Between book bans and increased school shootings around the country, teenage students from the Garden State have taken a stand by forming their own political campaign...
Many Black women were elated over Kamala Harris’ rise only to experience new horror over the video of Massey’s killing. One activist likened the whiplash to...
Better Yourself is owned and run by Bridget Hicks and Pierce Ward. Yoyo diets, workouts, gyms, jogging. Most of us have been on the treadmill at...
Media branded Mark Fisher a “BLM leader.” The national branch is calling him a phony. The national Black Lives Matter organization on Thursday condemned a man...
BLM RI’s president says Mark Fisher was fired from the group and never had a role in its founding. Black Lives Matter marking 10 years of...
Throughout 2010–2014, an estimated 8.2 million induced abortions occurred annually in Africa. Authorities insurance policies and applications aimed toward encouraging adoption as an possibility may also...