Missouri Ethics Commission fines ‘Truth In Politics’ $250K for defying campaign laws
An investigation by the Missouri Ethics Commission found “reasonable grounds” that Truth In Politics — a group which primarily sought to influence the outcome of Springfield school board races — repeatedly violated campaign finance laws.
A consent order filed Dec. 18 and uploaded Friday, making it public, outlined the ways that Truth In Politics broke the rules, according to the MEC.
The five leaders behind the group were assessed a hefty financial penalty totaling nearly a quarter million dollars.
For a two-year period, while taking in more than $127,000, Truth In Politics failed to register as a committee, report contributions and spending, and file the required campaign finance reports.
A fee of $249,446 was jointly imposed by MEC against five leaders of Truth In Politics: Curtis Jared, president; George Husted, secretary and treasurer; and directors Lee Fraley, Royce Reding, and Sam Clifton.
If they pay $20,000 of the fee within 45 days, the remainder will be waived, provided none of the group members violate campaign finance laws for the next two years. If they do, the remaining $229,446 will be due.
Jared, Husted, Fraley, Reding and Clifton — as well as their attorney Lucinda Luetkemeyer — signed the consent order in December, waiving their right to a hearing.
It was also signed by MEC executive director Stacey Heislen.
Formed as a nonprofit corporation in July 2020, Truth In Politics started seeking contributions in March 2021 “with the express purpose of using such resources to influence the outcome of the elections” in April 2021 and 2022, according to the consent order.
In a two-year period ending in March 2023, the group raised at least $127,000 without reporting the contributions to the MEC. The gifts included $18,000 each from Humana and Centene Management, and $17,000 from Rapid Roberts.
They spent $119,826 during the same period “in support of candidates for office.”
Here are examples of ways in which Truth In Politics sought to influence the outcome of April elections in 2021 and 2022, primarily for school board but also Springfield City Council:
- A flyer or door hanger that read “Paid for by Truth in Politics, Royce Reding, treasurer” alleged Springfield teachers were “forced to participate in Critical Race Theory, which has roots in Marxism” and urged support for school board candidates Kelly Byrne and Maryam Mohammadkhani. The flyer also touted support for City Council candidate Brent Brown;
- Paid for billboard advertising for Brent Brown;
- A political attack ad ran on TV falsely alleging incumbent Charles Taylor “hijacks meetings so he can push critical race theories over and over again.” The ad also urged support for candidates Kelly Byrne and Steve Makoski. At the time, Byrne publicly asked that the ad stop running.
- Following calls for the TV ad to be removed, Reding issued a statement repeating allegations against Taylor and saying “We stand by our ad and will not back down to those afraid of the community learning the truth.”
In the 2021 board race, Mohammadkhani was elected along with Danielle Kincaid and Scott Crise. Brown, who donated to the Truth In Politics group, was not elected to the City Council.
In 2022, Taylor was defeated and Byrne and Makoski were elected to the school board.
There is no public, direct connection between the Truth In Politics group and candidates Mohammadkhani, Byrne and Makoski and none donated to the group. However, Rapid Roberts — where Makoski is employed — was a major donor. Byrne’s campaign treasurer, Tyler Creach, also donated $2,300 to the group.
In the 2024 school board race, an in-kind donation by a company owned by Curtis Jared also received scrutiny by the Missouri Ethics Commission.
The company placed billboards in support of board candidates Mohammadkhani, Landon McCarter and Chad Rollins in Springfield for more than four months before the April election.
McCarter and Rollins reported an $7,500 in-kind donation from Jared Outdoor LLC but the LLC was not classified as a corporation under federal tax code and it was not registered with the MEC, a required step.
As a result, McCarter and Rollins were each assessed a fee of $7,500 under separate consent orders in December but were allowed to pay only $750 as long as they don’t violate campaign finance laws for two years.
In all, MEC found that Truth In Politics failed to file 12 campaign finance reports, which are due quarterly and on specific dates before and after elections.
Truth In Politics also failed to quickly report large contributions and spending as required by law right before and after elections including four donations of $5,000 or more.
As part of the report, Truth In Politics publicly detailed the funds it accepted and spent. The details were included in the consent order.
Contributions in 2021, 2022
This includes total contributions of $500 or more. In some cases, an individual made a dozen or more contributions over the two-year period.
- $18,000 − Centene Management; Humana;
- $17,000 − Rapid Roberts;
- $7,750 − Curtis Jared;
- $5,500 − Ronald Neville;
- $5,000 − Jeffrey Caison; Bryan Magers; Brent Davis;
- $3,000 − Loren Cook II;
- $2,500 − Nicholas Austin; Brent Brown;
- $2,400 − Carson Buckman;
- $2,300 − Royce Reding; Joe Passanise; Tyler Creach; Kandice Prewitt;
- $2,200 − John Ruder;
- $2,100 − Caleb Arthur; Sam Clifton;
- $2,000 − Candice Ehase; Fraley Masonry; Sam Coryell;
- $1,500 − Penn Enterprises; 311 S. Hampton LLC;
- $1,200 − Nathan Adams; David Havens;
- $1,000 − Judy Beisner; Mavis Busiek; Mark and Margaret Bult; Unknown donor;
- $900 − Scott Speight;
- $500 − Gordon Kinne; Ginco Facilities Management;
Spending in 2021, 2022
Truth In Politics paid more than a dozen companies and individuals over the two-year period. Here are the amounts of $5,000 or more.
- $35,105 − Ax Media;
- $34,926 − Vanguard Field Strategies:
- $16,498 − Axiom Strategies;
- $6,974 − Remington Research Group;
- $5,000 − WPAI.
Missouri lawmakers move closer to approving state control over St. Louis Metropolitan Police
ST. LOUIS, Mo. (KY3) – Missouri lawmakers are moving forward with efforts to put the St. Louis police force under state control.
Gov. Mike Kehoe said this would improve Missouri’s economy and reputation, but the city’s police chief is against the idea.
Missouri House Speaker Jon Patterson said a bill to put the St. Louis Metropolitan Police under state control will likely be one of the first bills to be voted on. This comes after committees from both chambers approved similar bills this week.
Bills carried by Rep. Brad Christ and Sen. Nick Schroer would allow the state to take over the St. Louis Metropolitan Police this August. If passed, the Missouri Board of Police Commissioners will appoint four citizens to oversee the police department. The bills also outline salary minimums and staffing requirements with which the police force must comply.
St. Louis Democratic Rep. Marlon Anderson is not open to compromise. He does not approve of any version of state-controlled police. On the other side of the building, he may face a challenge from his party. Senate Democrats said last week that their caucus is split on the issue.
“This is one of the times where I say we’re better off the way it is right now,” State Rep. Anderson said. “Crime is down, the morale is coming up. So, we can look at our counterparts on the western part of the state, Kansas City, and their crime is trending up.”
If this bill passes, St. Louis and Kansas City would be the only two cities in Missouri where the mayor does not control the police force. According to FBI data, Kansas City’s crime rate has increased since it became state-controlled.
St. Louis Police was under state control until residents voted against it in 2012. It took the city about five years to regain its police force. St. Louis Police Chief Robert Tracy says the record should speak for itself since then.
“Everything they asked us to do we have met and made progress now you move the goalpost and now you start saying you don’t trust the crime numbers I stand by those crime numbers,” Tracy said in an in-studio interview with KMOV First Alert 4.
St. Louis city officials flaunted an 11-year record-low number of homicides earlier this month, but this isn’t enough for state leaders. This week, Gov. Mike Kehoe called for this change in his State of the State address.
“As the economic powerhouse of our state, we cannot continue to let crime kill growth in the region and drive businesses and families to move outside of our state’s borders,” Gov. Kehoe said in his address.
According to the Missouri Economic Research Center, St. Louis is responsible for 45% of Missouri’s economy. It’s also home to the state’s most popular tourism destination: the Gateway Arch.
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Missouri supplemental budget shows shortfall in Medicaid, education funding • Missouri Independent
Keeping Missouri state government operating through June 30 will cost $2.1 billion more than lawmakers budgeted last year thanks to lowballed spending estimates, sluggish lottery sales and new programs in education and other areas.
The election-year budget plan approved last year totaled $51.6 billion after Gov. Mike Parson was finished with vetoes that fell heavily on earmarked items inserted by legislators. While Parson was paring back on pork, lawmakers slashed spending in the Medicaid program to keep the topline total down.
New Gov. Mike Kehoe on Tuesday delivered his $53.7 billion budget for the coming fiscal year. It came with the supplemental spending request that took up most of a six-hour hearing Wednesday in the House Budget Committee.
Gov. Mike Kehoe dips deeply into surplus as Missouri budget grows to nearly $54 billion
The Medicaid program spent $12.6 billion on medical services in fiscal 2024 and billions more on mental health and other services. Lawmakers appropriated $13.6 billion for medical services the current year and Kehoe is asking for $15.8 billion in the year starting July 1.
The biggest item in the supplemental spending request is $942 million to cover a Medicaid shortfall. More realistic budgeting last year would have reduced that amount, MO HealthNet Director Todd Richardson told The Independent.
“They took about a 25% core cut last year,” he said.
The supplemental request is larger than last year, which was $580 million, but smaller than each of the three previous years, when federal pandemic aid and state employee pay raises inflated the totals.
Along with the new governor, the budget committee has a new chairman, state Rep. Dirk Deaton, a Republican from Noel. It also has a new vice-chairman, GOP state Rep. Bishop Davidson of Republic, who is also new to the committee.
Under state budget rules, lawmakers cannot add items to the supplemental budget but they can reduce or eliminate them. Deaton said it is too early to say whether the proposal will see major changes.
“We’re still doing the due diligence, and we certainly need to take a look at it and make sure there’s the justification for it, and run everything through the traps,” Deaton said.
Davidson said he’s working to learn the jargon and the process for setting spending levels.
“We have a really awesome staff that are not only good analysts and good researchers, but they’re good teachers as well,” he said.
Major items in the supplemental request include:
- $142.4 million for the state foundation formula for public schools. Of that amount, $47.4 million is due to increases mandated by a major education bill passed last year. The remaining $95 million is general revenue being used to replace a shortfall in lottery proceeds.
- $129.8 million for the Department of Mental Health to eliminate waiting lists for developmental disability and behavioral health services.
- $110 million for the mental health agency to pay community providers of services for people with developmental disabilities.
- $95 million to cover the expected cost of home and community-based services in the Medicaid program.
- $20.7 million to cover a higher rate for health care provided to people in the custody of the Department of Corrections. The department extended the current health care contract with Centurion Health for four years, paying $21.65 per day for each person in custody.
In the early part of the hearing, State Budget Director Dan Haug and department leaders in attendance were often peppered with detailed questions about the budget lines. Later, as the hearing continued through lunch time, the time spent on each shortened.
And when Haug got to the Medicaid request, he even drew laughter.
“This is a page I probably should skip,” Haug joked when he reached the request. “It is only about a billion dollars.”
He received few questions about the request.
Lawmakers wanted to know why the lottery isn’t producing as much as promised last year. The budget included $430 million from the lottery for education programs, a 5% increase over the previous year.
Instead, net proceeds available for education are down more than 15% during the first six months of the year.
Haug attributed part of the decline to a dearth of major jackpots, which draw ticket purchases from people who rarely play. State Rep. Louis Riggs, a Hannibal Republican, asked if video games that pay out cash prizes, which have infiltrated every corner of the state at convenience stores and other locations, were to blame.
“How much is that attributable to folks sitting there gorked out all day on those machines, which I don’t think we’re getting any tax revenue from, instead of playing the lottery?” Riggs asked.
Haug said there were no studies, so the answer is unknown.
“That could be a possibility but it is hard for us to quantify it,” he said.
Sometimes the questions focused on issues that weren’t addressed in the supplemental budget but are causing pain at home. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has struggled to implement a new payment system for child care vendors and in August promised to clear a staggering backlog by the start of November.
On Wednesday, Kari Monsees, deputy commissioner of education, said 70% of the backlog has been cleared and the target for clearing it is the end of February.
That wasn’t an answer that pleased the committee.
“When you have providers saying they are taking money out of their child’s savings accounts to keep their business open so we have child care, I have a problem with that,” said state Rep. Stephanie Hein, a Springfield Democrat.
The education agency took over the child care program when Parson reorganized state government and created the Office of the Child in the department. The department changed its software vendor in December of 2023, and both providers and families enrolling in the program began noticing issues tracking and receiving payment. Some child care centers closed and others turned away families using the subsidy program during months of missed payments.
There are backlogs of payments from before the changeover that must be met, said state Rep. Don Mayhew, a Crocker Republican.
The plan for catching up payments only covers those made through the new software, he noted.
“It didn’t include the providers from the previous year who are stuck in this purgatory of old system versus new system,” Mayhew said.
When the committee finished with the supplemental plan, Haug gave a quick overview of the budget proposal for the coming year.
Kehoe is proposing a $200 million increase in the foundation formula, which covers the extra costs imposed by last year’s legislation, but balked at adding another $300 million that the formula shows would meet the full obligation to schools.
A key factor, the state adequacy target — a measure of how much schools that meet state standard spend — increased, driving the $300 million request.
“Just to be clear, we are not cutting funding to K through 12 education,” Haug said. “We are increasing funding by $200 million in K through 12 education, the largest increase they have gotten under this current formula, the largest increase we could find back to the 90s.”
Haug also discussed how Kehoe would keep his promise to eliminate the state income tax, which provides about 70% of state general revenue.
“I don’t think anyone here wants to cut 70% of state government,” Haug said. “There would have to be some revenue replacement there.”
Amber Alert issued for Missouri City 15-year-old believed to be with 31-year-old woman
MISSOURI CITY, Texas – An Amber Alert has been issued for a missing teenage girl from Missouri City.
According to the Missouri City Police Department, Serenity Turner-Douglas was last seen leaving Elkins High School shortly before noon on Monday and getting into a silver SUV with possible license plate number VTW-6019.
Texas DPS says she was last seen wearing grey jacket, black pants, black shoes, and carrying a pink or rainbow backpack.
Douglas is believed to be with 31-year-old Megan LeCour.
The Missouri City Police Department says the investigation stems from a possible child custody dispute.
Anyone with any information is urged to call the Missouri City Police Department at 281-403-5832.
KPRC 2 will update this story with any new information we receive.
Copyright 2025 by KPRC Click2Houston – All rights reserved.
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