Disney is turning the dream of living in a magical world into reality. The entertainment giant is unveiling its first-ever residential community, Cotino, a sprawling desert...
A sprawling property with a movie-worthy USSR connection has hit the market for the first time in more than 70 years. Known as Rocking Chair Ranch,...
The landlubbing residential real estate market has some nautical competition. For those looking to avoid Boston’s sky-high housing prices, this vessel could be a relatively budget-friendly...
The owner of a striking residence in Oklahoma City has a distinct way of introducing people to her home. “I always say I live in a...
On a bluff overlooking an expanse of blue lake, this citadel sits awaiting its next knight in shining armor. At the edge of Idaho’s Frandsen Forest,...
If the end of days is near, here’s a place where you can hide away from the horrors. A three-bedroom, two-bathroom, self-sustaining bunker has hit the...
You don’t have to go to Italy for a “real estate adventure of a lifetime” that costs just a buck. A decrepit Michigan house was recently...
A private island in Connecticut has hit the market for $1.5 million. Part of the Thimble Islands, and with an address number of 0, Jespon Island...
You higher “lock” in your reservation. A ten,000-square-foot jail in Missouri went up on the market final month — and has already scored a purchaser who...
It’s present time! A small-town three-screen movie show that comes with 4 flats above — and even some retail house — has hit the marketplace for...