KCR, a political drama set against a Telangana backdrop, features comedian-turned-actor Rakesh in the lead role. Known for his appearances in the popular TV show Jabardasth,...
Hudson Meek, an actor who appeared in “Baby Driver” and voiced Bada in the preschool-age series “Badanamu Stories,” has died after falling from a moving car....
“The Crossroads” is the sort of movie you get when you park two attractive but bland young actors on a modestly scenic piece of real estate...
A family of country music sweethearts is adding another idol to the list. Emmy Russell, a 2024 “American Idol” finalist and granddaughter of country legend Loretta...
Mura is a Malayalam action thriller directed by Muhammad Musthafa and produced by Rhea Shibu under the HR Pictures banner. Featuring Hridu Haroon, Anujith, Yedu Krishna,...
Call it Fox & Fiancées: Fox News’ prime-time star Sean Hannity is engaged to “Fox & Friends” co-host Ainsley Earhardt. The “Hannity” host popped the question...
Jessica Chastain and Anne Hathaway are two of the best actors of this generation, capable of elevating every film they star in. They were previously cast...
On a recent Saturday night on Sunset Boulevard, a pair of black 1940s low-riders guided the diverse, sold-out crowd into the Comedy Store. Cypress Hill hung...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3, 2024. Directed by Jeff Fowler.Starring Ben Schwartz, Jim Carrey, Keanu Reeves, Idris Elba, Colleen O’Shaughnessey, Krysten Ritter, James Marsden, Tika Sumpter, Alyla...
Dulce, a popular Mexican balladeer, soap star and TV personality known for the songs “Lobo,” “Tu Muñeca,” “Déjame Volver Contigo” and “Soy una Dama,” has died....