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N Korea confirms ICBM test, touts nuclear counterattack ability



N Korea confirms ICBM test, touts nuclear counterattack ability

Pyongyang says its newest ICBM take a look at was meant to bolster its ‘deadly nuclear counterattack’ capabilities.

North Korea has stated it fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) as a warning to the US and South Korea, claiming the drill efficiently demonstrated its capability to launch a “deadly nuclear counterattack”.

The North Korean assertion on Sunday got here a day after it launched the Hwasong-15 into the ocean off Japan’s west coast after warning of a powerful response to approaching army drills by the US and South Korea.

“The shock ICBM launching drill … is an precise proof of the DPRK strategic nuclear pressure’s constant efforts to show its capability of deadly nuclear counterattack on the hostile forces into the irresistible one,” the state information company KCNA stated, utilizing the abbreviation for the nation’s official identify, the Democratic Individuals’s Republic of Korea.

Chief Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, bristled on the US for attempting to show the UN Safety Council into what she known as a “software for its heinous hostile coverage” in direction of Pyongyang.


“I warn that we’ll watch each motion of the enemy and take corresponding and really highly effective and overwhelming counteraction in opposition to its each transfer hostile to us,” she stated in an announcement.

Saturday’s missile launch, North Korea’s first since January 1, got here after Pyongyang threatened on Friday an “unprecedentedly persistent, robust” response because the US and South Korea gear up for annual army workout routines as a part of efforts to fend off Pyongyang’s rising nuclear and missile threats.

The state information company stated the missile had flown for 1 hour, 6 minutes and 55 seconds, as excessive as 5,768km (3,584 miles), earlier than precisely hitting a preset space 989km (615 miles) away in open waters.

The Hwasong-15 was first examined in 2017.


Japan stated on Saturday the missile had plunged into waters inside its unique financial zone.

‘With out warning’

Nuclear-armed North Korea fired an unprecedented variety of missiles final 12 months, together with ICBMs able to hanging anyplace within the US, whereas resuming preparations for its first nuclear take a look at since 2017.

South Korean Overseas Minister Park Jin stated Saturday’s launch “clearly” alerts Pyongyang’s intent to conduct further provocations.

“If North Korea conducts the seventh nuclear take a look at, which might occur at any time, it will likely be a sport changer in a way that North Korea might develop and deploy tactical nuclear missiles,” Park informed the Munich Safety Convention on Saturday.

The launch, guided by the Missile Basic Bureau, was performed on an “emergency firepower fight standby order” given at daybreak, adopted by a written order from Kim Jong Un at 8am native time (23:00 GMT Friday), KCNA stated. South Korea’s army stated it detected the missile at 5:22pm (08:22 GMT)


“The vital bit right here is that the train was ordered day-of, with out warning to the crew concerned,” stated Ankit Panda, a missile skilled on the Washington–primarily based Carnegie Endowment for Worldwide Peace. “The period of time between the order and the launch is probably going going to be decreased with further testing.”

The army unit obtained an “glorious mark” over the drill and North Korea’s ruling celebration “extremely appreciated the precise struggle capability of the ICBM models that are prepared for cell and mighty counterattack,” KCNA stated.

Analysts say North Korea is more likely to conduct extra weapons checks, together with a doable new solid-fuel missile which might assist Pyongyang deploy its missiles sooner within the occasion of a struggle.

North Korea’s ballistic missile and nuclear weapons programmes are banned below UN Safety Council resolutions, however Pyongyang says its weapons improvement is critical to counter “hostile insurance policies” by Washington and its allies.

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US journalist Gershkovich on trial in Russia over spying charges he denies



US journalist Gershkovich on trial in Russia over spying charges he denies

American journalist Evan Gershkovich went on trial behind closed doors in Russia on charges of espionage 15 months after he was arrested in the city of Yekaterinburg.

The 32-year-old Wall Street Journal reporter appeared in a glass cage in the Yekaterinburg courtroom on Wednesday, with his head shaven clean and wearing a black-and-blue plaid shirt.

Gershkovich is accused by prosecutors of gathering secret information about Uralvagonzavod, a plant manufacturing tanks for Russia’s war in Ukraine, on the orders of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Prosecutor Mikael Ozdoyev claimed there was proof that Gershkovich “on the instructions of the CIA … collected secret information about the activities of a defence enterprise about the production and repair of military equipment in the Sverdlovsk region”.

The court said the next hearing will be held on August 13.


The US Embassy in Russia on Wednesday called for Gershkovich’s release and said the “Russian authorities have failed to provide any evidence supporting the charges against him, failed to justify his continued detention, and failed to explain why Evan’s work as a journalist constitutes a crime”.

The Journal said the “secret trial” will “offer him few, if any, of the legal protections he would be accorded in the US and other Western countries”.

The reporter, his employer and the United States government vigorously deny the allegations, saying he was just doing his job, with accreditation from Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On Tuesday, the Journal’s editor-in-chief, Emma Tucker, wrote in a letter to readers that Russian judicial proceedings are “unfair to Evan and a continuation of this travesty of justice that already has gone on for far too long”.


Tucker said: “This bogus accusation of espionage will inevitably lead to a bogus conviction for an innocent man.”

If convicted, Gershkovich faces a sentence of up to 20 years in prison. A verdict could be months away because Russian trials often adjourn for weeks.

Tucker noted that even covering Gershkovich’s trial “presents challenges to us” and other media “over how to report responsibly on the proceedings and the allegations”.

“Let us be very clear, once again: Evan is a staff reporter of The Wall Street Journal. He was on assignment in Russia, where he was an accredited journalist,” she wrote.

The case, the US Embassy wrote on X, “is not about evidence, procedural norms or the rule of law. It is about the Kremlin using American citizens to achieve its political objectives”.


‘Hostage diplomacy’

The American-born son of immigrants from the Soviet Union, Gershkovich is the first Western journalist to be arrested on espionage charges in post-Soviet Russia.

His detention came about a year after President Vladimir Putin pushed through laws that chilled journalists, criminalising criticism of the war in Ukraine and statements seen as discrediting the military.

After his arrest on March 29, 2023, Gershkovich was held in Moscow’s Lefortovo prison. His appeals for release have been repeatedly rejected.

The proceedings will take place behind closed doors, meaning that the media is excluded and no friends, family members or US embassy staff are allowed in to support him.

Putin has indicated that Russia is open to the idea of a prisoner exchange involving Gershkovich and others, claiming that contacts with the US have taken place, but that they must remain secret.


The US has in turn accused Russia of conducting “hostage diplomacy”.

It has designated Gershkovich and another jailed American, security executive Paul Whelan, arrested in Moscow for espionage in 2018, as “wrongfully detained”, thereby committing the government to assertively seek their release.

In its statement, the US Embassy said Russia should stop using people like Gershkovich and Whelan “as bargaining chips”. “They should both be released immediately,” it said.

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GameStop is becoming a poorly run bank



GameStop is becoming a poorly run bank
GameStop’s actual business – selling video games and associated paraphernalia – isn’t doing so hot. Its other business – earning interest on cash that was handed over irrationally – is helping. But that makes GameStop more akin to a bank than a retailer. Shareholders would be better off sticking with an actual savings account.
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WikiLeaks’ Assange is free after pleading guilty in deal with Justice Department



WikiLeaks’ Assange is free after pleading guilty in deal with Justice Department

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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleaded guilty Tuesday in connection with a deal with federal prosecutors to close a drawn-out legal saga related to the leaking of military secrets that raised divisive questions about press freedom, national security and the traditional bounds of journalism.

The plea to a single count of conspiring to obtain and disclose information related to the national defense was entered Wednesday morning in federal court in Saipan, the capital of the Northern Mariana Islands, an American territory in the Pacific.


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, second from right, arrives at the United States courthouse where he is expected to enter a plea deal in Saipan, Mariana Islands, Wednesday, June 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko) (AP )

Assange said that he believed that the Espionage Act under which he was charged contradicted his First Amendment rights but that he accepted that encouraging sources to provide classified information for publication can be unlawful.

“I believe the First Amendment and the Espionage Act are in contradiction with each other but I accept that it would be difficult to win such a case given all these circumstances,” he reportedly said in court. 

Under the terms of the deal, Assange is permitted to return to his native Australia without spending any time in an American prison. He had been jailed in the United Kingdom for the last five years, while fighting extradition to the United States.

A conviction could have resulted in a lengthy prison sentence. 



Julian Assange after being released from prison

Screen grab taken from the X account of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange following his release from prison on Tuesday June 25, 2024. Assange has arrived in Saipan ahead of an expected guilty plea in a deal with the U.S. Justice Department that will set him free to return home to Australia. (@WikiLeaks, via AP)

WikiLeaks, the secret-spilling website that Assange founded in 2006, applauded the announcement of the deal, saying it was grateful for “all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom.”

Federal prosecutors said Assange conspired with Chelsea Manning, then a U.S. Army intelligence analyst, to steal diplomatic cables and military files published in 2010 by WikiLeaks. Prosecutors had accused Assange of damaging national security by publishing documents that harmed the U.S. and its allies and aided its adversaries.

Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison. President Barack Obama commuted the sentence in 2017 in the final days of his presidency.

Assange has been celebrated by free press advocates as a transparency crusader but heavily criticized by national security hawks who say he put lives at risk and operated far beyond the bounds of journalism.  



Julian Assange boarding a plane

Julian Assange seen boarding an airplane. (Getty Images)

Weeks after the 2010 document cache, Swedish prosecutors issued an arrest warrant for Assange for allegedly raping a woman and an allegation of molestation. The case was later dropped. Assange has always maintained his innocence. 

In 2012, he took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he claimed asylum on the grounds of political persecution, and spent the following seven years in self-exile there. 

The Ecuadorian government in 2019 allowed the British police to arrest Assange and he remained in custody for the next five years while fighting extradition to the U.S. 


The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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