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Outdoors in Maine: Preservation attempt harmful to hunting



Through the years, debate has ensued over whether or not the nationwide environmental group, the Sierra Membership, really has been an adversary of our looking rights on this nation.

V. Paul Reynolds, Outdoor Columnist

Not so way back, the NRA, a proponent of looking rights, dropped its supporting membership within the Out of doors Writers Affiliation of America (OWAA) due to OWAA’s assist of the Sierra Membership.

Some out of doors writers have taken a middle-of the-road posture, arguing that it isn’t inconsistent to embrace each of those politically potent nationwide organizations, NRA and the Sierra Membership. A number of hunters I’ve identified belong to the Sierra Membership with no compunctions.


More and more, we reside in a seductive age of knowledge overload wherein reality turns into increasingly troublesome to discern, most particularly with well-funded and elegantly marketed energy teams like NRA and Sierra Membership.

The one protection, I imagine, is to observe actions, not a lot the phrases. Verify this out.


The Sierra Membership lately has renewed its push to alter the 70,000-acre Delaware Water Hole Nationwide Recreation Space right into a Nationwide Park and Protect, thereby closing off tens of 1000’s of acres to trying to find space sportsmen. Their plan is to re-designate a big portion of the world because the Delaware River Nationwide Park.

Sierra Membership has pushed this concept for a few decade, however attributable to push-back from hunters and looking organizations, they haven’t but succeeded in getting this variation by means of Congress. After all, hunters know that with Nationwide Park designation, looking will likely be prohibited. This re-designation to a Nationwide Park would successfully submit a “no looking” signal all through tens of 1000’s of acres of public land that hunters from a number of states have loved for many years.


And the Sierra Membership New Jersey Chapter — the chief on this transfer — is just not shy about why they’re pushing so arduous for this variation proper now. From their web site:

“… we’re conscious that the present favorable local weather in Congress is tenuous. We’re working to get this laws handed within the present session … The change may occur as merely as with the attachment of a rider to an appropriations invoice.”

In different phrases, transfer quick to ban leisure looking within the Delaware Water Hole earlier than the Democratic majority in Congress is overturned within the mid-term elections subsequent fall.


Successfully booting hunters out of 70,000 acres of conventional looking floor in a single fell swoop is a wierd solution to promote conservation, which is the mantra of the Sierra Membership. Clearly, the Sierra Membership doesn’t embrace the idea that “hunters are the conservationists.”


You’ll be able to stroll the center of the highway on this if it fits you, however not I. Closing down the Delaware Water Hole to leisure looking is just not the primary anti-hunting initiative pushed by the Sierra Membership. This group is poisonous to the American looking heritage, and simply can’t elude the Reynolds Duck Check: if it seems to be like a duck, walks like a duck, it’s most likely a …

V. Paul Reynolds is editor of the Northwoods Sporting Journal, an writer, a Maine information and host of a weekly radio program, “Maine Outdoor,” heard at 7 p.m. Sundays on The Voice of Maine Information-Speak Community. Contact him at [email protected]

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My family of 5 went camping in Maine. Having a kid-friendly campsite made things easier.



My family of 5 went camping in Maine. Having a kid-friendly campsite made things easier.

I’ll admit I’m not the most outdoorsy person. I love the beach and can lay on the hot sand for hours on end, but sleeping in a tent and fending off bugs is not my idea of fun.

That said, my husband and I moved our family from Brooklyn to Maine to spend more time outside. Our kids love getting dirty and playing outdoors regardless of the season. We had been talking about taking them camping — something I hadn’t done in nine years but that my husband loves doing — but hadn’t come around to actually planning a trip yet.

We spent a long weekend at a camping ground in southern Maine, and the kids absolutely loved it. They are already asking to go camping again, and I’m wondering why we didn’t do this earlier in their lives.

We went with the easy option

Because our kids are little — they are 6, 4, and 4 — we felt like maybe a good start would be a camping ground that had already been set up. We found a company called Huttopia, which has a location near us. It was close enough to home that the kids wouldn’t be stuck in the car for hours on end, and we could also abort the plan if we were all miserable.


There are different kinds of huts, from rustic to more modern, which include a private bathroom and shower. We went with the rustic option, which was a canvas tent with two rooms — one with a bunk bed that fit all three kids and one with a queen bed — as well as a small kitchenette, dining table, and bathroom. 

While some might say this is not technically camping, we still had to zip up our canvas windows at night, and we chased plenty of bugs out of the tent.

It was so family-friendly

I was surprised at how many families were there and how many activities were planned for kids.

The night we arrived, there was a movie night for kids. The next night, there was a concert for the whole family, and on our last night, there was a puppet show. This made navigating going from dinner time at the camp to bedtime easy, because kids had something to do to get their willies out. All these activities happened near the restaurant, where pizzas and smoothies were offered for purchase.

Kids watching Lion King

The author says there were lots of kid-friendly activities at Huttopia Maine.


Courtesy of the author

The campground also had tons of activities. There was a huge playset for little kids and all kinds of games, such as ping pong, foosball, and petanque.

There was also a pool and a pond for everyone to enjoy. We went in late May, which is still low season for Maine, and the pond was packed with people. The pool, on the other hand, was practically empty during our entire stay.

The campgrounds are also dog-friendly, although they have strict rules, which initially annoyed me but I came to appreciate during our stay. You can never leave your dogs unattended at your camp, and they are allowed everywhere except for the pool. Our two dogs had a blast walking around the grounds and snoozing at the pond.

We were also close to other towns, so when we needed a break from the campgrounds, we explored new beaches and restaurants.


I’m ready to do it again

This experience was so positive that I’m ready to do it again — as long as I have a shower and bathroom to myself.

That said, if staying again at Huttopia, I would ask to stay in a tent further away from the main reception, where the playground is. Because our kids are little, they went to bed before the “quiet time,” which started at 10 p.m. Because of that, we could still hear older kids playing and yelling in the game zone area. Also, because we were so close to the reception and main parking spots, we got woken up several times when people were either checking in late or coming back from an adventure. I felt like not all guests followed the dog rules, and I encountered several tents left with dogs alone barking throughout the day. Thankfully, none of those were near ours.

Dogs at a campsite

The camp where the author went is dog-friendly, which made traveling easier.

Courtesy of the author

My kids enjoyed collecting pinecones for our fire pit and building s’mores after dinner. They especially loved spending so much time outside in nature, away from distractions like television and toys. They made up games and played together, and it was truly memorable.


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Wild Blueberries: A Journey Through Time and Tradition In Maine



Wild Blueberries: A Journey Through Time and Tradition In Maine

Guess what? The fresh blueberries you buy at the store are not wild blueberries. My fascination with wild blueberries began as a child when I stumbled upon them while wandering the woods. Unlike their cultivated cousins, true wild blueberries grow naturally without human intervention, thriving in the harsh climates of northern Maine and parts of Canada. Research shows that they naturally grow in barrens created by glaciers 10,000 years ago. These berries spread underground through rhizomes, forming dense, low bushes. They are smaller and burst with intense, nuanced flavors that make each bite unique as it is delicious. If you’re curious about trying them, you’re in luck! Blueberry season is upon us starting late July.

In the summer of 2022, I was introduced to the wonders of the true wild blueberry— a serendipitous encounter that led me on a journey to northern Maine with the Wild Blueberry Association of North America. There, I had the privilege of hand raking wild blueberries alongside the Passamaquoddy. This experience deepened my appreciation for these resilient berries and the people who have cherished them for generations. I spoke to Holli Francis, the product manager at Passamaquoddy Blueberries to get more insights into their rich cultural heritage and unwavering commitment to sustainability. Here are 5 things to know about wild blueberries and the voices who have been stewarding the land for thousands of years.


Historical and Cultural Significance

For the Passamaquoddy people, wild blueberries are more than just a source of sustenance; they are a cornerstone of cultural identity. “The Passamaquoddy way of life was to hunt, fish, trap, and gather food and medicine, and employ the environment’s natural resources to sustain their communities” Francis says. Historically, these berries were consumed alongside abundant seafood reflecting the tribe’s deep connection to their coastal environment. The name “Passamaquoddy” itself translates to “people who spear pollock,” highlighting their intimate relationship with nature. Wild blueberries were also used as a form of medicine, a practice now supported by scientific evidence showing their high antioxidant and anthocyanin content. Additionally, these berries served as a dye for sweetgrass used in basket weaving and other crafts, showcasing their multifaceted role in Passamaquoddy life.

Sustainable Harvesting Practices

The Passamaquoddy Tribe has long employed sustainable practices to ensure the longevity of wild blueberry plants. Unlike traditional farming– where soil is disturbed– the tribe allows these hardy plants to thrive naturally in the rocky, dry barrens of Maine. Harvesting is done without planting, preserving the natural landscape. The tribe manages their 2,000 acres on a biennial cycle, harvesting 1,000 acres each year to allow the plants to rest and regenerate. Off-year burning of fields promotes regeneration and reduces pests, a practice that aligns with modern sustainable agriculture principles.


Sacred Connection and Community Gathering

Every year, hundreds of Passamaquoddy people as well as other Wabanaki tribes of all ages gather to harvest, share, strengthen and connect with their communities– the annual wild blueberry harvest is a sacred tradition. “It’s a short harvest – just four weeks – but it is important for many tribal members to feel a connection to Earth’s bounty,” says Francis. During the harvest, they gather to hand-rake blueberries, a method passed down through generations. I had the opportunity to try it out and I can tell you first-hand that it certainly isn’t easy! It requires patience, skill and technique. Some skilled pickers can fill up to 50 crates of wild blueberries a day.

At the end of the day, this event is more than just a harvest; it is a time for community, connection, and cultural preservation. Despite historical challenges and encroachments, families come together to strengthen bonds and maintain traditions, passing it down for the next generations to come. The harvest symbolizes resilience and the enduring strength of the Passamaquoddy culture. Like many Indigenous tribes of North America, they have faced substantial loss of their ancestral lands to colonization in addition to dealing with cultural suppression and economic hardships. “The wild blueberries remain strong. Families join us at our barrens for a sense of community, connection and a feeling of centuries past.” says Francis.

Organizations such as the Wild Blueberry Association (WBA) have largely centered Indigenous voices alongside their efforts to fund further research into the wild blueberries and beyond. As a result, they are making significant strides when it comes to preserving Indigenous knowledge and encouraging folks to eat wild and partnering with companies like Wyman’s to get them into the hands of as many people as possible. This year, the WBA is hosting their fourth annual Wild Blueberry Weekend where folks can tour wild blueberry farms, pick wild blueberries and learn all about the origins of the fruit. They’ve even partnered with venues such as the Bissell Brothers to spread the wild blueberry joy and knowledge by offering menu items such as blueberry pie ice cream, or corn pudding with blueberry compote.


Economic Impact and Tribal Sustainability

Wild blueberries play a crucial economic role for the Passamaquoddy community as they were among the first to harvest wild blueberries and have been doing so for over 1,000 years. The tribe’s ownership of the Passamaquoddy Wild Blueberry Company (PWBC) allows them to reinvest profits into the business, creating jobs for tribal members and supporting community initiatives at Pleasant Point and Indian Township. This economic model fosters self-sufficiency and ensures that the benefits of wild blueberry cultivation are felt directly within the community, reinforcing the tribe’s commitment to sustainable development and cultural preservation.

The economic impact extends beyond just job creation. The PWBC’s operations provide full-time, year-round, and seasonal jobs for Passamaquoddy Tribe members, contributing significantly to the local economy. By maintaining traditional practices and adapting to market demands, the company has managed to remain economically viable while honoring cultural traditions​ (Maine Made)

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite their deep-rooted practices, the Passamaquoddy face challenges in maintaining and promoting wild blueberry cultivation. The market is flooded with cultivated and non-domestic wild blueberries, driving down prices and threatening the viability of traditional hand-raking methods. However, the tribe is addressing these challenges through innovation and education. A USDA Value-Added Producer Grant in 2020 enabled the development of a brand for their wild blueberries, giving them control over their story and market positioning. “We ventured to create our own brand of wild blueberries, giving us control over our story – we can share not only the importance of wild blueberries to Maine but the importance of this incredible fruit to Maine’s First Nations” says Holli. By promoting the superior antioxidant content and cultural significance of wild blueberries, the Passamaquoddy are creating a niche market that values sustainability and indigenous heritage.


This grant also allowed the Passamaquoddy to find ways to strike a balance between using technology to their advantage while also preserving their hand-raking traditions. Like many others in the agricultural industry, they are beginning to explore the use of AI and other advanced technologies in their blueberry farming practices. The hope there is to be able to enhance efficiency and sustainability. AI technologies are now being developed to identify and manage weeds more effectively in wild blueberry fields which limits unnecessary herbicide use, and at the sorting facilities, advanced sorting machines can use AI to sort berries by size and detect and remove defective berries more efficiently. More on that later.

The Passamaquoddy’s approach to wild blueberry cultivation is a testament to the power of tradition and sustainability. By sharing their story, we can all learn valuable lessons about respecting nature, preserving cultural heritage while advocating for Indigenous rights and supporting sustainable food systems.

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Governor’s commission meets officials from towns, counties affected by 2023 flooding in western Maine



Governor’s commission meets officials from towns, counties affected by 2023 flooding in western Maine

RUMFORD — The governor’s Infrastructure Rebuilding and Resilience Commission listened to stories Friday in the Rumford Falls Auditorium about the 2023 flooding in Franklin and Oxford counties.

Several storms with heavy rains causing flash floods hit the state in 2023, including May 1, June 29 and Dec. 18. There were major infrastructure losses such as streets, homes, businesses, vehicles, athletic fields and trails.

The December 2023 flooding claimed the lives of a grandmother and granddaughter in Mexico after the Swift River rose so fast and high it washed the truck they were driving over a bridge into the water.

The 24-member panel is holding listening sessions around the state to get input on what happened and how to prevent it. An annual report is expected to be issued in May 2025.


Road work to rebuild a section of Macomber Hill Road, seen Thursday, damaged in the 2023 floods is scheduled to begin after July 15. The governor’s Infrastructure Rebuilding and Resilience Commission met Friday in Rumford to talk about what happened during several heavy rain and flash flooding in 2023. Donna M. Perry/Sun Journal

According to the commission’s website, it is “charged with reviewing and evaluating Maine’s response to the recent storms, identifying crucial areas for near-term investment and policy needs, and developing the state’s first long-term infrastructure plan to ensure that Maine is ready for the harsh storms ahead.”

The commission consists of state and local officials; representatives of affected communities, businesses and industries; and experts in infrastructure, construction, engineering, electrical utilities, floodplain management, financing, philanthropy, emergency response and climate science.

At Friday’s meeting, several people noted that being prepared is key. That means having a resource guide for towns, especially smaller towns, on what to do and where to get help.

Rumford Town Manager George O’Keefe said the forecast for Dec. 18 called for 3 inches of rain. It turned into 7 inches. People’s homes and businesses were flooded.


“It wasn’t just the type of flood, it was the speed of the water coming up,” he said.

Several residences in Mexico off U.S. Route 2 near the Swift River still have not been reoccupied, said Mexico Selectman Peter Merrill.

That area had to contend with quick rising water from both the Androscoggin and Swift rivers.

Mexico Selectman Peter Merrill, right, speaks Friday to the governor’s Infrastructure Rebuilding and Resilience Commission near the banks of the Swift River in Mexico where a car was swept away during last December’s catastrophic rainstorm. Beyond the loss of life, the towns of Rumford and Mexico were devastated by the rains, which saw the area pictured under 8-10 feet of water. Cranes in the background are part of the bridge rebuilding effort. Andree Kehn/Sun Journal

Jay Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere, a member of the governor’s commission, said last year was her first experience with the Federal Emergency Management Agency for floods. She is still dealing with paperwork from the May 1 and June 29 floods, and a couple of roads still do not have through access.


Contracts were awarded to fix Macomber Hill Road, Begin Road and Hutchinson Road. A temporary bridge was installed on Hutchinson Road for people above the stream and emergency personnel. Macomber Hill still has a gaping hole in the middle of it that has prevented through traffic. Residents have had to detour around the area to get to their homes.

“The Army Corp of Engineers regulations don’t allow in-stream work to begin until after July 15,” LaFreniere said in regard to Macomber Hill Road. The other roads that needed federal and state permits will also be fixed after July 15.

LaFreniere said the town had received 6-8 inches of rain June 29 in a short period of time. They used every emergency cone and barrier they had and ended up dumping piles of dirt in front of the holes in the roads to deter motor vehicles. Those barrier are still up on Macomber Hill Road.

O’Keefe said that the dam on the Androscoggin River above Rumford Center has no flood gate. If there was one, that would have helped in the December storm, which was the second largest flood since 1936 for the town, he said.

The Maine Department of Environmental Protection was on site very quickly to help deal with oil leaks and other hazardous materials, O’Keefe said.


Frank Diconzo, vice chairman of the Rumford Select Board, said people need to dust off their emergency plans and be ready for the next storm.

“Mother Nature is taking a turn for the worse and each time it gets worse,” Diconzo said. They need to get into the mindset of prevention, he said, to save lives and infrastructure, he added.

Farmington Fire Chief Tim “TD” Hardy said at one point during the December storm, no one could get into Farmington and no one could get out. It was a like an island, he said.

Hardy said they are used to dealing with flooding of the Sandy River in the intervale area of lower Main Street where McDonald’s, Gifford’s Ice Cream, The Ice Cream Shoppe and Walgreens are located. Both Walgreens and McDonald’s just opened the inside of their businesses to customers. Gifford’s still has not reopened, he said.

Rumford Town Manager George O’Keefe, far left, gives a tour Friday to the governor’s new Infrastructure Rebuilding and Resilience Commission at Rumford Falls. O’Keefe spoke of the damage during last December’s catastrophic rainstorm that devastated northern Oxford County. Andree Kehn/Sun Journal


During the Dec. 18 storm, they had to detour a lot of truck motor vehicle traffic around the area to side streets and that did not work well, Hardy said.

The officials said they used every option they had to communicate with each other and the public what was going on. Franklin County Emergency Management directors have been meeting on a regular basis with authorities to make plans to improve on what they have done in the past.

Commission members and guests went on a site visit to Rumford Falls Trail after the meeting Friday to see where the dam on the Androscoggin River is and the flood gate. They also traveled to 13 Main St. in Mexico just before the bridge washed over.

O’Keefe said to the crowd in a parking lot across from Hosmer Field that the water was 7 feet over people’s heads. After walking across the bridge to Mexico, Peter Merrill showed where the businesses and homes were flooded half way up the buildings. Several places remain unoccupied.

He said the nearby post office in Mexico still has not reopened since Dec. 18.


The group also had the option to visit Macomber Hill Road in Jay to see the damage.

“You all have been through a lot,” Commission Co-chairperson Linda Nelson, also the director of Stonington’s Economic and Community Development, said after listening to those who went through the flooding.

She thanked them all for their commitment to public safety.

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