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Concern rises among Illinois craft brewers over proposed THC-infused drink regulations



Concern rises among Illinois craft brewers over proposed THC-infused drink regulations

Two bills making their way through Springfield right now are causing concern among the state’s craft brewing industry. 


Both have to do with the right to make THC-infused drinks. 

The two measures could have major financial implications for breweries looking to expand their offerings post pandemic and draw in new revenue streams. 

Senate Bill 3926 would create the Hemp Consumers Products Act. 


Under the measure, brands would need retailer and processor licenses and would place new regulations on how those products could be produced and sold. 

Meanwhile, Senate Bill 0776 amends the criminal code as it relates to these products. 


Breweries argue that further regulations would only hurt their business and a revenue stream with a lot of potential. 

According to Crain’s Chicago Business, Illinois has roughly 280 craft breweries across the state. 

Roughly 30 are selling THC-infused beverages and another 40 or so are developing their own versions of these types of products. 


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University of Illinois educators spice up summer with cicada-themed dishes



University of Illinois educators spice up summer with cicada-themed dishes

With millions of cicadas emerging this summer across the state of Illinois and the nation, many are curious to learn more about these critters. Some are even curious enough to eat them.

A pizza topping or tasty treat isn’t what comes to mind for most when it comes to cicadas, but for one group of University of Illinois educators, that is exactly what they thought of.

U of I extension horticulture educators Ken Johnson and Chris Enroth hosted a cicada-themed lunch late last month for their podcast Good Growing. They wanted to highlight every angle of cicadas, from what they do to how they taste.

We blanched some so basically you boil them for a minute or two, and that’s gonna clean them off if there’s any microbes in or around them, it’s gonna kill, basically gonna cook them,” said Johnson. “Eat them blanched, they’re gonna kinda taste like asparagus, and then you roast them and you kinda get the real nutty aroma, kinda nutty flavor to them.”

Johnson said for the lunch, they used cicadas that were freshly hatched in order to avoid wings and legs. He said if you do use older cicadas to clip off their wings and legs before consuming.


But the answer most want to know is did the cicada dishes taste good? Johnson and Enroth say yes, and recommend everyone try something new.

The periodical pesto pizza, the cicada tempura, and then finally it’s the cicada sundae,” said Enroth when describing the dishes they had at the lunch. “I wasn’t really kicking and screaming but I was hesitant to eat that first cicada. I will say it’s a fun experience, do take that opportunity, try something new.

For those who are allergic to shellfish, it is recommended that you do not try cicadas as they are in the same family as shellfish and may cause an allergic reaction.

Johnson and Enroth also advise against harvesting cicadas from areas that have a lot of heavy metals or pesticides in the soil as cicadas can absorb some of it during their many years underground.

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Illinois teen fatally shot in the head: Police



Illinois teen fatally shot in the head: Police

CHICAGO (WTVO) — A boy, 13, was fatally shot in the head Friday evening on the West Side of Chicago.

The 13-year-old was standing in the area of South Independence Boulevard and West 13th Street when the incident occurred at about 8:30 p.m., according to WLS.

He was pronounced dead after he was taken to a hospital in critical condition, according to authorities.

The male shooter got away, officials said.


Chicago Police are still investigating and there is no further information about the incident

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Gloria returns To Illinois – Miami Valley Today



Gloria returns To Illinois – Miami Valley Today

We are packing up, it’s time to head back home. I’m excited to go yet I can’t say that there are no mixed feelings to go with it. I will miss ‘our’ little cabin on the hill and the many friends and family in these rolling hills in Knox County. The sunrises beyond the valleys below will remain etched in my heart and mind.

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