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New Hampshire

This is no 1970s theatrics. Today’s roller derby is about competition — and getting along



This is no 1970s theatrics. Today’s roller derby is about competition — and getting along

It’s like watching a centipede seamlessly weave across the floor.

Except all the legs end in roller skates.


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New Hampshire

One dead in single-car crash in Nashua



One dead in single-car crash in Nashua

One person is dead after a single-vehicle crash in Nashua, New Hampshire early Sunday morning.

Nashua Fire Rescue says they responded to a report of a crash at around 1:08 a.m.

When they arrived, authorities say they found a car had hit the center barrier and ended up against the overpass on Tinker Road.

Hydraulic rescue tools were used to access the person inside the car, according to authorities.


The person in the car was declared dead at the scene.

New Hampshire State Police is investigating the incident.

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New Hampshire

90-year-old great-grandmother graduates from New Hampshire college 50 years after finishing degree



90-year-old great-grandmother graduates from New Hampshire college 50 years after finishing degree

MANCHESTER N.H. – Some people may have thought there was a celebrity in the building at Southern New Hampshire University’s graduation on Saturday. Annette Roberge certainly felt like one as she crossed the stage to get her diploma at 90 years old.

“I’m still on cloud nine,” Roberge said. “I can’t even put it into words. It was exhilarating, it was awesome, it was beyond anything I could’ve possibly imagined.”

Roberge walked across the stage to a standing ovation from her peers.

Southern New Hampshire University


Degree 50 years in the making

This degree has been decades in the making for the mother of five, grandmother of 12, and great-grandmother of 15. She began taking classes at New Hampshire College, now SNHU, in 1972 one year after her husband of 20 years was killed in Vietnam.

Roberge graduated from Manchester Central High School in 1953 and she married her husband later that year.

Southern New Hampshire University

She completed several night and weekend courses before it took a backseat to her five kids and two jobs. Roberge worked as an insurance agent while she finished up as a lunch lady at a nearby school. Roberge retired at age 75, but she was a woman who loved learning, and she knew something was missing from her life.  

“If I started something I just have to finish it,” Roberge said.


But it wasn’t until recently that Roberge’s daughter began poking around and learned her mom had earned enough credits for an associate’s degree in business administration. Barring some health challenges, Roberge finally walked across the stage on Saturday to the roaring cheers from her fellow graduates and a standing ovation.

“Never give up on learning because what you learn can never be taken away from you,” Roberge said.

“It matters so much for the example it sets about what we do for ourselves, to keep learning and stretching and growing,” SNHU President Lisa Marsh Ryerson said.

“Don’t ever give up on a dream”

Roberge even had a parting message for all of her new fellow graduates.   

“If you’ve got a dream don’t let it just sit there. Do something, make it work, don’t ever give up on a dream.”


If you thought Roberge would be satisfied with her associate’s degree you’d be wrong. She plans to start working towards her bachelor’s degree in January.

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New Hampshire

Town Of Bow: Tax Collector Says Bills Will Be Mailed Out In Early December



Town Of Bow: Tax Collector Says Bills Will Be Mailed Out In Early December

From the office of the Tax Collector:

I am reaching out due to the high volume of phone calls and emails we’ve received from concerned residents regarding their property tax bills.

As a result of the property tax revaluation this year, the tax rate-setting process has been delayed. We are still awaiting the finalized tax rate from the Department of Revenue. Because of this delay, we anticipate that the warrant will be prepared, and tax bills will be mailed out early December. The due date for taxes will be the second week of January, 2025.

I want to inform you that this information will also be available online for your reference. Tax bills will be posted online once they are mailed out under the online payment tab for property taxes.


In the meantime, you may pay your taxes now based on last year’s tax amount, with the balance due once you receive your updated bill.

If you are looking to qualify for an income tax deduction, please be aware that payments must be received by December 31st, 2024.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving.

This press release was produced by the Town of Bow. The views expressed here are the author’s own.

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