28-year-old Reality Winner Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office AUGUSTA, Ga. – HBO has released a new film centered around a 2017 document leak by an Augusta woman...
“Of the ransomware threat group actors, they’re not the most prolific,” says Terry McGraw, cyber security expert for Secureworks. He says Blackbyte has listed 115 victims...
“Regardless of how you start, what your socioeconomic status is, regardless of what faith you’re affiliated with, or your skin color, those protections are provided to...
AUGUSTA, Ga. – Augusta city leaders held a special-called “security meeting” Friday afternoon to address the ransomware attack on the City of Augusta. The meeting started at...
AUGUSTA, Ga. – Augusta University hosted its State of the University Address. Explaining what’s to come next for the school. As one of Georgia’s four public research institutions. Augusta...
While officials have not confirmed that this attack is a ransomware attack, a demand for money is not at all uncommon in many types of cyber...
Mayor Garnett Johnson announced the city is chosen as one of the five hub cities to participate in the Biden-Harris “President’s Investing in America” agenda. The...
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Maine’s largest city started removing a sprawling homeless encampment outside of its downtown area on Tuesday that was home to dozens of...
AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT/Gray News) – A weekend shooting left two dead and four others injured Saturday evening stemmed from a dispute between two motorcycle clubs, Richmond...
Image caption AUGUSTA, Ga (WFXG) – Redwood Housing is a trending topic when it comes to safety issues at its properties. After the tragic death of...