Standing since the 1700s, these homes offer a look into the lives of people who lived in Mississippi over 200 years ago. Mississippi is a distinct...
PHILADELPHIA, Mississippi — At least two statewide officials are now publicly considering running for higher office in Mississippi. After giving stump speeches at the Neshoba County...
Hattiesburg was once the largest Freedom Summer site in MS with over 3,000 volunteers. Hattiesburg is getting ready to celebrate Freedom Summer (again). Once a cradle...
‘I believe we need to spend some money on state parks. We do have a great resource in those parks and a lot of people use...
Editor’s note: This is the latest edition of Curious Mississippi, a service to the readers of the Clarion Ledger. Other questions answered by Curious Mississippi included...
The Mississippi Wildlife Extravaganza and the Mississippi Ag and Outdoor Expo will both happen this weekend and will offer just about anything you need to enjoy...
Biden stepping down as nominee opens door to ‘messy situation’ at DNC With Biden stepping down as the nominee, USA TODAY’s Susan Page walks through Democrats’...
Bishop of the Episcopal Church Michael Curry presides over ceremony Interview with the new Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of MS The Rev. Dr. Dorothy Sanders...
Ocean Springs and Oxford were the only two Mississippi towns included in Southern Living magazine’s June 29 list of the “15 Most Adorable Small Towns for a...
Mississippi Clarion Ledger Mississippi state leadership is arguing that legislative district boundaries currently violating federal voting laws should remain in place for another year. The Mississippi...