In an extraordinary exchange that played out among the pages of a landmark decision by the Supreme Court declaring race-conscious admissions at colleges and universities across...
In the Supreme Court decision striking down racial and ethnic preferences in college admissions, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. had harsh words for Harvard and...
The Supreme Court’s majority ruling on Thursday that rejected race-conscious admissions at colleges cited, in part, the Equal Protection Clause. Here is a brief primer on...
Sonia Sotomayor, one of the three liberal justices on the Supreme Court, said in her dissenting opinion on the Harvard case that the court turned its...
To the Editor: Re “Court Rules State Control of U.S. Voting Has Limits” (front page, June 28): Several high-profile cases were decided by the Supreme Court...
THE 272: The Families Who Were Enslaved and Sold to Build the American Catholic Church, by Rachel L. Swarns During the War of 1812, a large...
It’s important to note that faculty members do not drive the creation of courses in gender studies, ethnic studies and the like. In fields like mine,...
In the summer of 2020, Denver school leaders quickly banished police officers from campuses and directed the funds toward social workers and psychologists. The city, like...
For 20 years, a Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute professor had been working on what the university described as potentially groundbreaking work. It all ended with the accidental...
To the Editor: Don’t do it, liberal America! Don’t get caught up in the melodrama of the Florida trial! The former president craves attention. The news...