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New Hampshire

This is no 1970s theatrics. Today’s roller derby is about competition — and getting along



This is no 1970s theatrics. Today’s roller derby is about competition — and getting along

It’s like watching a centipede seamlessly weave across the floor.

Except all the legs end in roller skates.


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New Hampshire

More than 100 people rescued from malfunctioning chairlift at New Hampshire ski resort – Boston News, Weather, Sports | WHDH 7News



More than 100 people rescued from malfunctioning chairlift at New Hampshire ski resort – Boston News, Weather, Sports | WHDH 7News

HENNIKER, N.H. (WHDH) – More than 100 people were rescued from a malfunctioning chairlift at Pats Peak ski resort in New Hampshire Monday, officials said.

At around 2 p.m., ski patrol and mountain operations crews responded to the Peak Triple chairlift for a “deropement,” according to a statement from Pats Peak. Henniker Fire and Rescue was also called to the scene.

Crews evacuated about 120 passengers from the lift over the course of about 90 minutes, the resort said. No injuries were reported.

A tramway inspector determined the malfunction was caused by wind gusts, as opposed to a mechanical issue, according to the New Hampshire State Fire Marshal’s office.


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New Hampshire

Hudson, NH man arrested after hidden camera found in bedroom



Hudson, NH man arrested after hidden camera found in bedroom

HUDSON, N.H. — A Hudson man has been arrested following an investigation that was launched after a hidden camera was discovered in the bedroom of a residence.

Steven Jacques, 54, faces numerous charges, including wiretapping, burglary, falsifying physical evidence, criminal trespass, and multiple counts of violating privacy, following what the Hudson Police Department described as a comprehensive investigation.

According to police, the covertly placed camera was installed without the occupants’ knowledge or consent. Upon discovering the device, investigators were able to gather information that led to Jacques’ arrest. Police said it is believed that Jacques had been engaging in the illicit violation of privacy for an extended period of time.

“The Hudson Police Department is committed to safeguarding the privacy and security of our residents,” police said in a press release announcing the arrest on Friday. “Mr. Jacques’s illegal actions represent a severe breach of trust and privacy, and we are dedicated to ensuring the safety of our community.”


Jacques was held on preventative detention and ordered to appear in the 9th Circuit District Division Nashua Court on Tuesday.

Follow Aaron Curtis on X, formerly known as Twitter, @aselahcurtis

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New Hampshire

Mildly venomous snake found in bananas at New Hampshire Market Basket



Mildly venomous snake found in bananas at New Hampshire Market Basket

Snake found in bananas at New Hampshire grocery store


Snake found in bananas at New Hampshire grocery store



An employee at a Market Basket store in New Hampshire got quite the surprise when he was unloading a shipment of bananas over the weekend.

New Hampshire Fish and Game said the worker at Market Basket in Manchester discovered a small ornate cat-eyed snake on Saturday.

The snake, which Fish and Game described as an “unwanted hitchhiker,” is mildly venomous. That species of snake is native to Ecuador.

A small snake was found in a shipment of bananas at Market Basket.

NH Fish and Game


Fish and Game said the snake was not hurt and was rehomed withy Rainforest Reptile Shows, Inc.

“Thank you to the alert employees and the great and always helpful staff at Rainforest Reptile Shows Inc.,” Fish and Game said in a statement.

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