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‘Haikyuu!! The Movie: Decisive Battle at the Garbage Dump’ Review: A Treat for Fans, but Not Many Others



‘Haikyuu!! The Movie: Decisive Battle at the Garbage Dump’ Review: A Treat for Fans, but Not Many Others

It’s been four years since the end of season 4 of “Haikyuu!!,” the super-popular sports anime about a young high school volleyball team, and now fans will finally get to watch the beginning of the end of the story created by Haruichi Furudate, thanks to the feature film “Haikyuu!! THE MOVIE: Decisive Battle at the Garbage Dump.” Much like last year’s exquisite “The First Slam Dunk,” the movie takes place during a single match, which becomes the epicenter of a clash of ideals and personalities. Unlike that movie, though, this match is rushed, unnecessarily short, and lacking in context.

The problems with “Decisive Battle at the Garbage Dump” begin with its adaptation, which takes about 33 chapters of the manga and compresses them into a single 85-minute movie (compared to the anime’s usual pacing of about 5 chapters per 22-minute episode). Where “Attack on Titan” famously squeezed its final arc over 4 years and many comically-titled seasons, “Haikyuu!!” makes this climactic moment come across as rushed. Due to the short running time and amount of story to cover, this movie is not for newcomers at all. 

'September Says'

Much like “Demon Slayer: Mugen Train,” “Decisive Battle at the Garbage Dump” picks up the story from the anime right where it left off, without much concern for either newcomers or established fans who have forgotten where things ended last season — considering it aired in 2020, it feels like a lifetime ago. The movie fully expects the audience to be intimately familiar with the first four seasons of the anime, the character arcs and relationships, and even Karasuno’s team history, because it provides none of that here.

The plot concerns the titular Battle at the Garbage Dump between long-time rivals Karasuno High and Nekoma High, who have faced each other numerous times in practice matches. Now, they’re playing one another in the Nationals Tournament, giving protagonist Shoyo Hinata a chance to play a real match with stakes against friend-rival Kenma Konzume. For Shoyo, the match is not just an important step in winning the whole tournament, but a battle for the soul of Kenma and whether or not he’ll ever learn to enjoy volleyball — which leads to many a tear-inducing moment. 

Much of the “Haikyuu!!” anime is about love of the sport, about opening your mind to new experiences, and waiting for the moment when you find your passion even if you weren’t initially expecting it. Particularly, the film highlights Kei Tsukishima’s growing appreciation for the sport, while mostly focusing on Kenma’s reluctance to enjoy playing. Indeed, while the primary characters are clearly the Karasuno players, Kenma is our main character, as we get several flashbacks showcasing his history with volleyball. As for the volleyball and the match itself, “Decisive Battle at the Garbage Dump” looks and feels designed to turn movie theaters into sports arenas filled with cheers and chants, calls for “chance ball” and insults to the ref. 

Sports anime tend to fall into one of two categories — superhero stories or character dramas. The former treats skills as inhuman feats of strength, like “Blue Lock,” while the latter tend to be more grounded and actually teach about the sport, portraying real moves and plays, like “Slam Dunk” and “Hajime no Ippo.” When it comes to “Haikyuu!!,” the anime and manga credited for a rise in high school volleyball players in Japan, the story has long served as a rather good introduction to the mechanics and psychology of volleyball. The anime not only explains terms and rules, but also how every little thing impacts a match, from the opposite team’s cheer squad to the role a televised match’s gym lights have on player attention. 


The movie continues this, with an exhilarating POV sequence showing everything a setter has to think about when doing a play, an entire subplot about how singling out a player and blocking his attacks demoralizes the entire team, down to simple things like how sweat can ruin a whole play. We see this in Kenma’s arc throughout the film.

Though already a fantastic player in the anime, the movie shows him getting increasingly invested in the sport and the match, and the more he cares, the better he plays — and the more dangerous he becomes to Karasuno. At times, Kenma is portrayed as a proper mustache-twirling villain, a Hannibal Lecter-type genius who is ahead of everyone, and with a cruel sense of humor, while the mentor-mentee relationship between several players across both teams makes for even higher personal stakes than other matches in the anime.

As fast-paced and energetic as the match itself is, however, it is bogged down by the pacing. It is already hard to make what is essentially season 5 of “Haikyuu!!” into a feature film that can stand alone while also be a good continuation of the ongoing story, but the short running time means the film ends up being mostly a series of highlights rather than a properly flowing narrative. There are big emotional pay-offs during the match, sure, but by the time the final whistle is blown, it’s kind of shocking to think they actually played three full sets in so little time. This has more in common with the previous “Haikyuu!!” movies, which were just compilations of the greatest moments of each season, rather than a story made for the big screen first.

This comes at the cost of the characters, too, as the focus on Kenma and Shoyo’s relationship means the film glosses over the rest of the cast. Though everyone gets a moment to shine, the film relies heavily on the audience filling in the gaps of the other individual rivalries and even the history between the two teams (the title itself never gets properly explained in the film, so you’ll have to remember the scene in which it was explained, way back in Season 1). What is supposed to be Karasuno’s biggest match ever ends up being the shortest in the entire series.

If the plot of “Decisive Battle at the Garbage Dump” suffers from its transition from TV to film, the animation at least gets a big glow-up. Though the characters look just as they do in the anime, the big budget allows for characters’ facial expressions and subtle body movements to get as much attention as the big volleyball plays and the spikes. Though there is some 3D used, it is to give more impact and flexibility to the 2D, rather than replace it. A POV sequence from Kenma’s perspective in which the action speeds up to showcase the adrenaline and rush of the sport, before slowing down in a climactic moment, is a definitive highlight of the film and almost justifies this entire endeavor.  


“‘Haikyuu!! THE MOVIE: Decisive Battle at the Garbage Dump” has enough moments of volleyball thrill to satisfy fans who have waited four years for the return of Karasuno, but when the credits start rolling, and it becomes clear just how much story is left to tell. Mostly, it’s unclear what exactly was won by avoiding a fifth season and rushing through the climax of this entire story.  

Score: C+

Crunchyroll will release “Haikyuu!! The Movie: Decisive Battle at the Garbage Dump” in theaters on Friday, May 31.

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Movie Reviews

Film Review: King of Prison 2: The Prison War by Kang Tae-ho



Film Review: King of Prison 2: The Prison War by Kang Tae-ho

“Guys like you need to get beaten up”

I am not sure how successful the first entry was, but nevertheless, a sequel to “King of Prison” titled “The Prison War” did come two years later, and with an evidently bigger budget. Lee Sol-gu who played the King in the first movie gave his stead to the even more impressive physically Shin Yoo-ram, while the cast is almost completely different, with the exceptions of Lee Hyun-woong who reprises his role as Wai-wai and Kim Min-V as KTX.

This time the action is much more intense and actually starts from the beginning, as Kang Tae-ho creates an explosive mixture. King Beom-teol is here once more and is still the King, but his dominance is more challenged than ever. First from the Mess Sergeant, who works in the kitchen and thus has access to knives, and secondly from a cell filled with immigrants from China, who seem to be particularly violent. When Gi-cheol, the number two of a gang opposing the one Mess Sergeant belongs to enters Beom-teol’s cell and Gwang-ho enters Mess Sergeant’s cell, all hell breaks loose, with the King frequently finding himself under attack.

As the Christians in prison find themselves persecuted and the authority of the chaebol chairman in control of the prison and the head of the security department goes too far, the situation becomes even more dire, and the battle for the new King becomes more intense than ever.

As I mentioned before, the focus this time is more on action than the previous entry. However, this does not mean that the realistic premises are not here once more. On the contrary, the boredom associated with life inside and the value of food is highlighted once more, as much as the fact that people in prison frequently end up becoming friends, even though they have very little in common. The differences between those who were involved with organized crime and the ones who don’t is also showcased, as much as that the older ones are the one in charge, and the younger ones are treated as rookies. There is a sexual offender present once more, who is, once more, used for laughs, while the homosexual relations are not omitted either. Thankfully, the jokes having to do with the toilets are rather toned down.


On the other hand, the concept of religion inside the prison is a new concept, implemented both for comedy and for drama, while the hierarchy of each cell also gets its focus. Furthermore, the corruption of the higher ups is even more stressed, to the point that their authority gets challenged more than ever. Lastly, Gi-cheol adds an intense sense of drama to the movie, that is definitely a plus for the narrative.

Regarding the action, it is framed for both impression and drama. Beom-teol is the King and the most powerful guy in prison, but his opponents are many and cunning, resulting in a series of fights he has to battle on his own against scores of enemies. Expectedly, this leads to multiple injuries for him and the occasional punishment by the corrupt authorities. Mess Sergeant proves a worthy opponent, particularly in terms of cunningness, although the reemergence of KTX balances the whole thing to a point. The real fight, however, begins when Gwang-ho takes over and the Chinese get involved, with chaos essentially ruling the whole prison and action taking over the narrative.

The fights, as in the previous film, follow realistic paths for the most part, without any particular exaltation, dictated by the fact that the majority of the protagonists are middle-aged. The brutality, though, is definitely here once more, particularly after the point when a number of inmates get their hands on various weapons.

The cinematography follows realistic paths, with the claustrophobic setting of the prison being communicated quite eloquently. The editing results in a relatively fast pace, that does become too slow, though, on occasion, while at 111 minutes, the movie somewhat overextends its welcome, particularly during the overlong finale.


Shin Yoo-ram as Beom-teol is definitely a force for the movie, with him demanding fear and respect with every movement. That his acting is quite measured is definitely a tick in the pros column, although, as with the previous movie, if Don Lee was in the role the whole thing would be rather better. Kang In-sung as Gi-cheol presents a truly tragic figure convincingly, while Sung Nak-kyung as Mess sergeant highlights his transformation brilliantly. Yoo Sang-hoon as Gwang-ho is also good as one of the central villains here.

“King of Prison 2: The Prison War” although not staying as far away from usual prison films as its predecessor, it is actually a better film, much more well-shot and entertaining.

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Movie Review: 'Hit Man' – Catholic Review



Movie Review: 'Hit Man' – Catholic Review

NEW YORK (OSV News) – A fact-based fish-out-of-water tale, director and co-writer Richard Linklater’s black comedy “Hit Man” (Netflix) starts off intriguingly. After some needlessly graphic forays into eroticism, however, the film’s third-act departure from the real biography of its protagonist sends a morally skewed message.

Glen Powell — who collaborated with Linklater on the script, which is based on an article by Skip Hollandsworth — plays mild-mannered New Orleans philosophy professor Gary Johnson. Although his routine-driven, solitary lifestyle centers on his cats, Gary’s flair for electronics does enable him to dabble in undercover surveillance work for the police as a sideline.

Suddenly called upon to pose as an assassin-for-hire during a sting operation, Gary is initially intimidated and frightened. But he soon finds he has a knack for the work. Calling himself Ron, and dressed in ever more elaborate disguises, he tailors his various personas to meet the expectations of each suspect he’s trying to ensnare.

Despite his success, Gary’s situation becomes complicated when he first runs afoul of Jasper (Austin Amelio), the full-time cop whose role he has usurped, and then falls for Madison (Adria Arjona), an abused wife who wants him to kill her lowlife husband, Ray (Evan Holtzman). Gary persuades Madison to adopt a more peaceful plan. But he doesn’t share his secret with her.

By the midpoint of the running time, there’s an enjoyable irony to Gary’s dual life. He explores abstract questions of identity in the classroom while simultaneously conducting a secret romance in the guise of his tough-guy alter ego.


But, ethically at least, things unravel with the movie’s climax. Without resorting to a spoiler, suffice it to say that the wrap-up of the plot blithely suggests that heinous crimes can serve as the foundation for a happy future. Such a wrongheaded outlook makes “Hit Man” unsuitable for viewers of any age.

The film contains a frivolous view of evildoing, strong sexual content, including explicit premarital encounters and implied aberrant acts, a few profanities, several milder oaths, pervasive rough and much crude language and about a half-dozen crass terms. The OSV News classification is O — morally offensive. The Motion Picture Association rating is R — restricted. Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian.

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Movie Review | Old emotions make new frenemies in excellent sequel



Movie Review | Old emotions make new frenemies in excellent sequel

Remember at the end of 2015’s acclaimed “Inside Out” when the emotions operating within a 12-year-old girl were introduced to a mysterious button on their big, new control console marked “Puberty”?

Early on in “Inside Out 2,” as Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust sleep within newly minted teenager Riley — Anger is, of course, fighting someone in his dream — a beeping sound begins to emanate from the button.

Then a full-blown siren.

This is not a drill, people, er, emotions!

Yes, Riley, now voiced by Kensington Tallman, enters into that confusing — and highly emotional — time in a young person’s life in this excellent sequel from Disney’s Pixar Animation Studios.

The lifelong emotions of a girl named Riley —Fear, left, Sadness, Anger, Joy and Disgust, voiced, respectively, by Tony Hale, Phyllis Smith, Lewis Black, Amy Poehler and Liza Lapira — meet new emotion Anxiety, voiced by Maya Hawke, in a scene from “Inside Out 2.” (Courtesy of Disney/Pixar)

Riley’s still a good kid when “Inside Out 2” begins, which is a source of pride for Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust and Fear, voiced, respectively, by returnees Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith and Lewis Black and newcomers Liza Lapira and Tony Hale. She loves her mom and dad (fellow “Inside Out” alums Diane Lane and Kyle MacLachlan) and playing hockey with besties Grace (Grace Lu) and Bree (Sumayyah Nuriddin-Green), with whom she collaborates on the winning goal in a championship game.

That triumph is followed by the trio being invited to a three-day hockey camp that will be populated by players from the high school level. If they impress the coach (Yvette Nicole Brown), she may offer them spots on the team!

The morning the camp starts, that siren is blaring within Riley. As her emotions try to gently tap the right buttons on the console, Riley unleashes on her well-intended mother before entering into a bout of sadness.

Oh boy.

It is then that Riley’s quintet of emotions realizes they have a newcomer among them: Anxiety (Maya Hawke).


She’s, well, a lot — and she’s not alone, bringing with her Envy (Ayo Edebiri), Embarrassment (Paul Walter Hauser) and Ennui (Adèle Exarchopoulos). (The latter is described as a mix of “boredom, disdain or this feeling of blase” by director Kelsey Mann in the movie’s production notes, and Ennui does her job, lazily, via smartphone from a nearby couch.)

As if the new emotions aren’t enough for Riley to deal with, she realizes — in a well-executed scene in which emotions inside different friends examine the way each looks at the other — that Bree and Grace are hiding something from her. When they spill the beans that they’ve been assigned to a different high school from hers for the next school year, Riley — driven by the extremely assertive Anxiety — decides to shut them out and try to impress the older girls, especially her idol, the talented Valentina “Val” Ortiz (Lilimar Hernandez, credited as simply Lilimar).

Sadness, left, voiced by Phyllis Smith, looks for help from the big new emotion Embarrassment, voiced by Paul Walter Houser, against the wishes of Anxiety, right, voiced by Maya Hawke. (Courtesy of Disney/Pixar)
Sadness, left, voiced by Phyllis Smith, looks for help from the big new emotion Embarrassment, voiced by Paul Walter Houser, against the wishes of Anxiety, right, voiced by Maya Hawke. (Courtesy of Disney/Pixar)

The old guard of emotions, Joy especially, doesn’t like any of this, and those emotions soon find themselves literally bottled up — suppressed emotions! — thanks to Anxiety, who is increasingly out of control as she tries to navigate Riley through the camp.

Written by Meg LeFauve (“Inside Out,” “Captain Marvel”) and Dave Holstein (“Kidding,” “Weeds”), with the story credited to Mann and LeFauve, “Inside Out 2,” like its predecessor, is chock full of clever concepts for the world within Riley, such as the Stream of Consciousness and, most praise-worthy, the Sar-Chasm. (It’s so, so clever.)

Making his directorial debut, Pixar vet Mann takes over the directing reins from Pixar Chief Creative Officer Pete Doctor. The latter had a daughter of about Riley’s age while making “Inside Out,” and the former has two teens, so the handoff feels appropriate.

Mann and company have improved upon the formula from the first movie by having more emotions working in concert throughout the adventure, the actions of the newcomers driving Riley’s increasingly questionable choices. Led by Joy, the old gang sets about the important — and dangerous — task of restoring Riley’s Sense of Self. In the process, Joy asks much of the less-than-confident Sadness who finds a kindred spirit in the large but very much not-in-charge Embarrassment, who frequently pulls his hoodie over his eyes when around the others.


Hawke (“Stranger Things”) is terrific as the odd-looking bundle of nervous energy that is Anxiety, while Poehler’s work as Joy is, appropriately, the emotional center of “Inside Out 2.” One of the film’s myriad third-act impactful moments is Joy beginning to wonder if a person simply experiences less joy when he or she gets older.

For as strong as it is from its first few minutes, “Inside Out 2” truly does save the best for last, with everything coming to a highly and believably emotional climax at the camp-concluding scrimmage.

“Inside Out” was a box-office hit and the 2016 winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, but, honestly, we were a little underwhelmed, feeling it didn’t quite deliver on its admirably ambitious concept. That is not the case here, with the puberty angle providing very fertile ground for this format.

And now we’d welcome an “Inside Out 3.” After all, what happens when a cute boy enters Riley’s world?

We’re gonna need a few more emotions, to be sure.


“Inside Out 2” is rated PG for some thematic elements. Runtime: 1 hour, 36 minutes.


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