Robert Eggers got his first inspiration for the current hit movie “Nosferatu” as a child attending Mast Way Elementary School in Lee, New Hampshire. The school...
No, Scrooge you! A 29-year-old Florida housekeeper robbed and assaulted her 83-year-old employer on Christmas Eve when the elderly woman said she couldn’t afford to pay...
Last night was a disappointing overtime loss to the one team no one with a soul wants to see the New Jersey Devils lose to: Our...
Students attend the September Jam House in 2024, led by Arts @ Large Inc. and Your Move MKE Inc. The next session is from 6:30 p.m....
Out on the Austin speaking circuit, I often rely on stock speeches. One audience favorite: “20,000 years of Austin history in 20 minutes.” The title, at...
MIAMI – Now that Christmas has come and gone, many people are planning to keep their trees up through New Year’s Day and then take them...
Sheldon changes offseason plans, joins Ohio State coaching staff Former Ohio State guard Jacy Sheldon rejoins the Buckeyes women’s basketball team as director of player development...
Is Lamar Jackson the clear front runner for NFL MVP this year? Mackenzie Salmon reacts to some blind stats between some of the front runners of...
Dogs at an animal sanctuary in southern Utah had a paw-sitively delightful Christmas morning as they picked out presents from Santa’s sleigh. Best Friends Animal Sanctuary...
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