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Maine House District 40 Candidate: Joseph M. McLaughlin


on has circulated questions to candidates seeking office in Midcoast Senate and House District. As candidates return their responses, we are posting them on the Pilot’s front page, and then they will reside on the Elections 2024 Voter Resource Page, which also includes letters, opinions, stories about state and local referendum questions, and more.

Joseph M. McLaughlin, R-Lincolnville, is seeking the House District 40 seat. The district comprises Morrill,  Montville,  Liberty, Lincolnville,  Searsmont,  Islesboro and  Appleton.

He is running against Michael Ray, D-Lincolnville.


Please provide a short biography of yourself, and explain why you are running for office.

My family has deep roots in Lincolnville having resided here for generations.  I grew up in this community, graduated from Camden Hills Regional High School in 2006 and gained experience working in various family owned businesses.  Additionally I manage a few rentals on the side, both long term and and short.  Currently I own a home in Lincolnville where my fiancé and I are raising a family.    We also have three cats, whom I can’t leave out. 

What are the most pressing issues facing the state and how would you like to see them resolved?      

Across the state, I identify the primary challenges as the cost of living, limited access to housing, and unsustainable expenditure levels.  At present, we are confronted with an impending shortfall of nearly $949,000,000.00 as we approach the next legislative session. Our representatives have been advancing legislation without considering how it will be funded, which is both reckless and irresponsible.

I am committed to taking the necessary steps to rein in spending, even if it requires making difficult choices.  


Are there any specific issues affecting your particular district that you want to address in the Legislature?  

In my district, we are witnessing unprecedented levels of drug overdoses coupled with a significant lack of access to treatment options. I am determined to tackle this pressing issue.  

4) Given the cost of health care, how would you address increasing access to affordable and high-quality health care for all?   

Health care access is a problem. I’ve struggled with this issue myself as health care is prohibitively expensive for plans that offer any meaningful coverage.  We could start by easing regulations on Telehealth services.  Implementation of mandatory price transparency would promote lower costs, as well. By disclosing cash prices for services it empowers consumers to make informed decisions on wether it makes more sense to pay cash or utilize their insurance.  It would also allow us to shop around for the best prices.  

Property owners throughout most of Maine are watching their property tax bills increase on an annual basis, some dramatically. What would you do, as a legislator, to help relieve the financial load on property-owning taxpayers?


We need reasonable limits on property tax increases. Throughout the year, I’ve been visiting homes across District 40, and in my thousands of conversations with residents, property taxes have been a recurring concern. 

No one is against paying for services, but for many of us, we don’t have any more money to give.     

Recent reevaluations in the area reveal that towns are basing home values on sales data during the pandemic, during which modest single family homes were being bought sight unseen in bidding wars.  We’re told the mil rates will go down, but when its all said and done its the homes of working people and seniors on fixed incomes who saw the largest increases in value (even though for most us, our homes are not for sale), this shifts the tax burden to those who are already struggling to make ends meet.   

I’ve heard enough rhetoric from politicians and special interest groups like the Maine Municipal Association (they lobby against any kind of property tax relief) for too long. It’s always promises about moving money around. The state is facing a $949,000,000.00 shortfall. There is no money to move.   

Last year the Legislature passed LD2102 “An Act to Support Municipalities by Repealing the Law Limiting the Municipal Property Tax Levy.”   This shows they’re not concerned with representing their constituents.   


If I’m elected, my primary goal will be to take action on this issue and address everything from unfair assessments to unrealistically high tax bills.  It is crucial to advocate for a fair property tax system that protects working families and seniors (who’ve paid into their community for decades) from excessive financial burdens.

Do you endorse net energy billing (solar power subsidies) that are designed to help Maine move further toward renewable energy, despite the increase in power bills for Maine power customers?

Net energy billing essentially dictates that CMP buy power generated by solar panels for market rate and only allows them to sell it at wholesale. This is one of the reasons we’re seeing our power bills increase. I don’t support it and will work towards getting it repealed.  

Solar is great, I fully support anyone wanting to install panels on their home. But its not fair to make your neighbor down the street on a fixed budget pay for it.

Are you in favor of developing an offshore wind port in Searsport? If so, do you want it sited on Sears Island or Mack Point, and why?


I’m opposed to it.  It is wrong to bulldoze 100 acres of wetlands and wildlife habitat for this port to be built.   The offshore wind is a federal project and will proceed wether the port is built here or not. It should go somewhere thats already in a highly developed area of our coastline.  I would not be opposed to the project using the alternative location at Mack Point.  

Should abortion be a constitutional right in Maine?

I’m committed to personal liberty.   I don’t believe its the governments job to grant or take away the rights of individuals to make their own medical decisions.  These things can be a slippery slope.

Are Maine’s gun laws strict enough? If not, what do you propose? 

I believe they are. I was opposed to the three-day waiting period being enacted as it places unfair restrictions on hundreds of thousands of Mainers who own guns for hunting and self defense and have never committed a crime with them.


What legislative committees would you like to serve on and why?

Labor and housing and Taxation. 

I believe these would be most in line with my goals and life experience.

What is your opinion on each of the Nov. 5 statewide referendums?

I do support question 1, limiting PAC contributions to $5,000 dollars.   


For the rest, these are really up to the people as a whole to decide.  When I do go in the voting booth, personally, I’m going to be cautious about spending more money. 

Is Maine doing enough to prepare and protect infrastructure for rising ocean levels and increased precipitation?

I live near the beach in Lincolnville. Last year, it went underwater twice in major storms.  While I don’t think we’ll be under 50 feet of water in 10 years, its clear that the winters are getting warmer and the weather is getting more extreme.  A huge percentage of our economy is on the coastline and protecting it is going to be essential in the coming years.   

What issues are emerging from your conversations with the public as you go about your campaign, and what solutions do you envision?

It is property taxes consistently.  It is time for sensible limits on them.  


How would you define “good state government?”

I’m seeing a trend where our legislators seem to be more focused on helping special interest groups rather than the people. This, again, can be evidenced by their actions, refusing to repeal policy like net zero billing that causes power bills to rise, repealing property tax relief, refusing to raise the homestead exemption… these actions are not for the people.   

Good government means representing the best interests of the people who elect you.  

What are the qualities and attributes of Maine that you want to enhance and cultivate?

In Maine, we used to have conservatives and liberals, all coexisting without all of the negativity we see today.  We could have differing opinions but still be friends. Extremes on both sides seem to be pulling us all apart and creating terrible division. I want to end this. Let’s bring back the kindness, empathy and respect for our neighbors that we used to have.    


 Is there any other topic or issue you’d like to talk about here? Have at it!

In regards to short term rentals, I’m seeing many towns move to restrict them based on the notion that they’re taking up housing. I disagree with this for a couple reasons.

One, most of these short term rentals in question are either unsuited to long term living, or they’re a home that the owner intends to use for part of the year. Making these available for short term rent brings revenue to local businesses and it creates well paying jobs. Both of which we need. 

Two, do we own our homes or not?  For many, the ability to Airbnb their home or part of it allows them to pay their property taxes.    


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All eyes on Maine’s 2nd District as race heats up for U.S. House seat



All eyes on Maine’s 2nd District as race heats up for U.S. House seat

State Rep. Austin Theriault, left, and U.S. Rep. Jared Golden

Maine’s high-stakes congressional race has overtaken the airwaves and headlines as the 2nd District candidates spar in debates and money pours in from around the country to pay for relentless TV ads about who will offer the most independent leadership and who can’t be trusted to stand up for the voters.

The race between Democrat Jared Golden, a three-term incumbent and former Marine, and Republican Austin Theriault, a one-term state legislator and former NASCAR driver, is one of a few swing district contests nationwide that could determine the balance of power in the U.S. House of Representatives, where Republicans hold a small majority.

And while Golden has won three times before, the vast and mostly rural district is one of only a few held by a Democrat but also won by former Republican President Donald Trump, who is expected to carry the district again next month.


“This is one of the most competitive races in the country,” said Erin Covey, editor of U.S. House elections at the Cook Political Report with Amy Walter, an independent nonpartisan group that analyzes elections. “This is going to be a race that could ultimately tip the balance of power to one party or the other, just because control of the House is so slim.”

“Republicans have a four-seat advantage. Overall we see control of the House as a toss-up, and this is one of the races it could come down to.”

With the balance of power at stake, outside groups and some out-of-state billionaires are pouring money into the contest for ads, mostly featuring negative attacks on the candidates. As of Oct. 1, about a dozen outside groups unaffiliated with either campaign spent about $6.8 million on the race, and more is coming. The Associated Press reported that groups reserved nearly $16 million in airtime through the election.

Congressman Jared Golden at his home in Lewiston on Oct. 3. Brianna Soukup/Staff Photographer

Golden said in an interview with the Press Herald that he is proud of his record of being one of the most bipartisan members of Congress, which has drawn criticism from the left flank of his party.


“The job isn’t about making friends,” Golden said of his independent style. “It’s not about being popular with your colleagues or with your leadership.

Theriault did not agree to be interviewed for this story but has said he wants to help make sure Republicans keep a majority in the House so it can support Trump’s America first agenda.

“We need to maintain control of Congress,” he said in a radio interview before the Republican primary.

Austin Theriault, Republican candidate for the 2nd Congressional District, in Portland on Oct. 3. Shawn Patrick Ouellette/Staff Photographer

Most of the TV ads attack Golden for his positions on securing the border and gun laws, while seeking to tie him to President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, and policies the critics say fueled inflation.


Golden and his supporters have responded by airing ads highlighting his independence, since he votes against the administration more than any other House Democrat. He has also highlighted efforts to work with Trump and Republicans, and he penned an Op-Ed when Biden was running for reelection, saying that Trump would win and “I’m OK with that.”

Ads attacking Theriault accuse him of wanting to charge seniors more for health care – a reference to his opposition to the Inflation Reduction Act, which lowered health care costs – and being willing to support cuts to Social Security and Medicare, which Theriault has denied. Theriault, meanwhile, has used the airwaves to defend his position on abortion, denying that he would support a national ban on access.

While Golden and Theriault are the only two candidates whose names will be listed on ballots, there is a declared write-in, Diana Merenda, of Surry. The existence of a third candidate means voters have the opportunity to rank the candidates by preference, although an actual ranked choice runoff with a write-in candidate is highly unlikely.


The race is one of two dozen toss-ups nationwide being tracked by the Cook Political Report, and Covey said it’s one of the top 10 pick-up opportunities in the country for Republicans. When House Speaker Michael Johnson visited Lewiston over the summer, he said the race was one of the party’s top five pick-up opportunities.


Congressman Jared Golden at his home in Lewiston on Oct. 3. Golden, the incumbent Democrat in Maine’s 2nd District, is running against Republican Austin Theriault, who is finishing his first term as a state lawmaker. Brianna Soukup/Staff Photographer

Golden is among the five Democrats in toss-up races who are trying to hold their seats in Trump districts, and the 2nd District is one of two with the strongest support for Trump, according to Cook.

While Trump’s popularity looms over the race, a combination of other factors also contribute to the especially tight race, Covey said. Golden has changed his position on gun rights, now backing a ban on assault style weapons. And he is facing a strong challenger in Theriault, who secured the early backing of national Republicans after being recruited by former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

Theriault is young and a relative newcomer to politics, which Covey said allows him to avoid the pitfalls of former Rep. Bruce Poliquin, whom Golden defeated twice, largely by labeling the Republican as a career politician.

“This going to be his toughest reelection campaign to date,” Covey said.


But Golden’s independent streak could still help him keep his job.

“Golden’s record of winning here and his proven appeal to independent and more Republican-leaning voters – that should not be taken for granted,” Covey said. “Even though it may have shrunk, he starts out in a better position than most Democrats.”

Kyle Kondik, managing editor of Sabato’s Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia Center for Politics, also believes the race is a true toss-up, one of 18 he’s tracking. And it’s one that Republicans think they can win, he said, which is why they’re investing heavily into the race.

“I think Republicans are more confident this time than in previous years because they really like their challenger,” Kondik said. “I think both sides are viewing it as a winnable race.”

There is no recent public polling to indicate where the race stands less than a month before Election Day. A poll conducted from Sept. 5-15 by Pan Atlantic Research showed Theriault leading by 3 points  – but that was within the 3.5% margin of error and 9% of respondents said they were undecided.


Kondik said the race is difficult to predict because Maine voters aren’t afraid to split their tickets.

“It’s one of the few places in the country where you have a House member of a different party than the party that is likely to win the district for president,” Kondik said. “There is some sense, particularly in these smaller states, that voters can know more about their elected officials and maybe there’s more of an opening for ticket-splitting, and Golden is going to need that.”


The candidates followed very different paths into public service and onto the front line of a high-stakes battle for control of Congress.

A native of Leeds, Golden joined the Marines after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and served two combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. He returned home, completed his college education and entered politics as an aide to Maine’s senior U.S. senator, Republican Susan Collins. He then served two terms in the state Legislature, rising to party leadership, before winning his seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.


The 42-year-old said in a 40-minute interview with the Press Herald that serving in the Marines taught him about true leadership – putting the mission and service to others ahead of one’s self. He learned ways small and large to demonstrate that leadership, he said, whether it’s having the lowest ranking soldiers line up first for chow or risking life to complete a mission.

Golden said that he tries to live by that philosophy in Congress, which is increasingly difficult as party positions are handed down from leadership and politics in general has become more polarized.

“It’s about making tough decisions and keeping your eye on representing your district and the local needs,” he said. “And sometimes that can come at a cost, where you might not necessarily be the most popular guy or everyone’s favorite Democrat.”

Austin Theriault, the Republican candidate for the 2nd Congressional District. Shawn Patrick Ouellette/Staff Photographer

At 30 years old, Theriault began his public service career two years ago after returning to his home state.


Theriault grew up in the St. John Valley near the Canadian border and moved away to pursue a career as a NASCAR driver. He moved back to Maine a couple years after his driving career ended in 2019 and continues to run a consulting and training business for young drivers.

A campaign spokesperson said Theriault didn’t have time to be interviewed for this story and asked for questions to be submitted in writing. His campaign said Theriault lived in North Carolina from 2019 to 2021 before returning to Maine.

In radio interviews, Theriault has said he’s running to bring his experience as a small-business owner to Washington and to help Trump implement his “America first” agenda. He was endorsed by Trump and Johnson, the House speaker, during the Republican primary.

He frequently points to his roots growing up in a French Catholic family in Aroostook County, where he says he learned the meaning of hard work from his grandfather and father, a farmer and a logging trucker, respectively. Everything else, he has said, he learned during his racing career.

Theriault suggested in a Jan. 15 interview on WGAN News Radio that government restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic prompted him to run for office, though he didn’t provide much detail.


“I’ve always been interested in giving back and serving the community as best as I could,” Theriault said. “So when COVID came around and I saw some of the crazy policies that were being put forward it seemed like the right time to start getting involved in local office.”

He entered politics in 2022 when he ran for the state House of Representatives. He easily won, receiving 71% of the vote for the open seat representing part of Aroostook County.


Both Golden and Theriault are promising to be strong independent voices, while accusing each other of being unable to stand up for the district.

Golden has portrayed Theriault as a sycophant to Trump and House Republicans, and warned that Theriault will not follow through on his vow to buck his own party, including a promise to vote against any effort to cut Social Security or Medicare.


Theriault has said he will be a more aggressive advocate for the district than Golden. But, in radio interviews, he also has spoken repeatedly about how Trump would need “players on the field” to help implement his agenda.

“What do you think is going to happen if (Trump) wins the presidency and Democrats somehow win control of Congress?” Theriault said in a May 31 interview on WVOM radio. “They’re going to try to impeach him again, and we’re going to get nothing done for four years.”

Theriault’s campaign did not provide any examples of him standing up to his own party leadership during his two years in the State House, where he kept a relatively low profile as a first-term representative.

He has described himself as one of the most bipartisan members of the Legislature, though it’s not clear how often he broke with his party because the Legislature doesn’t produce an analysis of roll call votes. His campaign also said he was instrumental in securing funds for road and bridge work in the state budget and lowering energy costs, but did not name any specific bills or initiatives.

Golden’s approach to lawmaking and willingness to defy his party has rankled diehard Democrats, especially from the progressive flank. But it has been a winning formula in the district, where he has received support from divergent interests, including endorsements from organized labor and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.


Golden has been repeatedly criticized by Theriault for not saying whom he plans to support for president. Golden has said he won’t vote for Trump, but also has not expressed support for Harris, saying voters don’t want his advice about whom to support.

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Varsity Maine football, field hockey, soccer, volleyball polls – Oct. 10, 2024



Varsity Maine football, field hockey, soccer, volleyball polls – Oct. 10, 2024

The top 10 football, field hockey, volleyball and boys’ and girls’ soccer teams in Maine as voted on by reporters from the Press Herald, Kennebec Journal/Morning Sentinel, Sun Journal and Forecaster, with first-place votes in parentheses, followed by total points.

Through games of 10/9/24

1. Thornton Academy (9) 99
2. Portland 73
3. Noble (1) 67
4. Kennebunk 62
5. Falmouth 58
6. South Portland 41
7. Bonny Eagle 30
8. Deering (1) 26
9. Fryeburg Academy 22
10. Wells 11
1. Cheverus (9) 90
2. Biddeford 75
3. Freeport 69
4. Leavitt 48
5. Brewer 43
6. Skowhegan 39
7. Belfast 32
8. Yarmouth 21
9. Gorham 20
10. Messalonskee 19
1. Lewiston (5) 76
2. Windham (1) 72
3. Camden Hills 63
4. Scarborough (1) 62
5. Greely (1) 55
5. Falmouth 55
7. Portland 54
8. Yarmouth 15
9. Morse 11
10. Brunswick 10
1. Camden Hills (6) 87
2. Windham (3) 80
3. Gorham 67
4. Bangor 61
5. Scarborough 42
6. Greely 37
7. Cheverus 27
8. Falmouth 24
8. Mt. Ararat 24
10. Cape Elizabeth 15
1. Washington Academy (8) 49
2. Biddeford (1) 31
3. Gorham 22
4. York 21
5. Yarmouth 16

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Wiscasset Elementary School’s Becky Hallowell is Maine Teacher of the Year



Wiscasset Elementary School fourth grade teacher Becky Hallowell, Lincoln County Teacher of the Year, is now Maine‘s Teacher of the Year. In the WES gym Thursday morning, Hallowell got the honor, a surprise as it is each year with Maine Department of Education alerting the media earlier in the week about Thursday’s ceremony in an email that, as always, did not say who won, but said the time and which school in the state the announcement would be made. The information was, as always for the award, “embargoed,” or not to be published until the award was announced.

At the Oct. 8 school committee meeting, officials spoke of a top secret, special announcement to come. 

Hallowell was announced May 9 as the county winner; next, a semi finalist; and then, one of the final four.


Hallowell’s county-level honor that took her to the top one in Maine follows fellow WES teacher Trae Stover’s service as Lincoln County Teacher of the Year in 2022. 

Hallowell started her career in Dresden teaching first grade, taught four years there teaching that and kindergarten, then a year teaching kindergarten at Williams Cone School in Topsham before moving onto her “hometown school,” Whitefield Elementary School, where she taught K-2 and acted as assistant principal, she has told Wiscasset Newspaper.

She moved onto Wiscasset Primary School in 2011 and taught fourth grade for a year before moving back to kindergarten until 2017; took a kindergarten teaching job at Cushing Community School, “but needed to be closer to support my family. I missed the students and staff at Wiscasset Elementary School and was delighted to be hired back as a fourth grade teacher in 2018,” Hallowell shared after earning the county teacher honor last spring. In those comments, she called Wiscasset rich in historical and natural resources and said her favorite teaching days are “when the students engage with their natural environment and local history.”

Full coverage of Thursday’s announcement will follow. 


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