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Avian influenza also taking a toll on wild birds in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Dakotas



The brand-new pressure of extremely pathogenic bird flu that has actually required the devastation of virtually 25 million residential chicken throughout the U.S. is additionally spreading out quickly amongst wild bird populaces in Minnesota, Wisconsin as well as the Dakotas.

The illness shows up to have actually spread out north rapidly from states like North Carolina as well as Florida, riding in contaminated, moving birds, particularly waterfowl.

Minnesota currently has actually seen several situations of Canada geese, mallard ducks as well as hairless eagles with the illness, beginning in late March as well as boosting today.

In North as well as South Dakota, Iowa as well as Missouri, snow geese have actually passed away by the loads. Snowy owls, hawks, swans, crows, marauders, cormorants, pelicans as well as various other waterfowl have actually additionally died, according to the U.S. Division of Farming.


Greater than 40 varieties of wild birds in 30 states have actually checked favorable up until now.

“This pressure (of bird flu) truly appears to be ruining for wild birds, particularly waterfowl as well as the animals that consume waterfowl,” stated Michelle Carstensen, wild animals health and wellness team leader as well as wild animals vet for the Minnesota Division of Natural Resources.

Carstensen stated wild animals health and wellness professionals throughout the nation as well as right into Canada are obtaining day-to-day records on dead birds as the movement relocates north. Since Thursday, Minnesota has actually seen 24 validated situations in wild animals in 10 regions.

“We don’t understand yet what it has to do with this H5N1 pressure that is making it spread out in wild animals so quickly. Back in 2015, when H5N2 truly struck the chicken sector in Minnesota, we looked hard all throughout the state as well as simply didn’t locate any kind of. We located it in one bird, a Cooper’s hawk. … This is plainly an entire various scenario currently,” Carstensen stated. “This is a huge wild animals health and wellness problem. … What influence it may carry wild animals populaces, such as will certainly it decrease the goose populace, we don’t understand yet. It’s simply beginning.”


While some wild animals professionals have actually recommended property owners absorb their bird feeders to aid stop the spread of the illness amongst songbirds, up until now not a solitary songbird has actually been reported with the illness in any kind of state.


“For whatever factor, they (songbirds) simply don’t appear to be at risk to it,” Carstensen stated. “Yet it can occur.”

Wild animals health and wellness professionals claim wild birds can be contaminated with H5N1 as well as reveal no indicators of health problem. Yet some wild birds reveal neurological influences from bird flu, such as tremblings or seizures, or come to be weak as well as incapable to fly.

It’s thought that wild birds are the most likely path for the illness to spread out right into residential chicken, which has actually created the devastation of countless birds in Minnesota as well as Wisconsin, sending out the cost of eggs as well as poultry in supermarket escalating.

“As well as this moment, we’re seeing it in yard (chicken) groups, unlike 2015, when we didn’t truly see that in all,” Carstensen kept in mind. “Most likely since it’s so widespread in waterfowl.”

Thus far, the illness additionally has actually saved upland birds, like wild turkeys as well as pheasants.


“Upland birds such as wild turkey have actions as well as choose environments that make them much less most likely to run into bird flu infections in the wild,” the Wisconsin Division of Natural Resources kept in mind in introducing the illness had actually gotten here in the state.

Carstensen stated the illness has actually not yet been located in wild turkeys in Minnesota, either, yet that it would certainly be feasible. She’s asking springtime wild turkey seekers to report dead turkeys, eagles or various other birds they locate, particularly if they don’t reveal any kind of evident indicator of injury.

One of the most current pressure was validated in Europe in 2015, after that in Newfoundland, Canada, and afterwards rapidly struck the southeast coastline of the U.S., where several varieties of moving birds invest the wintertime.


The U.S. Centers for Condition Control as well as Avoidance claims the threat to human beings of acquiring the illness is extremely reduced.

“Based upon readily available epidemiologic as well as virologic info concerning these infections, CDC thinks that the threat to the public’s health and wellness from present H5N1 bird influenza infections is reduced. Nonetheless, some individuals might have occupational or entertainment direct exposures to birds that place them at greater threat of infection,” the CDC notes on its web site. “Contaminated birds lost bird influenza infections in their saliva, mucous as well as feces. Bird influenza infections amongst individuals are unusual; nevertheless, human infections can occur when sufficient infection gets involved in an individual’s eyes, nose or mouth, or is breathed in.”


Food preparation meat from wild video game to a correct temperature level, a minimum of 165 levels, would certainly eliminate the infection in any kind of chicken, professionals keep in mind. The U.S. Division of Farming recommends seekers as well as anybody else dealing with wild birds use rubber handwear covers while dealing with wild video game as an included safety and security preventative measure.


The Minnesota DNR asks that you report locating any kind of team of dead birds in one place that have no evident reason of fatality — or any kind of sickly or dead waterfowl or raptors, such as eagles — to your regional DNR wild animals workplace or by calling the DNR info facility at 888-646-6367.

In Wisconsin, you can report dead or sickly birds to the DNR Wild animals Hotline by emailing or by leaving a voicemail for a return call at 608-267-0866.

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Battleground Wisconsin: Voters feel nickel-and-dimed by health care costs



Battleground Wisconsin: Voters feel nickel-and-dimed by health care costs

BIRNAMWOOD, Wis. — The land of fried cheese curds and the Green Bay Packers is among a half-dozen battleground states that could determine the outcome of the expected November rematch between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump — a contest in which the cost and availability of health care are emerging as defining issues.

At church picnics and summertime polka festivals that draw voters of all political stripes, Wisconsinites said they’re struggling to pay for even the most basic health care, from common blood tests to insulin prescriptions. A proposal by Wisconsin’s Democratic governor to expand the state’s Medicaid program to thousands of low-income residents has become a partisan lightning rod in the affordability debate: Democrats want it; Republicans don’t.

In 2020, voters here gave Biden, a Democrat, a narrow win after favoring Trump, a Republican, in 2016. Recent polling indicates that the two rivals were neck and neck in this year’s race.


Many Wisconsin voters still can’t figure out whom to vote for — or whether to vote at all.

“I know he’s trying to improve health care and inflation, but I’m not happy with Biden,” said Bob Prelipp, 79, a Republican who lives in Birnamwood, a village of about 700 people in rural central Wisconsin. He reluctantly voted for Biden in 2020, after voting for Trump in 2016.

Prelipp was serving beer at the Birnamwood Polka Days festival on a muggy June day. Pro-Trump hats peppered the crowd, and against the backdrop of cheerful polka tunes, peppy dancing, and the sweet smell of freshly cut hay, candidates for local and state office mingled with voters.

This rural part of the state is ruby red. Trump flags fly over the landscape and businesses proudly display pro-Trump paraphernalia. Biden supporters are more visible and vocal in the Wisconsin population centers of Madison, the capital, and Milwaukee.

Biden “needs to get prices down. Everything is getting so unaffordable, even health care,” said Prelipp, a Vietnam War veteran who said his federal health care for veterans has improved markedly under Biden, including wait times for appointments. Yet he said he can’t stomach the idea of voting for him again, or for Trump, who has disparaged military veterans.


Prelipp said people are feeling nickel-and-dimed, not only at the grocery store and gas pump, but also at doctors’ offices and hospitals.

Greg Laabs, a musician in one of the polka bands at Birnamwood, displayed a pro-Trump sticker on his tuba. He said he likes his federal Medicare health coverage but worries that if Biden is reelected Democrats will provide publicly subsidized health care to immigrants lacking legal residency.

“There are thousands of people coming across the border,” said Laabs, 71. He noted that both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris endorsed providing public health care to immigrants without legal residency as presidential candidates in 2019, a position that Harris’ home state of California has enthusiastically embraced. “We cannot support the whole world,” Laabs said.

The two main political parties will pick presidential nominees at their national conventions, and Biden and Trump are widely expected to be their choices. Republicans will gather in Milwaukee in July. Democrats will convene in Chicago in August.

Biden is trying to make health care a key issue ahead of the Nov. 5 election, arguing that he has slashed the cost of some prescription medications, lowered health insurance premiums, and helped get more Americans covered under the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. He has also been a strong supporter of reproductive rights and access to abortion, particularly since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade two years ago.


“The choice is clear: President Biden will protect our health care,” claims one of Biden’s campaign commercials.

Trump has said he wants to repeal Obamacare, despite multiple failed Republican attempts to do so over several years. “The cost of Obamacare is out of control,” Trump wrote last year. “I’m seriously looking at alternatives.”

Even Democrats who back Biden say the president must make it easier and cheaper to get medical care.

“I signed up for one of the Obamacare plans and got my cholesterol and blood sugar tested and it was like $500,” said Mary Vils, 63, a Democrat who lives in Portage County in central Wisconsin.

She strongly supports Biden but said people are feeling squeezed. “We’re fortunate because we had some savings, but that’s a lot of money out-of-pocket.”


Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, said he understands “the frustration that people have.”

Evers has repeatedly attempted to expand Medicaid to low-income adults who don’t have children, which all but 10 states have done since the enactment of Obamacare in 2010. The state’s Republican-controlled legislature has repeatedly blocked his efforts, yet Evers is trying again. Expanding Medicaid would provide coverage to nearly 90,000 low-income people, according to his administration.

Evers, who supports Biden, has argued that expanding Medicaid would bring in $2 billion in federal funding that would help reimburse hospitals and insurers for uncompensated care, and ultimately “make health care more affordable.”

Many states that have expanded Medicaid have realized savings in health care spending while providing coverage to more people, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a think tank based in Washington, D.C.

“We have to get the Medicaid expansion money,” Evers told KFF Health News. “That would solve a lot of problems.”


Biden’s campaign is opening field offices in Wisconsin, and he and federal health care officials make frequent visits to the state. They’re touting Biden’s record of increasing subsidies for Obamacare insurance plans, and promising to expand access to care, especially in rural communities.

“Millions more people have coverage today,” said Neera Tanden, a domestic policy adviser to Biden, at a mid-June town hall event in Rothschild, Wisconsin, to announce $11 million in new federal funding to recruit and train health care workers.

She said the gains in Obamacare coverage have helped achieve “the lowest rate of uninsurance at any time in American history. That’s not an accident.”

But attendees at the town hall event told Tanden and the secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, that they have lost access to care as hospitals and rural health clinics have closed.

“We had a hospital that’s been serving our community for over 100 years close very suddenly,” said Michael Golat, an Altoona, Wisconsin, resident who described himself as an independent voter. “It’s really a crisis here.”


Becerra encouraged Wisconsin lawmakers to expand Medicaid. “Instantaneously, you would have hundreds of thousands of Americans in rural America, and including in rural Wisconsin, who now have access to care,” he said.

Cory Sillars, a Republican running for the Wisconsin State Assembly who campaigned at the Birnamwood polka festival, opposes Medicaid expansion and said the state should instead grant nurses the authority to practice medicine without doctor supervision, which he argued would help address gaps in rural care.

“If you’re always expanding government programs, you get people hooked on government and they don’t want to do it themselves. They expect it,” he said.

Sillars is running as a “pro-life” candidate with “traditional, Christian values,” an anti-abortion stance that some Democrats hope will backfire up and down the ballot.

Kristin Lyerly, an obstetrician-gynecologist and a Democrat, has made access to abortion and contraception central to her campaign to fill the congressional seat vacated by Mike Gallagher, a Republican who resigned in April.


Lyerly lives outside Green Bay but practices in Minnesota after facing threats and harassment, largely from conservative extremists, she said. She was a plaintiff in the state’s legal bid to block Republicans from halting access to abortions. Abortions still are not available everywhere in Wisconsin, she said.

“It is incumbent upon me as a physician and a woman to stand up and to use my voice,” Lyerly said. “This is an issue that people in this district might not be shouting about, but they’re having conversations about it, and they’re going to vote on it.”

This article was produced by KFF Health News , which publishes California Healthline , an editorially independent service of the California Health Care Foundation .

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Columbia Co. Sheriff’s Office Dive Team searching for missing man



Columbia Co. Sheriff’s Office Dive Team searching for missing man

COLUMBIA COUNTY, Wis. (WMTV) – The Columbia County Sheriff’s Office said Saturday night they are searching for a 63-year-old man that went underwater in Lake Wisconsin on the Wisconsin River.

Officials said numerous 911 calls came into the county’s dispatch center around 2 p.m. reporting a person that had gone underwater and not resurfaced.

Many area residents began searching for the man in their personal boats until CCSO’s Dive Team arrived and began searching, officials said.

Authorities were unable to find the man and called of the search for the night due to the darkness. The search will resume Sunday morning.


The area north of Tipperary Point is under an emergency slow-no-wake order. The Sheriff’s Office added it is vital that boaters abide by that order to keep divers safe and search efforts unhindered.

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His Wisconsin ‘ohana’: Badger receiver Trech Kekahuna proudly embraces Hawaiian heritage on the field



His Wisconsin ‘ohana’: Badger receiver Trech Kekahuna proudly embraces Hawaiian heritage on the field

His Wisconsin ‘ohana’: Badger receiver Trech Kekahuna proudly embraces Hawaiian heritage on the field | Sports |

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