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Personal trainer Vix Erber shares the ONE type of exercise all women should be doing



Personal trainer Vix Erber shares the ONE type of exercise all women should be doing

A private coach with 30 years of expertise working with ladies’s our bodies has revealed how she sculpts them to perfection – and also you needn’t elevate heavy weights within the fitness center. 

Vix Erber, or Bondi Vixen as she is thought in her neighborhood of Bondi Seashore, first obtained her begin within the health trade in 1991, changing into one of many first folks in Australia to finish their private coaching certificates.

Now she owns and runs The Vixletix Technique Studio, a boutique energy, HIIT, Pilates and yoga-infused group and private coaching atmosphere, which is steadily rising its consumer base after disruptions and lockdowns attributable to Covid. 

Whereas each lady’s physique is completely different and can reply to completely different coaching types Vix takes the strategy of infusing excessive repetitions with mild weights because it means her shoppers are much less vulnerable to accidents and heavy loading on the joints.

‘It is also a a lot safer strategy in my view and it doesn’t matter what your physique sort this type will lean you out and tone you up with out the majority that tends to return with heavy lifting,’ she instructed FEMAIL. 


Vix Erber (pictured), or Bondi Vixen as she is thought in her neighborhood of Bondi Seashore, first obtained her begin within the health trade in 1991

One of Vix's signature workout classes, called SWEAT, involves using light weights and cardio drills set to short intervals

Certainly one of Vix’s signature exercise lessons, known as SWEAT, includes utilizing mild weights and cardio drills set to quick intervals

Certainly one of Vix’s signature exercise lessons, known as SWEAT, includes utilizing mild weights and cardio drills set to quick intervals. 

‘It is the last word in fats burning, strengthening and firming. It is an all inclusive triple menace,’ she stated. 

For these women on a weight reduction journey the devoted private coach recommends sustaining construction as an important a part of the puzzle.

Maintaining it easy by understanding what number of energy you are consuming in comparison with what you are utilizing up through the day is the one method to see the scales transfer in a constructive course.

‘Energy coaching is important over the whole lot else to remain lean and powerful and in case you practice with weights you will have additionally tackled your cardio in a single hit,’ Vix stated.


‘Should you do not add a cardio component to your weight coaching then I all the time advocate both a mushy sand jog or stroll. You get extra bang on your buck on the mushy sand.’

Vix, who’s in her late 40s, teaches as much as 16 lessons every week herself and completes the entire private coaching appointments at her fitness center. 

‘I obtained a job at Healthland Fitness center in Bondi Junction after ending college and I’ve labored ever since,’ Vix stated beforehand.

Within the early 2000s she would get a couple of girlfriends collectively for ‘mums and bubs’ lessons earlier than taking her coaching to the seashore within the type of bootcamps, the place Bondi Vixen was born.  

After testing out the waters with a pop up studio – which ‘went by way of the roof’ in signal ups – Vix lastly landed an area in North Bondi, barely a minute’s stroll from the sand

What are Vix’s 4 pillars of well being and health? 

The Vixletix Method Studio brought to you by Bondi Vixen

The Vixletix Technique Studio dropped at you by Bondi Vixen

Empower: We decelerate the reps to deal with lifting heavier weights. With two lessons, one tailor-made to the higher physique and the opposite for the decrease, we prioritise defining and shaping lean muscle precisely the place you need it.


Sculpt: Be part of us barefoot on the mat and put together to elevate, squeeze and crunch your method to a powerful core and highly effective booty utilizing tight and focused Pilates-inspired actions in opposition to reducing intervals.

Sweat: HIIT, however not as you realize it. By means of bursts of excessive depth exercise, our exercise will get progressively more difficult. This dynamic circuit type exercise ends in whole physique cardio-conditioning. 

Restore: In two types, Yin and Move Yoga, we provide restoration lessons that show you how to really feel relaxed, lengthened and centred. These slow-paced classes are a time to mirror and hearken to your physique as we transfer by way of postures and really feel our edges. 

‘I had 30 sturdy ladies in my teams. We might practice rain, hail or shine. Solely 5 years in the past boutique health was simply beginning out and I knew that was the course I wished to go in,’ she stated.

After testing out the waters with a pop up studio – which ‘went by way of the roof’ in signal ups – Vix lastly landed an area in North Bondi, barely a minute’s stroll from the sand.


Whereas there are many health choices within the neighborhood focused at women and men of their 20s Vix hoped her technique of figuring out would enchantment to the 35+ age bracket. 

‘Vixletix Technique is predicated on 4 pillars that I imagine are essential for a extra constant routine,’ she stated.

The primary pillar, Empower, focuses on growing lean muscle with energy coaching, which is essential for bone density and stopping osteoporosis as we age.

‘Younger ones are available in considering they may bulk up with weights however that’s simply not the case. In a female-only atmosphere, you’ll solely get the outcomes ladies require and want,’ she stated. 

The following pillar is Sculpt, which is Vix’s model of ‘progressive’ Pilates coaching utilizing booty bands, sliders and interval coaching. 


It targets the glutes and core in equal measure for a focused exercise.

'Vixletix Method is based on four pillars that I believe are crucial for a more consistent routine,' she said

‘Vixletix Technique is predicated on 4 pillars that I imagine are essential for a extra constant routine,’ she stated

The studio also has massage therapists, nutritionists and dietitians on site to ensure clients have a well-rounded approach to their health

The studio additionally has therapeutic massage therapists, nutritionists and dietitians on website to make sure shoppers have a well-rounded strategy to their well being

The ultimate two are Sweat – which is multi-functional cardio and conditioning – and Restore, which is an opportunity to meditate and calm down with yoga.  

There are lessons related to every of those pillars to make it simpler to decide on a broad selection every week. 

The studio additionally has therapeutic massage therapists, nutritionists and dietitians on website to make sure shoppers have a well-rounded strategy to their well being. 

‘You do not have to go wherever else. The most effective outcomes come from when you are going to the one place, it is safer and extra motivating,’ Vix stated. 


Vix recommends 4 health classes every week to see outcomes, with three at an absolute minimal, and to make it part of your way of life, slightly than a chore that should get performed every day.

You could find extra about Vix and her studio on Instagram and her web site


“Superior for Hypertrophy”: Exercise Scientist Explains How to Go Beyond Failure During Training



“Superior for Hypertrophy”: Exercise Scientist Explains How to Go Beyond Failure During Training

The pursuit of hypertrophy often involves pushing boundaries. Dr. Mike Israetel, a renowned exercise scientist, recently shared his insights on legendary bodybuilder Dorian Yates’ beyond-failure training approach. Dr. Israetel’s analysis is part of his series on the Renaissance Periodization YouTube channel, where he critiques the famous workout routines of celebrities and bodybuilders.

When discussing failure in training, it’s essential to differentiate between two types: absolute failure and technical failure. Absolute failure occurs when you cannot complete another repetition, no matter how hard you try. On the other hand, technical failure is when you can’t perform another rep with proper form. While sacrificing form can allow for a few more reps, it’s not always advisable. And the six-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates strongly advocated embracing absolute failure in training.

In a video titled “Exercise Scientist Critiques Dorian Yates’ HIGH-INTENSITY Training,” Dr. Israetel explained the nuances of Yates’ method. Those who employ volume training or a blend of intensity and volume typically cease at the technical failure to facilitate more sets. In contrast, the bodybuilding legends, Yates and Mike Mentzer favored absolute failure, aiming to exhaust their muscles within one or two sets thoroughly.


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Dr. Israetel highlighted an advanced technique to go beyond failure, which Dorian Yates could have benefitted from. He suggested integrating lengthened partials: “Instead of having someone help you lock that full range out when you can no longer lock it out, go as much as you can. When you can barely move at all, then the set is over. Super failure integrated with lengthened partials… those to be superior for hypertrophy.”


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Dr. Israetel emphasized that these methods are particularly beneficial for those who struggle to train intensely and feel the muscles working. “If you’re small and have trouble really training super hard, you’ve got to go to town on this kind of thing. It’s big,” advised the fitness expert. Moreover, Dr. Mike didn’t just critique; he also offered practical advice. He recommended an alternative to the incline curl that Dorian Yates would often do for his biceps.

Dr. Mike Israetel’s practical tip for gym-goers

While showcasing Yate’s incline curl, Dr. Mike recommended a simple exercise for you to do at home: Take an incline bench and adjust it to make it flat. Lie down on the flat bench and perform curls with dumbbells. Lower the dumbbells until they touch the ground, then lift them back up. “You get even more tension applied at the stretch, which will grow your biceps maybe even a little bit better than the incline curl,” he shared while demonstrating.



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Furthermore, Dr. Israetel acknowledged Dorian Yates’ legendary status in bodybuilding. After examining Yates’ methods and his unique one-arm-at-a-time approach after failure, he was surprised and kind of liked his approach. According to his routine rating procedure, he gave the English bodybuilder “a legend out of 10.”

Dr. Israetel’s insights offer valuable perspectives for those seeking to push their limits in hypertrophy training. By understanding, the difference between absolute and technical failure and incorporating advanced techniques like lengthened partials, aspiring bodybuilders can optimize their muscle growth. Let us know what you think about his opinion.

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How to strengthen abs while walking – Times of India



How to strengthen abs while walking – Times of India
Walking while strengthening your abs is an excellent method to multitask and maximize the effectiveness of your training program. As a nutritionist and dietitian, I stress the necessity of a comprehensive approach to fitness that includes not only exercise but also correct nutrition to fuel your body efficiently. Here are 11 techniques to strengthen your abs during a walking workout, as well as some nutritional suggestions to enhance the outcomes:
Maintain proper posture: Engage your core muscles by keeping your spine neutral and shoulders relaxed while walking.This not only strengthens your abs but also prevents injury.
Incorporate interval training: Add bursts of high-intensity intervals, such as brisk walking or uphill climbs, to challenge your core muscles and increase calorie burn.

Focus on mind-muscle connection: Concentrate on contracting your abdominal muscles with each step to maximize engagement and effectiveness.
Add resistance: According to Simrat Kathuria, dietitian, founder, the diet xperts, “Carry light hand weights or wear a weighted vest to add resistance and intensify your ab workout while walking.”
Practice belly breathing: Deep diaphragmatic breathing not only enhances oxygen flow but also engages your deep core muscles, including the transverse abdominis.
Include side bends: Incorporate side bends while walking to target the obliques and improve overall core strength and stability.

Try walking lunges: Walking lunges not only work your lower body but also engage your core muscles for balance and stability.
Utilize arm movements: Swing your arms purposefully with each step to engage your core and increase calorie expenditure.

Focus on form: Pay attention to your form and alignment throughout your walking workout to ensure proper muscle engagement and prevent injury.
Stabilize with unilateral movements: Incorporate unilateral movements, such as walking on uneven terrain or incorporating single-leg balance exercises, to challenge your core stability.
Stay hydrated and fueled: Proper hydration and nutrition are essential for supporting your muscles during exercise. Drink plenty of water and consume a balanced diet rich in lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates to fuel your workouts and aid in muscle recovery.

Beat the Heat: Cooling Yoga asanas for summer wellness


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Summer Exercise Tips: Staying Cool And Fit In Georgia



Summer Exercise Tips: Staying Cool And Fit In Georgia

As the summer heat envelops Georgia, maintaining an active lifestyle becomes both a challenge and an opportunity. Whether you’re in the heart of Atlanta or the coastal beauty of Savannah, staying fit during the warm months is achievable with the right strategies. Here are some practical tips to keep you active and healthy this summer.

Embrace Early Morning or Late Evening Workouts

Scheduling workouts during the cooler parts of the day, such as early mornings or late evenings, can help you avoid the intense midday heat. This not only makes your exercise more comfortable but also safer, reducing the risk of heat-related illnesses.


Stay Hydrated

Hydration is crucial, especially when exercising outdoors in high temperatures. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, and consider sports drinks for prolonged activities to replenish electrolytes. Always carry a water bottle with you and take frequent sips during your workout.

Explore Georgia’s Outdoor Exercise Spots

Georgia offers numerous scenic spots ideal for outdoor activities:

  • Piedmont Park, Atlanta: This urban park provides trails for walking, running, and cycling, along with open spaces for yoga and other exercises.
  • Stone Mountain Park: Known for its hiking trails and the iconic Stone Mountain climb, it’s perfect for a challenging workout with rewarding views.
  • Forsyth Park, Savannah: A historic park with ample space for jogging, group workouts, and peaceful strolls.
  • Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area: Great for water-based activities like kayaking and paddleboarding, as well as hiking along the river trails.

Incorporate Water Activities

Water activities such as swimming, paddleboarding, and water aerobics are excellent for staying cool while getting a full-body workout. Local pools, lakes, and beaches provide plenty of opportunities to engage in these refreshing exercises.

Dress Appropriately

Wear lightweight, breathable, and moisture-wicking clothing to help keep your body cool. Light-colored clothing reflects sunlight, and accessories like hats and sunglasses protect you from UV rays. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen to exposed skin to prevent sunburn.


Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to your body’s signals. If you feel dizzy, nauseous, or overly tired, take a break and move to a cooler environment. It’s essential to recognize the signs of heat exhaustion and act promptly.

Mix Up Your Routine

Varying your workouts can keep things interesting and prevent burnout. Alternate between different types of exercises like running, cycling, strength training, and yoga. This not only keeps you engaged but also works different muscle groups.


Join Community Fitness Classes

Many Georgia communities offer outdoor fitness classes during the summer. These can range from yoga in the park to boot camps and Zumba. Participating in these classes provides a structured workout and a sense of community.

Staying active during Georgia’s summer months is all about adapting to the heat and making the most of the season. By following these tips, you can maintain your fitness routine safely and enjoyably. Remember to stay hydrated, listen to your body, and explore the beautiful outdoor exercise spots Georgia has to offer.

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