state and county election officials for review, the organization said Monday. Just over 100,000 signatures need to be valid for the measure to be eligible for the ballot.

The measure would then have to be approved by voters in November and again in 2026 to amend the Nevada Constitution.

Along with the photo identification requirement, the initiative also calls for an extra layer of verification for mail ballots, such as the last four digits of a driver’s license or Social Security number.


“By requiring voter identification, we aim to strengthen the integrity of our elections and ensure that every vote counts,” said David Gibbs, the chairman of the PAC in a statement.

Voter ID has been a contentious issue in the Western swing state, particularly in its split-party government. Republican Gov. Joe Lombardo outlined it as one of his main priorities last year, but Democrats who control the state Legislature refused to give the issue a hearing.

The Nevada Supreme Court last month ruled unanimously that signatures could be gathered for the ballot initiative. The ruling was in response to a lawsuit filed in December by a member of the progressive immigrant advocacy group Make the Road Nevada that sought to block the initiative. The high court said the proposal would not amount to an unfunded mandate and was descriptive enough to inform voters of its effect.

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Class of 2024: University of Nevada, Las Vegas



Class of 2024: University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Left to Right: Frank Alaimo CTS-I, manager of Classroom Technology Services; Michael Theil CTS, senior AV/IT control systems specialist (Image credit: Getty Images)

AV/IT TEAM: Frank Alaimo CTS-I, manager of Classroom Technology Services; Michael Theil CTS, senior AV/IT control systems specialist


(Image credit: UNLV)

GOALS: The goal was to create a cutting-edge AV experience that seamlessly integrates into the new Advanced Engineering Building, enabling UNLV to meet skyrocketing enrollment demand in engineering and supporting a highly skilled workforce that is integral to Nevada’s economic future. Ultimately, the objective was to elevate the learning environment and empower both faculty and students to achieve their academic goals effectively.


(Image credit: UNLV)

CHALLENGES: Our main challenge was navigating design changes and adapting to evolving product selections. Initial project discussions began in 2018, with intense design work continuing through 2019. However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 halted progress due to funding and meeting disruptions. Fortunately, in July 2021, we received approval to resume the project. Designing amidst supply shortages proved particularly challenging, as uncertainty surrounded the availability of materials for installation. Despite these obstacles, our team employed creativity and resourcefulness, leveraging connections to overcome hurdles.



Nanolumens 14×7 Engage P1.56 HDS, 5376×1512, 4K upgrade; Nanolumens 8×8 Engage P1.25 HDS, 3840×2160, 4K upgrade; Nanolumens Outdoor 18×7 Performance P3.9 ODFS, 2304×896, 4K upgrade; Datapath VSN1172 Video Wall Controller; Biamp TesiraFORTÉ DAN CI, Devio SCR-20C Black, Devio DCM-1; Crestron TSW-1070-B-S, HD-MD8X8-4KZ-E, CP4, DM-RMC-4KZ- SCALER-C, DM-TX-4KZ-202-C, DM-NVX-351, DM-NVX-363, DM-NVX-351C, DFM-CI-8, TT-100-B-T, AMP-X300, SAROS ICT5T-22, SAROS IC8T, CEN-ODT-C-POE; Sennheiser TCC2 and SpeechLine Microphones; NEC Displays sizes 55-, 86-, and 98-inch / NEC NP-PA804UL-W-41; Wolfvision Vsolution Cam; Spectrum Industries Honors & Freedom Lecterns; JBL CBT 1000 + CBT 1000E; Crown DCi 2|300, DCi 2|2400N; Inogeni SHARE2; Chief CMS-018W, CMA450, K1D120BXRH; Da-Lite Tensioned Advantage 137D; Vaddio RoboShot 30E; Middle Atlantic; Visix VX-S-CPG

FINAL INSTALL/USER BENEFITS: Students immerse themselves in theory and fundamentals in the RebelFlex classroom, a dynamic learning environment. Here, hybrid learning is redefined through innovative features such as web conferencing and lecture capture capabilities. The classroom is designed with movable tables and chairs to foster teamwork and adaptability. The neighboring Makerspace effortlessly integrates into a Showcase area, where students proudly display capstone projects or where special events can take place.

Flexatorium, a unique and adaptable auditorium, serves as a lecture hall during the day and transforms into a dynamic event space at night. Its flexible design features collapsible theater-style seating that can be easily customized to suit diverse needs, supported by state-of-the-art instructional technology to facilitate active and engaging classroom experiences. Adjacent to the Flexatorium, two smaller classrooms offer additional versatility. They can function independently or be combined to accommodate various group sizes, serving as overflow spaces when needed.

[InfoComm Tour Takes Higher-Ed Professionals Back to School]


As part of the features of the Advanced Engineering Building, UNLV expanded its digital signage and display capabilities with three new Nanolumens video walls. Highlighting the courtyard adjacent to the entrance is a 3.9mm-pitch outdoor video wall used for promotional videos, digital signage and event marketing. Inside the Flexatorium is an ultrawide 32×9 ratio 1.56mm pitch video wall that can display two full-screen 16×9 sources side by side for classes during the day or run custom marketing for events at night. The Showcase space contains a full 4K UHD 1.25mm video wall that is utilized for special events, capstone projects, and fundraising for student projects. 

With all displayed content being 4K resolution, the power to process a massive amount of data is paramount. For this reason, UNLV opted for Datapath’s experience in this sector to deal with video data and image processing, in addition to its huge “wow” factor with a flexible digital canvas.

Utilizing a VSN1172 video wall controller, equipped with three Image2K 4 Channel graphics cards and eight VisionSC-UHD2 4K capture cards, the powerful solution provides the flexibility and customizability to achieve every presentation need, from mixed content for breakaway classrooms to building-wide events. The Datapath video wall controller ensures the content scales for each of the video walls with their distinct resolutions.

Presenters can dynamically change sources and recall presets from Crestron touch panels utilizing Crestron NVX system to distribute and output the content to the Datapath video wall controller, where its straightforward Application Programming Interface (API) integrates easily with the Crestron control system.


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