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Fitness, butts and Instagram stories: How exercise is sexualized on social media



Fitness, butts and Instagram stories: How exercise is sexualized on social media

A couple of months ago Laura Kummerle tried uploading something different to her Instagram page. She’d been posting fitness routines for several years, so the exercises weren’t entirely new. But the camera shot was different: it focused directly on her butt, sexualizing the entire result. What happened next came as a surprise to no one, except Kummerle herself. To tell the truth, she didn’t expect such a brutal response; in a video a week later, she admitted that it was an experiment.

Her post multiplied the views she normally receives; comments and revenue soared as well. “There was a huge increase in sales of my programs and requests for private lessons,” she said. “I had noticed other creators sexualizing their bodies. I thought it was some sort of attention-seeking, but I’ve seen that there’s a direct correlation between this and sales,” she concedes.

Social media prioritizes slightly sexualized content. It’s nothing explicit, but it is suggestive. Sex sells and, at the end of the day, the social media website Instagram is a big market. Sexualization affects all users, but there are segments where it is more apparent. On recipe, travel and book channels, the body plays a more secondary role. But in exercise and sports, a community with over 50,000 content creators, according to some studies, it is much more evident. The result is a trend that has been worsening in recent times. “It’s the sexualization of the fitness industry,” Kummerle notes. “And I have some thoughts on it.” The Georgia-based U.S. gymnast has been working out her whole life. She works out in tights and tight-fitting clothes. She knows that she has to show her body to teach viewers how to perform an exercise well. But she believes that there is a clear line between sport and sex. And she feels that many of her peers have crossed that line.

Nicolas Kayser-Bril, an analyst at the NGO Algorithm Watch, backs up Kummerle’s feelings with data. He conducted an experiment in which 2,400 photographs were analyzed by installing a program on 26 Instagram users’ pages. He found that posts containing photos of women in underwear or bikinis were 54% more likely to appear in the feed. Posts with pictures of men with bare torsos were 28% more likely to appear in the feed. Conversely, if the photos featured food or scenery, they were about 60% less likely to appear in the news feed.

“Some of the accounts we were following were Instagrammers who specialized in analyzing feminist books,” the analyst points out in a phone conversation. “There was no chance that their audience would reward that kind of content. But the effect was clearly noticeable even there.” Given this study, Kayser-Bril is convinced that this is not a salacious issue but an algorithmic one. “Maybe a lot of people prefer sexier content or whatever,” he acknowledges. “But it’s not just that. It’s very difficult to audit these kinds of systems, but the algorithm plays a role in it.” The expert isn’t even sure that it’s that way by design. It may be the result of the amount of porn moving around in the cesspools of Instagram.


“Instagram censors porn when it detects it, but it doesn’t see it immediately,” he explains. That’s why there is a network of new users who post this type of content to gain followers quickly. They then delete the photos and sell the accounts on channels like For €150 ($158.49), you can become an influencer with thousands of horny followers.

These accounts lurk beneath the surface. “It’s like a sinkhole, like the sewers of Instagram, but even if we don’t see it, it’s huge in terms of clicks and numbers,” Kayser-Bril points out. Even if it flies under the radar of censors and most users, it penetrates the bowels of the app and changes what the app understands the average user likes. It’s not that Instagram users are out of touch but that its algorithms are. When asked about it, Meta refers to the company’s blog, which says that the order of the Instagram feed is based on “a series of predictions about the stories that you will find most relevant and valuable,” taking into account factors like viewing history, interactions and the connection you have with the author of the post in question.

Trainer Sergio Peinado.

Trainer Sergio Peinado starts by stating a truism and goes on to develop a well-articulated argument. “Physical looks are important in society,” says the exercise science graduate and content creator. That is even more true on Instagram, especially accounts that talk about exercise. Peinado recognizes that part of it has nothing to do with sex: “The public wants to look like you, there is this bias that if you have a good body, you have more authority,” he reflects. “But it is false, because that depends on genetics, food or even supplements, things that are not always seen on social media.”

Taking all this as a given, there is a line — a diffuse and subjective line — that separates sporty from racy. “Of course, if you sexualize your content you will have more influence in the short term,” Peinado concedes, “but I don’t know if it’s worth it, I don’t know if you build community this way.” In his case, he was clear about where to draw that line. Social media is great and all content is lawful, he says; there is room for everyone to build their profile and community. “I’ve seen colleagues who have started in the fitness world and sexualized themselves until they ended up on Onlyfans [a paid content platform that is usually sexual], because they saw that it worked better for them,” he concedes. While that is fine, it’s not what he wants.

In addition to impacting creators, sexualization also impacts consumers of content. The primary effect is biological and does not need much explanation. But there may be some secondary effects on body self-perception and satisfaction. Research suggests that exposure to a standard, thin, and often sexualized beauty ideal may reduce body satisfaction in social media users, especially adolescent females. However, it is not clear that sexualization is a determining factor in this equation. A University of Padua study attempted to find out. A group of young people were exposed to three sets of photos on Instagram. The first showed sexualized beauty ideals; the second, sexualized body positivity; and the third, non-sexualized body positivity. The results showed both beneficial and critical aspects and concluded that sexualization on Instagram need not have a negative impact if it is treated respectfully and conveys a message of self-acceptance.

Sociologist and dancer Carolina Are.
Sociologist and dancer Carolina Are. Rachel Marshall

Carolina Are, a sociologist and digital criminology researcher at the University of New Castel believes that sexualization on social media is not a bad thing. It empowered her. In addition to being a researcher, Are is a pole dancer. She studies how social media shows and hides women’s bodies. And she observes that Instagram is increasingly prudish.

“There is a paradox in this, as many researchers point out,” she explains in an audio exchange. “The most artificial and more mainstream form of involuntary sexualization is represented by celebrities and pushed by the algorithm. But more personal content and content from people who come from more marginal contexts are censored. So, in the end, we see that sexualized content reflects power dynamics,” Are summarizes.

The sociologist believes that sexualizing oneself is a form of empowerment, a way to take control of one’s own body and present oneself to the world. For this reason, she says that doing so by choice on social media is a positive thing. She contrasts this idea with the sexualized world sold by advertising and traditional media, where a woman doesn’t sexualize herself; the system does. Are says that social media sites are copying this model and penalizing those who go outside the norm. “They promote only the types of sexuality that sell,” she notes. Here, she might agree with Kummerle. On Instagram, sex sells.

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Usher reveals daily diet, exercise regimen to maintain fit physique: Cayenne pepper drinks, meditation, no food on Wednesdays



Usher reveals daily diet, exercise regimen to maintain fit physique: Cayenne pepper drinks, meditation, no food on Wednesdays

These are his confessions.

Usher revealed his daily diet and exercise regimen to maintain his fit physique, which includes fasting on Wednesdays, cayenne pepper drinks and meditation.

“Typically I wake up and drink celery juice. I’ve been doing this concoction of lemon, ginger, water and cayenne pepper. I drink it hot,” he told the Wall Street Journal in a new interview published Monday.

Usher revealed how he keeps his fit physique. Getty Images
“Typically I wake up and drink celery juice. I’ve been doing this concoction of lemon, ginger, water and cayenne pepper. I drink it hot,” he told the Wall Street Journal. Getty Images

“I try to wake up early enough to have a moment of reflection. Some days I may grab a book and read to stimulate my mind. I may sit quietly and meditate. One thing that is a frequent practice is yoga. It really does help to activate my organs and get my mind moving in the right direction.”

For breakfast, the “U Got It Bad” singer, 45, said he sometimes likes to eat “eggs scrambled with cheese” but he mostly likes his eggs “poached or over easy.”


However, Usher shared that he doesn’t like to eat breakfast before he’s “worked out or done something physical,” like “taking a walk, stretching or doing yoga, sitting in the sun and raising my body’s natural heat levels.”

The eight-time Grammy winner also said he fasts in the middle of the week because it’s something his “grandmother practiced.”

The Grammy winner said he fasts on Wednesdays. Getty Images for Tiffany & Co.
When Usher’s not fasting, he likes to eat “eggs scrambled with cheese” or eggs that are “poached or over easy” for breakfast. usher/TikTok

“I fast on Wednesdays. I typically try to start around 11 p.m. the previous day, then go the entire day on Wednesday just drinking water,” he told the outlet.

As for what Usher’s fitness regime involves, the pop star usually starts with “walking or certain knee activations.”

“I’ve had minor surgeries on my knee, I had a torn meniscus. Other than that, swimming is a really good thing to get me going and bike riding. Weight lifting, don’t do a lot of that,” he explained.


In February, Usher headlined the 2024 Super Bowl in Las Vegas.

The “My Boo” singer likes to go swimming, weight lifting and bike riding. Usher/TikTok
Usher said his 2024 Super Bowl performance was “one of the hardest 15 minutes that I’ll ever have in my life.” Getty Images

During his 15-minute set, he performed a plethora of his hits song, including “My Boo,” “OMG” and “Yeah!”

Although the “Confessions” singer made it look easy on stage, he told WSJ that the halftime show was “one of the hardest 15 minutes that I’ll ever have in my life” and that he had to work out every day to execute the show the way he wanted to.

“I didn’t really have the time to do a lot of other things,” he said. “I was remedying my body the night before and waking up the next day and eating a very regimented, low-carb diet.”

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Can You Make Walking More Effective? Expert Shares Tips



Can You Make Walking More Effective? Expert Shares Tips

Can You Make Walking More Effective? Expert Shares Tips (Image Credits: iStock)

Walking is one of the most effective and easily accessible exercises. Walking can be easily undertaken by most people, even by those who are suffering from neurological or orthopaedic problems. Regular walking not only enhances cardiovascular fitness but also plays a pivotal role in reducing the risk factors associated with various chronic diseases. It is an effective way to improve health and reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, dementia and cardiovascular diseases. Further, the benefits of walking go beyond physical health and have a significant impact on mental well-being as well. It has been linked to reduced stress levels, improved mood, and enhanced overall quality of life.

Walking helps in weight management, improving insulin sensitivity, and lowering blood pressure, which helps prevent obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Further, some studies reveal that the health benefits of walking extend to cognitive health, and it can work as a catalyst in reducing the risk of dementia through increased blood flow to the brain and enhanced neural connections.

But can you make walking more effective? Dr Sudhir Kumar, MD, DM Neurology at Apollo Hospital Hyderabad took to X (formerly Twitter) where he has shared some means by which you can make walking more effective:

Vary Stride Length: Take shorter or longer steps while walking. For every 1 per cent increase in step length variability, there is a 0.7 per cent increase in the metabolic cost of walking.


Walk Backwards: Walking backwards can be fun as well as healthy. Walking backwards activates different sets of muscles (hamstrings and calves) and strengthens them. Walking backwards also improves balance and coordination, reducing the risk of falls. It is also good for joint health.

Walk In Greenery: Walking in parks with greenery or in natural forests provides benefits beyond what is expected from the effect of exercise alone. Greenery improves mental & cognitive functions and boosts the immune system as well.

Walk Briskly (faster pace): Walking is beneficial; walking faster is more beneficial. Aim for a pace of 3 miles per hour (or faster) to derive greater benefits from walking.

Walk More: In general, the benefits increase as the total number of steps (walked) increases. If you are healthy and well-trained, there is no upper limit for walking. People who are just starting, or those with heart or joint diseases, need to be careful about the duration (and distance) of walking.

Walk After Meals: Short walks (5-10 minutes) after meals improve insulin sensitivity and help in sugar control and weight management.


Take Walking Breaks During Office Hours: Prolonged sitting may be as dangerous to your health as smoking. As per research, doing five minutes of light walking for every 30 minutes of sitting can help offset the harm.

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7 health and longevity secrets to borrow from Amitabh Bachchan – Times of India



7 health and longevity secrets to borrow from Amitabh Bachchan – Times of India
Ever wondered what keeps Bollywood’s megastar Amitabh Bachchan so healthy and fit at the age of 81?
Amitabh Bachchan, one of India’s most iconic actors, has maintained his health and vitality well into his 80s. His enduring career and active lifestyle offer valuable insights into maintaining health and longevity. Here are seven health and longevity secrets we can borrow from Amitabh Bachchan.
Consistent exercise routine
Amitabh Bachchan is known for his disciplined approach to fitness. Despite his hectic schedule, he ensures regular physical activity is a part of his daily routine. He incorporates a variety of exercises, including walking, yoga, and light strength training, which help maintain flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular health.
A consistent exercise routine that includes a mix of aerobic activities, strength training, and flexibility exercises is good for longevity. Experts suggest at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week.
Always opt for a neat and clean diet
Bachchan follows a balanced diet that emphasizes nutritious, wholesome foods. He focuses on eating fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Being a vegetarian, he ensures he gets all necessary nutrients through a well-planned diet, avoiding junk food and maintaining portion control.
Adopt a balanced diet rich in nutrients. Include a variety of foods to ensure you’re getting a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Avoid processed foods and excessive sugar, and pay attention to portion sizes.
The Shehenshah’s breakfast includes coconut water, amla juice, dates, banana, and tulsi leaves or almonds as mid-morning snacks. His lunch menu includes dal, sabzi and chapatis.
Did you know that Amitabh Bachchan is fond of chaats?
Amitabh Bachchan’s love for chaat is known to all. He loves having chaats at Bengali Sweet House in New Delhi’s Bengali Sweet House. Chaat is a popular Indian street food known for its vibrant flavors and diverse textures. It typically includes a mix of crispy fried dough, tangy tamarind chutney, spicy chili, cooling yogurt, and fresh herbs. This savory snack offers a delightful blend of sweet, sour, spicy, and savory tastes.

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The catch here is that you eat to your heart’s content.
Eating to your heart’s content, when done mindfully and healthily, offers numerous benefits. It promotes emotional well-being by allowing enjoyment and satisfaction from meals, reducing stress and feelings of deprivation. Mindful eating encourages better food choices, leading to improved nutrition and digestion. It helps develop a positive relationship with food, preventing overeating and fostering a balanced diet. Savoring meals can enhance social connections during shared dining experiences, further boosting mental health. Embracing this approach supports overall health and happiness, aligning dietary habits with physical and emotional needs.
Make sure to have an adequate amount of water
Staying hydrated is a crucial part of Amitabh Bachchan’s health regimen. He understands the importance of drinking plenty of water throughout the day to maintain optimal bodily functions and energy levels.
Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Hydration supports digestion, circulation, and temperature regulation. Carry a water bottle with you to ensure you’re drinking enough throughout the day.
However, he avoids having tea, coffee and caffeinated beverages.
Mental fitness and lifelong learning
Bachchan keeps his mind sharp by engaging in activities that challenge his intellect and creativity. He reads extensively, writes blogs, and is always open to learning new things. This mental stimulation helps keep cognitive functions strong and reduces the risk of age-related mental decline.
Engage in activities that challenge your mind. Read books, solve puzzles, learn new skills, or take up a new hobby. Lifelong learning keeps the brain active and healthy.
Regular health check-ups
Amitabh Bachchan advocates for regular medical check-ups and preventive care. He believes in monitoring his health closely to catch any potential issues early, which is essential for maintaining long-term health.
Schedule regular health check-ups and screenings. Early detection of health issues can lead to more effective management and treatment. Follow your doctor’s advice and stay on top of your health metrics.
Positive attitude and stress management
Bachchan’s positive attitude and ability to manage stress play a significant role in his longevity. He practices mindfulness and remains optimistic, which helps him navigate the challenges of life and maintain mental well-being.
Cultivate a positive attitude and practice stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga. Mindfulness practices can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
Quality sleep
Recognizing the importance of rest, Amitabh Bachchan ensures he gets adequate sleep. Good quality sleep is essential for physical and mental health, helping the body recover and rejuvenate.
Prioritize good sleep hygiene. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Establish a regular sleep schedule, create a restful environment, and avoid screens before bedtime to improve sleep quality.

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