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Save Nearly $300 on This Celebrity Fitness App and Get Your Workers Moving



Save Nearly $300 on This Celebrity Fitness App and Get Your Workers Moving

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Leaping jacks will not be the team-building train you thought would enhance productiveness at your enterprise, however it would possibly do the trick. Many employers have discovered that exercising at work can enhance productiveness and application.

If you wish to add health to the agenda to your staff, then the Jillian Michaels Health App is the best way to do it. Led by well-known U.S. movie star health coach Jillian Michaels, this lifetime subscription is simply $179 for a restricted time.

Begin the day with a couple of low-intensity exercises to get everybody feeling charged up. Simply choose the health degree and exercise tools appropriate for everybody collaborating and look by a curated checklist of train ideas. There are greater than 800 train movies, every shot in HD. You can even display share and run a distant exercise session together with your off-site staff.

Take a break from the stress of a high-performing office with guided audio-only meditation. Your staff might recognize the prospect to unwind after an intense quarter, which could even assist with productiveness.


Get suggestions out of your staff about their favourite exercises and swap or ban workout routines out of your suggestions. You possibly can customise your recommended exercises everytime you need. If you wish to increase morale, play some music, as Spotify, Apple Music, and Pandora are all built-in into the app.

Your staff might even recognize an opportunity to make strides towards their long-term health targets at work. This health app additionally sends customers a day by day meal plan, however you can use it as inspiration for a wholesome workplace potluck.

Only for the month of February, new members can get a lifetime subscription to the Jillian Michaels Health App on sale for $179 (reg. $449).

Costs topic to vary.


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“Give This One a Shot”: Jay Cutler Names a Versatile Exercise to Grow Your Triceps



“Give This One a Shot”: Jay Cutler Names a Versatile Exercise to Grow Your Triceps

Bodybuilding legend with four Mr. Olympia titles, Jay Cutler, continues to impart his wisdom on effective workout techniques. Recently, Cutler highlighted a powerful exercise aimed at boosting triceps development: the skull crusher, also known as the French press.

In an Instagram video post, Cutler encouraged his followers to integrate this exercise into their arm workouts, emphasizing its potential to enhance triceps size and strength. “If you’re hitting arms today, make sure to give this one a shot to really help get those triceps growing!” he said.

In his instructional video, Cutler highlighted that the skull crusher can be done with variations using different equipment such as straight bars, cambered bars, dumbbells, and cables. He explained how the focus was on extending the triceps, describing it as essential to incorporate stretching movements into triceps training routines.


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“I can do this with either a straight bar, cambered bar, dumbbells, or cables,” Cutler said, explaining how there were different ways one could engage in the skull crusher. During his demonstration, Cutler remarked, “This is my first set, and I’m gonna use a cambered bar.”

Cutler used 80 pounds during his first set, highlighting the challenge and dedication required to achieve optimal results in triceps development. Cutler’s advice is not only for gym-goers but also for beginners looking to refine their arm workouts. His emphasis on proper technique and equipment variety is a valuable guide for anyone striving to enhance their fitness journey.

As he discussed the versatility of the skull crusher, the 50-year-old also talked about the Smith machine.


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Jay Cutler sheds light on the Smith machine’s benefits

Earlier, Cutler praised the Smith machine as a valuable addition to one’s workout routine. “Don’t be afraid to work some Smith machine exercises into your routines to switch things up a little bit!” he wrote, highlighting the Smith machine’s versatility compared to free weights or other equipment where movement is more unrestricted.

According to Cutler, the Smith machine offers a controlled path for exercises, like squats, bench presses, shoulder presses, and upright rows, providing precision and safety. This guided motion is beneficial for beginners and those recovering from injuries, minimizing the risk of improper form.


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Additionally, each Smith machine may vary slightly in design, offering options like horizontal or inclined movement. This diversity allows for customized workouts that cater to individual goals. Cutler also prefers using dumbbells over heavy bench presses but recommends the Smith Machine Press for targeted muscle work on chest days. It focuses on shoulders, triceps, and chest muscles, with adjustable angles for better pec activation and reduced stability demands compared to a free bar, as per the Comeback Kid.


So, the next time you hit the gym, try incorporating skull crushers for the triceps. On top of that, you could also use the Smith machine for additional gains and target multiple muscles in one exercise.

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How to exercise when you suffer from hay fever



How to exercise when you suffer from hay fever

It’s nature’s cruel joke: from May to July, just when we’re eager to exercise outside, grass pollen counts peak, making exercise sneezy, wheezy work for the one in four adults who experience hay fever.

It might be tempting to lock yourself in a gym or medicate yourself up to the eyeballs, but there are other options. In fact, taking meds might interfere with your workout: a 2021 study found that antihistamines slashed the exercise-induced increase in blood flow to muscles by 35 per cent, which impacted performance and recovery.

No wonder a study by Allergy UK found that 49 per cent of people with hay fever spend less time outside because of their symptoms — causing about a third of them to gain weight.


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“Superior for Hypertrophy”: Exercise Scientist Explains How to Go Beyond Failure During Training



“Superior for Hypertrophy”: Exercise Scientist Explains How to Go Beyond Failure During Training

The pursuit of hypertrophy often involves pushing boundaries. Dr. Mike Israetel, a renowned exercise scientist, recently shared his insights on legendary bodybuilder Dorian Yates’ beyond-failure training approach. Dr. Israetel’s analysis is part of his series on the Renaissance Periodization YouTube channel, where he critiques the famous workout routines of celebrities and bodybuilders.

When discussing failure in training, it’s essential to differentiate between two types: absolute failure and technical failure. Absolute failure occurs when you cannot complete another repetition, no matter how hard you try. On the other hand, technical failure is when you can’t perform another rep with proper form. While sacrificing form can allow for a few more reps, it’s not always advisable. And the six-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates strongly advocated embracing absolute failure in training.

In a video titled “Exercise Scientist Critiques Dorian Yates’ HIGH-INTENSITY Training,” Dr. Israetel explained the nuances of Yates’ method. Those who employ volume training or a blend of intensity and volume typically cease at the technical failure to facilitate more sets. In contrast, the bodybuilding legends, Yates and Mike Mentzer favored absolute failure, aiming to exhaust their muscles within one or two sets thoroughly.


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Dr. Israetel highlighted an advanced technique to go beyond failure, which Dorian Yates could have benefitted from. He suggested integrating lengthened partials: “Instead of having someone help you lock that full range out when you can no longer lock it out, go as much as you can. When you can barely move at all, then the set is over. Super failure integrated with lengthened partials… those to be superior for hypertrophy.”


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Dr. Israetel emphasized that these methods are particularly beneficial for those who struggle to train intensely and feel the muscles working. “If you’re small and have trouble really training super hard, you’ve got to go to town on this kind of thing. It’s big,” advised the fitness expert. Moreover, Dr. Mike didn’t just critique; he also offered practical advice. He recommended an alternative to the incline curl that Dorian Yates would often do for his biceps.

Dr. Mike Israetel’s practical tip for gym-goers

While showcasing Yate’s incline curl, Dr. Mike recommended a simple exercise for you to do at home: Take an incline bench and adjust it to make it flat. Lie down on the flat bench and perform curls with dumbbells. Lower the dumbbells until they touch the ground, then lift them back up. “You get even more tension applied at the stretch, which will grow your biceps maybe even a little bit better than the incline curl,” he shared while demonstrating.



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Furthermore, Dr. Israetel acknowledged Dorian Yates’ legendary status in bodybuilding. After examining Yates’ methods and his unique one-arm-at-a-time approach after failure, he was surprised and kind of liked his approach. According to his routine rating procedure, he gave the English bodybuilder “a legend out of 10.”

Dr. Israetel’s insights offer valuable perspectives for those seeking to push their limits in hypertrophy training. By understanding, the difference between absolute and technical failure and incorporating advanced techniques like lengthened partials, aspiring bodybuilders can optimize their muscle growth. Let us know what you think about his opinion.

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