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Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate Michels is no political ‘outsider’ – Wisconsin Examiner



Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate Michels is no political ‘outsider’ – Wisconsin Examiner

With multimillionaire development firm proprietor Tim Michels’ announcement Monday that he’s becoming a member of the Republican main for governor, yet one more “outsider” is vying to “take again” Wisconsin from the “radical left” in addition to “institution Republicans.”

Michels, who challenged former Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold unsuccessfully in 2004, then dropped out of sight, is working in opposition to former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, Rep. Tim Ramthun (R-Campbellsport), and former Marine Kevin Nicholson. Like all of them he has professed his loyalty to former President Donald Trump, supported the false declare that the 2020 election was riddled with fraud and is avidly pursuing tradition conflict matters, searching for to make abortion unlawful in Wisconsin and taking a stand in opposition to the supposedly anti-white, pro-LGBTQ agenda in Wisconsin public faculties. Who, you would possibly ask, are the institution varieties this crowd is working in opposition to?

It may have been former Gov. Tommy Thompson — the state’s longest-serving governor. However Tommy is out. The remainder of the candidates are all working as fight-the-power rebels. Apparently Republican main voters,  having drunk an excessive amount of election-conspiracy KoolAid, are in no temper for the candidate Wisconsinites would most wish to have a beer with. The following most institution candidate is rightwing radical Rebecca Kleefisch.

“Michels’ entry principally alerts a way of discontent amongst Republicans with frontrunner Rebecca Kleefisch,” says College of Wisconsin political scientist Barry Burden. “She is the chief for the nomination when it comes to conventional indicators akin to fundraising, visibility, and conservative credentials. In an earlier political period, her connections to Scott Walker and success as a statewide candidate would have made her a no brainer for the nomination. Many within the GOP are actually pining for somebody who will problem the occasion institution and tackle different acquainted establishments.”


However, Burden provides, “There may be an irony on this posture as a result of the 4 Republican candidates are in settlement on the large points, are all exhibiting unwavering help for former President Trump, and need to prioritize lots of the identical points akin to new election guidelines and limiting how lecturers can cowl racial points within the classroom. Other than Ramthun’s single-minded give attention to the 2020 election, the coverage disagreements among the many candidates are minor.”

Michels agrees that there’s not a lot daylight between his positions and people of the opposite GOP contenders. “I don’t suppose folks will discover a lot distinction in our points,” he stated of his opponents on Monday, throughout his first interview after he introduced, with conservative radio host Jay Weber of WISN 1130.

“The distinction,” he stated, “is I’m an outsider.”

However what does that imply?

Ramthun and Nicholson are explicitly working in opposition to the occasion management, attacking Meeting Speaker Robin Vos and his most well-liked candidate, Kleefisch, on the grounds that Vos ought to have carried out the legally not possible feat of recalling Wisconsin’s electoral votes for President Joe Biden.


Michels managed to dodge Weber’s query about whether or not he’s within the Vos/Kleefisch wing or the “Toss Vos” crowd. He professes to have nice respect for everybody.

He did say, nonetheless, that he would signal the raft of payments handed by the Republican Legislature and vetoed by Gov. Tony Evers that aimed to scrub up Wisconsin’s nonexistent drawback of voter fraud.

“Lots of people have questions concerning the final election,” he informed Weber. “So do I.”

He went on to enumerate the measures he would help as governor, together with banning “Zuckerbucks” — rightwing shorthand for the grants awarded by the Middle for Tech and Civic Life, partially supported by Fb founder Mark Zuckerberg, that helped municipalities throughout the state run elections throughout the pandemic, and which haven’t, regardless of huge consideration centered on the grants, been proven to have something to do with influencing the end result of the election. Likewise Michels got here out in opposition to “unlawful poll harvesting” — i.e. guidelines permitting absentee ballots to be deposited in dropboxes or turned in by a voter’s partner.

As a part of his pitch that he’s an “outsider” Michels makes a lot of his enterprise background. “I’m not a profession politician,” he says. And he proudly declares that he gained’t take any cash from PACs or particular pursuits.


However he has an extended report of giving large donations to high-level Republican politicians as a part of a classy, coordinated effort. In 2018, members of the Michels household gave checks starting from $5,000 to $10,000 to the marketing campaign of former Republican Lawyer Normal Brad Schimel, based on a evaluate of marketing campaign finance studies by the group One Wisconsin Now. (The state-based analysis and communications hub for progressives has been renamed A Higher Wisconsin Collectively.) Between July and August main as much as the election he misplaced to present AG Josh Kaul, Schimel collected $50,000 from Tim Michels and his rapid members of the family  — making the Michels household answerable for 35% of all the cash Schimel raised from people.

“I’m curious if he could make his ‘outsider’ act stick,” says Mike Browne of A Higher Wisconsin Collectively.

“He has a reasonably savvy donation historical past, like supporting co-chairs of JFC, investing in focused GOP races, and it appears the household will get collectively occasionally to write down large checks to the identical candidate(s) on the identical day.” (The donation checks from the Michels household to Schimel have been all written on Aug. 23, 2018. An earlier spherical of massive checks to Schimel from the Michels household have been all written on New Yr’s Eve 2013.)

“Along with his and his household/enterprise political giving,” Browne provides, “there’s the entire charade round refusing to take cash from lobbyists, as a man who has been concerned with the largest company particular curiosity lobbying outfit within the state as a WMC board member.”

Michels was elected to the 53-member board of administrators of Wisconsin Producers & Commerce (WMC), the state’s highly effective enterprise foyer, in 2019. His donations to Republican candidates and his membership on the board of the state’s strongest foyer group is straight tied to his enterprise pursuits.


Michels Company, the most important development agency in Wisconsin, will get some huge cash via public contracts. The agency was chosen by then-Gov. Scott Walker to do vital work on Foxconn and has additionally labored on the Keystone Pipeline and made a bid to assemble Trump’s border wall, which Michels says he “would have been proud to construct.” 

All in all, Tim Michels informed Weber, his firm has made about $1.3 billion from street contracts since 2008. In September 2018, a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel exposé discovered that the Michels’ company was a part of a gaggle of contractors that have been double paid for development work on a bit of Milwaukee’s Zoo Interchange throughout Walker’s administration.

Alarms raised by the federal authorities, which withdrew federal funds due to the overpayment, resulted in guarantees by the Walker administration to repair the “error,” however, based on the Journal Sentinel, the state unaccountably reversed itself and paid the total quantity, leaving state taxpayers on the hook for greater than $400,000 for work that was by no means accomplished. Weber solely briefly alluded to that awkward scenario within the interview Monday, permitting Michels to wave it away by saying all his contracts have been “clear” and his firm’s low bids have saved taxpayers tons of of thousands and thousands of {dollars} through the years.

Weber compares Michels favorably to Trump — a non-politician with enterprise expertise who’s so wealthy he doesn’t must get into politics besides to shake issues up.

Michels favored Weber with an outline of his latest pilgrimage to Mar-a-Lago. “The rumors are true,” he stated. “We went to Mar-a-Lago about three weeks in the past.” The assembly went “fabulously,” he stated, describing an hour spent speaking with Trump about constructing and pipeline work. “I would definitely welcome any help from President Trump,” Michels stated, including, ruefully that Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp,” was nonetheless unfulfilled.  “I want he was president at this time,” Michels stated. “4 extra years of President Trump may need acquired the job accomplished.”


He concluded by promising by no means to ask for a dime from anybody. “I’m gonna be an unbiased governor,” he stated.

And if you happen to imagine that, I’ve some work on the Zoo Interchange I’d wish to promote you. 



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The Wall That Heals: Hartland, Wisconsin, Vietnam Wall Replica Will Move You To Tears



The Wall That Heals: Hartland, Wisconsin, Vietnam Wall Replica Will Move You To Tears

It will move you to tears.

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall replica in Hartland, Wisconsin, is profoundly moving, a sobering reminder of the staggering loss of young men, and women, we must never forget and always honor.

I went to see the replica Wall in the late evening hours on Saturday, June 1. There’s something especially profound about seeing it at night, lit up against a night sky with electric candles flickering against the plastic-covered photos and newspaper articles that have been lovingly placed near names. The Fire Department has erected a massive America flag. It’s open 24 hours.

Hartland is a very patriotic community, and I’m glad that I live in a county where people appreciate and honor the service and sacrifice, of these brave young men and women.


There’s still a chance to see it, if you haven’t yet. The replica Wall will stand in Hartland’s Nixon Park, 175 E. Park Ave, until 2 p.m. on Sunday, June 2. Hartland is the only Wisconsin community scheduled to get the mobile wall in 2024. According to CBS 58, 67 Waukesha County service members’ names are on the wall. Three are from Hartland. They are Thomas James Carstens, Darryl Jay Koch, and Donald Albert Sudbrink.

“My company had 90 men. Within two weeks, we lost 75% of them,” Vietnam Veteran and volunteer Dick Burr told WISN. “It’s hard. It tears me up right now. You know, I know at least 30, 30 guys that are on the wall.”

The Wall That Heals History

“On Veterans Day 1996, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) unveiled a replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., designed to travel to communities throughout the United States,” the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund says. “Since its dedication, The Wall That Heals has been displayed at nearly 700 communities throughout the nation, spreading the Memorial’s healing legacy to millions.”

“Bringing The Wall home to communities throughout our country allows the souls enshrined on the Memorial to exist once more among family and friends in the peace and comfort of familiar surroundings,” the VVMF explains.


Carefully and lovingly placed along the replica Wall in Hartland are the photos of some of the men who died, along with flowers, children’s sketches of flags, old newspaper articles, and other mementos that capture the human beings behind the names.

There is a mobile education center that presents the photos of the local heroes whose names are on the wall. This particularly moved me because, a number of years ago, my journalism students and I helped find the final missing photos of Wisconsin service members whose names are on the Wall. This was for a major project sponsored by the VVMF to find a photo for every name. The military photos had burned up in the 1970s in a major fire.

As I stood in the Hartland park, there flashed before me some of the photos we had found. One stood out: Michael Bohrman.

I found his photo for a series on the missing photos that I wrote for the Waukesha Freeman.


His photo was missing, so I tracked down his dad in Delafield. I was amazed when he answered. That’s because by this point almost all of the parents of those who died in Vietnam are gone. He was 95. The living memories are carried by siblings, spouses, children.

Anyway, Jack Bohrman was an amazing man. I really enjoyed speaking with him. It took him two weeks though to agree to let me come over to get a copy of the photo. I learned in doing this project how raw and painful these memories were to families even 45 years later. It underscored the degree of loss. I remember him lamenting that he never really got a chance to get to know his son as an adult, to see what he would become.

When I went to Mr. Bohrman’s house (he is deceased now), he showed me that, in his garage under a blanket, he had saved his son’s cherry red Corvette all these years. I believe he said it was driven once. There it was, shiny and basically untouched. He also told me that he had a box of his son’s belongings in the attic that he had never opened, in all of those years. A family deeply devoted to service.

Rest in peace. To all of them.

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'Best ID Card:' Wisconsin license earns international recognition



'Best ID Card:' Wisconsin license earns international recognition

Sample Wisconsin drivers license ID card (Courtesy: WisDOT)

Wisconsin has the “Best ID Card,” according to an international association of the global card manufacturing industry, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation announced on Friday.


Wisconsin’s REAL ID over 21 driver license received the Élan Award of Excellence from the International Card Manufacturers Association, WisDOT said. WisDOT said Wisconsin was the first state to use a unique security element found on the cards.

Officials said the Wisconsin DMV worked with CBN Secure Technologies Inc. to design and integrate the updated security features with new, custom design elements. Beyond the artistry of the card, the manufacturing process also delivers a card with enhanced security, counterfeit resistance and easier authentication.

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“We’re grateful to receive this international award recognizing the outstanding work our Wisconsin DMV team and partner CBN Secure Technologies Inc. did to integrate advanced security features with beautiful imagery from our state,” DMV Administrator Tommy Winkler said in a statement. “Wisconsin residents should be proud of these highly secure cards that deliver a superior user experience.”

The Wisconsin DMV debuted the design on driver’s licenses and ID cards in June 2023. The new cards offer distinctive artistic features, including hand-crafted artwork of key Wisconsin symbols. As for the security feature, WisDOT said an exclusive transparent window integrates cardholder data. 

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Girls on the Run of South Central WI celebrates 13th annual spring 5K



Girls on the Run of South Central WI celebrates 13th annual spring 5K

VERONA, Wis. (WMTV) – Girls on the Run of South Central Wisconsin celebrated its 13th annual spring 5K on Saturday.

Over 2,700 runners participated in the 5K at Verona Area High School, making it the largest season ever.

“It’s so powerful to see a girl-centered space,” Girls on the Run of South Central Wisconsin’s Executive Director Christine Benedict said. “Seeing kids take on something hard together knowing that even though it’s going to be kind of tough, especially on a rainy day, to make it through 3.1 miles. They’ve got hundreds of kids that believe in them and they’re going to help carry them across the finish line.”

The nine-week after school program for third through eighth grade girls is more than running. It teaches them life-long skills like confidence, character, contribution and empowerment.


“It’s just so inspiring to see how much interest there is in what we’re doing,” Benedict said. “People understand that there’s a reason to have girl-centered spaces where kids can be together, celebrate their strengths, learn about their unique star power and to feel like this is worth celebrating and expressing joy over.”

Girls on the Run (GOTR) of South Central Wisconsin happens across ten counties and 92 different schools.

Saturday was the program’s 13th spring 5K run, but GOTR of South Central Wisconsin has been in the local community for 19 years.

The program will return again in the fall. To learn more about Girls on the Run and how to join, visit their website.

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