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CDC’s comments on today’s pneumonia outbreaks vs. the early COVID cases, as compared by experts



CDC’s comments on today’s pneumonia outbreaks vs. the early COVID cases, as compared by experts

Pediatric pneumonia outbreaks in multiple countries have some doctors and families concerned — but statements from public health agencies suggest there’s no cause for alarm. This is similar to their initial reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic, many are saying.

Hospitals in China have reportedly been “overwhelmed with sick children” as a result of the pneumonia outbreak, according to ProMED, the global digital disease surveillance system.

Also, the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (NIVEL) has reported a surge in cases — as have some U.S. states, including Ohio and Massachusetts.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Dec. 1 sent the following statement to Fox News medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel: “As of today, the CDC is not seeing anything out of the ordinary related to levels of mycoplasma across the country, but we are watching it closely.”


On its website, the agency stated that it is “monitoring reports of increased respiratory illness around the world,” and that “diagnosis of pneumonia in children, along with other respiratory illnesses, increases every year in the fall and winter months.”

Pediatric pneumonia outbreaks in multiple countries have some doctors and families concerned — but statements from public health agencies suggest there is no cause for alarm. (iStock)

The agency also noted that the number of children seeking emergency care for diagnosed pneumonia is “largely consistent with previous years” for children aged 0 to 4 years, with “slight increases above typical levels” for children aged 5 to 17.


“These increases are likely caused by viruses and bacteria [that] we expect to see during the respiratory illness season,” the CDC said.


The World Health Organization (WHO), too, has chalked up the outbreaks to known respiratory diseases rather than novel viruses.

“As of now, at the present time, Chinese surveillance and hospital systems report that the clinical manifestations are caused by known pathogens in circulation,” WHO said on its website.

CDC headquarters

“These increases are likely caused by viruses and bacteria we expect to see during the respiratory illness season,” the CDC stated on its website. (REUTERS/Tami Chappell)

“Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a common respiratory pathogen and a common cause of pediatric pneumonia, and is readily treated with antibiotics,” the agency also said.

“Due to the arrival of the winter season, the increasing trend in respiratory illnesses is expected; co-circulation of respiratory viruses may increase the burden on health care facilities,” it added.

With the current childhood pneumonia outbreak in China, Siegel said that both the CDC and WHO have been “upfront asserting that it is not a new pathogen.”

dr marc siegel

Fox News medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel weighed in on the CDC’s reactions to COVID in 2020 — and to the reactions today to pneumonia in 2023. (Fox News)

“There is less of a sense of suppressing information, and the high incidence of resistant mycoplasma infection associated with the outbreak has also been clear,” he went on. 

“The CDC has also done a good job of tracking cases here, and asserting that there is no connection and that the incidence of mycoplasma has not increased,” said Siegel. “They are monitoring the situation very closely, which appears to be a real improvement over early 2020.”

Comparison to COVID reactions

The health agencies’ reactions to the current pneumonia outbreaks in late 2023 have been compared to the agencies’ initial reactions to the COVID-19 virus in 2020.

“The CDC is our microbiologic liaison to the world. It is our surveillance system. It is our eyes and ears.”

In testimony to Congress on Feb. 27, 2020, then-CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield stated that “most cases of COVID-19 in the United States have been associated with travel from China, but some person-to-person spread among close contacts of travelers has been seen.”



He also said, “It’s important to note that this virus is not spreading within American communities at this time.”

He went on, “The potential global public health threat posed by this virus is high, but right now, the immediate risk to most Americans is low. The greater risk is for people who have recently traveled to China or been exposed to someone with COVID-19.” 

​​Dr. Brett Osborn, a Florida neurosurgeon and longevity expert, noted that in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, before the virus entered the U.S., “the CDC was relatively close-lipped about its specific details.”

Dr. Brett Osborn

Dr. Brett Osborn, a Florida neurosurgeon and longevity expert, noted that in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic before the virus entered the U.S., “the CDC was relatively close-lipped about its specific details.” (Dr. Brett Osborn)

“To mitigate the risk of a similar occurrence — and the United States again being caught off-guard — Congress submitted a battery of questions to the CDC demanding answers about the recent pneumonia outbreak in China,” Osborn told Fox News Digital. “The agency has yet to respond.”


“It is widely known that China thwarted international efforts, including efforts by the CDC, to respond to the burgeoning COVID-19 crisis as it began to unfold in China.”

In a Nov. 29 letter from the U.S. Committee on Energy and Commerce to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Mandy Cohen, committee chairs wrote the following: “The Centers for Disease Control and Protection’s (CDC) failure to communicate accurate information in real-time during the COVID-19 pandemic has undermined public trust in the agency. If the CDC is to regain credibility with the American people, it must be transparent and forthcoming with the information it has on public health threats facing our nation.”


“It is widely known that China thwarted international efforts, including efforts by the CDC, to respond to the burgeoning COVID-19 crisis as it began to unfold in China.”

“It would be an abdication of the CDC’s duty to the American people if it allows China to repeat its misdeeds from the COVID-19 pandemic. The American people should not have to rely on the unaccountable and untrustworthy WHO to communicate information about Chinese public health threats.”

Sick baby in hospital

Hospitals in China have reportedly been “overwhelmed with sick children” as a result of today’s pneumonia outbreak, according to ProMED, the global digital disease surveillance system. (iStock)

Siegel pointed out that with COVID, “the CDC was caught flat-footed, in large part because China was suppressing crucial public health information and CDC was not allowed to have ‘boots on the ground’ to investigate, which they repeatedly requested through CDC Director Robert Redfield.”

He also said, “They did post the structure of the virus online early, but little else.”

Adding to the problem, Siegel noted, was that the World Health Organization (WHO) called COVID a “regional problem only.”

Person gets COVID test

Medical personnel administer tests for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) at a pop-up testing center in Sydney, Australia, on July 30, 2020.  (REUTERS/Loren Elliott/File Photo)

While preliminary data suggest that the pneumonia outbreaks are caused by known viruses — including RSV, mycoplasma and other common cold viruses — doctors and health authorities are calling for definitive answers.

“The CDC must drill down on the specifics and apply political pressure on China to best prepare the United States for another potential pandemic,” said Osborn. “Early warning is critical.”


“The CDC is our microbiologic liaison to the world. It is our surveillance system. It is our eyes and ears,” he went on. 

“We are reliant on its liability to protect the nation through extreme transparency.”

As Osborn pointed out, “It is always best to err on the side of caution and alert the nation early of a potential problem, or else risk another COVID-19.”

Fox News Digital reached out to the CDC for comment.


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Experts laud injection that reportedly offers 100% protection against HIV/AIDS



Experts laud injection that reportedly offers 100% protection against HIV/AIDS
  • Twice-yearly shots used to treat AIDS were 100% effective in preventing new infections in women, according to a new study.
  • There were no infections among the young women and girls who received the shots in a study of about 5,000 participants in South Africa and Uganda.
  • The shots, made by U.S. drugmaker Gilead and sold as Sunlenca, are currently approved as a treatment for HIV in several regions.

Twice-yearly shots used to treat AIDS were 100% effective in preventing new infections in women, according to study results published Wednesday.

There were no infections in the young women and girls that got the shots in a study of about 5,000 in South Africa and Uganda, researchers reported. In a group given daily prevention pills, roughly 2% ended up catching HIV from infected sex partners.

“To see this level of protection is stunning,” said Salim Abdool Karim of the injections. He is director of an AIDS research center in Durban, South Africa, who was not part of the research.


The shots made by U.S. drugmaker Gilead and sold as Sunlenca are approved in the U.S., Canada, Europe and elsewhere, but only as a treatment for HIV. The company said it is waiting for results of testing in men before seeking permission to use it to protect against infection.

A pharmacist holds a vial of lenacapavir, the new HIV prevention injectable drug, at the Desmond Tutu Health Foundation’s Masiphumelele Research Site in Cape Town, South Africa, on July 23, 2024. The twice-yearly shots used to treat AIDS were 100% effective in preventing new infections in women, according to study results published on Wednesday. (AP Photo/Nardus Engelbrecht)


The results in women were published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine and discussed at an AIDS conference in Munich. Gilead paid for the study and some of the researchers are company employees. Because of the surprisingly encouraging results, the study was stopped early and all participants were offered the shots, also known as lenacapavir.

While there are other ways to prevent HIV infection, like condoms or daily pills, consistent use has been a problem in Africa. In the new study, only about 30% of participants given Gilead’s Truvada or Descovy prevention pills actually took them — and that figure dropped over time.

The prospect of a twice-a-year shot is “quite revolutionary news” for our patients, said Thandeka Nkosi, who helped run the Gilead research at the Desmond Tutu Health Foundation in Masiphumelele, South Africa. “It gives participants a choice and it just eliminates the whole stigma around taking pills” to prevent HIV.


Experts working to stop the spread of AIDS are excited about the Sunlenca shots but are concerned Gilead hasn’t yet agreed on an affordable price for those who need them the most. The company said it would pursue a “voluntary licensing program,” suggesting that only a select number of generic producers would be allowed to make them.


“Gilead has a tool that could change the trajectory of the HIV epidemic,” said Winnie Byanyima, executive director of the Geneva-based U.N. AIDS agency.

HIV shot

A pharmacist holds a vial of lenacapavir at the Desmond Tutu Health Foundation’s Masiphumelele Research Site in Cape Town, South Africa, on July 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Nardus Engelbrecht)

She said her organization urged Gilead to share Sunlenca’s patent with a U.N.-backed program that negotiates broad contracts allowing generic drugmakers to make cheap versions of drugs for poorer countries worldwide. As an HIV treatment, the drug costs more than $40,000 a year in the U.S., although what individuals pay varies.

Dr. Helen Bygrave of Doctors Without Borders said in a statement that the injections could “reverse the epidemic if it is made available in the countries with the highest rate of new infections.” She urged Gilead to publish a price for Sunlenca that would be affordable for all countries.

In a statement last month, Gilead said it was too early to say how much Sunlenca would cost for prevention in poorer countries. Dr. Jared Baeten, Gilead’s senior vice president of clinical development, said the company was already talking to generics manufacturers and understood how “deeply important it is that we move at speed.”

Another HIV prevention shot, Apretude, which is given every two months, is approved in some countries, including in Africa. It sells for about $180 per patient per year, which is still too pricey for most developing countries.

HIV shot

A lab technician works with vials of lenacapavir at the Desmond Tutu Health Foundation’s Masiphumelele Research Site in Cape Town, South Africa, on July 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Nardus Engelbrecht)

Byanyima said the people who need long-lasting protection the most include women and girls who are victims of domestic violence and gay men in countries where same-sex relationships are criminalized. According to UNAIDS, 46% of new HIV infections globally in 2022 were in women and girls, who were three times more likely to get HIV than males in Africa.

Byanyima compared the news about Sunlenca to the discovery decades ago of AIDS drugs that could turn HIV infection from a death sentence into a chronic illness. Back then, South African President Nelson Mandela suspended patents to allow wider access to the drugs; the price later dropped from about $10,000 per patient per year to about $50.

Olwethu Kemele, a health worker at the Desmond Tutu Health Foundation, predicted the shots could boost the number of people coming in for HIV prevention and slow the virus’ spread. She said young women often hide the pills to avoid questions from boyfriends and family members. “It makes it hard for the girls to continue,” she said.

In a report on the state of the global epidemic released this week, UNAIDS said that fewer people were infected with HIV in 2023 than at any point since the late 1980s. Globally, HIV infects about 1.3 million people every year and kills more than 600,000, mainly in Africa. While significant progress has been made in Africa, HIV infections are rising in Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East.


In other research presented at the AIDS conference, Andrew Hill of the University of Liverpool and colleagues estimated that once production of Sunlenca is expanded to treat 10 million people, the price should fall to about $40 per treatment. He said it was critical that health authorities get access to Sunlenca as soon as possible.

“This is about as close as you can get to an HIV vaccine,” he said.

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