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Five Nebraska legislative candidates have already raised more than $100k • Nebraska Examiner



Five Nebraska legislative candidates have already raised more than $100k • Nebraska Examiner

LINCOLN — The price of mounting a credible bid for the Nebraska Legislature keeps rising, with 2023 fundraising tallies hinting at 2024 being another banner year for six-figure races.

Five candidates for the $12,000-a-year job had already raised more than $100,000 in 2023, a pre-election-year — a number that shows an accelerating trend from recent years, based on year-end fundraising reports from the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission.

For the 2020 election, a record 27 Nebraska legislative candidates raised more than $100,000. For races in 2022, 20 raised $100,000 or more. As recently as the 2010s, only seven or eight candidates raised that much for most legislative elections. 

Bostar leads the pack

State Sen. Eliot Bostar of Lincoln, a Democrat in the officially nonpartisan Legislature, led in funds raised in 2023, with $205,000. That pushed his campaign cash on hand to $255,000, including money raised in previous years.


Much of that money came from trial lawyers, family members, some of the top Lincoln-area Democratic donors and a conservation-related political action committee that listed him as executive director. Bostar’s campaign spent about $38,000 in 2023, mostly on helping other candidates.

State Sen. Eliot Bostar of Lincoln. (Zach Wendling/Nebraska News Service)

Asked about the push for earlier fundraising, Bostar said he learned the hard way in 2022 that estimates about what it would take to win in his district were low.

In that race against Republican Jacob Campbell, the two candidates raised and spent at least $600,000 combined, one of the costliest legislative races in Nebraska history.

“I think I estimated too low the first time around, and I didn’t want to make that mistake again,” Bostar said. 

On March 1, the deadline to file to run for office, the Republican who had filed to run against Bostar, Philipe Bruce, withdrew from the race. That left Bostar funded for an election fight that might not come, an outcome he said he did not expect.


Asked what he might do with the money, he said he didn’t expect to run unopposed and hadn’t thought much about it yet. Senators are limited to serving two consecutive terms.

He said he understands people who question raising and spending so much money for a seat that pays like a part-time job. But he says candidates run to help others, not for the pay.

Bosn leads newcomers

State Sen. Carolyn Bosn of Lincoln, appointed by Gov. Jim Pillen to replace former State Sen. Suzanne Geist of Lincoln, raised the next most at $140,000 and had $125,000 in cash.

State Sen. Carolyn Bosn of Lincoln. Feb. 22, 2024. (Zach Wendling/Nebraska Examiner)

She had help from the family of Tom Peed of Sandhills Publishing and many major GOP donors statewide. Her campaign reported spending about $15,000, mainly on consulting.

Bosn, a former Lancaster County prosecutor, said she attended meetings, visited businesses in her district, spoke to constituents and built relationships. But, she said, she was “very shocked when the six-figure numbers came in.”

“I was surprised at the amount that some races cost,” she said.


Her likely opponent, Nicki Popp, raised $23,000 and had $9,400 in cash. Her donors included State Sen. Jane Raybould of Lincoln. Popp, who is registered nonpartisan, spent $16,000, mostly on consultants.

Day, Aguilar raising big for tough races

Incumbents facing tough election fights this fall were next, with Democratic State Sen. Jen Day of Omaha raising $113,000 and listing $74,000 in campaign cash.

State Sen. Jen Day of Omaha. Feb. 29, 2024. (Zach Wendling/Nebraska Examiner)

She had help from the family of University of Nebraska Regent Barbara Weitz and State Sen. Tony Vargas of Omaha. Day spent about $50,000, mostly on campaign operations.

She faces two GOP candidates in right-leaning District 49. Bob Andersen raised $29,000 and had $17,000 in cash. Caleb Muhs raised $26,000 and had $16,000 in cash.

Andersen got help from former Nebraska gubernatorial candidate Charles Herbster and spent $11,000. Muhs got help from the political action committee supporting Nebraska realtors and spent $13,000. 

Grand Island State Sen. Ray Aguilar, a Republican, raised $110,000 and listed $100,000 in cash on hand for his central Nebraska race.

State Sen. Ray Aguilar of Grand Island, center, speaks with State Sen. Loren Lippincott of Central City. Dec. 7, 2023. (Zach Wendling/Nebraska Examiner)

Aguilar, who is serving his second stint in the Legislature after having been term-limited, said he has talked with some of his colleagues about how much these races cost.

“You start to wonder where all this will end,” he said. “It’s expensive.”

One of Aguilar’s opponents, former State Sen. Dan Quick of Grand Island, reported raising $85,000 and listed $72,000 in cash. 

Kauth preps for SW Omaha fight

The final early member of the six-figure fundraising club for 2024 is State Sen. Kathleen Kauth of Omaha, who serves parts of southwest Omaha. She raised $101,000 and had $57,000 in cash.

She received help from Herbster and Attorney General Mike Hilgers. Kauth spent $52,000 in 2023, largely on consultants and campaign operations.

State Sen. Kathleen Kauth of Omaha. Feb. 27, 2024. (Zach Wendling/Nebraska Examiner)

She told the Examiner that legislative races in Douglas County are getting more expensive every election cycle. She estimated that her race could cost $180,000 to $220,000, without outside spending.

“That is an astonishing number,” she said.


Her top Democratic opponent, Mary Ann Folchert of Omaha, raised $51,000 and had $24,000 in cash on hand. She received help from some top local donors, including Michael Yanney. Folchert spent $31,000 in 2023 on fundraising and other campaign operations.

Ballard, Derner raise for tough Lincoln race

State Sen. Beau Ballard, who was appointed to his northwest Lancaster County seat, appears to be headed for a tough first election. He raised $89,000 and had $83,000 in cash on hand.

State Sen. Beau Ballard of Lincoln talks with State Sen. Tom Brandt of Plymouth on the floor of the Legislature on Thursday, June 1, 2023, in Lincoln, Neb. (Zach Wendling/Nebraska Examiner)

One of his top supporters is Hilgers, the senator he replaced in the Legislature. Ballard’s campaign spent about $8,100 in 2023, mainly on operations.

His likely opponent, Democrat Seth Derner, raised $61,000 and listed $52,000 in cash. He got help from the Omaha-based Weitz family and the union representing electrical workers.

Of all the legislative candidates, Omaha lawyer Tracy Hightower-Henne, a Democrat, spent the most in 2023. She is among several candidates running to represent northeastern Douglas County.

She spent nearly $63,000 last year, reports show, including more than half on a parade entry during Native Omaha Days in North Omaha.


McDonnell, Slama leaving with big war chests

One of the most interesting tidbits from last year’s legislative fundraising documents is the handful of senators not running again who are leaving office with significant sums.

Chief among them is State Sen. Mike McDonnell of Omaha, who has been considering a run for Omaha mayor. He raised $22,000 in 2023 and had $277,000 in cash. Unions helped him.

State Sen. Mike McDonnell of Omaha testifies before the Urban Affairs Committee on Sept. 26, 2023, in Lincoln. (Zach Wendling/Nebraska Examiner)

State Sen. Julie Slama of Dunbar raised $53,000 and amassed $146,000 in cash. The lawyer announced right before the deadline for incumbents to run that she would not run for re-election.

She has said she wants to focus on being a new mom. Political insiders have said she might run for a different statewide office later, such as secretary of state or treasurer, an office she applied for last year when it became vacant.

Other senators leaving with major cash on hand include Vargas with $101,000, State Sen. John Lowe of Kearney with $46,000, Sen. Tom Brewer, who represents north-central Nebraska, with $28,000, and Sen. Lou Ann Linehan of Omaha with $15,000.

State Sen. Julie Slama of Dunbar. Feb. 22, 2024. (Zach Wendling/Nebraska Examiner)

Vargas is running for Congress in the Omaha-based 2nd Congressional District for a seat held by Republican Don Bacon. Vargas narrowly lost to Bacon in 2022.

The Nebraska primary is May 14. The top two vote-getters, regardless of party, advance in the officially nonpartisan races to the general election in November.




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Rural NE county attorneys, public defenders confront 'legal desert' in hiring new lawyers • Nebraska Examiner



Rural NE county attorneys, public defenders confront 'legal desert' in hiring new lawyers • Nebraska Examiner

LINCOLN — Three decades ago, Hall County Public Defender Gerald Piccolo could get more than 100 applicants for a job opening just by posting a notice on the bulletin boards at Nebraska’s two law colleges and sharing a notice with the state bar association.

Now, he said, he’s lucky to get a handful of aspiring defense attorneys to apply.

(Getty Images)

“I haven’t ever received more than 10 applicants for a job in the past 10 years,” Piccolo said.

It’s part of a national trend of fewer law graduates due to decreased enrollment in law schools, which have seen a 21% drop in students since peaking in 2010.


The shortage of potential new prosecutors and public defenders is presenting an even bigger problem in Nebraska’s smaller cities and rural areas, where it’s difficult to convince some college graduates to relocate.

Bill derailed

At Piccolo’s central Nebraska office, for instance, four of his eight lawyer positions were unfilled in 2022 and 2023, and two remain open today.

“It’s just more attractive to live in Lincoln or Omaha than live in Grand Island, Madison County or Scottsbluff,” he said. “It’s easier to stay in Omaha or Lincoln because that’s where the law schools are.”

State Sen. Danielle Conrad of Lincoln. (Aaron Sanderford/Nebraska Examiner)

A bill to address the workforce shortage, however, got derailed in the Nebraska Legislature toward the end of the 2024 session due to a disagreement between the state’s prosecutors and defense attorneys over the incentives that should be offered.

State Sen. Danielle Conrad of Lincoln, who is a lawyer, had introduced legislation to expand financial incentives offered to “public service” attorneys — like county prosecutors and public defenders — who located in rural areas through the state’s long-running Legal Education for Public Service and Rural Practice Loan Repayment Assistance Program.


That program provides student loan repayment assistance to counties with less than 15,000 residents in an effort to address “legal deserts” in the state.

12 of 93 counties without lawyers

Twelve of the state’s 93 counties currently have no active lawyers, and 18 have three or fewer attorneys, according to the Nebraska State Bar Association.

That shortage is projected to expand to 16 counties with no lawyers, and 32 with three or fewer by 2027, due to retirement of lawyers in rural areas.

“We hear from attorneys in rural Nebraska that they’d like to retire (but) their clients won’t let them.”


– Liz Neeley, executive director, Nebraska Bar Association

“We hear from attorneys in rural Nebraska that they’d like to retire (but) their clients won’t let them,” Liz Neeley, the executive director of the Nebraska State Bar Association told a legislative committee this spring.


That’s because there’s a lack of replacements for them, Neeley said. Some public defender/county attorney jobs have been vacant for six months in rural counties without a single applicant, she said, and a few jobs have been vacant for more than a year.

Under Sen. Conrad’s proposed Legislative Bill 1195, the loan repayment program would be expanded to larger counties, such as Grand Island, Kearney, Hastings and Scottsbluff.

Killed by salary parity

Funding for expanding the program, about $500,000, was projected to come from the Nebraska Attorney General’s Office, which has amassed a reserve fund of millions of dollars via legal settlements it obtains from class-action lawsuits.

But LB 1195, as originally proposed, failed to pass. The issue that killed it was salary parity — whether deputy county attorneys should be paid the same salary as deputy public defenders.

The logo for the Office of the Nebraska Attorney General. (Zach Wendling/Nebraska Examiner)

“It was really disappointing,” Conrad said. “We were all rowing in the same direction, and then we got tripped up on this parity issue.”

Representatives of the state’s county attorneys argued that the jobs are different, and shouldn’t get the same pay, and that local counties — not the state — should decide what they pay their employees. The parity issue arose during later crafting of the bill, and ended the county attorneys’ support for it.

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Nebraska football nation offers condolences to former HC after wife’s passing



Nebraska football nation offers condolences to former HC after wife’s passing

Once a Husker, always a Husker. That’s the saying around the Nebraska football fanbase. It’s with that sentiment in mind that we issue a heartfelt condolences to former head coach Mike Riley.

Riley, who coached for the Nebraska Cornhuskers from 2014 to 2017, reportedly lost his wife, Dee Riley this weekend. While he hasn’t made an official announcement, news spread quickly through a surrogate on social media, Sunday evening.

Kerry Eggers, a long time sportswriter for The Oregonian took to Twitter to make the unfortunate announcement. 

“Dee Riley, wife of ex-@BeaverFootball⁩ coach Mike Riley, has passed away. She was 70,” Eggers wrote. “They were married for 43 years. It was one of the best marriages ever. Dee was the ultimate coach’s wife. She was loyal, supportive, kind and caring with everyone. R.I.P Dee Riley.”


Before coming to Nebraska, Riley was the longtime head coach of the Oregon State Beavers and for a time, was easily that program’s most successful coach as he built them up from being an also-ran in the Pac-12.

Dee was indeed a staple of whatever community her husband belonged to. She was often spotted at University of Nebraska sporting events with the former head coach and could even be seen making her way into the stadium with the football team.

This news is especially painful not just because they were such an obviously loving couple, but because they were both seen as genuinely good people. While Riley’s tenure was not considered a success (despite two bowl trips in three seasons) with the Cornhuskers, he was someone who offered a positive outlook during a dark time in Lincoln that still hasn’t ended.

Just earlier this month, college football veteran writer Mike Farrell wrote about the nicest head coaches he’s ever dealt with. It should come as no surprise the former Nebraska football program leader was No. 2 on the list.


My condolences go out to a very good man and his family who are no doubt dealing with a very heavy heart today.

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Top Nebraska football signee rallies support to keep star target in-state



Top Nebraska football signee rallies support to keep star target in-state

As the Nebraska football team works hard to secure some commitments as we enter the dead period, the Huskers coaches are ensuring they’re not the only ones working on guys like Christian Jones. There’s been some heavy peer recruiting for one of the state’s best prospects in the 2025 class as well.

Enter one Caleb Benning. While Dylan Raiola and Daniel Kaelin have gotten the most attention for working on peer recruiting, Benning might be hte best choice for Jones. After all, the two were teammates at Omaha Westside. Who better to make the pitch that they could be teammates again. 

Benning also isn’t leaving anything up in the air. While he works on Jones, he’s trying to get some help of his own. So he took to social media to try and get the pressure really put on the 4-star linebacker and get him to commit to the Nebraska football team.

Benning quote tweeted a post from his former high school teammate that showed Christian Jones on an official visit with the Huskers. He added the caption, “everyone tell him to stay home.”


Though the tweet was mostly a joke to show the Westside star how much Cornhuskers fans wanted the linebacker to stay in-state, it also did get plenty of people to tweet their support.

The fight for Jones could be nearing an end. It’s not necessarily an automatic Cornhuskers win considering the interest and attention he’s gotten from some of the best programs in the country.

For a while now, Jones has been seen as a lean towards NU. Benning might simply be making sure that he understands how important it is for him to call Lincoln home. Nebraska football fans and coaches, and players are certainly hoping that’s the deal.

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