LIFE CAN GET in the way of your goals, particularly when it comes to fitness. Kids need raising, work gets busy, and all of a sudden,...
IT’S GREAT TO see Robert F. Kennedy Jr elevating exercise in the national conversation, and at Men’s Health we’ve been saying exercise is strong medicine for...
Kara Hennelly always took pride in staying active. In her 20s and 30s, she trained for and ran two half-marathons. In her 40s, as a busy...
There are two types of athletes: the 4 a.m. warriors, and those who would rather carry dumbbells all day than work out in the morning. If...
Instagram, TikTok and YouTube are filled with fitness influencers touting “new” and “innovative” leg exercises that promise to help you grow muscle. “A lot of this...
Think about the best sex you’ve ever had. Now, consider how you felt afterwards: exhilarated, calm, and pleasantly tired…not unlike how you’d feel after a great...