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Maryland bishops call assisted suicide legislation ‘deadly proposal’ putting vulnerable people at risk



Maryland bishops call assisted suicide legislation ‘deadly proposal’ putting vulnerable people at risk

As Maryland lawmakers again consider legalizing physician assisted suicide, the state’s Catholic bishops issued a statement Jan. 30 calling on Marylanders to reject this “deadly proposal” that puts “our most vulnerable brothers and sisters at risk of making decisions for themselves that are manipulated by factors such as disability, mental instability, poverty and isolation.”

“We urge all people of good will to demand that our lawmakers reject suicide as an end-of-life option and to choose the better, safer path that involves radical solidarity with those facing the end of their earthly journey,” the bishops wrote in their statement. “Let us choose the path that models true compassion and dignity to those facing end of life decisions and protects the most vulnerable from the deadly proposition of physician assisted suicide.”

Titled “A Better Way Forward,” the statement was signed by Washington Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Baltimore Archbishop William Lori, and Wilmington Bishop William Koenig. Those three dioceses encompass the state of Maryland.

“In 2024, medical advancements and improvements in pain management mean we can make individuals with terminal illnesses comfortable and improve the quality of the remainder of their lives without them feeling the need to reluctantly choose a ‘dignified death’,” the bishops said. “It is incumbent upon each of us to ensure that those at the end of their lives can experience a death that doesn’t include offering a form of suicide prescribed by a doctor.”


The statement was issued as state lawmakers will deliberate allowing licensed physicians to legally prescribe medication at the request of a patient who has been deemed to have “the capacity to make medical decisions,” and “who has a terminal illness with a prognosis that likely will result in the individual’s death within six months.”

“It is deeply illogical for the State of Maryland to be seeking ways to facilitate suicide for those with a terminal illness, all the while claiming such preventable and unnecessary deaths are somehow dignified,” the bishops said.

Called the “End-of-Life Option Act (The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings and the Honorable Shane E. Pendergrass Act),” the bills are SB0443 with Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher (District 18 – lower Montgomery County) as the primary sponsor in the Senate, and HB0403 with Del. Terri Hill (District 12A – Howard County) as the primary sponsor in the House.

The Senate version of the bill is scheduled for a Feb. 8 public hearing before the Judicial Proceedings Committee. A joint committee hearing before the House Government Operations Committee and the House Judiciary Committee is slated for Feb. 16.

Last year, similar bills received public hearings, but did not advance out of their respective committees.


Jenny Kraska, the executive director of the Maryland Catholic Conference (MCC), noted that the measure is “the same bill that’s been introduced in past years.” Frequently called “medical aid in dying” or “death with dignity,” similar bills have been introduced in Maryland in 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2023.

The MCC is the public policy arm of the state’s bishops, including The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. which includes five Maryland counties, the Archdiocese of Baltimore and the Diocese of Wilmington, Delaware, which includes the Eastern Shore.

It has joined with Maryland Against Physician Assisted Suicide (MAPAS), a nonpartisan coalition of health care professionals, disability rights advocates, mental health professionals, advocates for seniors, and members of faith communities that was organized in opposition to the push to legalize physician-assisted suicide in Maryland.

“In every state or country where this dangerous policy has been legalized grave abuses and expansion have occurred, making assisted suicide available to far more people and not just those facing imminent death,” the Maryland bishops said in their statement.

Only 10 states – California, Montana, Maine, Vermont, Colorado, New Jersey, Washington, New Mexico, Hawaii and Oregon – and the District of Columbia have legalized physician assisted suicide. 


With physician-assisted suicide, a doctor prescribes a lethal drug cocktail of up to 100 pills that a person picks up at the local pharmacy, grinds up and mixes into soft food.

“There’s been instances that I’ve heard anecdotal about people who have had reactions to the medication,” Kraska said. “And it burns the inside of their mouth, so they’re not able to consume all of the food. And that causes problems, people regurgitate some of it. There’s a lot of issues with this, as there should be.”

She noted that proponents of physician-assisted suicide “package this as a very nice – you say goodbye to everyone you know, you get your last hugs and well wishes and you just sort of fall asleep and don’t wake up.”

“That’s probably the furthest from the truth of what actually happens,” she stressed. “It takes anywhere from hours to days to pass away, and during that time it can be painful. It can be excruciating. People you know – your loved ones– are having to watch you have a hard time catching your breath or breathing… This isn’t just a peaceful take some pills and you slowly pass away and go to sleep.”

The Maryland bishops, in their statement quote Pope Francis who said, “We must accompany people towards death, but not provoke death or facilitate assisted suicide… life is a right, not death, which must be welcomed, not administered.”


The complete text of “A Better Way Forward,” the message on physician assisted suicide from the Catholic Bishops of Maryland, can be found at

The MCC has an online toolkit for those who seek to work against legalizing physician assisted suicide. Visit It also has an active action alert to write legislators. Log on to .

The Catholic Advocacy Network helps Maryland Catholics learn about the issues and provides an opportunity for constituents to be heard by their legislators. Parishioners can join the Catholic Advocacy Network at

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Maryland elections officials deal with threats of violence, turnover concerns ahead of presidential election



Maryland elections officials deal with threats of violence, turnover concerns ahead of presidential election

BALTIMORE Since the last presidential election, Maryland has seen a concerning rise in turnover among our state’s election officials—with almost half new to their positions—according to research from the Bipartisan Policy Center. 

As of January 2024, Maryland saw turnover in 11 voting jurisdictions.

Turnover is also on the rise nationally according to a CBS News investigation. 

What is driving the exodus? Some blame an increasingly hostile environment, fueled by citizens who do not trust the election system. 


Documenting Threats in Harford County

Stephanie Taylor oversees elections in Harford County.

“Love and Not So Much Love Notes”   

Mike Hellgren

She gets a lot of correspondence from the public—and keeps all of it in a binder with the title “Love and Not So Much Love Notes” on the cover.


“These are our nice letters, and these are our nasty letters,” she showed WJZ Investigator Mike Hellgren

Taylor with the book

Mike Hellgren

“There’s a lot of cursing. We’ve been called Nazis,” Taylor said. “We’ve been accused of cheating, changing voter turnouts, changing the results, which is very hurtful to us because we take great pride in our job that we do here.”

Hellgren asked her what that says about where Maryland stands right now. “There are a lot of angry people who do not trust the election process. I don’t know how to get through to them,” she said.


Since the 2020 presidential election, Maryland has seen a 46 percent turnover rate among election officials. That is larger than the 36 percent national average.

“Have you had people leave because they could not take it?” Hellgren asked. 

“Yes,” Taylor admitted. “One person who was with the office for quite a long time. She had a key role in this office. Just the stress of it—she’s just like, ‘I’m done.’ And she quit.”

To make sure her staff members feel safe, Taylor has used grants to dramatically increase security at their office and warehouse in Forest Hill.

“This is one thing everyone in the office said we needed to enclose this after all the craziness started happening after January 6th,” Taylor said as she showed WJZ the public entrance area. 

Taylor and Hellgren in office vestibule 

Mike Hellgren

She had bullet- and bomb-deflecting glass installed that will not shatter.

“We have changed the whole look of this office. We used to have an open reception area. We put walls up. We put glass in. It is not bulletproof glass, but it will change the direction of a bullet. We have coating on our windows that if someone were to put a bomb outside, this coating would catch it and it would just drop it so there wouldn’t be shards,” Taylor said.

There are also new cameras and stronger locks. 


“Now, if it’s unlocked, it has a high-powered magnet and you have to be buzzed in,” she said at a secondary door to the board room. 

“We have our own FBI contact. I never in my life thought I would say that I have my own FBI contact. It just never even crossed my mind,” Taylor told Hellgren. 

“They were being disruptive, calling us names. We got a threat in one of the meetings that we got on tape. I did turn that in to the FBI and the sheriff’s department. It’s just the way the world looks at us now. It’s so different,” she said.

New Law Means Stiffer Penalties 

Earlier this year in Annapolis, the General Assembly took action to protect poll workers, election judges and their families from threats which have been on the rise across the country. 


Citing the turnover, Governor Wes Moore’s administration advocated for and and won changes to the law. There are now tougher penalties against those convicted of threatening election workers, with fines increasing from $1,000 to $2,500

“It is becoming harder to recruit election judges. It is becoming harder to recruit elections administrators, and we need to respond to that,” said Eric Luedtke, the governor’s chief legislative officer at a hearing on February 21st. 

Violators could also get up to three years behind bars.

During that hearing about the legislation, Baltimore County’s elections director revealed she, too, had been threatened. 

“After receiving a threat firsthand, I was overwhelmingly thankful for the protection from my county, the FBI and homeland security,” Ruie Lavoie, the director of Baltimore County elections, told lawmakers. 


WJZ asked Maryland’s state elections administrator Jared DeMarinis whether the new law does enough to deter people from threatening election workers. “I hope so. I think time will tell on that, but I think you have to have the first step and I think this was a great first step,” DeMarinis said. 

State Safeguards the Vote

DeMarinis took over as elections administrator from Linda Lamone last year.

She had served in that position for more than 35 years, but DeMarinis also worked in that office for almost two decades. 

“Yes, I’m a new person, but it’s not like I don’t know the electoral process,” DeMarinis told Hellgren.


On the threats, DeMarinis acknowledged “those types of incidents really shake you to the core.”

He said, “This is really trying to take it to a new level where you’re trying to inflict bodily harm or even death upon you know a person just doing their job and making sure that our democracy works.”

He made it a priority to stamp out misinformation and added a “rumor control” section to the state elections website.

“Before, there was a trust. There was an understanding in the process here, and there’s a segment of the population now that just doesn’t believe in any of that,” DeMarinis said.

DeMarinis is also pushing young people to get involved as election judges and poll workers.


He is aware that when elections officials leave, so does their experience and knowledge of the process. That is why he is partnering more experienced elections officials with newer ones to lessen the impact of any turnover.

And DeMarinis believes that turnover is not always a negative. 

“Turnover brings new blood, new ideas, new points of view to the process. It helps streamline things. But yes, there is a concern about losing a lot of institutional knowledge,” he said. 

A Veteran in Charge in Baltimore City

“I just don’t want to believe that people are not interested in an important process as this,” said Armstead Jones, Baltimore City’s election director 

Baltimore has one of the longest-serving elections directors in the state.


Armstead Jones said in the city, the problem is not threats, but getting enough people motivated to staff the polls.

“At one time, we’d have as many as 3,200 election judges working Election Day and those numbers have dropped over the years,” Jones said. “I believe in this last election, we may have had about 1,500 judges to work. Maybe 2,100 trained, 600 did not show so those numbers are getting lower each time.”

The state remains committed to smooth and transparent elections, despite the challenges. 

“Having that full confidence in the system is the underpinning of everything that we do with good, solid elections,” DeMarinis said.

Staying Despite Challenges

“I love the job. I love the people I work with,” said Taylor of her Harford County position. “If you’re in a polling location, it’s so much fun to be there and you see people coming in and taking part in democracy.”


She told Hellgren she has no plans to leave and be part of the turnover despite uncertainty about the future. 

“Do you see it getting any better?” Hellgren asked. “I’ll let you know after this election. It depends on what happens after this election,” she said.


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Sunny, beautiful start to Maryland’s workweek

Sunny, beautiful start to Maryland’s workweek – CBS Baltimore

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Fall chill overnight for Maryland

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