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Biden’s Barbed Remark About Putin: A Slip or a Veiled Threat?



WARSAW — They had been among the many ultimate few phrases of a rigorously crafted speech. However they strayed removed from the fragile stability that President Biden had tried to strike throughout three days of wartime diplomacy in Europe.

“For God’s sake, this man can’t stay in energy,” Mr. Biden mentioned Saturday, his cadence slowing for emphasis.

On its face, he seemed to be calling for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia to be ousted for his brutal invasion of Ukraine. However Mr. Biden’s aides shortly insisted that the comment — delivered in entrance of a fort that served for hundreds of years as a house for Polish monarchs — was not supposed as an enchantment for regime change.

No matter his intent, the second underscored the twin challenges Mr. Biden confronted throughout three extraordinary summit conferences in Belgium and an up-close take a look at the battle’s penalties from Poland: preserving America’s allies united towards Mr. Putin, whereas on the similar time avoiding an escalation with Russia, which the president has mentioned might result in World Conflict III.

To realize his first purpose, Mr. Biden spent a lot of the journey drawing the world’s consideration to Mr. Putin’s atrocities since he began the battle on Feb. 24. He urged continued motion to cripple the Russian financial system. He reaffirmed America’s promise to defend its NATO allies towards any risk. And he referred to as Mr. Putin “a butcher,” liable for devastating harm to Ukraine’s cities and its folks.


Dmitri S. Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, mentioned Mr. Putin’s destiny was not within the arms of the American president. “It’s not for Biden to determine,” Mr. Peskov advised reporters after Mr. Biden completed talking. “The president of Russia is elected by the Russians.”

Whilst he made it his mission to rally his counterparts, Mr. Biden and his aides had been decided to keep away from taking actions that Mr. Putin might use as pretexts to begin a wider, and much more harmful battle.

“There’s merely no justification or provocation for Russia’s selection of battle,” Mr. Biden mentioned earlier in his speech Saturday night time. “It’s an instance one of many oldest human impulses — utilizing brute drive and disinformation to fulfill a longing for absolute energy and management.”

In closed-door discussions at NATO and with the leaders of greater than 30 nations, Mr. Biden repeatedly vowed to not ship American troops into fight towards Russia. And regardless of determined pleas for extra assist from Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s president, Mr. Biden remained against utilizing NATO or U.S. fighter jets to safe the nation’s airspace from Russian assaults.

Mr. Biden’s journey, which started Wednesday, got here at a pivotal second for his presidency and the world, amid the biggest battle in Europe since 1945 and a mushrooming humanitarian disaster. Each are testing the resolve and cooperation inside the NATO alliance after 4 years during which former President Donald J. Trump solid doubt on its relevance and pushed a coverage of America First isolationism.


For many of his foray overseas, Mr. Biden succeeded in staying on message, based on veteran overseas coverage watchers — a actuality that made his last-minute remark about Mr. Putin’s future much more putting.

“That message of unity is strictly what Putin wants to listen to to persuade him to cut back his battle goals and finish the brutality,” Charles Kupchan, a senior fellow on the Council on International Relations. “It’s what Ukrainians want to listen to to encourage them to maintain up the struggle. And it’s what Europeans want to listen to to regular their nerves and reassure them that the US is absolutely dedicated to their protection.”

And but, the president ended his journey on Saturday and returned dwelling with few concrete solutions about how or when the battle will finish — and grim uncertainty concerning the brutal and grinding violence nonetheless to return.

A prime Russian commander on Friday appeared to sign that Moscow was narrowing its battle goals, saying that capturing Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, and different main cities was not a precedence. Col. Gen. Sergei Rudskoi, the chief of the Fundamental Operational Directorate of the Russian navy’s Normal Workers, mentioned in a public assertion that the navy would as an alternative focus “on the principle factor: the whole liberation of the Donbas,” the southeastern area that’s dwelling to a Kremlin-backed separatist insurgency.

Administration officers say a Russian withdrawal to Donbas would quantity to a outstanding failure for Mr. Putin, who has drawn worldwide scorn for his invasion and has plunged the Russian financial system into disarray below the load of world sanctions.


If Mr. Putin decides to restrict the scope of the struggle, it could pose new diplomatic challenges for Mr. Biden, who has used the horror of all-out battle to rally the world towards Russia’s aggression. That would show harder if Mr. Putin determined to maneuver a few of his forces again — whether or not as an actual retreat or a strategic feint.

For the second, nonetheless, massive parts of Ukraine stay below siege whereas the nation’s forces have mounted a fierce resistance.

On Saturday, at the same time as Mr. Biden ready to ship his speech, Russian missiles slammed into Lviv, a metropolis in western Ukraine not removed from the Polish border. The missiles hit at or close to what’s believed to be an oil storage facility, and thick black smoke billowed over the town. No less than 5 folks had been injured.

Mr. Putin’s considering remained murky as Mr. Biden boarded Air Power One on Saturday night time for the flight again to Washington, complicating his administration’s calculus because it seems to be for tactics to maintain the stress on Russia with out going too far.

All of it provides as much as a tough process for Mr. Biden, who got here into workplace decided to finish America’s 20-year battle in Afghanistan and now faces the problem of managing the response to a different battle.


He has obtained excessive marks — even from Republicans — for sending greater than $2 billion in navy and safety assist to Ukraine, bolstering its skill to struggle off Russian forces. And he has joined European leaders in imposing crippling sanctions on the Russian financial system, placing immense stress on the Russian chief’s most ardent backers.

Throughout Mr. Biden’s go to to Brussels, NATO introduced the redeployment of further forces to member nations closest to Russia, an effort that Mr. Biden mentioned would ship a message of resolve to Mr. Putin.

The president additionally introduced $1 billion in humanitarian assist for Poland and different nations who’ve taken in 3.5 million folks fleeing the combating in Ukraine. Mr. Biden mentioned the US would open its borders to 100,000 Ukrainian refugees.

“Seen American management is now not taken with no consideration in Europe,” mentioned Ian Lesser, the chief director in Brussels for the German Marshall Fund. “On this sense, the president’s journey has made a big impression.”

However the president additionally drew criticism from Mr. Zelensky, for refusing to implement a no-fly zone over Ukraine.

“Their benefit within the sky is like using weapons of mass destruction,” Mr. Zelensky advised Mr. Biden and the leaders of different NATO nations throughout their closed-door assembly on Thursday. “And also you see the results at the moment. How many individuals had been killed, what number of peaceable cities had been destroyed.”

Mr. Biden confronted the boundaries of European motion when he put to his allies the query of curbing Russia’s skill to revenue from the sale of its oil and gasoline. Europe will get a big share of its vitality from Russia, and Mr. Biden as soon as once more discovered a deep reluctance to creating any resolution to chop off that lifeline.


As an alternative, the president introduced a longer-term plan to assist wean Europeans off using Russian gasoline.

Jeremy Bash, who served as a prime adviser at each the Pentagon and the C.I.A. below former President Barack Obama, referred to as Mr. Putin’s battle a “a geopolitical earthquake” and a “once-in-a-generation contest” that has pressured Mr. Biden to adapt shortly to a quickly altering safety and diplomatic world.

“President Biden is now a wartime commander in chief waging 4 wars directly,” Mr. Bash mentioned on Saturday. “An financial battle, an info battle, probably a cyber battle, and an unprecedented oblique navy battle towards Putin. And up to now, Putin has been unable to realize a single certainly one of his goals.”

A number of of the administration’s most ardent supporters within the overseas coverage world shortly chided the president for seeming to hunt Mr. Putin’s elimination. Richard Haass, the president of the Council on International Relations, referred to as it a “dangerous lapse in self-discipline that runs threat of extending the scope and period of the battle.”

Whereas American officers nonetheless insist their purpose shouldn’t be regime change in Moscow, even the president’s prime nationwide safety advisers have made clear they need Mr. Putin to emerge strategically weakened.


“On the finish of the day, the Russian individuals are going to ask the extra basic query of why this occurred and the way this occurred,” Jake Sullivan, the president’s nationwide safety adviser, advised reporters on Air Power One on Friday, earlier than the president’s speech. “And we consider that, on the finish of the day, they’ll have the ability to join the dots.”

Mr. Sullivan added: “These are prices that President Putin has introduced on himself and his nation and his financial system and his protection industrial base due to his fully unjustified and unprovoked resolution to go to battle in Ukraine.”

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Trump says 'biggest problem' not Biden's age, 'decline,' but his policies in first appearance since debate



Trump says 'biggest problem' not Biden's age, 'decline,' but his policies in first appearance since debate

At former President Trump’s first rally since the presidential debate, he argued the nation’s “biggest problem” is not President Biden’s age and “decline,” but his destructive policies.

Speaking to a crowd of more than 1,000 at Historic Greenbrier Farms in Chesapeake, Virginia, Friday, Trump took a victory lap after the first 2024 presidential debate.

Trump told supporters every voter should ask one question before heading to the polls Nov. 5.

“The question every voter should be asking themselves today is not whether Joe Biden can survive a 90-minute debate performance, but whether America can survive four more years of crooked Joe Biden in the White House,” he said.



Former President Trump speaks during a campaign rally at Historic Greenbrier Farms in Chesapeake, Va., July 28, 2024. (Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images)

Former U.S. President Donald Trump shakes hands with Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin

Former President Trump, a Republican presidential candidate, shakes hands with Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin during a rally at Greenbrier Farms June 28, 2024, in Chesapeake, Va.  (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

“Remember, the biggest problem for our country is not Joe Biden’s personal decline,” Trump said. “It’s that Joe Biden’s policies are causing America’s decline at a level that we’ve never seen before.

“That’s why this November, the people of Virginia and the people of America are going to tell crooked Joe Biden, ‘You’re fired.’”

Joe Biden

Biden said he is committed to winning the election, brushing aside mounting calls from prominent Democrats to step aside following his disastrous debate against Republican Donald Trump. (Cornell Watson/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

President Biden addressed his campaign performance at a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, saying, “I don’t debate as well as I used to.



“I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done,” he told a roaring crowd that chanted “Four more years.”

“The choice in this election is simple,” Biden said. “Donald Trump will destroy our democracy. I will defend it.”

Joe and Jill Biden

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden delivered remarks at a campaign rally at the Jim Graham Building at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds in Raleigh, N.C., June 28, 2024. (Kyle Mazza/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Biden’s age and mental acuity have been at the forefront as voters inch closer to Election Day.

Biden, 81, is the oldest president in history and has faced skepticism from voters and Republican lawmakers about his ability to do the job.


Biden would be 86 at the end of a second term, while Trump would be 82.

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Kinky Friedman, musical satirist and writer who also ran for Texas governor, dies at 79



Kinky Friedman, musical satirist and writer who also ran for Texas governor, dies at 79

Kinky Friedman, author, singer-songwriter and former Texas gubernatorial candidate, died Thursday after a years-long battle with Parkinson’s disease. Friedman was 79.

“He died peacefully,” close friend Kent Perkins, who knew Friedman for about 50 years, told the Associated Press in confirming the death. He said Friedman died at his family’s ranch near San Antonio.

“He smoked a cigar, went to bed and never woke up,” Perkins said.

Perkins described Friedman as the “last free person on earth” and said he had an “irreverence about him. He was a fearless writer.”

Friedman — born Richard Samet Friedman in Chicago on Nov. 1, 1944 — stirred buzz with his provocative and unapologetic nature, which became widely known when his band, Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys, found success in the 1970s.


The satirical country band released songs such as “Drop Kick Me, Jesus, Through the Goal Posts of Life,” “Get Your Biscuits in the Oven and Your Buns in the Bed” and “They Ain’t Makin’ Jews Like Jesus Anymore.”

But the band’s brash nature was apparently not well received by some.

“In 1973, the Texas Jewboys received death threats in Nacogdoches, got bomb threats in New York, and required a police escort to escape radical feminists at the University of Buffalo,” the musician wrote in a personal essay for the September 2001 issue of Texas Monthly.

Friedman — who was nicknamed Kinky, or the Kinkster, because of his curly hair — then traveled with Bob Dylan in 1976 as part of the Rolling Thunder Revue tour. By the 1980s, after his band’s success had cooled, Friedman turned to a new venture: writing.

He penned several New York-based crime novels, including “Greenwich Killing Time” and “Roadkill,” that featured himself as a detective. At the time of his death, Friedman had written more than 20 books.


Joking that he needed “a job right now,” Friedman elevated his profile when he challenged incumbent Republican Gov. Rick Perry in the 2006 Texas governor’s race, according to the Houston Chronicle.

The race became prickly. Friedman, one of five candidates, was hit with allegations of racism over remarks he made in 1980. He denied the accusations, stating that his style of humor was intended to draw reactions.

Offending people “was the purpose,” Friedman told the Houston Chronicle in 2006. “That’s what I was doing. That’s called social commentary, that’s called satire.”

He ran on a campaign that supported gay marriage (“I think they have every right to be as miserable as the rest of us”) and prayer in school (“What’s wrong with a kid believing in something?”) but ultimately finished in last place. Perry won reelection.

Reflecting on the race four years later, Friedman told The Times that more musicians should get into politics.


“If the musicians ran the country, we wouldn’t get a hell of a lot done in the morning, but we’d work late and we’d be honest,” he said. “When I’m in a roomful of musicians, those are decent people, good people. You can’t say the same about politicians.”

And he was still proud of his gubernatorial campaign.

“We won that race, by the way,” Friedman said, “every place but Texas.”

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Trump sways independent voters over Biden on immigration in Fox News Digital focus group



Trump sways independent voters over Biden on immigration in Fox News Digital focus group

Former President Trump appeared to earn significant approval from Republican and independent voters who were part of a Fox News Digital focus group during his response to President Biden’s claims about immigration during the CNN Presidential Debate on Thursday night.

When CNN moderator Jake Tapper asked Biden to inform voters how he can curb the record-high numbers of illegal immigrants crossing the border, the two presidential contenders sparred over their immigration policies, which ended in Biden calling Trump a “liar” and Trump appearing to not understand a portion of Biden’s responses.

After touting Congress’ bipartisan border package that lawmakers bucked earlier this year, Biden said “we find ourselves in a situation where when [Trump] was president, he was separating babies from their mothers, put them in cages, making sure that the families were separated.”


Former President Trump appeared to earn significant approval from Republican and independent voters during his response to President Biden’s claims about immigration. (Fox News Digital)


“That’s not the right way to go. What I’ve done since I’ve changed the law, what’s happened? I’ve changed it in a way that now you’re in a situation where there are 40% fewer people coming across the border illegally. That’s better than when he left office. And I’m going to continue to move until we get the total ban on the total initiative relative to what we can do with more Border Patrol and more asylum officers,” Biden said.

During Biden’s remarks, Republican and independent voters who took part in the Fox News Digital focus group gave the president low approval. When Trump responded, however, the approval from the same voters shot up, indicating support for the former president’s positions on the subject. 

Republican approval lines are color-coded red, while independents’ are color-coded yellow and Democrats’ blue.


Donald Trump at CNN presidential debate

Former President Trump speaks during a presidential debate in Atlanta on Thursday. (Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP)

Trump, appearing to not understand Biden, responded: “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence, I don’t think he knows what he said, either.”


“Look, we had the safest border in the history of our country,” Trump added. “All he had to do was leave it, all he had to do was to leave it. He decided to open up our border, open up our country, to people that are from prisons, people that are from mental institutions, insane asylum, terrorists — we have the largest number of terrorists coming into our country right now.”

Joe Biden at CNN debate

President Biden stands at his podium during the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle in Atlanta on Thursday. (Kevin D. Liles for The Washington Post)

Approval from Democratic voters who took part in the real-time reaction gave Biden high marks for his remarks on immigration. During Trump’s rebuttal, Democratic approval dropped significantly.

Fox News’ Jamie Joseph contributed to this report.


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