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Hanoi-based company vice director investigated for billion-dollar illegal cryptocurrency ring 



Hanoi-based company vice director investigated for billion-dollar illegal cryptocurrency ring 

Quang Tuyen, Minh Hue

Sun, July 14, 2024 | 9:00 am GMT+7


Hanoi police on Thursday launched legal proceedings against Than Van Thoai, vice director of Global BBA company, and seven others for their involvement in a billion-dollar illegal cryptocurrency ring.


They are charged with “violating regulations on multi-level business”.

Than Van Thoai, vice director of Global BBA company, (first, right) and his accomplices. Photo courtesy of Hanoi police.

Thoai, 40, was accused of helming a cryptocurrency ring with multi-marketing schemes that hosted hundreds of thousands of accounts, potentially worth billions of U.S. dollars.

According to investigators, in 2019, Thoai bought the CashBack Pro (CBP) foreign cryptocurrency project from a foreign partner to facilitate his business activities.

Through his connections with foreigners, he created virtual transactions and advertised the CBP cryptocurrency on certain websites, as well as developing applications where users can gain commissions as CBP coins.

Thoai also created website to call for investments, and developed systems to convert commissions into cryptocurrency. He created the CBP Wallet to provide CBP coins under multi-marketing schemes.


He then advertised the project, saying participants could get commissions directly and bonuses if they could connect with the community or open their own investment accounts in the network.

Authorities said Thoai established Global BBA company to organize training and advertising events.

The company did not obtain a license for multi-marketing business, yet he still directed his subordinates to organize conferences at the company’s headquarters in Hanoi’s Thanh Xuan district on financial management, how to get rich, and the benefits of CBP coin and participation in the community.

Several policies were introduced by Thoai’s group to attract investors, such as paying 0.5% in interest per day, commissions of 12-50%, and other bonuses.

Investors would be provided packages with different values, ranging from $1,000 to $100,000, and packages with higher values would generate better bonuses.


Each person looking to participate in the network would either introduce two others, or open two accounts himself/herself.

From March 2021 to June 2024, Thoai and his accomplices were accused of creating investment communities with hundreds of thousands of accounts, with the values of investment packages amounting to tens of billions of U.S. dollars.

Previously, in May 2024, Thoai and Ho Quoc Anh, chairman of BBI Vietnam Internet Technology JSC, were also put under an investigation for appropriation of property using a computer network, a telecommunications network, and electronic devices.

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Donald Trump’s Cryptocurrency Critique is Shaping the Future of Trade



Donald Trump’s Cryptocurrency Critique is Shaping the Future of Trade

Cryptocurrency has become a pivotal topic in global financial discourse, with diverse opinions shaping its development and adoption. Among these influential voices is Donald Trump, the former President of the United States. Trump’s perspective on cryptocurrency, characterized by skepticism and caution, continues to shape policies and market sentiment in the US and globally. This article delves into how Trump’s views influence the future of cryptocurrency.

Donald Trump’s Stance on Cryptocurrency

Donald Trump’s stance on cryptocurrency is unequivocally critical. He has consistently expressed concerns about the stability, security, and legitimacy of digital currencies. His famous 2019 tweet stated, “I am not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, which are not money, and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air.” Trump’s skepticism extends to broader issues of financial security and the potential for misuse in illegal activities.

Regulatory Landscape Under Trump’s Administration

Stricter Oversight

During Trump’s presidency, regulatory bodies such as the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) intensified their oversight of cryptocurrency activities. The administration’s focus was on preventing fraudulent activities, money laundering, and protecting investors from high-risk investments.

Impact on Innovation

While increased regulation aimed to safeguard the financial system, it also posed challenges for innovation within the cryptocurrency space. The regulatory environment under Trump’s administration led to significant compliance costs and operational hurdles for crypto businesses. This cautious approach slowed down the pace of innovation and made the US a less attractive destination for crypto startups.


Global Ripple Effects

Influence on International Policies

Trump’s critical stance on cryptocurrency influenced global regulatory approaches. Countries aligned with the US in financial policies, such as Canada and parts of Europe, adopted a more cautious regulatory stance. This created a global atmosphere of skepticism and wariness towards digital currencies, impacting their adoption and integration into mainstream financial systems.

Market Reactions

Trump’s comments and policies often led to volatility in the global cryptocurrency market. Statements from influential figures like Trump can trigger significant market movements, reflecting investor sentiment and confidence. Trump’s critical views contributed to periods of heightened volatility, affecting prices and market stability.

Post-Presidency Influence

Continued Criticism

Even after leaving office, Trump continues to voice his skepticism about cryptocurrencies. His ongoing criticism reinforces a narrative of caution and doubt within conservative and traditional financial circles. This persistent viewpoint maintains a level of apprehension about digital currencies, influencing both public opinion and policy discussions.

Political and Financial Impact

Trump’s influence extends to political and financial sectors where his opinions shape discussions on regulatory frameworks. His views contribute to the broader debate on how to balance innovation with security in the cryptocurrency domain. Policymakers and regulators consider such perspectives when designing regulations that aim to protect the financial system without stifling technological advancements.

The Future of Cryptocurrency Regulation

Potential for Balanced Regulations

While Trump’s critical stance highlights the need for stringent oversight, it also underscores the importance of balanced regulations. Future regulatory frameworks may seek to address the concerns raised by Trump, such as security and stability, while also fostering innovation and growth in the cryptocurrency industry.


Adoption of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

Trump’s skepticism towards decentralized cryptocurrencies may accelerate the adoption of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Governments worldwide are exploring CBDCs as a way to leverage blockchain technology within a regulated and controlled framework. The development of CBDCs could provide a middle ground, addressing concerns about stability and misuse while promoting digital currency adoption.


Donald Trump’s perspective on cryptocurrency continues to wield significant influence over the future of digital currencies in the US and globally. His critical stance has shaped regulatory approaches, market sentiment, and policy discussions. As the cryptocurrency landscape evolves, the balance between regulation and innovation will be crucial in determining its trajectory. Understanding Trump’s influence helps in navigating the complex interplay between skepticism and adoption in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency.


Note: By examining Donald Trump’s cryptocurrency perspective, this article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of its impact on the future of digital currencies. It offers insights for investors, policymakers, and enthusiasts, highlighting the critical issues shaping the global cryptocurrency landscape. However, this is the author’s personal observation and can be disagreed or challenged by anyone.

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Greece Grapples With Cryptocurrency Tax Gap As Adoption Rises



Greece Grapples With Cryptocurrency Tax Gap As Adoption Rises
Greece is experiencing a surge in cryptocurrency adoption, particularly among young adults. However, the lack of a clear regulatory and tax framework for digital assets is causing headaches for both investors and tax authorities. A dedicated committee is finalizing its recommendations for the Ministry of National Economy and Finance, outlining solutions for defining, recording, taxing, and monitoring cryptocurrencies.
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Venezuela's Transition to Cryptocurrency Usage Amid Economic Recovery and Hyperinflation Aftermath



Venezuela's Transition to Cryptocurrency Usage Amid Economic Recovery and Hyperinflation Aftermath
  • Over half of Venezuela’s population still uses the bolívar for daily transactions despite significant dollarization since 2017.
  • Foreign currencies dominate transactions in regions like San Cristóbal; U.S. dollar, Colombian peso, and euro are widely used.

In Venezuela, the journey through severe hyperinflation has led to a multifaceted financial environment where cryptocurrencies play a nuanced role. According to a recent report by Ecoanalítica, slightly more than half of the Venezuelan population continues to use the local currency, the bolívar, for daily transactions despite the predominant dollarization due to the hyperinflation that peaked in 2017. This shift has seen the bolívar deeply sidelined in several regions, with foreign currencies gaining prominence.

The analysis revealed that in San Cristóbal, a notable 79.8% of transactions are conducted in foreign currency, influenced heavily by the Colombian peso. Across Venezuela, the U.S. dollar accounts for 32.7% of transactions, the Colombian peso for 5.7%, the euro for 5.5%, and cryptocurrencies and other forms combined for only 1.2%, as per the data up to February 2024.

The findings, derived from the book “After Hyperinflation: Studies on Money in Venezuela” and discussed at a forum hosted by the Institute of Higher Administration Studies (IESA), highlight the cautious penetration of cryptocurrencies in the nation. Cryptocurrencies are predominantly used not for transactional purposes but as a savings reserve, according to economist Aarón Olmos.

Moreover, the introduction of the new Ecodesign legislation set for 2027 is pushing companies towards modernizing client interactions and embracing the circular economy, potentially increasing the role of digital assets in commercial activities. 

Depending on the region, residents might transact in Colombian pesos, Brazilian reals, or more frequently in U.S. dollars and euros, adapting to the most stable and available options.

“The relationship they have with remittances with their families, currently, is mainly about 60 and 70% crypto digital platforms, and the most used crypto is USDT,” explained Aaron Olmos, during his presentation at the second forum.

Just as we have been talking in Crypto News Flash, remittances play a significant role in the cryptocurrency economy in Venezuela. In 2023 alone, almost $500 million in virtual assets were transferred as remittances, predominantly on crypto platforms, with Tether (USDT) being the most utilized cryptocurrency.



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