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Is this nuclear power's moment in Maryland? – Maryland Matters



Is this nuclear power's moment in Maryland? – Maryland Matters

As Maryland officials scramble to meet the state’s ambitious clean energy mandates, they are coalescing around a concept that seemed unthinkable a decade ago: That nuclear energy must be part of the solution.

Even environmentalists are coming to terms with the idea.

Paul Pinsky, the director of the Maryland Energy Administration, and one of the leading climate advocates in Annapolis during his long tenure in the General Assembly, recalled protesting against nuclear power plants in the 1970s. Now, he says, nuclear has “become a staple” in the state and nation’s energy portfolio, even if many Americans don’t realize it.

“If you asked 100 people on the street if their lights came on because of nuclear energy, I would guess three people would know it,” Pinsky said.


The Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant in Southern Maryland, which opened in 1975, generates about 40% of the energy produced in Maryland — all of it carbon-free. More than 80% of the clean energy generated in the state comes from the nuclear plant.

But nuclear continues to be hamstrung by a reputation, gained largely after high-profile disasters at power plants in the 1970s and 1980s, that it’s dangerous. The nuclear industry has also been struggling financially: Several nuclear power plants across the country have been decommissioned over the past few decades, in part because more natural gas power is being generated in the U.S. than ever before, which is far cheaper to produce.

Yet clean energy mandates have prompted policymakers to take another look at nuclear, knowing that whatever progress is being made developing other clean energy sources is inadequate for meeting short- and medium-term goals. In Maryland, the 2022 Climate Solutions Now legislation, which Pinsky co-sponsored, requires the state to create a 100% clean energy standard by 2035, while reaching zero carbon emissions by 2045.

For the past few years, stakeholders in Maryland’s nuclear industry have been angling for greater recognition — and possibly financial incentives — from state authorities, and they soon may get their wish.

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“We appreciate the fact that we’re hearing people talk about recognizing nuclear in the state’s clean energy program,” said Mason Emnett, director of public policy at Constellation Energy, which owns and operates Calvert Cliffs.

But four months before the kick-off of the 2025 General Assembly session, it isn’t clear yet if there will be concrete legislative action to bolster nuclear.

“We’re not exactly sure what to expect from the upcoming legislative session,” Emnett said. And at this stage, the industry does not appear to have a specific ask.

The leaders of the two relevant legislative committees in Annapolis, Senate Education, Energy and Environment Chair Brian J. Feldman (D-Montgomery) and House Economic Matters Chair C.T. Wilson (D-Charles), are both supportive of nuclear in the broadest sense. But neither seems ready just yet to advance or embrace specific legislation.

“There is a lot of discussion about how do we get to 100% clean energy by 2035 without nuclear being part of the picture?” Feldman said in a recent interview. He predicted that legislation would emerge in the next session addressing how to bolster clean energy production in Maryland.


Wilson said he expects legislation to be introduced “incentivizing new nuclear deals,” similar to measures from recent sessions that have attempted to bolster solar energy installations and offshore wind production in Maryland. He added that because it takes so long to develop new nuclear facilities, the state needs to act quickly to produce results that may not be realized for several years.

“It may be a very viable opportunity, but it’s way out in the future,” Wilson said in an interview. “It would be nice to start stimulating something.”

One possible legislative solution would be to include nuclear energy in the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), which provides financial credits, known as RECs, for producers or suppliers of certain clean energy sources.

Every year in Annapolis, bills are introduced to tweak the RPS, usually to add a clean energy source to the standard or to eliminate one that’s considered dirty — or to change the complicated tiered system for calculating financial credits. But they rarely get very far, in part because they are complicated and cumbersome and are lobbied heavily by powerful interests that stand to gain or lose from the legislation.

For 2025, Del. Lorig Charkoudian (D-Montgomery), one of the leading environmentalists in the legislature and the top energy policy wonk, is contemplating legislation that would eliminate the RPS altogether and replace it with a system that would provide new and different types of incentives for clean energy producers. Charkoudian said the current RPS is flawed because it focuses on arcane compliance numbers without incentivizing clean energy production.


“We know we need to build energy generation in Maryland, and any generation we build in 2024 and beyond has to be clean,” she said. “That’s why we need to restructure our clean energy compliance. We need to do something that begins to address resource adequacy.”

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Charkoudian said any new system for incentivizing clean energy production would have to include nuclear, to ensure that Calvert Cliffs, the state’s only nuclear plant, stays open for the foreseeable future. The two reactors at the nuclear plant along the Chesapeake Bay in Lusby are licensed to operate through 2034 and 2036, respectively, and Constellation will begin the application process for renewing their licenses through the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission late this decade.

Beyond Charkoudian’s proposed legislation, which is still being developed, “there’s going to be a large conversation [during the 2025 session] about our Renewable Portfolio Standard,” Feldman predicted.

Charkoudian said she expects some of her colleagues to advance nuclear bills in the upcoming session.


“I think there’s a range of thoughts about what they should be,” she said.

An economic challenge

The federal government, through the Inflation Reduction Act, currently has an incentive providing tax credits for nuclear energy production that lasts through 2032. Whether a dysfunctional Congress can extend it when it nears its expiration is very much an open question. But that credit, and any incentives for nuclear that the state can provide, will help to ensure Constellation’s robust investment in the Calvert Cliffs plant.

“The economics of nuclear continue to be a challenge,” Feldman said.

The Maryland Energy Administration is finalizing a rough draft of a report that will detail recommendations for how the state can meet is clean energy goals by 2035, and nuclear will inevitably part of the mix. A final report could be released by the end of the year.

Whether the report serves as a template for legislative action for Gov. Wes Moore’s administration remains to be seen.


“Alongside the state legislature and other stakeholders, the Moore-Miller Administration is continuing to explore all available options, including nuclear energy, to help to meet Maryland’s environmental and energy goals,” Carter Elliot IV, a spokesperson for Moore (D), said in an email. “The governor looks forward to supporting legislation and initiatives that will help Maryland secure its clean energy future.”

Late last year, between Christmas and New Year’s Day, the Maryland Department of the Environment released a meaty document outlining what the state needs to do meet its lofty climate mandates. Price tag: A minimum of $10 billion. State policymakers are still struggling to come up with ways to pay for the recommendations, at a time when the state is anticipating significant revenue shortfalls.

It’s possible that any report on clean energy strategies for Maryland could also involve robust government investment — a significant stumbling block to the state’s ambitions.



If there is expansion of nuclear energy in Maryland in the future, it won’t be of the scale of another Calvert Cliffs power plant, because that’s not feasible given the fragile economics of the nuclear industry. When two new large reactors began operating at an existing Georgia nuclear plant in 2023 and 2024, respectively, it marked the first time that a large-scale nuclear facility opened or expanded in the U.S. in almost 40 years.

But nuclear advocates are increasingly optimistic about the commercial and operational prospects of a new technology known as small modular reactors, which can be located at far smaller sites than a full-scale nuclear plant operation. The federal government is pouring billions of dollars into research for the technology, and one of the beneficiaries is X-Energy Reactor Co. LLC, a company located in Rockville, just down the road from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission headquarters.


Yet even the most optimistic proponents of small modular reactors believe it will be a minimum of seven years before any of those facilities are operational and supplying power to the electric grid. And Charkoudian believes that unlike existing technologies that haven’t been fully adopted yet in the U.S., it is especially difficult to ask taxpayers and utility ratepayers to make investments in these facilities because they aren’t visible anywhere yet.

“It’s just not commercially available,” she said. “At least you can see that offshore wind exists in Europe. There’s no question about whether they’re viable.”

Data points

Any conversation about the need to generate more clean energy — and more energy altogether — cannot take place without discussing the likelihood that energy-consuming data centers are coming to Maryland. Even without data centers, Maryland needs more energy generation and transmission. With them, the need expands exponentially.

“Data centers are like a huge tick that you put on our grid, and wherever you put it, they can start sucking that energy out,” said Wilson, the House Economic Matters chair.

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Already there is controversy over a proposed transmission line project that would run through three Maryland counties on its way to data centers in Northern Virginia. And while a big data center hub is in the early stages of development in Frederick County, some big technology companies are now eyeing the Calvert Cliffs nuclear property as a possible location for a data center.

During this year’s legislative session, as lawmakers debated a measure to restructure the electricity market in Maryland, the House attempted to insert an amendment that dealt with the complicated topic of onsite electricity generation and how electric suppliers interact with their largest commercial customers. It would have effectively prevented Constellation from building a data center on the Calvert Cliffs property.

The amendment was dropped on the final day of the legislative session after House-Senate negotiations, but Constellation continues to talk to tech companies about a data center at Calvert Cliffs. It isn’t a widespread practice in the industry yet, but it’s likely to become one: Talen Energy Corp., which operates the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station nuclear plant in Berwick, Pa., generates electricity for an adjacent data center, which it sold earlier this year to Amazon Web Services.

And Constellation announced Friday that it had reached an agreement with Microsoft to reopen the infamous Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania – site of the worst nuclear accident in U.S. history, in 1979 – to help power Microsoft’s data centers. Under the agreement, the plant, which was mothballed in 2019, could reopen as soon as 2028.

“It makes perfect sense to place a data center adjacent to your power providing center,” said Del. Mark N. Fisher (R-Calvert), whose district includes the Calvert Cliffs nuclear plant. “The closer you are to the power supply, the more secure your data center is.”


But that potential development has also sparked a debate about whether a data center next to a nuclear site would effectively be siphoning off a significant portion of power that’s meant to go on the electric grid.

“We’ve been telling our customers that [nuclear plants] are there for the grid, but now we’re taking them off the grid,” said Vincent Duane, a principal at Copper Monarch LLC, an electricity markets and cybersecurity consulting firm. He spoke at a conference on data centers last month sponsored by the Maryland Tech Council.

Nuclear advocates counter that the electricity is going to be consumed anyway, regardless of whether the data center is near a power plant or not. Setting up a data center that feeds directly off a power plant will reduce the need for expensive electric transmission updates, they argue, and income that the nuclear company takes in from a data center could prompt more investments and more efficient power generation at the nuclear plant.

“You have a question of configuration — how do you plug it in?” said Emnett, the Constellation executive. “Do you plug it in to the generator or do you plug it in to the grid?”

That’s one of many questions that Maryland policymakers and regulators will have to consider as they contemplate the possible expansion of nuclear energy in the state.


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Chesapeake Bay is cleaner but will miss 2025 pollution targets, lawmakers say – Maryland Matters



Chesapeake Bay is cleaner but will miss 2025 pollution targets, lawmakers say – Maryland Matters

By Mennatalla Ibrahim and Andrea Durán

WASHINGTON — The Chesapeake Bay is cleaner than it used to be but is falling short of 2025 targets for reducing pollution, state and federal officials – including most of Maryland’s congressional delegation – said Wednesday.

“The short version is that it’s going in the right direction. The longer story is that we’re still behind,” said Adam Ortiz, the Environmental Protection Agency’s mid-Atlantic administrator, said at a Capitol Hill press conference.

The bay failed to meet the main target of the 2025 plan, known as the total maximum daily load, which measures the total pollution in the Chesapeake Bay, said Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.).


“The point of the 10-year plan is to create a pollution diet to reduce the amount of phosphorous, nitrogen and other pollutants in the bay,” Van Hollen said. “That’s a measurable target. That’s how we know we’re not going to hit it this year, so we need to redouble our efforts.”

Despite missing the targets set in 2014 through 2025, Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) said he remained hopeful that the delegation can work together with experts at the EPA and other agencies to ensure the bay’s health continues to improve.

Maryland Democratic Reps. Steny Hoyer, Dutch Ruppersberger, Kweisi Mfume and Jamie Raskin joined Cardin, Van Hollen, representatives from the EPA and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources at the Wednesday event.

The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science gave the Chesapeake Bay an overall grade of a C+ in July, the highest grade the bay has received since 2002.

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“I know that nobody would be thrilled with bringing home a grade of a C+, but the fact of the matter is, it is the highest grade we’ve seen in a long time,” Van Hollen said. “We all want to do better, but I do want to stress that without the collective effort we see today, the Bay would have died a long time ago.”

The Chesapeake Executive Council signed the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement in 2014 and established five strategies for the restoration and protection of the bay, its tributaries and surrounding lands.

Local, state and federal governments are required to enact the plan’s management strategies and work with academic institutions, nongovernmental organizations, watershed groups and businesses and individuals, according to the 2014 agreement.

“You need cooperation between the federal government and the states, among the states, among state governments and private industry,” Van Hollen said. “There are all sorts of sources of pollution today, and so we need to make sure everybody cooperates in producing pollution reduction.”

Ortiz said that groups committed to improving the bay were in disarray when President Joe Biden’s administration began almost four years ago.


“The states were suing the federal government, and states were pointing the fingers at each other for not making … progress,” he said.

But since then, he said, the EPA has been able to bring the states together and hold them accountable.

“The Chesapeake Bay isn’t just a bay,” Cardin said. “The Chesapeake Bay has been one of the highest priorities for our Maryland congressional delegation. We’ve been focused on not only preserving but expanding our role and partnership with states, local governments and stakeholders.”

Van Hollen emphasized the importance of identifying “measurable targets” of pollution reduction for long-term success, especially as climate change concerns surrounding the Bay grow.

“I think we’ll have to have a discussion about what the length of time for the next agreement should be. It may make sense to look at shorter time horizons,” the senator said.  “But you have to have a measurable target to hold people down.”


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Is the Tawes crab feast losing its luster? – Maryland Matters



Is the Tawes crab feast losing its luster? – Maryland Matters

Former Gov. Larry Hogan (R) and Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks (D) flocked with their entourages to the southernmost town on Maryland’s Eastern Shore Wednesday for a cherished ritual of state politics, the J. Millard Tawes Crab and Clam Bake in Crisfield.

The nominees for U.S. Senate said they wouldn’t have missed it.

“I come here every year,” Alsobrooks said. “It’s just the time for Marylanders to come together from everywhere. It’s a bonding experience where we gather for crabs and conversation.”

Hogan, the two-term governor and candidate, has attended the event since he worked on his father’s congressional campaigns. The trip is as much political muscle memory as it is about campaigning.


“It’s just a great place to be,” said Hogan. “It’s sort of like the Super Bowl of politicking. There’s just wonderful people on the Shore and from all over the state. And it’s just a tradition. That’s what I like about it.

“But I’m not sure if people are winning votes here actually. It’s just a great time to bring people together and to bring some attention and some money to the Shore,” he said.

What did the two candidates encounter on a mild but drizzly autumn day?

Hogan was trolled by members of AFSCME, a state employees union that frequently butted heads with the former governor. Union members carried red placards reading “Larry Hogan stole my wages”— a reference to recently settled cases with the U.S. Department of Labor to settle millions of dollars in overtime wage theft claims.

Another group — sent by the Maryland Democratic Party — dressed as judges and carried signs quoting Hogan praising former President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court picks. The signs also attempted to tie Hogan to the 2022 Supreme Court ruling curtailing abortion rights.

The Maryland Democratic Party sent three people dressed as judges to troll Republican U.S. Senate candidate Larry Hogan at the J. Millard Tawes Crab and Clam Bake in Crisfield. Photo by Bryan P. Sears.

Tawes has rarely, if ever, been host to such political counter-programming.

“It was kind of ridiculous,” said Hogan. “It’s the typical toxic politics that everybody’s sick and tired of, and quite frankly, it’s embarrassing for them to do it.”

But Alsobrooks, asked about a new attack ad that a political action committee aligned with Hogan began airing about her on radio Wednesday, also dismissed political attacks.

“The MAGA Republicans have put $18 million in to try to help their friend,” she said of the ad, which references a recent report that Alsobrooks took property tax credits she wasn’t entitled to.

‘It’s the place to be’

Hundreds of members of the state’s political tribe were gathered at the Somers Cove Marina for the annual event, along with civic leaders from the Lower Shore. Hundreds of everyday citizens were also there, enjoying a midweek respite, with all the seafood, beer and soda they could consume for their $75 ticket – 67% more than in 2017.


But the crowd size seemed way down from previous years, begging the question of whether the Tawes crab feast is still the must-do event for Maryland’s political class — not to mention for seafood lovers — that it once was.

“If you love Maryland politics, it’s the place to be,” said Paul Ellington, a Republican strategist.

“It’s a cool location,” he said. “The Lower Shore is beautiful. This is our political hotbed. It’s political nirvana. It’s political mecca, one day out of the year.”

And Ellington has made the pilgrimage many times over the last three decades.

But he acknowledged a change.


“I think it had its heyday, if you will, probably 10 years ago,” Ellington said.

Privately, other longtime attendees were more pointed. One questioned if the event Wednesday marked a turning point for the political relevance of the event. The crowds are down, the “vibe is off,” said one attendee.

Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks (D) greets supporters at the J. Millard Tawes Crab and Clam Bake Wednesday. Photo by Josh Kurtz.

The lighter-than-usual crowds at the food stalls mirrored what was going on in the private tents.

Annapolis lobbyist Bruce Bereano has a tent that rivals a circus big top. The power lobbyist begins sending updates on the event in February.

Inside, new-era pols break crabs with veterans and former elected officials of days gone by. The tent is typically packed with people shoulder to shoulder as they navigate tables. This year the traffic in the tent wasn’t nearly so congested.

It is too soon to write a political obituary for the crab feast. Some regulars believe the event has been hamstrung by external forces — weather and the pandemic and the economy — but will regain its footing.


“Don’t all things like this, ebb and flow and wax and wane?” asked Gene Ransom, CEO of MedChi, The Medical Society of Maryland, and a former Queen Anne’s County commissioner. “I mean, it looks like it’s a pretty good crowd. I’ve seen a lot of people running for office here.”

Now 47 years old, the crab feast, named for a former governor and state comptroller who hailed from Crisfield, has for decades been a popular destination for political leaders — especially in election years — and regular folks. But events have changed Tawes in countless ways recently.

Until 2021, the crab feast was a mid-summer event, and beastly hot. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the Crisfield Chamber of Commerce, the sponsor, moved it to early autumn.

While this decision made the experience more comfortable for festivalgoers, it may have also cut the crowd size, because it’s often easier to take time off during the summer than it is in the fall.

“I think when they moved it after COVID, you lost some people,” Ellington said. “If anything, you lost a lot of the casual attendees — the people that could take time out of their summer and it was worth the trip to them.”


The state’s political calendar also changed a few election cycles ago. When the state had a September primary, several candidates from both parties would come to Crisfield in July to press the flesh. But now primaries take place in early summer in gubernatorial election years, so there would be fewer statewide candidates on hand by the time the crab feast rolled around.

Post-pandemic habits and inflation may also be playing a role for the deflated crowd size. The cost of a crab feast ticket in 2017 was $45, compared to $75 now. And while many politicians still come to Tawes, they don’t circulate around the marina grounds as much as they once did.

Annapolis power lobbyist Bruce Bereano’s tent at the J. Millard Tawes Crab and Clam Bake in Crisfield. Photo by Bryan P. Sears.

For politicians, Bereano’s tent has over the past several years become the focal point of the crab feast. Politicians and their guests gather there to socialize and get access to special food and drinks not available to average festivalgoers, often delivered by young runners who Bereano hires from the Crisfield area.

As a result, the pols are not moving around the marina grounds as much as they did in years past — and this year more than two dozen interest groups, from area colleges and businesses to political organizations and local governments had tents of their own, far smaller than Bereano’s.

Politics have also changed.

“Now, back in the day before we were so polarized, everybody would come here to campaign,” said Ransom. “The world has changed. I don’t know what that means for Tawes in the long run, because this part of the state is very red. The rest of the state is blue. It makes you wonder how sustainable all of this is in the long run.”


‘Politics is all about relationships, right?’

And yet, they come, political leaders from all over the state, some driving as much as five hours each way, to mostly spend time in Bereano’s tent, to reconnect and gossip with colleagues and operatives.

“It’s a great opportunity to see a lot of friends,” said Baltimore County Councilmember Julian Jones (D), who was wearing an Alsobrooks T-shirt. “I know where they’ll be. It’s good to take a day off.”

Del. Jon S. Cardin (D-Baltimore County) said he likes to come to Crisfield “to connect with people who are politically inclined.”

Beer glasses, mallets and crab knives wait to be claimed by attendees of the 2024 J. Millard Tawes Crab and Clam Bake in Crisfield. Photo by Bryan P. Sears.

“It’s great to see what the pulse is around the state,” he said. “Good food, good friends. Coming here is always a happy occasion.”

Other Baltimore-area leaders said they were there to network.

Howard Libit, executive director of the Baltimore Jewish Council, was there squiring Andrew Cushnir, the new president and CEO of The Associated Baltimore Jewish Federation, to connect with elected officials who aren’t from the Baltimore area. Representatives of Shomrim of Baltimore, a Jewish volunteer neighborhood watch agency, were on hand to talk public safety  issues with state leaders.


“I look forward to it all year,” said Tzvi Skaist, an EMT and director of operations for the group.

Harford County Executive Bob Cassilly (R) said sharing a beer in Crisfield can pay political dividends in the future.

“Let’s face it, politics is all about relationships, right?” he said. “It’s an opportunity to build those essential relationships that you need. So when you see someone the next time, it’s friendly.”

Sen. Mike McKay (R-Allegany) may have had the longest trip, five hours one way — “a long way to come for crabs when crabs are delivered to Allegany County,” he said.

“The reason that I do come — and I don’t want to call it the mecca of political events — is that the interim is so important for relationships. That’s my biggest thing. So I can at least say hello to a chairman of a committee,” he said.


“I was just talking to the Comptroller [Brooke Lierman],” McKay said. “Really, if I get 5 seconds with 15 people, I will say that it’s worth the 9 1/2-hour round trip that I will take for spending three hours here.”

Del. Kym Taylor (D-Prince George’s) gestured to the clutches of Hogan and Alsobrooks volunteers waiting for their candidates to arrive and declared the scene “so cool.”

“It’s a chance to see both political factions,” she said. “This is democracy in action.”

Lower Shore officials believe the visits from their counterparts across the state are invaluable.

State Sen. Mary Beth Carozza (R-Lower Shore) greets Lt. Gov. Aruna Miller (D) in Crisfield Wednesday, as Del. Charles Otto (R-Somerset) looks on. Photo by Josh Kurtz.

“The fact that they would make the effort to come all the way to Crisfield speaks for itself,” said state Sen. Mary Beth Carozza (R-Lower Shore), whose district includes Crisfield. “This is a can’t-miss event. The fact that a can’t-miss event is in Crisfield is a real honor.”

Crisfield Mayor Darlene Taylor told Maryland Matters last year that she was sorry more of the crab feast visitors didn’t spend extra time seeing the rest of the town. But Carozza, who had a tent of her own at the crab feast across from Bereano’s, said she could still talk to colleagues about the town’s needs and make funding and policy requests during legislative sessions.


“It’s an opportunity when they come by, I can talk about all the efforts to improve our communities,” she said. “This event keeps our priorities front and center with them.”

When Lt. Gov. Aruna Miller (D), standing in for Gov. Wes Moore (D – who was in Annapolis meeting with the king of Jordan – greeted Carozza and the delegates from District 38, a heckler yelled, “Does she even know where the Eastern Shore is?”

But Carozza wouldn’t acknowledge the critic.

“I thanked [Miller] for taking the time and effort to make the trip,” she said.

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Moore hosts King Abdullah II of Jordan for economics roundtable discussion – Maryland Matters



Moore hosts King Abdullah II of Jordan for economics roundtable discussion – Maryland Matters

On a dreary Wednesday morning, outside a hastily spruced-up Maryland State House, the state of Maryland and the Kingdom of Jordan began what was touted as a new relationship with a hug.

As the motorcade of nearly two dozen motorcycles, police cruisers and sport utility vehicles with flashing lights approached the front of the State House under drizzly skies, Gov. Wes Moore (D) and his wife, Dawn Flythe Moore, calmly stood outside on a patch of red carpet.

A black SUV pulled up and Abdullah II ibn Al-Hussein, the king of Jordan, stepped out of the vehicle. He shook hands and embraced the governor, and then shook hands with Moore’s wife.

Abdullah and the Moores then walked up State House steps that had been fitted with temporary brass handrails and about a dozen ferns, and headed into the building for a roundtable discussion on how Maryland and Jordan can collaborate on future economic opportunities.

His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan in the Maryland State House on Sept. 25, 2024. Photo by Danielle J. Brown

While Abdullah has visited Maryland before, Moore said that his visit Wednesday marked the first time that a head of state has visited the Maryland State House on official business.

The king and the governor headed to the Governor’s Reception Room, where they sat down with a handful of administrators from Maryland universities and a dozen CEOs and executives from a range of companies, including Lockheed Martin International, Marriott International, McCormick and Co. and others.

“This is where you come together to talk about common goals, talk about common interests and talk about collaboration,” Moore said in opening remarks.

“We have brought leaders from across the state to engage in this historic visit. We look to have a very vibrant discussion about our people and our economies and our opportunities ahead,” he said. While Moore has met with other foreign leaders as governor, huddling with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Washington, D.C., in July, for example, this was his first time hosting.

Abdullah, who was in the U.S. for this week’s General Assembly at the United Nations, said that his visit to Maryland represents a new “relationship” between the state and his country.


The press were escorted out of the reception room after about 4 minutes of opening remarks. Few details of the meeting were available, but in a statement after the fact, the governor’s office said the more-than-90-minute meeting touched on “trade, investment and partnership opportunities between Maryland and Jordan.”

But one of the attendees, University of Maryland, Baltimore County President Valerie Sheares Ashby, called the meeting “extraordinary.”

Sheares Ashby said Abdullah began his comments talking about education.

A drone hovers above Lawyers Mall in Annapolis during a visit by the King of Jordan to the State House. Photo by William J. Ford.

“As a president of a university, you’re always the person talking about the transformative power of education, but to have the king and the governor say it and start the conversation with that basis was inspiring to me,” she said minutes after the meeting ended

“It was just a wonderful day,” she said. “Wonderful for the state. Wonderful for our global visibility and a fantastic day for higher education.”

While the meeting went on inside the State House, a drone flew above Lawyers Mall.


The meeting ended after noon. Abdullah talked and walked down down the broad steps alongside Moore.

At the bottom of the steps, the two men shook hands and embraced again. Then Abdullah stepped into a black SUV, and moments later the motorcade rolled slowly away from the State House.

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