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Millionaire California widow, 80, with declining cognitive abilities and her passionate affair with homeless handyman, 57, who asked her for large sums of money – leaving her daughters terrified



Millionaire California widow, 80, with declining cognitive abilities and her passionate affair with homeless handyman, 57, who asked her for large sums of money – leaving her daughters terrified

An 80 year-old widow began a passionate affair with a homeless, reformed drug addict handyman 23 years her junior who began asking her for large sums of money.

Carolyn Holland’s husband, Joe, died in 2015 at the age of 74, leaving the mother of two lonely and lost in what should have been a long and happy retirement.

Living in the in the picturesque Southern Californian beachside town of Cayucos, she struck up a companionship with 57-year-old Dave Foute, a church-going man with whom she had initially hired to complete odd jobs around her $1.7 million home, with incredible views of the Pacific Ocean.

Dave was known to the local community of 2,500 as someone who was homeless.


He could often be found sleeping rough, living on the streets close to the town’s pretty pier. 

Carolyn Holland, 80, found an unlikely lover in Dave Foute, 57, a former drug addict who was homeless and who had a long criminal record

Daughters, Sally, left, Carolyn and Susan, right, are seen celebrating Carolyn's 80th in 2022

Daughters, Sally, left, Carolyn and Susan, right, are seen celebrating Carolyn’s 80th in 2022

Within two weeks of them meeting, Dave moved into the $1.7million home with ocean views

Within two weeks of them meeting, Dave moved into the $1.7million home with ocean views

Carolyn's family began wondering if he was a caregiver or a con man who was out to fleece her and break her heart before taking her money and property portfolio. The pair are pictured at home

Carolyn’s family began wondering if he was a caregiver or a con man who was out to fleece her and break her heart before taking her money and property portfolio. The pair are pictured at home

He was a skilled joiner, but things went further than Dave simply coming around with a plank of wood and a screwdriver – and the pair soon become a besotted couple, with Carolyn expressing shock at beginning a passionate sexual affair in her ninth decade.

Within two weeks of them meeting, Dave had moved in. 

Alarm bells were immediately set ringing for Carolyn’s daughters Sally and Susan who believed Dave had ulterior motives and was simply after their mother’s hard-earned cash – and ultimately their inheritance.

Although Carolyn had not been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, like any octogenarian her cognitive abilities were on the wane and she admitted to being forgetful. 


It was something her middle-aged daughters, who lived five hours drive away raising families of their own, were all too aware. 

Chief amongst their concerns was their mother’s finances and that Dave might simply exploit her for whatever money he could, while also causing her emotional distress at a vulnerable stage of life. 

Carolyn, left, is seen on a cruise holiday in 2014 with her late husband, Joe, who died in 2015 at the age of 74

Carolyn, left, is seen on a cruise holiday in 2014 with her late husband, Joe, who died in 2015 at the age of 74

Dave was found to have been a former crystal meth addict, someone who had been drug dealing and even spent a decade in jail

Dave was found to have been a former crystal meth addict, someone who had been drug dealing and even spent a decade in jail

Carolyn's daughters believed she had entered some kind of a fantasy world when in actual fact she was a vulnerable elderly woman in need of companionship.Dave and Carolyn are seen here

Carolyn’s daughters believed she had entered some kind of a fantasy world when in actual fact she was a vulnerable elderly woman in need of companionship.Dave and Carolyn are seen here

But Carolyn was insistent: she had deep feelings for Dave and deserved to be in a romantic relationship once again. After all, she enjoyed a special connection with her new found love. 

‘He’s given me something special, because of his caring spirit. We share a lot. I love his personality, and I hate it when he’s gone,’ she told the BBC.  

Other relatives of Carolyn’s including her niece, Kim, were particularly uneasy about the age difference, and wondered if Dave was simply using her as a place to stay – her multi-million dollar home being a dramatic change from sleeping rough by the beach. 


‘The age difference really bothered me – that was a red light. Why would someone that age act like he’s in love with her, except to have a place to stay?’, Kim said.

Their fears were well founded, for Dave appeared to have had a troubled and dangerous past.

Carolyn insisted that she was far from losing her marbles and defended her ability to make decisions over her finances

Carolyn insisted that she was far from losing her marbles and defended her ability to make decisions over her finances

Concerns lingered as Dave could often be found drinking alcohol and smoking pot

Concerns lingered as Dave could often be found drinking alcohol and smoking pot

Dave insisted that he would be there to take care of Carolyn ‘until the wheel fall off’. The pair are seen walking down their street in Cayucos

Upon further investigation, Dave was found to have been a former crystal meth addict, someone who had been drug dealing and even spent a decade in jailed for making pipe bombs that he was planning to use to blow up a local Walmart. 

Dave was also revealed to have had history of domestic violence and child neglect, further raising concerns about his suitability as a partner for Carolyn. 

Dave protested that such anti-social behavior was in the past and that he had been redeemed and undergone a religious transformation while being rehabilitated from his vices.


‘I’m going to take care of her as best I can unless I can’t. All the guys know that Carolyn’s my girl and I don’t mess about. I don’t stay out late because I have someone to go home to. I’m going to remain until the wheels fall off,’ he said. 

‘Look what Jesus blessed me with. I couldn’t leave her, because I’m supposed to be here with her.’ 

Yeconcerns lingered as he could often be found drinking alcohol and smoking pot.

It was Carolyn’s daughters who felt most alarmed as they began to notice a drastic change in their mother’s behavior after meeting Dave.

They believed she had entered some kind of a fantasy world when in actual fact she was a vulnerable elderly woman in need of companionship. 

Dave told people that he had long been rehabilitated when it came to drugs and alcohol

Dave is seen with a drink in his hand

Dave told people that he had long been rehabilitated when it came to drugs and alcohol

Dave protested that such anti-social behavior was in the past and that he had been redeemed and undergone a religious transformation while being rehabilitated from his vices

Dave protested that such anti-social behavior was in the past and that he had been redeemed and undergone a religious transformation while being rehabilitated from his vices

Dave and Carolyn spent a lot of time together giving her a new found sense of adventure

Dave and Carolyn spent a lot of time together giving her a new found sense of adventure

‘It’s like a fantasy world, it’s so bizarre,’ Sally said. ‘She was like a teenager when he came along. She was doing all this weird giggling and laughing.’

The potential concerns that Dave’s arrival might cause Carolyn to make sudden adjustments to her will, that included a substantial property portfolio which had been built up over generations, only heightened their anxiety.

Dave had also been spotted in town boasting to his friends that he would one day soon never have to work again.  

‘It’s our family’s money, my parents worked hard for that money. Should we be okay, just giving it to some loser?’, Sally asked. 

The daughters began to look at possible legal solutions in order to secure power of attorney and declare their mother mentally unfit, claiming she might be losing cognitive abilities. 


But Carolyn was far from losing her marbles, she told them and defended her ability to make decisions accusing her daughters of giving her insufficient support after her husband’s death.

‘They never came to see me before Dave, honestly they did not,’ Carolyn explained.

The family argument led to financial rift, with Carolyn co-signing a credit agreement for a $40,000 van for Dave, despite the objections of her daughters’. 

Carolyn asserted her right to choose her partner, emphasizing the positive impact Dave had on her life.

‘They think they’re protecting me from David, but David is the best thing that happened to me,’ Carolyn said.


Eventually, Carolyn agreed to sell one of her properties prompting accusations from her daughters that Dave was exploiting her mental fragility. 

Carolyn always asserted her right to choose her partner, emphasizing the positive impact Dave had made on her life

Carolyn always asserted her right to choose her partner, emphasizing the positive impact Dave had made on her life

When Carolyn agreed to sell one of her properties, it prompted accusations from her daughters that Dave was exploiting her mental fragility to gain access to her money

When Carolyn agreed to sell one of her properties, it prompted accusations from her daughters that Dave was exploiting her mental fragility to gain access to her money

Carolyn had promised to give Dave a portion of the $600,000 proceeds from the sale, to help give him a stable future

Carolyn had promised to give Dave a portion of the $600,000 proceeds from the sale, to help give him a stable future

'When she called I came, I miss Carolyn, I loved Carolyn. I was on my little mission trying to make her proud,' Dave said, following her death

‘When she called I came, I miss Carolyn, I loved Carolyn. I was on my little mission trying to make her proud,’ Dave said, following her death

Carolyn had even promised to give Dave a portion of the $600,000 proceeds from the sale, to help give him a stable future. 

The property sale went through and a check was waiting for Carolyn to collect but it was at that moment she began to deteriorate physically and mentally. 

COVID-19 only exacerbated her health problems and she decided not to get vaccinated after Dave advised against doing so, convinced the entire vaccination program was a process of government control.

Finally, her daughters managed to gain power of attorney before Carolyn died.


‘The Covid was not what killed her but it definitely didn’t help because she was already declining,’ daughter Susan said. 

Once she had passed away, the daughters did not tell Dave that their mother had died, nor did they allow him to visit during her final days. 

One year on, the daughters can’t shake the feeling that their mother was indeed taken advantage of and don’t believe local doctors, police, or care services were able to adequately address their concerns. 

Once she had passed away, the daughters did not tell Dave that their mother had died, nor did they allow him to visit during her final days

Once she had passed away, the daughters did not tell Dave that their mother had died, nor did they allow him to visit during her final days

As for Dave, he is once again alone and homeless, hanging out by Cayuco's pier - although now has the use of his $40,000 van all paid for and given with love, by Carolyn

As for Dave, he is once again alone and homeless, hanging out by Cayuco’s pier – although now has the use of his $40,000 van all paid for and given with love, by Carolyn

Dave never got his million dollar home and is now living in a van by the pier

Dave never got his million dollar home and is now living in a van by the pier

‘Everybody’s hands were tied. They were not seeing what we were seeing,’ Susan explained.

Her death leaves a lingering sense of frustration and sadness among the family.


As for Dave, he is once again homeless and hanging out by Cayuco’s pier – although now has the use of his $40,000 van all paid for and given with love, by Carolyn.

‘When she called I came, I miss Carolyn, I loved Carolyn. I was on my little mission trying to make her proud,’ he said.

More can be heard of Carolyn and Dave’s story in a 10-part BBC podcast: Million Dollar Lover. 

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California a botanical and climate change hot spot



California a botanical and climate change hot spot

UC Davis scientists and staff visit the site of the 2018 Camp Fire, near Paradise, California, with US Forest Service foresters. Credit: Jim Thorne, UC Davis

From coastal redwoods and Joshua trees to golden poppies and sagebrush, California is a global botanical hotspot. It’s also a place confronted with extreme heat, wildfires and crumbling coastlines.

The state’s natural beauty and history of pioneering conservation efforts make it a test bed for protecting biodiversity in the face of current and future climate change, argues a study led by the University of California, Davis.

Published July 29 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the study, “Climate Change and California’s Terrestrial Biodiversity,” is part of a special PNAS issue on California sustainability.


The study concludes that California’s 30 x 30 Initiative to preserve 30% of its lands and coastal waters by 2030, along with efforts to harmonize biodiversity conservation and renewable energy, is a promising step. It also highlights the need for California to shift away from its decades-long fire suppression policies and adopt fire strategies reflective of new fire regimes.

“California has had a history for over 100 years of being a leader in protecting the environment—from setting aside parks for people to climate adaptation,” said lead author Susan Harrison, a professor in the UC Davis Department of Environmental Science and Policy. “The threats are extreme and unprecedented, but California has always been a state where creative new solutions have emerged.”

California’s climate has become warmer, drier and more variable since the mid-1900s, the study noted. It examined major threats climate change poses to the state’s biodiversity and sustainability. These include the impacts of shifting plant biodiversity, land-use change, wildfire and renewable energy, and the policy responses to those challenges.

California a botanical and climate change hot spot
Wildflowers blanket Molok Luyuk (foremerly Walker Ridge) in the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument. The site was slated for wind energy production despite its rich biodiversity before being protected. Credit: Jesse Pluim/Bureau of Land Management

Hot spots on the move

The authors modeled the distribution of about 6,400 native plant species, identifying 15 regional plant biodiversity hot spots—from small areas, such as the Channel Islands, to vast parts of the Sierra Nevada and coastal ranges.

The models indicate these hot spots could lose an average of 19% of their native plant species by 2080 under current climate projections. California’s complex mosaic of microclimates means the state’s species could respond in a wide variety of ways to climate change. Some hot spots are expected to move toward the coast or upslope, while others remain or disappear.


Those stakes help outline the need for renewable energy projects to align with expected biodiversity shifts and needs. For example, Molok Luyuk, or Condor Ridge (formerly Walker Ridge), was slated for wind development projects along its blustery ridge despite its rich biodiversity, before earning protection as part of Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument.

“This paper is pointing out that we need to be proactive,” said co-author James H. Thorne, a research scientist with the UC Davis Environmental Science and Policy department. “We can’t be reactive like, ‘Oh, this wildfire is out of control. Oh, this species is disappearing. Oh, we misplaced where this green energy site should go.’ We have tools that can be used, some of which we discuss in this paper.”

California a botanical and climate change hot spot
A redbud blooms in a foothill canyon of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Credit: Jim Thorne, UC Davis

A new mindset

Wildfire is a nearly year-round reminder of the state’s hotter, drier climate.

The authors write that fire management policies in California are less progressive than its policies for climate and conservation. The paper encourages the state to move away from its longstanding policy of fire suppression and adapt its strategies to use fire as an ecosystem management tool.

State and federal agencies have set ambitious targets to increase the use of fire in land management but have been stymied by bans on prescribed fire motivated by safety and air quality concerns.


Harrison calls wildfire and climate change “game-changers” for how we think about conservation.

“Traditionally, ‘conservation’ had a restrictive meaning—we try to keep things the same. If anything goes missing, we try to put it back,” Harrison said. “But now, we require a different mindset. We need to be willing to modify traditional views of conservation. We need continual innovation.”

More information:
Harrison, Susan, Climate change and California’s terrestrial biodiversity, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2024). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2310074121.


California a botanical and climate change hot spot (2024, July 29)
retrieved 29 July 2024

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Car plunges over California's Devil's Slide cliff, 3 victims identified



Car plunges over California's Devil's Slide cliff, 3 victims identified

The three people killed after the car they were riding in plunged over a cliff Friday in California have been identified.

Authorities say 29-year-old Mohammad Noory and 28-year-old Angelica Gacho, both of San Francisco, were found in the wreckage. Brylyn Aroma, 36, of Fort Riley, Kansas, was also identified as one of the crash victims by the San Mateo County Coroner’s Office, according to local reports. 

A gray, two-door sedan was reported as going off Highway 1 in San Mateo County and down a cliff near the Tom Lantos Tunnels around 11:40 a.m., KGO-TV reported. 

The highway was closed for a bit as a result of the crash, but has since reopened.



The area of the crash is known as “Devil’s Slide” due to rocky edges and winding roads in San Mateo County, California. (KTVU FOX 2)

High tide conditions and cold water temperatures hindered recovery efforts Friday, leading to recovery of the car on Saturday, according to KTVU FOX 2. 

The cliff, which is known by locals as “Devil’s Slide” is about 300 to 400 feet high. The area is known for rocky edges and winding roads. 


Devil's Slide car crash in water

The car was found flipped on its roof, submerged in water. Crews pulled three people from the wreckage. (KTVU FOX 2)

Emergency crews on crash scene

Highway 1 in San Mateo County, California, was closed for several hours following the crash on July 26, 2024. (KTVU FOX 2)


The cause of the crash has not yet been released. Fox News reached out to investigating agency California Highway Patrol for more information, but they did not immediately respond. 

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Sharks are congregating at a California beach. AI is trying to keep swimmers safe | CNN



Sharks are congregating at a California beach. AI is trying to keep swimmers safe | CNN


On summer mornings, local kids like to gather at Padaro Beach in California to learn to surf in gentle whitewater waves. A few years ago, the beach also became a popular hangout for juvenile great white sharks.

That led to the launch of SharkEye, an initiative at the University of California Santa Barbara’s Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory (BOSL), which uses drones to monitor what’s happening beneath the waves.

If a shark is spotted, SharkEye sends a text to the 80-or-so people who have signed up for alerts, including local lifeguards, surf shop owners, and the parents of children who take lessons.


In recent years, other initiatives have seen officials and lifeguards from New York to Sydney using drones to keep beachgoers safe, monitoring video streamed from a camera. That requires a pilot to stay focused on a screen, contending with choppy water and glare from the sun, to differentiate sharks from paddleboarders, seals, and undulating kelp strands. One study found that human-monitored drones only detect sharks about 60% of the time.

SharkEye – part research program, part community safety tool – is using the video it collects to analyze shark behavior. It’s also feeding its footage into a computer vision machine learning model – a type of artificial intelligence (AI) technology that enables computers to glean information from images and videos – to train it to detect great white sharks near Padaro Beach, close to the city of Santa Barbara.

“Automating shark detection … can (also) be really helpful for a lot of communities outside of ours here in California,” Neil Nathan, a project scientist with BOSL, who graduated from Stanford University with a master’s degree in environmental studies a few years ago, told CNN.

A rise in the popularity of drones, and the proliferation of social media, may make it seem like sharks are everywhere. It doesn’t help that warming ocean temperatures are pushing sharks into new habitats, and that juvenile great whites, which can grow to about eight to 10 feet long, like to hang out near the shore, making them more visible to beachgoers.

Yet shark attacks are rare. In 2023, 69 people globally were at the receiving end of unprovoked bites – which is in line with the average of 63 annual incidents between 2018 and 2022. Just 10 of them died, according to the Florida Museum of Natural History’s International Shark Attack File.


Although there hasn’t been a fatal attack recorded at Padaro Beach, some community members were concerned when sharks began loitering there.

That’s why SharkEye has been regularly running drone flights to monitor the coastline for about five years, once spotting 15 juvenile great white sharks in a single day.

Early tests indicate that the AI technology is already performing “incredibly well,” detecting most sharks a human can, and sometimes sharks that a human missed, perhaps because it was swimming too deep to spot easily, said Nathan.

This summer, the project began field testing its technology by pitting drone pilots against AI. Its pilot surveys the area and counts the number of sharks she spots. Then SharkEye’s model analyzes the video to see how many sharks it can find.

Today, the community alerts are based on human analysis. If all goes swimmingly, those reports may become AI-assisted – with manual monitoring and checks – by the end of the season, or the start of next summer, said Nathan. In the future, the process may even become totally automated, making it faster and potentially more accurate.


AI and wildlife

AI technologies are being harnessed in myriad ways to mitigate human-wildlife conflict. In India, AI-enabled cameras are alerting villagers when tigers are closing in on their livestock, and in Australia, technology is being used to manage some of its dangerous creatures.

Ripper Corp and academics pioneered what they say are the first shark identification algorithms in the world, which were put to use in drones a few years ago. The latest version of the software is being tested across the Australian state of Queensland, Mexico and the Caribbean to detect sharks and crocodiles.

However, AI is not yet used widely for shark detection. Surf Life Saving New South Wales, which protects dozens of beaches along the state’s coast, including Sydney’s iconic Bondi Beach, uses drones in 50 locations. But a spokesperson told CNN that their drones aren’t currently utilizing AI.

A group from one Australian university that worked on AI-enhanced shark-spotting tools wrote in 2022 that the technology can struggle when encountering conditions that weren’t present in the training data.

SharkEye plans to make its model free and available for researchers to amend or build on, and to create an AI-powered app that’s easy for people like lifeguards and drone hobbyists to run their footage through. That could help keep people safe, but also allow humans to better understand and protect sharks.


Nathan said it remains to be seen how much retraining will be required for SharkEye to expand to other locations. He’s hopeful that if drone pilots fly at the same speed and altitude, they won’t have too many issues elsewhere in California, where the coastline is similar.

Officials in Honolulu said this month that they’re considering launching a drone shark surveillance program, according to local media. If SharkEye’s technology were to be used in places like Hawaii, where tiger sharks are the biggest concern, and the hue of the water differs, more retraining might be necessary. But Nathan said that SharkEye is open to working with other localities to help adapt the model.

“Communities want to have that knowledge and that awareness so it’s easier to more safely share the water with these creatures,” said Nathan. “Sharks are an incredible species that we still are always learning new things about.”

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