North Dakota
Lame-duck North Dakota lawmakers roamed to faraway conferences on the taxpayers’ dime

BISMARCK — Over a long career in public budget writing, former North Dakota Rep. Jeff Delzer earned a reputation as a champion of conservative spending.
The Underwood Republican’s travel log tells a different story.
Delzer took more than 30 taxpayer-funded trips to out-of-state conferences and meetings in the past decade, collecting nearly $26,000 in daily payments for himself along the way.
One of Delzer’s costliest excursions came after voters decided they didn’t want him in office any longer.
About two months after
losing his bid for reelection
in last year’s primary, Delzer attended an annually held legislative summit in Denver. The state funded the trip to the tune of $3,700.
Delzer wasn’t the only lame duck to wander from the pond. Since 2014, the North Dakota Legislature has spent more than $45,000 to send a dozen retiring and defeated lawmakers to out-of-state conferences, according to documents obtained by Forum News Service through a public records request.
Some of the departing lawmakers served on interstate policy boards and were expected to show up to faraway meetings, but others went to conferences that could have been attended by any of their colleagues who planned to remain in the Legislature.
Rep. Robin Weisz, a Hurdsfield Republican who briefly oversaw legislative conference attendance this year, said lawmakers who announce their retirement or lose an election “shouldn’t be sent anywhere after that point.”
“To me, it should be people going that are gonna get usefulness out of the meeting,” Weisz said.
Delzer said lawmakers who are leaving office still can gain valuable information from conferences to share with those who will stay in the Legislature.
Forum News Service file photo
“You don’t want to quit learning, and just because you’re not there does not mean you’re not going to have the opportunity to visit with people and bring back and share what you learned at these conferences,” Delzer said.
Most of the lame-duck trips were approved by former Sen. Ray Holmberg, a Grand Forks Republican who resigned in June after a Forum investigation found he
exchanged text messages
with a jailed man accused of child pornography crimes.
Holmberg, who
attended more out-of-state trips
than any of his peers since 2013, also signed off on his own travel during the parts of eight years he served as chairman of Legislative Management, an interim panel of top lawmakers.
The senator’s ability to authorize his own state-funded trips was “a basic conflict of interest,” said Mark Jendrysik, a political science professor at the University of North Dakota.
“That is completely unethical. I can’t believe they let him do that,” Jendrysik said. “You can’t possibly be unbiased in your own case.”
When asked whether it was a conflict of interest to approve his own travel, Holmberg said the chairman of Legislative Management is given that authority by state law.
“How else would you do it? That’s what the law is,” Holmberg said.
Since 2013, the state has spent an average of $450,000 each two-year budget cycle to cover legislators’ conference-related expenses, including airfare, lodging, meals and daily pay, known as per diem.
The goal of sending lawmakers to conferences is “primarily educational,” said Legislative Council Director John Bjornson.
Members of the House of Representatives and Senate can learn from policy experts and compare notes with their counterparts from other states, Bjornson said. When the Legislature heads into session, lawmakers can use what they picked up at conferences.
Jendrysik said sending soon-to-be sidelined lawmakers on such trips strikes him as unethical since “you can’t apply the things you learn on the taxpayers’ dime in the Legislature.”
Nearly all of the lame-duck lawmakers who attended out-of-state conferences during their waning terms held positions of influence within the Legislature or their party.
Delzer, the longtime chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, made two state-funded trips after losing to two Republican candidates in June. Besides the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) summit in Denver, he attended a San Antonio meeting of the Energy Council, a board on which he served.
John Hageman / Forum News Service
Former House Speaker Kim Koppelman, R-West Fargo, attended a July meeting of Midwest lawmakers hosted by the Council of State Governments (CSG) in Wichita, Kansas. Several months earlier, he had
dropped out of his race for reelection
after losing his local party’s endorsement.
Less than two weeks after proclaiming that he
would not seek another term
in July 2019, former Sen. Dwight Cook attended an NCSL summit in Nashville, Tennessee. The Mandan Republican who chaired the Senate Finance and Taxation Committee for a decade also attended meetings of two separate
interstate tax policy groups
to which he belonged.
Caroyln Nelson, a former assistant minority leader in the Senate, attended an NCSL conference near San Diego in December 2017 less than a month after
announcing her intention to retire
the following year. The Fargo Democrat also went to meetings in northern Minnesota and Chicago for boards on which she served.
Former House budget writer Mark Dosch, R-Bismarck, attended a CSG meeting in Milwaukee about six months after
it became public
he would not seek reelection in 2016.
Former House Speaker and Majority Leader Wesley Belter, R-Fargo, attended conferences in Chicago, Denver and Burlington, Vermont, after
announcing he would not seek another term
in December 2015.
Tony Grindberg, a longtime Senate budget writer from Fargo, went to a CSG conference in Anchorage, Alaska, three months before the end of his final term in 2014. The Republican who now serves on the Cass County Commission
announced he would not seek another legislative term
in January of that year.
The ex-lawmakers offered several justifications for the trips they took before leaving the Legislature.
Cook and Nelson said they were already registered for the conferences before announcing they would retire. Nelson added that she shared the information she gained from the meetings with other members of her small Democratic caucus.
Belter said elected representatives must continue serving their district and the state until the end of their term. He noted that current lawmakers occasionally ask him about certain issues, so his legislative knowledge is still put to good use.
“I think that the biggest point I would like to make is that I see nothing wrong with a legislator going to a conference after they’ve decided (to retire) because there is no replacement for them at that point in time,” Belter said.
Delzer said the trips he took were justified since he used the knowledge he gained “validly and wisely.”
Koppelman, Dosch and Grindberg did not respond to Forum News Service’s requests for comment on this story.
Several other lame-duck lawmakers attended out-of-state meetings of groups to which they belonged, including former Sen. Jessica Bell and former Reps. Scot Kelsh, Lois Delmore and Jim Schmidt.
Bell, Kelsh and Delmore said they were expected to go to the meetings as members of their respective panels. Schmidt did not respond to a request for comment.
Former Sen. Joe Miller, R-Park River, attended a Denver agriculture conference as a lame duck in 2016, but he did not collect a per diem or any travel reimbursements. The state paid only the $745 he needed to register for the conference.
Miller told Forum News Service he received enough regular compensation for being a lawmaker, and he “just thought it was unnecessary to be further paid” for going to a meeting.
Holmberg approved most of the lame-duck trips as the chairman of Legislative Management from 2013-2018 and again from 2021 until April 2022, when he resigned from the position.
He told Forum News Service he took cues from the majority and minority leaders, who recommended members of their caucuses for different conferences. Holmberg said he thought sending lame ducks to conferences wasn’t a good use of public funds, but signed off on it if legislative leaders insisted.
Jeremy Turley / Forum News Service
Former Senate Majority Leader Rich Wardner, R-Dickinson, said he rejected plenty of travel requests by soon-departing lawmakers, but he made exceptions for important members of interstate committees.
Former House Majority Leader Chet Pollert, R-Carrington, said it was valuable to send experienced lawmakers — even sometimes lame ducks — to represent North Dakota in various policy groups to make sure other states didn’t have undue influence.
Weisz chaired Legislative Management for less than two weeks this month before House Majority Leader Mike Lefor, R-Dickinson, took over the role.
But even in his abbreviated time at the helm, Weisz said he began receiving travel requests from lawmakers for conferences as far out as next year. Some of the requests came from colleagues he believes won’t seek reelection. Now, Lefor will have to deal with those, he said.
“I was like, ‘OK, do we really want to send someone who’s not running or frankly is checked out in a way already? To me, that is an issue,” Weisz said. “You do want to send people that are going to bring back something useful and not (to) get a paid vacation.”
Weisz, who has attended only a couple of out-of-state conferences during his nearly 30-year tenure, said the approval of conference attendance over time has become more first-come-first-serve and less a strategic effort by leaders to prepare and improve important lawmakers.
Lefor said he will evaluate travel requests on a case-by-case basis to determine whether investing in a lawmaker’s training benefits the state. Lawmakers can spend up to $965,000 over the next two years on conference attendance.
Jet-setting at state’s expense
The locations of conferences attended by Holmberg since 2013 read like a glossy travel magazine’s table of contents: Norway, Puerto Rico, Alaska, Los Angeles, Miami and Vail, Colorado.
As Weisz put it, Holmberg “rarely missed a meeting.”
In all, Holmberg made about 65 publicly funded trips over the last decade at a total cost of nearly $126,000 —
by far the most of any lawmaker.
He was paid $47,000 in per diem for attending the conferences.
He approved most of the trips himself as chairman of Legislative Management.
Jeremy Turley / Forum News Service
Holmberg told Forum News Service his role as a leader in between legislative sessions necessitated his frequent appearances at conferences and meetings across the continent.
Despite holding the ultimate authority to approve his own travel, Holmberg said he consulted Wardner before signing up for the conferences. Wardner said he never rejected Holmberg’s requests “because they were all reasonable.”
Weisz said it makes sense that Holmberg attended more meetings than the average legislator, but “he took advantage of it.”
Jendrysik, who teaches a graduate-level class on ethics in the public sector, said Holmberg shouldn’t have been able to exert influence on his own travel requests. The professor noted that he wasn’t permitted to approve his own travel when he chaired his department due to the conflict of interest it would have presented.
In the future, there should be a committee or some other mechanism to review travel requests by the chairman of Legislative Management, Wardner said.
Since Lefor is both the House majority leader and the chairman of Legislative Management, he wouldn’t have to consult anyone at all before approving his own trips.
Lefor agreed that there probably should be some check on the chairman’s travel, but he isn’t yet sure what form that would take. On a personal level, Lefor said abusing the power of the position won’t be an issue for him.
“I don’t think you’ll find me taking a lot of trips,” Lefor said. “I think I would hold myself to a higher standard.”

North Dakota
North Dakota House narrowly passes bill allowing babies to live with their mothers in prison

BISMARCK — North Dakota lawmakers barely passed a bill Wednesday, March 26, seeking to allow a women’s prison to create a nursery program where babies can live with their incarcerated mothers.
After a debate that lasted nearly an hour, Senate Bill 2352 passed the House with a 48-42 vote.
The legislation is likely to be reconsidered since 48 votes are required for a bill to pass and four members were absent or not voting Wednesday.
SB 2352 would authorize the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to allow children 18 months or younger to live with their mothers at the Heart River Correctional Center in Mandan.
The facility is currently under construction and scheduled to open in 2027, when the program would be effective.
SB 2352 has the same intent of failed Senate Bill 2115, which was struck down by the Senate in January by a 18-29 vote. Opposing lawmakers cited concerns of the bill’s uncertain, but potentially large, fiscal note.
The bill has since been slimmed from eight pages to a few sentences. Its original language would have exempted prison staff from being held liable if the child was injured — unless those injuries resulted from a negligent employee.
Liability isn’t directly addressed in what remains of the bill, but it does require the department to enact policies to protect the child.
Costs associated with implementation are based on “future liability events,” according to its fiscal note, which lists $100,000 as a ballpark figure for the 2027-29 biennium.
Allowing mothers and their young children to live together is better for both parties involved, DOCR leaders and other proponents say.
During the Wednesday debate, 14 representatives voiced varying opinions about what’s more ethical and cost-effective: keeping babies with their imprisoned mothers or putting them in the foster system instead.
“I’ve had the honor and privilege of arresting some of those women,” TJ Brown, R-Fargo, said. “I cannot prioritize the incarcerated mother’s interest over the well being of the child; while babies may not understand their surroundings, a prison environment may have far reaching effects on their development.”
Tanner Ecker / The Bismarck Tribune
Other opponents said the bill is incomplete and lacks necessary statutory oversight to protect a baby by not addressing liability.
Supporters emphasized that the bill merely authorizes the DOCR to plan for the program ahead of the new facility opening, pointing to states where similar programs have shown to reduce recidivism rates and improve the health of both mothers and their babies.
Many supporting lawmakers also referenced their time visiting with mothers who are incarcerated.
Tanner Ecker / The Bismarck Tribune
“Listening to the debate today, it (visiting the facilities) should be a requirement, not a wish,” Rep. Jon Nelson, R-Rugby, said.
“Yes, you can be honored to pick up somebody off the streets that’s on a drug-ravaged crime and think you’ve done your civic duty, but it’s a different person when they get to the Heart River facility,” Nelson continued. “These women don’t have the services that we have at the North Dakota state penitentiary. This is the hope that they look for.”
North Dakota
ND Democratic NPL and ND GOP host reorganization meetings
BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) – While it may seem like we just went through an election, both parties are preparing themselves for another. The North Dakota Democratic-NPL and the North Dakota GOP are working to host a series of reorganization meetings in each state district.
The two parties have gathered in the districts to hold elections for new chairs, vice chairs and other regional officers.
At its reorganization meeting at Horizon Middle School, the North Dakota Democratic-NPL had odd-numbered districts elect officers in preparation for the 2026 election cycle for legislators.
The meeting also allowed community members to air out their frustrations regarding recent legislation, such as school vouchers, and question their relevance as a North Dakota issue.
“I always like to say that our statewide candidates got over 115,000 votes in North Dakota; it’s not enough to have one ND statewide election, but that means that in every corner of the state, small towns, rural areas, big cities, there are people just like us all over the state who want a better future,” said Adam Goldwyn, chair of the ND Democratic-NPL.
At one of the ND GOP’s reorganization meetings at Solheim Elementary School, the focus was on making sure Republican legislators are listening to what the district members want.
“It’s just so critically important that they have that essential support that they need from their district, that they’re hearing from the constituents in regard to what they need and that they have that ongoing support as they serve,” said Aimee Copas, chair of the District 30 Representation.
Both parties highlight the need for North Dakotans to have their voices heard by their lawmakers.
You can see where the next district reorganization meeting for each of the parties will be held on the ND Democratic NPL and ND GOP websites.
Copyright 2025 KFYR. All rights reserved.
North Dakota
North Dakota lawmakers consider 3-cent gas tax hike

BISMARCK — North Dakota lawmakers are considering a bill that would increase the state gas tax by 3 cents per gallon, bringing it to 26 cents. The Senate Finance Committee heard arguments on the proposal Friday.
Currently, North Dakota’s gas tax stands at 23 cents per gallon. If approved, the increase would help create a county, city and township road fund.
Opponents argue that road maintenance is already funded by other sources. The bill also proposes raising the electric vehicle road use fee from $120 to $150 and increasing the plug-in hybrid vehicle road use fee from $50 to $60.
Rep. Jared Hagert, R-Emerado, who introduced the bill, said the benefits of the proposal outweigh the costs.
“We have to face the reality also, of the needs that are there. They’re not wants. The roads, the conditions of the roads, they are needs for our communities,” Hagert said.
The proposed tax rate would still be lower than neighboring states. Minnesota currently charges 32 cents per gallon, South Dakota has a 28-cent tax and Montana’s rate is 33 cents.
The tax and fee increases would generate roughly $42 million per biennium. The Senate Finance Committee will now review the hearing’s findings before making a recommendation.
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