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Special report: Maddy Cusack – why her family want a new investigation into her death



Special report: Maddy Cusack – why her family want a new investigation into her death

It is the heartbreaking story of a talented and popular footballer, her tragic death and the investigation into a family’s complaints about what they believe caused her emotional anguish.

Maddy Cusack’s death in September sent shockwaves throughout the sport and plunged Sheffield United into a state of mourning for their longest-serving player. As her parents, David and Deborah, tried to get through their first Christmas without their eldest daughter, fans launched a petition to retire her No 8 shirt as a permanent tribute.

“She fell in love with Sheffield United, the fans and the city of Sheffield,” Deborah told a memorial service in October. “Maddy became Miss Sheffield United and adored every minute of it. This was her home, the place she envisioned she would hang up her boots one day.”

Cusack started playing football at the age of five and spent time in the junior setups at Chesterfield, Nottingham Forest and Leicester City before being taken on by Aston Villa and representing England’s under-19s. An energetic, tough-tackling midfielder, she went on to play for Birmingham City and Leicester City before moving to Sheffield, where she became the team’s first women’s player to make more than 100 appearances.

That everything ended so tragically has caused immeasurable hurt for Cusack’s family. It also led to the club commissioning an investigation, on the family’s request, and an announcement from Bramall Lane shortly before Christmas that “there was no evidence of any wrongdoing”.


What has never been reported, however, is what compelled the family to make an official complaint and what, they believe, led a previously happy 27-year-old to take her own life.

Sheffield United paid tribute to Cusack on September 24 (George Wood/Getty Images)

Their complaint stretched to seven pages and more than 3,350 words. It was written by David, an experienced solicitor, and details a wide range of grievances relating to Cusack’s last seven months at the club — coinciding with the appointment of Jonathan Morgan as the team’s manager.

“There were a number of factors that troubled her in the end, but they all spring from the relationship with JM (Morgan),” the complaint states. “As she confided to us (her family), every issue had its origin in JM’s appointment. We know she would still be with us had he not been appointed. Her text messages and conversations support this.”

The allegations were serious enough for the club to arrange an external inquiry that concluded on December 15 with the chief executive, Stephen Bettis, writing to Cusack’s family to confirm no disciplinary action was being taken against Morgan.

Morgan, who had previously been Cusack’s manager at Leicester, vehemently denied treating her unfavourably and has been vindicated by a nine-week inquiry. His account was that he had tried to be a positive influence in her life and that it was completely unfounded to suggest their working relationship had contributed to her emotional anguish and, ultimately, death.


In a letter to the family, Bettis stated that none of the people interviewed for the inquiry had “heard or witnessed any bullying or inappropriate behaviour” towards Cusack or any other player. He did, however, acknowledge that Morgan’s behaviour “divided opinion” among the people interviewed. Some found him supportive and caring. Others described Morgan’s style of management as “isolating some players, quite authoritative and intimidating”. According to the family, that was very much Cusack’s experience as she reported it to them.

Against that backdrop, the English Football Association (FA) has subsequently begun to gather evidence ahead of a possible investigation of its own. The players’ union, the Professional Footballers’ Association, is understood to be supporting the family and, with the matter ongoing, it also raises a wider debate that goes to the very heart of what is acceptable in a football environment and what is not.

It has also transpired that Morgan, appointed in February last year, has been the subject of two previous complaints, unrelated to Cusack, including one from another United player towards the end of last season. The club will not discuss its outcome.

The other case involved a complaint being lodged against Morgan while he was coaching Leicester, where one of his sisters, Jade, was the general manager,  another, Holly, was the team captain, and their father, Rohan, was the chairman. The complaint, it is understood, related to alleged bullying and exclusion and was dealt with, for the most part, by Jade. The player in question left the club after accepting a financial settlement in relation to her contract, with the complaint not being taken further. Morgan denied any wrongdoing in both cases.


In Cusack’s case, the family’s complaint alleged:

  • Cusack left Leicester in 2019 because she was convinced Morgan, then the manager, had taken a personal dislike to her and felt worn down by his behaviour.
  • Morgan went on to manage Burnley’s women’s team and, when she played against them for United, he called her a “psycho” when she ran near his dugout. She was not unduly bothered because he was no longer her manager but saw it as further evidence that he disliked her.
  • His appointment at Sheffield United left her feeling anxious about their history but hopeful, as an established first-team player, that they could put it behind them. Instead, he dropped her from the starting line-up, complaining she was overweight, and allegedly told other players about their previous issues, which she felt created the impression she was difficult to manage.
  • She feared history was repeating itself but stayed at Sheffield United because of her affinity with the club and all the friends she had made. She had bought a house, taken jobs in United’s community and marketing departments, and enjoyed her happiest times in football at Bramall Lane.
  • She found it difficult to understand the issues with Morgan because she had never encountered any conflict from previous managers and was popular within the club.
  • Cusack became unwell as a result of the anxiety it created, resulting in her moving back in with her parents, being prescribed medication and asking the club’s doctor at the start of September about counselling.

The complaint was delivered to the club on September 27, a week after Cusack’s body was found at her parents’ house in Derbyshire. An inquest has been opened into her death and the police say there are no suspicious circumstances.

According to the family’s evidence, Cusack had complained during numerous conversations about feeling marginalised and encountering “personal antipathy” from Morgan in what has been described by some former team-mates as a tough, divisive and often hard-faced environment. This had a devastating impact on her mental health, her family say, breaking her confidence at a time when she had the pressures of juggling her playing career with working for the club as a marketing executive.

Sheffield United

Morgan in March 2023 (George Wood – The FA/The FA via Getty Images)

The club took the complaint seriously enough to appoint Dennis Shotton, a retired detective superintendent from Northumbria police, to oversee an investigation.

Shotton, whose police career involved working on the Raoul Moat manhunt after the shooting of three people, including a policeman, throughout the north east of England in 2010, was brought in because of his role as an investigator for Safecall, a Sunderland-based company specialising in whistleblowing disputes.

In his correspondence with the family, he misspelt Cusack’s first and second names, introducing her as “Madeline Cussack”, as well as getting other names mixed up and making a number of basic errors. Shotton interviewed David Cusack for a witness statement but did not record what was said and then twice referred to him in his write-up as a club employee rather than Maddy’s father.



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Shotton spoke to 18 witnesses, including current members of the team. Each was assured their identities would not be made public, meaning they could speak more openly.

However, the selection process has left the Cusack family with a number of unanswered questions. Shotton, it is said, was given the details of a close confidante to Cusack who had no connections to the club and, for reasons unexplained, he did not contact the relevant person. He is also said not to have contacted some of the players the family recommended.

“I can confirm that Safecall carried out an investigation on behalf of Sheffield United,” says Safecall director Tim Smith. “We have no further comment at this time.”

Shotton’s inquiry looked at a number of specific incidents, dismissing them all, but the scope of his investigation remains unclear. The family argues that it seems to have focused too much on what could be corroborated by witnesses rather than their own accounts of the numerous conversations they had with Cusack and that it does not sufficiently take into account how she viewed Morgan and the effect it had on her. One former team-mate recalls Cusack never being herself, seeming anxious and withdrawn, when Morgan was around.


The family reject the verdict and, having been told there is no appeal process, they have asked the FA to carry out a follow-up investigation, taking into account a greater need for transparency. The club’s admission that Morgan could be seen as intimidating, as well as isolating certain players, feels particularly relevant when this, according to the family, fits in with what Cusack used to tell them.

Bettis reiterated his sympathies for the family’s loss and said the club wanted to support the charity foundation that had been set up in Cusack’s name, raising money to help young, female footballers. But he also made it clear that the family would not be allowed to see Shotton’s report. Nor will it be released publicly, meaning there is no way for them to find out what testimony was put forward, who was interviewed and, perhaps just as importantly, who was not.

Although the family have declined to comment, this has been particularly hard for them to accept: that they could ask for the club to hold an investigation but then be denied the right to know what exactly is in that investigation, even on an anonymised basis.

People who knew Cusack well talk about an all-round athlete who was devoted to fitness and healthy living and kept herself in supreme shape, going back to her days as a talented runner with Derbyshire’s Amber Valley & Erewash Athletics Club.

In 2021, she hired her own strength and conditioning coach, Luke Ashton, who has worked with Leicester City and Mansfield Town, and he remembers her test results being higher in some categories than the average of the England national team.


“She was phenomenal,” says Ashton. “Everyone knows Maddy was a devoted and extremely dedicated athlete. Her application, effort levels and enthusiasm were second to none. For her to reach out to me when she already had such a demanding schedule just shows how dedicated she was.”

Maddy Cusack

Cusack at Bramall Lane in October 2022 (Cameron Smith/The FA via Getty Images )

Morgan denies telling Cusack she was overweight and says he simply informed her she needed to improve her conditioning because the club’s GPS fitness tests had shown she was lagging behind most of her team-mates. He says he arranged for a specially tailored fitness programme, taking into account that she already had a difficult schedule holding down two jobs.

Morgan’s position is that he had a normal and supportive working relationship with Cusack. He denies shouting that Cusack was a “psycho” while he was Burnley manager, telling the other Sheffield United players anything negative about her from Leicester, or doing anything to leave her with the impression that he disliked her.

On the contrary, he says he repeatedly tried to help Cusack, making her vice-captain and putting her in touch with the club doctor when he suspected she was struggling with mental health issues.

A video was submitted to the investigation showing him and Cusack working together, apparently getting on fine, on May 5.


Morgan says he regularly used to buy Tesco meal deals (a sandwich, snack and a drink for a set price) as lunch for the players, including Cusack, because there was a time when the club did not provide them with food. He says he campaigned for her to get a pay rise, from an annual salary of £6,000 to £18,000 (now $7,700 to $23,000), when the club was moving from a part-time setup to a full-time one and the players’ contracts were being upgraded. This, he says, shows he did not treat her badly or hold negative feelings towards her. It also appears that some of the claims against him, such as criticising her to team-mates after his appointment in Sheffield, have not been corroborated.

There is, however, considerable evidence to demonstrate why, to use the club’s own terminology, some of the people giving evidence reported that Morgan could leave some players feeling isolated and intimidated.

The Athletic has spoken to several of Cusack’s former team-mates who talk negatively about their experiences of his management. Although they did not witness any such behaviour towards Cusack, some allege it could be a divisive and sometimes unpleasant environment in which certain players were favoured by Morgan while others were blanked and, in some cases, almost completely frozen out. They say they wanted to talk — requesting anonymity because of the sensitivities of the case — because they believe it will encourage others to share their experiences.

One former team-mate, Player A, says she confided in Cusack that she wanted to leave the club because of the manager. She and Cusack secretly used prison puns as a form of gallows humour to keep up their spirits. If they were given playing time, they joked they were “on parole”. Morgan was referred to as the “prison warden”.

Another of Cusack’s former team-mates, Player B, recalls Morgan getting the job and quickly establishing a strong relationship with certain players, inviting them into his office and generally being approachable and amenable. But she recalls seeing a different side to him when it came to a number of players who were a bit older on average and treated, she says, in an entirely different fashion.


“When Jonathan came in, there was almost a sense of a new beginning for some people. But others weren’t given a chance from the minute he stepped through the door,” says Player B.

“He wouldn’t make eye contact. He’d walk past in the training ground and say nothing. (Players were) getting the cold shoulder for pretty much no reason. If he decided he didn’t want you, that was it. He’s not going to give you the time of day, he’s not going to shake your hand, he’s not even going to make eye contact. You have no chance.”

Leicester City

Morgan talks to his Leicester team in November 2021 (Plumb Images/Leicester City FC via Getty Images)

Morgan is represented by Tongue Tied Management and his bio on the company’s website lists “man-management” and “creating a positive environment” among his key strengths, as well as “understanding players” and “conflict resolution”.

Bettis, however, acknowledges that Morgan’s management style “divided opinion” and that also appears to have been the case at his previous clubs.

Many players and colleagues saw him as a positive leader with likeable attributes and a CV that earned him respect, taking Leicester into the Women’s Super League as champions of the second tier in 2020-21.


Yet one person — not involved in the Shotton investigation — recalls being with him at Leicester and finding the experience so distressing she would end up “crying most days” on her way home. She, too, has spoken to The Athletic at length about the negative impact on her life. And, again, it shows he could polarise opinion.

“Jonathan Morgan — the way he was and the culture he created — is the reason I’m not in football anymore,” she says.

In Cusack’s case, Player A says she noticed her team-mate no longer seemed as happy as she had been under the previous manager, Neil Redfearn. Cusack, she says, had started to “retreat a little bit” but tended to deflect questions when asked if she was OK.

“She was not the same as she was the year before his (Morgan’s) arrival. I knew she wasn’t a fan (of Morgan). When we were told his appointment was imminent, it was like, ‘Oh, f***, here we go’. It didn’t take long to realise there were obviously underlying issues because she was a starter for every Sheffield manager (previously).

“She’d captained when Redfearn was there and then, suddenly, to be dropped like that (clicks fingers). She was an experienced 27-year-old with 100 appearances for Sheffield. So why? We were in a relegation battle — you need all the experience and all the firepower you can get. It just didn’t make sense… this kind of instant dropping.”


Some players, according to Player A, seemed to have “disappeared off the face of the earth and not gone back to training” because, she assumed, “that was how much they hated it”.

She continued: “He’d ignore certain people, while others would get hugs and high fives or lift-shares. If you were liked, you were fine. But if you weren’t liked, you were made to feel, and know, that you weren’t liked by how he spoke to you, or ignored you, or if you made one mistake and he was straight down on you.

“I would literally have to pull over on the way to training because I was crying so I could wipe my eyes and see where I was driving. I genuinely felt I had no value, not only as a player but as a person.”

Of Cusack, she added: “There were a lot (of players) last season who were in the same boat and it could have been any of us. It feels awful coming out of my mouth, but there were at least four or five players who were on that path and, fortunately, could escape it.”

Morgan has been reluctant to speak publicly, according to people close to him, because of the sensitivities surrounding the case and for fear of it causing further upset for a family who are, ultimately, grieving a loved one. He has declined The Athletic’s request for an interview.


Instead, his management company has been dealing with media inquiries on his behalf. He is said to have found it traumatic to be accused and feels vindicated, yet not surprised, by Shotton’s findings.

There are, however, a number of issues arising from this case and, on a wider level, it does lead to a separate debate about some of the accepted norms in a dressing-room environment and how football, as a workplace, can be very different to other walks of life.

Morgan does not deny that he could be blunt with his language, including one dressing-room scene when one of his players broke down in tears after he identified, and criticised, her for being to blame for one of the opposition’s goals.

Even the people who speak positively about Morgan describe him as being direct and to the point. There have been times when he could get angry, in common with many football managers. However, he has always maintained that this did not involve Cusack, that it was never personal with anyone, and that it was quite normal for a manager to dish out some harsh words if the team were doing badly.

In a lot of cases, there are members of his profession, including some highly successful managers, who are championed for their occasional outbursts of temper and authoritarian style. Many clubs operate “bomb squads” for players who have been frozen out and marginalised. It is, in many ways, an accepted part of the football industry.


Sheffield United were in the lower reaches of the Women’s Championship last season, finishing eighth in a 12-team league. It was, says Player B, a challenging campaign in all sorts of ways. “It didn’t feel like a team any more. It didn’t feel like people had each other’s backs. Some people didn’t know where they stood, others were like his (Morgan’s) best mate and in his office all the time.”

Cusack, from a family of Derby County fans, was in her sixth season at Bramall Lane and her popularity can be gauged by the volume of tributes after her death. Her family say they have been overwhelmed by the public’s kindness and, having set up the Maddy Cusack Foundation in November, the response of United’s fans, in particular.

Sheffield United

United’s men’s team wear Cusack’s number in her honour (Darren Staples/AFP via Getty Images)

“Those who knew Maddy well will be aware she had no long-standing mental health issues or troubles,” read a social media post from the foundation. “Maddy was a happy-go-lucky, carefree girl with everything to live for and, by last Christmas (2022), could be described as being at her happiest. This all changed gradually from February.”

Some people will inevitably ask why, if she became so unhappy, she did not try to find another club.

Cusack, who was in and out of Morgan’s team, signed a one-year contract at the end of June ahead of the club’s transition to a full-time operation. She did that, according to her family, because she had settled in Sheffield, did not want to leave a club she loved, and had the financial pressures and obligations of being a homeowner.


Her family say they had numerous conversations with her about the impact her work life was having on her confidence and health. The family’s complaint says Cusack and her mother discussed many of the issues about Morgan often. Maddy decided, they say, not to do anything that might risk upsetting her manager. One colleague, it is said, was aware of how Cusack felt and told her to “kill him with kindness”.

Instead, her death has left the Cusack family — including Maddy’s brother, Richard, and sisters, Olivia and Felicia — trying to come to terms with what her mother has described as an “unthinkable, unimaginable and unbearable” loss.

Morgan’s sympathisers say that he, too, has suffered and that his family have found it incredibly difficult to see his name attached to such a heartbreaking story.

This weekend, however, he will be back in the dugout when United, eighth in the Women’s Championship, travel to London for an FA Women’s Cup fourth-round tie against Tottenham Hotspur. It will be his first appearance in the dugout since a 1-0 victory over Lewes on September 17, sitting out 11 fixtures while the investigation was underway.

In a statement published on United’s website on December 18, the club announced the investigation had been completed and, without mentioning Morgan once, said they wanted “to increase the learning and development opportunities for all staff around language and culture, welfare and mental health awareness”.

The club were “always looking for ways to evolve and will reflect on the outcomes and recommendations arising from the investigation to consider how processes and policies may be improved”.


What has not been made clear is whether those recommendations refer to Morgan specifically or just the club in general. Nor is that likely to change given United will not let anybody know, including the family.

That, however, is unlikely to be the end of the matter.

David Matthews, the FA’s senior integrity investigations manager, has already started interviewing Cusack’s close relatives, as well as visiting the club, as part of the governing body’s evidence-gathering process. If that leads to a new investigation, it may take a wider scope than Shotton’s inquiry and examine Morgan’s time at Leicester and Burnley.

Even then, however, it is unclear whether United will pass over the details of their own report to the FA’s investigators.

The club have been asked by The Athletic, among a number of questions relating to the case, but declined to respond other than referring back to their previous statement. “The independent investigation commissioned by the club at the request of, and in cooperation with, Maddy’s family concluded in December,” said a club spokesman. “The valuable input provided by the key witnesses put forward by Maddy’s family and by the club was thoroughly reviewed and no evidence of wrongdoing was found.”


In the meantime, the club’s chaplain, Delroy Hall, has resigned from his role. Among a number of wide-ranging complaints, Hall informed the club that he felt ignored by a number of people in senior positions after he, an experienced counsellor, tried to help staff cope with their grief in light of Cusack’s death.

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(Top photo: Jacques Feeney/The FA/Getty Images; design: Eamonn Dalton)

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Bruce Feldman ranks college football's 10 toughest stadiums to play in



Bruce Feldman ranks college football's 10 toughest stadiums to play in

EA Sports stirred up a lot of debate when it unveiled its rankings of the toughest places to play for the upcoming College Football 25 video game. I have my own thoughts based on some 30 years of covering the sport in which I’ve attended games at and been on the sidelines for many of the most charged stadium atmospheres in the country.

The loudest and craziest venue I’ve been to is the old Orange Bowl. When there was a huge Miami game there — usually a Florida State visit — nothing was quite like it. The closest thing I’ve seen is LSU’s Tiger Stadium. My colleagues at The Athletic had their own thoughts on the EA Sports list, and now here’s my ranking of the 10 toughest places to play in college football.


College Football 25’s Toughest Places to Play: Debating the rankings

1. LSU: Tiger Stadium

The place is just pure mayhem, and it starts way before kickoff. I’ve heard from so many coaches over the years about how hostile the treatment of their teams is, from rattling their bus on arrival to dousing the visitors with booze. Just seeing Mike the Tiger in person adds another layer of intimidation to this.


Mike Leach told me the story of the first time he went in there when he was the offensive coordinator at Kentucky.

“There were these little old ladies with their grandchildren flipping off our bus,” Leach said. “Then as we got closer, they start rocking our bus!”

Count Leach among those awed by Mike the Tiger — and the entire experience.

I remember being there in 2007 when Florida and Tim Tebow came into Death Valley on a Saturday night for a top-10 showdown. Les Miles went for it five times on fourth down and his team — and their faithful — had his back every step of the way for a come-from-behind 28-24 win. It was a record crowd at the time of 92,910. It sounded like twice as many people were packed in there at a stadium that now holds more than 100,000.

There was also the legendary Earthquake Game in 1988. Technically, there were fewer than 80,000 fans in there to see LSU upset Auburn, 7-6. But a seismograph registered an earthquake after Tommy Hodson connected on a fourth-down TD pass with less than two minutes to play.


I asked former LSU staffer and longtime Louisiana media member Derek Ponamsky about the loudest he’s ever heard the place for a game, and he said it was in 2019 when another Florida team, ranked No. 6, visited.

“That game was insane from the second we stepped off the bus,” he said. “Ja’Marr (Chase’s) TD and our stop on fourth down in the red zone was almost as good as the Earthquake Game or Rueben Randle’s catch and run in 2010 against Alabama. But that stadium was a jet engine for six hours. It was LOUD before they even took the field. ‘College Gameday’ on campus. It was electric.”

If you meet someone who has never been around college football but wants the full experience, there is only one place they need to go to get it on full blast: LSU’s Death Valley.

2. Alabama: Bryant-Denny Stadium

My favorite visit here was for the 2010 Iron Bowl — the Cam Newton game. There was a ton of drama surrounding Auburn and Newton that season based on the NCAA’s investigation into his recruitment.

In the wake of this game, an Alabama staffer was let go because of their decision to play the Steve Miller Band song “Take the Money and Run” over the stadium sound system during warmups. It only added to the raucous energy in the building that day. The Tide jumped all over the Tigers early, going up 24-0, but Newton was Superman that season. He led Auburn to a 28-27 comeback win, snapping a 20-game home win streak for the Crimson Tide.


Bama also deserves a lot of credit for ratcheting up the stadium energy with the lights, audio and video boards they’ve added over the years. It can feel like a pretty mind-scrambling experience when they got rolling.

3. Penn State: Beaver Stadium

The Nittany Lions’ White Out games are deafening. Penn State usually saves it for the toughest matchup of the season, although with Fox’s recent “Big Noon” strategy factoring into Big Ten scheduling, sometimes it doesn’t end up that way.

The Nittany Lions have won six of their past seven prime-time White Outs, with six of those being against ranked opponents — including the 2016 win over No. 2 Ohio State. The lone defeat was against No. 4 Ohio State by one point, 27-26, in 2018. Last year, Penn State shut out No. 24 Iowa, 31-0.

But I can speak from experience that it’s not just the White Outs that make this place special. The atmosphere last November when No. 3 Michigan visited Happy Valley was the loudest noon kickoff game I can remember in the last decade — louder than any other “Big Noon” game I’ve been at — with almost 111,000 people in attendance. Michigan, which had the most experienced team in the country in 2023, did win that game, 24-15.

4. Ohio State: Ohio Stadium

The Buckeyes have been the Big Ten’s most dominant program for a long time now, so whoever shows up usually is facing a stacked team with a more talented roster. Still, the Horseshoe is a towering building that feels much different, and more intimidating, than the Big House at archrival Michigan. The crowd comes in ready to break its opponent early and seems shocked if there’s anything other than a dominant Buckeyes showing.


5. Virginia Tech: Lane Stadium*

The asterisk is here because I’m thinking of what this place has been in the past, not necessarily what it’s been in recent years. I get it. The results recently indicate otherwise. As colleague Pete Sampson noted, The Hokies are 2-10 at home against Top 25 teams in the past decade, but when the Hokies are playing well, this place is unique. I’ve been here for a few Hokies beatdowns of top-10 teams where the place rocks. It has some Tiger Stadium vibes to it, and there’s something special to it as well.

It only takes the first two seconds of “Enter Sandman” to play and I get goosebumps. It happens every time, even more than a decade later. It immediately takes me back to how Lane Stadium comes alive like no other venue, in a different way than Camp Randall Stadium and “Jump Around.” That’s frenzied; this is more ominous.

It also perfectly fit with their style of play. Based primarily on their vaunted special teams, but also their aggressive defense, the Hokies were college football’s preeminent sudden-change/quick-strike team. It often felt like they were one big swing away from turning the game around or blowing it open.

There was a decade-plus of Hokie magic from the late ’90s into the 2000s in the peak Frank Beamer days where Lane was a chamber of horrors. In 1999, Virginia Tech faced three Top 25 teams — Syracuse, Miami and Boston College — and outscored them by a combined 143-24 at home. In 2002, Tech smashed Nick Saban’s No. 14 LSU squad, 26-8. The next year, a top-10 Hokies team hammered No. 2 Miami, 31-7. In 2004, the Hokies beat No. 6 West Virginia. In 2005, they beat up on No. 15 Georgia Tech and No. 13 Boston College by a combined score of 81-17. In 2009, Lane Stadium hosted successive top-20 wins over Nebraska and Miami.

If Brent Pry can get the Hokies rolling again, Lane will become an opponent’s worst nightmare.


6. Florida: Ben Hill Griffin Stadium

In my experience, The Swamp isn’t quite in the category with LSU and Bama, but it is right there with Tennessee and Georgia when it comes to a big-time, true SEC heavyweight experiences. Being there in the ’90s in the Steve Spurrier days to see the Gators face FSU and Bobby Bowden was fantastic.

7. Tennessee: Neyland Stadium

In my first trip to Knoxville, I saw Tennessee play Georgia in the late ’90s. The Vols were really rolling back then, and I got to be on the field in the end zone behind the Dawgs’ offense when they were backed up inside their own 10. I couldn’t even hear the person next to me. It was a sea of orange, and it’s easy to see why so many Top 25 teams have got thumped there over the years when UT was riding high. Georgia was No. 13 that day and lost to the Vols, 38-13.

Autzen Stadium punches above its weight in crowd noise. (Tom Hauck / Getty Images)

8. Oregon: Autzen Stadium

I remember one rival staffer telling me that they must pump in noise in practice the week before they face the Ducks. It doesn’t seem like a place that size — seating 54,000 — can be that loud. It just didn’t make sense to him. But in a matchup of top 10 teams, the Ducks pounded their visitors by almost three touchdowns.

Autzen Stadium is also a place where you can see almost every kind of weather imaginable in the same day. Oregon has been great there for a long time and has defeated 31 of its past 32 opponents at Autzen.

9. Georgia: Sanford Stadium

I remember seeing a good Boise State team come in there ranked No. 18 against No. 13 Georgia in 2005. The Broncos just came unglued and looked overwhelmed, losing 48-13. It was 38-0 before the Broncos settled down. Jared Zabransky, who was a really good QB for Boise State, had his first two passes intercepted and turned it over six times in the first half.


It doesn’t feel like it’s been any easier for visitors now that the Dawgs are even more talented. UGA has won 13 consecutive games against Top 25 opponents at Sanford Stadium.

10. Texas A&M: Kyle Field

I’ve been there when the press box shakes. Kyle Field is an awesome building that gets really, really loud, and opponents complain that their sidelines smell like horse manure. My first trip for a game was Johnny Manziel’s debut against Florida. He was dynamic. The building shook. A&M lost, though. That’s why Kyle Field is not higher on my list, even if it’s No. 1 in EA Sports’ rankings.

When A&M has been really good, the Aggies have still struggled at home more than they should. Manziel led them to a win at Bryant-Denny Stadium in 2012, but the next year, as wild as it felt to be in Kyle Field for the rematch, A&M lost.

(Top photo: Jonathan Bachman / Getty Images)

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NHRA great John Force placed in neurological ICU with serious head injury from horrific crash, team says



NHRA great John Force placed in neurological ICU with serious head injury from horrific crash, team says

The motorsports world continues to grapple with a recent high-speed crash at the Virginia Nationals. 

National Hot Rod Association (NHRA) legend John Force was involved in the fiery crash, and his team revealed the June 24 wreck left Force with a serious head injury. 

Four days after the accident, Force was taken to a neurological intensive care unit, his team confirmed in a statement. 

“Four days after his crash at more than 300 miles per hour, drag racing champion John Force has moved from the trauma intensive care unit to the neuro intensive care unit, where the medical team can focus on his head injury, which is their primary concern,” the update said.


NHRA legend John Force speaks with the media before the Pennzoil 400 March 3, 2024, at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. (Jeff Speer/LVMS/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

Immediately after a “catastrophic engine failure,” Force was “conscious and talking” with the on-site medical team, his team said at the time.


He was initially placed in trauma intensive care shortly after he arrived at a hospital not far from the Virginia Motorsports Park.

“The move was a welcome positive for his family members, who have maintained a daily presence at the hospital all week,” the statement continued.


“With the unanimous support of her family, team, and sponsors, Brittany Force is not planning to compete this week at the Summit Racing Equipment Nationals in Norwalk, Ohio, where she would have driven the Cornwell Tools Chevrolet Top Fuel dragster. Instead, she will remain at the hospital with her family in solidarity for her father.”

John Force in June 2024

NHRA funny car driver John Force during qualifying for the Thunder Valley Nationals at Bristol Dragway in Bristol, Tenn., June 7, 2024. (Mark J. Rebilas/USA Today Sports)

Members of the Force family have remained at the driver’s side. Brittany competes in the Top Fuel division for her dad’s team.

John Force in May 2024

NHRA funny car driver John Force (right) with daughter Brittany Force during the Route 66 Nationals at Route 66 Raceway in Joliet, Ill., May 18, 2024. (Mark J. Rebilas/USA Today Sports)

The team’s other funny car driver, Austin Prock, will compete this weekend.

“Austin Prock will compete this weekend with the same courageous, fighting spirit that John has embodied and instilled in his teams over the years, and his AAA Chevrolet Camaro SS team will proudly carry the torch for the entire John Force Racing organization and sponsors this weekend.”


Force’s 157 racing wins and 16 funny car titles place him at the top of the NHRA’s all-time wins list.

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D'Angelo Russell will exercise his player option and remain with Lakers



D'Angelo Russell will exercise his player option and remain with Lakers

Lakers guard D’Angelo Russell, an oft-mentioned player in trade talks, has decided to opt into the final year of his contract, according to people with knowledge of the decision not authorized to speak publicly. The deal is worth $18.7 million.

Russell averaged 18 points and 6.3 assists on 45.6% shooting from the field and 41.5% from three-point range. His 226 made threes last season was a franchise record.

Friday was “D’Angelo Russell Day” in Louisville, Ky. in recognition of his philanthropy in his hometown.

Russell‘s name has been part of trade rumors during most of his time back with the Lakers after uneven postseason performances.


Russell, 28, and Christian Wood aren’t the only Lakers who are exercising their player options. According to the Athletic, Jaxson Hayes is opting in to his deal. Cam Reddish and LeBron James have until Saturday to make decisions on their options.

The decisions have left the Lakers with a close-to-full roster heading into free agency. The team added four players during the NBA draft, including two on two-way deals. The Lakers have been expected to re-sign restricted free agent Max Christie, 21, who is said to have interest from rival teams, though the Lakers can match any offer he receives.

The Lakers’ roster crunch could lead them to explore trades in an effort to both improve and unclutter the roster heading into JJ Redick’s first season as coach.

The Lakers originally picked Russell second overall in the 2015 NBA draft. The team traded him to Brooklyn, then reacquired him from Minnesota in 2021 at the trade deadline in the Russell Westbrook deal.


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