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Muchos trabajadores inmigrantes se enfrentan a un futuro sombrío sin prestaciones de jubilación. Un proyecto de ley californiano podría ayudar



Muchos trabajadores inmigrantes se enfrentan a un futuro sombrío sin prestaciones de jubilación. Un proyecto de ley californiano podría ayudar

Ya sea bajo la lluvia, con fuertes vientos o con el sofocante calor del verano, a José Villa se le puede ver por las calles del norte de Los Ángeles, provocando sonrisas entre niños y adultos por igual. Mientras este inmigrante mexicano empuja un carrito lleno de conos de nieve y paletas, el tintineo de las campanitas anuncia que su negocio está abierto a cualquiera que desee un dulce o un alivio inmediato del calor.

“Tengo un trabajo muy dulce porque hace feliz a mucha gente”, dice Villa en uno de sus recientes paseos por Highland Park. “Pero sí, mi futuro económico puede ser muy amargo. Así que por hoy no voy a pensar en ello”, dijo con una sonrisa.

Villa quería jubilarse a los 62 años, pero como inmigrante sin papeles no puede permitirse el lujo de descansar en casa. Los trabajadores inmigrantes en su situación legal no tienen derecho a recibir prestaciones de jubilación del Seguro Social, aunque hayan pagado impuestos utilizando un Número de Identificación Fiscal Individual, o ITIN, que se expide a las personas sin número del Seguro Social con el único fin de declarar impuestos federales.

Con pocas oportunidades de trabajo, Villa lleva siete años vendiendo helados. “No sé qué me depare el destino cuando mi cuerpo se rinda”, dice.

(Raul Roa / Los Angeles Times)


Este hombre, nativo de Culiacán, Sinaloa, llegó a Estados Unidos cuando tenía 47 años. Creció trabajando en el campo, sembrando frijol, cacahuete, maíz y sésamo, hasta que decidió probar suerte al otro lado de la frontera. Con sólo sexto de primaria, Villa pudo instalarse en Los Ángeles y conseguir trabajo como cocinero en un restaurante. Tras 18 años de servicio, fue despedido sin explicación alguna, dijo.

Con escasas oportunidades laborales, Villa lleva siete años vendiendo helados, pero el dinero no le alcanza para alquilar un apartamento ni siquiera una habitación, por lo que vive en un garaje que su jefe, el dueño del carrito, le ha facilitado por tiempo indefinido.

“No sé qué me depare el destino cuando mi cuerpo se rinda”, dice el inmigrante, ajustándose el sombrero para protegerse del sol. “Sólo debo tener fe para que ocurra un milagro y el gobierno se apiade de los viejos como yo”.

Durante la próxima década, este sombrío futuro está la vista de los inmigrantes que viven en California sin seguro de desempleo, prestaciones de jubilación u otra forma de red de seguridad, “en números como en ningún otro estado en la historia moderna”, según un informe del Centro Comunitario y Laboral UC Merced publicado el 23 de marzo.


El informe, titulado “A Golden Age: California’s Aging Immigrant Workforce and Its Implications for Safety Net Policy”, afirma que, en 2019, la fuerza laboral no ciudadana en California era de 2,984,821 trabajadores migrantes, de los cuales aproximadamente 1,253,625 carecían de documentos de trabajo legales.

Entre los trabajadores no ciudadanos, 9,558 tenían entonces 75 años o más, 67,960 tenían entre 65 y 74 años, y 316,539 tenían entre 55 y 64 años. Entre los trabajadores sin documentos de trabajo de 75 años o más, había 4.014 en 2019, mientras que unos 28.543 tenían entre 65 y 74 años y 132.946 entre 55 y 64 años. Estas cifras indican que miles de familias inmigrantes caerán en la pobreza extrema, según analistas y activistas.

Ante la poco probable acción del Congreso para enfrentar la situación, algunos políticos californianos y activistas inmigrantes están impulsando una legislación para aliviar la situación de trabajadores como Villa.

“La idea es proporcionar a estas personas una ayuda monetaria, porque muchos de ellos han trabajado durante décadas y han contribuido durante muchos años a fortalecer la economía de California”, dijo Carrillo. “Es hora de reconocer el arduo trabajo que realizan en los campos agrícolas y en otras industrias de servicios como la agricultura, jardinería, los servicios de construcción y el servicio de restaurantes, entre muchos otros”.

En 2019, según el IRS, se presentaron más de 2,5 millones de declaraciones de impuestos con ITIN, lo que representa casi 6 mil millones de dólares en impuestos. Un estudio de New American Economy, una organización de investigación mostró que los inmigrantes indocumentados contribuyen con un promedio de $ 13 mil millones al Seguro Social y $ 3 mil millones a Medicare por año.


Actualmente, el programa CAPI proporciona 1.100 dólares al mes a los inmigrantes que cumplen los requisitos. Las personas sin documentos legales tendrían beneficios similares, dependiendo de su situación económica actual, dijo Carrillo.

El asambleísta Miguel Santiago, coautor del proyecto de ley, dijo que es imperativo que los políticos apoyen esta ampliación, ya que nadie quiere ver a más personas sin hogar en las calles de California en los próximos años.

“La necesidad no conoce enfermedad, ni vejez”, dijo Santiago. “Estas personas mayores viven en nuestras comunidades, no se van a ir a ninguna parte. Muchos de ellos siguen trabajando, por lo que es crucial atenderlos en el nivel básico para vivir, lo que significa ayuda monetaria para que puedan comer y al menos tener un techo”.

Está previsto que la AB 1536 sea tratada por el comité de apropiaciones del Senado estatal el 14 de agosto.

Para Villa, los ingresos adicionales que recibiría le permitirían al menos alquilar un apartamento de un dormitorio en lugar de vivir en un garaje con sólo un sofá y un televisor.


Mientras Villa vende paletas en el norte de Los Ángeles, al sur Roberto González, de 69 años, lava coches.

González está empapado en sudor mientras limpia los cristales de una camioneta Ford Ranger y luego limpia las llantas.

Este mexicano del estado de Puebla padece diabetes, hipertensión y artritis reumatoide, que a veces le entume las articulaciones de las manos y le dificulta el trabajo. Pero su objetivo es seguir trabajando al menos cinco días a la semana para poder compartir sus escasos ingresos con uno de sus dos hijos.

“Los días de calor son los más duros, pero es mejor aguantar el sol que la lluvia, porque si llueve no tengo trabajo”, dice González, que lleva cinco años limpiando coches. Los dos años que inicialmente pensaba quedarse en Estados Unidos se han alargado a más de 49.

“Uno dice: ‘Un año más y me voy’, pero todos los ahorros se gastan en el alquiler, las facturas y en enviar dinero a la familia”, dijo González. “La verdad es que tengo miedo de ser una carga para la sociedad, y especialmente para mis dos hijos mayores. Sin poder trabajar, dependería de ellos porque no tengo prestaciones de jubilación”.


González cree que si se aprobara la AB 1536 podría contribuir a los pagos de la comida de su hijo y a otros gastos del hogar.

Víctor Narro, director del proyecto y profesor de estudios laborales en el Centro Laboral de la UCLA, dijo que, aunque los inmigrantes indocumentados de edad avanzada necesitan ayuda urgentemente, el fortalecimiento del Seguro Social está destinado al fracaso político, especialmente cualquier plan que lo extienda a los inmigrantes indocumentados.

“El estado se enfrenta a una crisis sin precedentes cuando se trata de su población indocumentada que envejece rápidamente”, dijo Narro. “A pesar de sus esfuerzos, los activistas proinmigrantes no han logrado una reforma migratoria que legalice a estas personas después de una lucha de 30 años. Esto contribuye a que más gente trabaje por debajo de la mesa ganando dinero en efectivo, mientras otros se las arreglan para pagar impuestos que de todas maneras no permiten una jubilación”.

 Jose Villa at Sunday service

“No pido nada más que algo a cambio de mis contribuciones”, dijo Villa. Los trabajadores indocumentados no tienen derecho a recibir prestaciones del Seguro Social, aunque hayan pagado impuestos.

(Raul Roa / Los Angeles Times)


Aunque Narro cree que el movimiento político es esencial para ayudar a los trabajadores inmigrantes de edad avanzada, reconoce que los proyectos de ley se enfrentan a importantes obstáculos políticos. Además, “el Seguro Social lleva mucho tiempo en un terreno financiero inestable”, porque a medida que envejece la población estadounidense hay menos trabajadores para mantener al creciente número de beneficiarios, que en conjunto viven más años. Algunos analistas calculan que los fondos podrían agotarse en 2034.

“La gente muere sin documentos y sin prestaciones, habiendo dejado su vida en un trabajo”, dijo Angélica Salas, directora ejecutiva de la Coalición por los Derechos Humanos de los Inmigrantes, o CHIRLA, que apoya la AB 1536. “Si no impulsamos este tipo de ley ahora, en los próximos años vamos a ver más ancianos con problemas de salud, incapaces de trabajar”.

“Se trata de una cuestión moral, de dignidad y respeto a las personas mayores”, añadió.

Para trabajadores como Villa y González, el proyecto de ley de California ofrece cierta esperanza.

“Todos vamos a envejecer, y lo único que nos va a preocupar es estar sanos y tener un techo y comida”, dijo Villa. “No pido nada más que algo a cambio de mis contribuciones”.


En opinión de González, “Dios bendice a quien da la mano a quien lo necesita. Espero que los políticos piensen en nosotros y nos echen esa mano que necesitamos”.

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Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos to Attend Trump’s Inauguration



Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos to Attend Trump’s Inauguration

Corporate America had already raced to donate big sums to Donald Trump’s record-breaking inaugural fund. Now some of its leaders appear eager to jockey for prominent positions at the inauguration next week.

It’s a new reminder that for some of the nation’s biggest businesses, forging close ties to a president-elect who is promising hard-hitting policies like tariffs is a priority this time around.

Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg are expected to be on the inauguration dais, according to NBC News, alongside Elon Musk and several cabinet picks.

The presence of Musk isn’t a surprise, given the Tesla chief’s significant support of and huge influence over Trump. But the other tech moguls have only more recently been seen as supporters of the administration. (Indeed, Bezos frequently sparred with Trump during his first presidential term.)

It’s the latest effort by Bezos and Zuckerberg to burnish their Trump credentials. At the DealBook Summit in December, Bezos — whose Amazon has faced scrutiny under the Biden administration and whose Blue Origin is hoping to win government rocket contracts — said that he was “very hopeful” about Trump’s efforts to reduce regulation.


And Zuckerberg recently announced significant changes to Meta’s content moderation policy, including relaxing restrictions on speech seen as protecting groups including L.G.B.T.Q. people that won praise from Trump and other conservatives. On the inauguration front, Zuckerberg is also co-hosting a reception alongside the longtime Trump backers Miriam Adelson, Tilman Fertitta and Todd Ricketts.

Both tech moguls have visited Mar-a-Lago since the election, with Zuckerberg having done so more than once.

Coca-Cola took a different tack. The drinks giant’s C.E.O., James Quincey, gave Trump what an aide called the “first ever Presidential Commemorative Inaugural Diet Coke bottle.”

More broadly, business leaders want a piece of the inauguration action. The Times previously reported that the Trump inaugural fund had surpassed $170 million, a record, and that even major donors have been wait-listed for events.

Others are throwing unofficial events around Washington, including an “Inaugural Crypto Ball” that will feature Snoop Dogg, with tickets starting at $5,000, The Wall Street Journal reports.


It’s a reminder that C.E.O.s are reading the room, and preparing their companies for a president who has proposed creating an “External Revenue Service” to oversee what he has promised will be wide-ranging tariffs.

David Urban, a longtime Trump adviser who’s hosting a pre-inauguration event, told The Journal, “This is the world order, and if we’re going to succeed, we need to get with the world order.”

  • In other Trump news: The president-elect is expected to appear via videoconference at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, which starts on Inauguration Day, according to Semafor.

Investors brace for the latest inflation data. The Consumer Price Index report, due out at 8:30 a.m. Eastern, is expected to show that inflation ticked up last month, most likely because of climbing food and fuel costs. Global bond markets have been rattled as slow progress on slowing inflation has prompted the Fed to slash its forecast for interest rate cuts.

More Trump cabinet picks will appear before the Senate on Wednesday. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, the choice for secretary of state, is expected to field questions about his views on the Middle East, Ukraine and China, but is expected to be confirmed. Russell Vought, the pick to run the Office of Management and Budget, will most likely be asked about his advocacy for drastically shrinking the federal government, a key Trump objective. And Sean Duffy, the Fox Business host chosen to lead the Transportation Department, will probably face questions on how he would oversee matters including aviation safety and autonomous vehicles, the latter of which is a priority for Elon Musk.

Meta plans to lay off another 5 percent of its employees. Mark Zuckerberg, the tech giant’s C.E.O., told staff members to prepare for “extensive performance-based cuts” as the company braces for “an intense year.” The social media giant faces intense competition in the race to commercialize artificial intelligence.


A new bill would give TikTok a reprieve from a ban in the United States. Senator Ed Markey, Democrat of Massachusetts, said he planned to introduce the Extend the TikTok Deadline Act, which would give the video platform 270 additional days to be divested from its Chinese parent, ByteDance before being blacklisted. It’s the latest effort to buy TikTok time, as the app faces a Jan. 19 deadline set by a law; President-elect Donald Trump has opposed the potential ban as well.

JPMorgan Chase and BlackRock, the giant money manager, just reported earnings. (In short: Both handily beat analyst expectations.)

But the Wall Street giants are likely to face questioning on a particular issue on Wednesday: Which top lieutenants are in line to replace their larger-than-life C.E.O.s, Jamie Dimon and Larry Fink.

Who’s out:

  • Daniel Pinto, who had long been Dimon’s right-hand man, said he would officially drop his responsibilities as JPMorgan’s C.O.O. in June and retire at the end of 2026. Jenn Piepszak, the co-C.E.O. of the company’s core commercial and investment bank, has become C.O.O.

  • And Mark Wiedman, the head of BlackRock’s global client business and a top contender to succeed Fink, is planning to leave, according to news reports.

What Wall Street is gossiping about JPMorgan: Even in taking the C.O.O. role, JPMorgan said that Piepszak wasn’t interested in succeeding Dimon “at this time.” DealBook hears that while she genuinely appears not to want to pursue the top job, the phrasing covers her in case she changes her mind.


For now, that means the most likely candidates for the top spot are Marianne Lake, the company’s head of consumer and community banking; Troy Rohrbaugh, the other co-head of the commercial and investment bank; and Doug Petno, a co-head of global banking.

The buzz around BlackRock: Wiedman reportedly didn’t want to keep waiting to succeed Fink and is expected to seek a C.E.O. position elsewhere. (So sudden was his departure that he’s forfeiting about $8 million worth of stock options and, according to The Wall Street Journal, he doesn’t have another job lined up yet.)

Fink said on CNBC on Wednesday that Wiedman’s departure had been in the works for some time, with the executive having expressed a desire to leave about six months ago.

Other candidates to take over for Fink include Martin Small, BlackRock’s C.F.O.; Rob Goldstein, the firm’s C.O.O.; and Rachel Lord, the head of international.

But Dimon and Fink aren’t going anywhere just yet. Dimon, 68, said only last year that he might not be in the role in five years. And Fink, 72, said in July that he was working on succession planning: “When I do believe the next generation is ready, I’m out.”


Another battle between Elon Musk and the S.E.C. erupted on Tuesday, with the agency suing the tech mogul over his 2022 purchase of Twitter.

It’s unclear what happens to the lawsuit once President-elect Donald Trump, who counts Musk as a close ally, takes office. But the agency’s reputation as an independent watchdog may be at stake.

A recap: The S.E.C. accused Musk of violating securities laws in his $44 billion acquisition of the social media company.

The agency said that Musk had failed to disclose his Twitter ownership stake for a pivotal 11-day stretch before revealing his intentions to purchase the company. That breach allowed him to buy up at least $150 million worth of Twitter shares at a lower price — to the detriment of existing shareholders, the agency argues.

The S.E.C. isn’t just seeking to fine Musk. It wants him to pay back the windfall. “That’s unusual,” Ann Lipton, a professor at Tulane Law School, told DealBook.


Alex Spiro, Musk’s lawyer, called the latest action a “sham” and accused the agency of waging a “multiyear campaign of harassment” against him.

The showdown sets up a tough question for the S.E.C. Will Paul Atkins, the president-elect’s widely respected pick to lead the agency, drop the case? Such a move could call the bedrock principle of S.E.C. independence into question.

Jay Clayton, who led the agency during Trump’s first term, earned the respect of the business community for running it in a largely drama-free manner. It was under Clayton that the S.E.C. sued Musk over his statements about taking Tesla private.

Musk, who is set to become Trump’s cost-cutting czar and is expected to have office space in the White House complex, has called for the “comprehensive overhaul” of agencies like the S.E.C. The billionaire said he would also like to see “punitive action against those individuals who have abused their regulatory power for personal and political gain.”

  • In related news: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau sued Capital One, accusing it of cheating its depositors out of $2 billion in interest payments.


  • DAZN, the streaming network backed by the billionaire businessman Len Blavatnik, is closing in on funding from Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund as the kingdom continues to expand its sports footprint. (NYT)

  • The Justice Department sued KKR, accusing the investment giant of withholding information during government reviews for several of its deals. KKR filed a countersuit. (Bloomberg)

  • OpenAI added Adebayo Ogunlesi, the billionaire co-founder of the infrastructure investment firm Global Infrastructure Partners, to its board. (FT)

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For uninsured fire victims, the Small Business Administration offers a rare lifeline



For uninsured fire victims, the Small Business Administration offers a rare lifeline

As wildfires continue to burn around Southern California, thousands of business owners, homeowners and renters are confronting the daunting challenge of rebuilding from the ashes. For some number of them, the road ahead will be all the more difficult because they didn’t have any or enough insurance to cover their losses. For them, the U.S. Small Business Administration is a possible lifeline.

The SBA, which offers emergency loans to businesses, homeowners, renters and nonprofits, is among the few relief options for those who don’t have insurance or are underinsured. Uninsured Angelenos can also apply for disaster assistance through the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA.

The current wildfires are ravaging a state that was already in the midst of a home insurance crisis. Thousands of homeowners have lost their insurance in recent years as providers pull out of fire-prone areas and jack up their prices in the face of rising risk.

“For those who are not going to get that insurance payout, this is available,” Small Business Administration head Isabella Casillas Guzman said in an interview during a recent trip to the fire areas. “The loans are intended to fill gaps, and that is very broad.”


About one-third of businesses don’t have insurance and three-quarters are underinsured, Guzman said.

“There will be residual effects around the whole community,” she said. “Insurance will not cover this disaster.”

Businesses, nonprofits and small agricultural cooperatives can apply for an economic injury loan or a physical damage loan through SBA. Homeowners are eligible for physical damage loans. Economic injury loans are intended to help businesses meet ordinary financial demands, while physical damage loans provide funds for repairs and restoration. People can apply online and loans must be repaid within 30 years.

Renters can receive up to $100,000 in assistance, homeowners up to $500,000 and businesses up to $2 million, according to Guzman. Homeowners and renters who cannot get access to credit elsewhere can qualify for loans with a interest rate of 2.5%. The SBA determines an applicant has no credit available elsewhere if they do not have other funds to pay for disaster recovery and cannot borrow from nongovernment sources.

Interest rates for homeowners and renters who do have access to credit elsewhere are just over 5%. Loans for businesses could come with interest rates of 4% or 8% depending on whether the business has other credit options.


An applicant must show they are able to repay their loan and have a credit history acceptable to the SBA in order to be approved. The loans became available following President Biden’s declaration of a major disaster in California.

“We’ve already received hundreds of applications from individuals and businesses interested in exploring additional support,” Guzman said. “We know the economic disruption may not be contained to the footprint of any evacuation zones or power outages.”

People who don’t have insurance or whose insurance doesn’t cover the entirety of their losses are eligible for loans, Guzman said. While many will use the funds to start from scratch after losing their property to the fires, businesses that are still standing can also apply for support to cover lost revenue.

Guzman was not able to estimate the total value of loans they expect to offer in California but said the organization is on solid financial footing after temporarily running out of funds in October.

“Funding has been replenished by Congress, and we expect to be able to coordinate closely with Congress,” Guzman said. “We’re fully funded and in a good position to provide support.”

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Cookies, Cocktails and Mushrooms on the Menu as Justices Hear Bank Fraud Case



Cookies, Cocktails and Mushrooms on the Menu as Justices Hear Bank Fraud Case

In a lively Supreme Court argument on Tuesday that included references to cookies, cocktails and toxic mushrooms, the justices tried to find the line between misleading statements and outright lies in the case of a Chicago politician convicted of making false statements to bank regulators.

The case concerned Patrick Daley Thompson, a former Chicago alderman who is the grandson of one former mayor, Richard J. Daley, and the nephew of another, Richard M. Daley. He conceded that he had misled the regulators but said his statements fell short of the outright falsehoods he said were required to make them criminal.

The justices peppered the lawyers with colorful questions that tried to tease out the difference between false and misleading statements.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. asked whether a motorist pulled over on suspicion of driving while impaired said something false by stating that he had had one cocktail while omitting that he had also drunk four glasses of wine.

Caroline A. Flynn, a lawyer for the federal government, said that a jury could find the statement to be false because “the officer was asking for a complete account of how much the person had had to drink.”


Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson asked about a child who admitted to eating three cookies when she had consumed 10.

Ms. Flynn said context mattered.

“If the mom had said, ‘Did you eat all the cookies,’ or ‘how many cookies did you eat,’ and the child says, ‘I ate three cookies’ when she ate 10, that’s a false statement,” Ms. Flynn said. “But, if the mom says, ‘Did you eat any cookies,’ and the child says three, that’s not an understatement in response to a specific numerical inquiry.”

Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked whether it was false to label toxic mushrooms as “a hundred percent natural.” Ms. Flynn did not give a direct response.

The case before the court, Thompson v. United States, No. 23-1095, started when Mr. Thompson took out three loans from Washington Federal Bank for Savings between 2011 and 2014. He used the first, for $110,000, to finance a law firm. He used the next loan, for $20,000, to pay a tax bill. He used the third, for $89,000, to repay a debt to another bank.


He made a single payment on the loans, for $390 in 2012. The bank, which did not press him for further payments, went under in 2017.

When the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and a loan servicer it had hired sought repayment of the loans plus interest, amounting to about $270,000, Mr. Thompson told them he had borrowed $110,000, which was true in a narrow sense but incomplete.

After negotiations, Mr. Thompson in 2018 paid back the principal but not the interest. More than two years later, federal prosecutors charged him with violating a law making it a crime to give “any false statement or report” to influence the F.D.I.C.

He was convicted and ordered to repay the interest, amounting to about $50,000. He served four months in prison.

Chris C. Gair, a lawyer for Mr. Thompson, said his client’s statements were accurate in context, an assertion that met with skepticism. Justice Elena Kagan noted that the jury had found the statements were false and that a ruling in Mr. Thompson’s favor would require a court to rule that no reasonable juror could have come to that conclusion.


Justices Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh said that issue was not before the court, which had agreed to decide the legal question of whether the federal law, as a general matter, covered misleading statements. Lower courts, they said, could decide whether Mr. Thompson had been properly convicted.

Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. asked for an example of a misleading statement that was not false. Mr. Gair, who was presenting his first Supreme Court argument, responded by talking about himself.

“If I go back and change my website and say ‘40 years of litigation experience’ and then in bold caps say ‘Supreme Court advocate,’” he said, “that would be, after today, a true statement. It would be misleading to anybody who was thinking about whether to hire me.”

Justice Alito said such a statement was, at most, mildly misleading. But Justice Kagan was impressed.

“Well, it is, though, the humblest answer I’ve ever heard from the Supreme Court podium,” she said, to laughter. “So good show on that one.”

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