
Can You Make Walking More Effective? Expert Shares Tips



Can You Make Walking More Effective? Expert Shares Tips (Image Credits: iStock)

Walking is one of the most effective and easily accessible exercises. Walking can be easily undertaken by most people, even by those who are suffering from neurological or orthopaedic problems. Regular walking not only enhances cardiovascular fitness but also plays a pivotal role in reducing the risk factors associated with various chronic diseases. It is an effective way to improve health and reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, dementia and cardiovascular diseases. Further, the benefits of walking go beyond physical health and have a significant impact on mental well-being as well. It has been linked to reduced stress levels, improved mood, and enhanced overall quality of life.

Walking helps in weight management, improving insulin sensitivity, and lowering blood pressure, which helps prevent obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Further, some studies reveal that the health benefits of walking extend to cognitive health, and it can work as a catalyst in reducing the risk of dementia through increased blood flow to the brain and enhanced neural connections.

But can you make walking more effective? Dr Sudhir Kumar, MD, DM Neurology at Apollo Hospital Hyderabad took to X (formerly Twitter) where he has shared some means by which you can make walking more effective:

Vary Stride Length: Take shorter or longer steps while walking. For every 1 per cent increase in step length variability, there is a 0.7 per cent increase in the metabolic cost of walking.


Walk Backwards: Walking backwards can be fun as well as healthy. Walking backwards activates different sets of muscles (hamstrings and calves) and strengthens them. Walking backwards also improves balance and coordination, reducing the risk of falls. It is also good for joint health.

Walk In Greenery: Walking in parks with greenery or in natural forests provides benefits beyond what is expected from the effect of exercise alone. Greenery improves mental & cognitive functions and boosts the immune system as well.

Walk Briskly (faster pace): Walking is beneficial; walking faster is more beneficial. Aim for a pace of 3 miles per hour (or faster) to derive greater benefits from walking.

Walk More: In general, the benefits increase as the total number of steps (walked) increases. If you are healthy and well-trained, there is no upper limit for walking. People who are just starting, or those with heart or joint diseases, need to be careful about the duration (and distance) of walking.

Walk After Meals: Short walks (5-10 minutes) after meals improve insulin sensitivity and help in sugar control and weight management.


Take Walking Breaks During Office Hours: Prolonged sitting may be as dangerous to your health as smoking. As per research, doing five minutes of light walking for every 30 minutes of sitting can help offset the harm.

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