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Interpol launches campaign to help solve 46 cold cases of women whose bodies were found in Europe



Interpol launches campaign to help solve 46 cold cases of women whose bodies were found in Europe

The International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) launched a new campaign last week seeking the public’s help solving 46 cold cases of women whose bodies were found in Europe between 1982 and 2021.

Interpol’s goal through the “Identify me” campaign is to solve 46 cold cases in which the victims, all women, were found dead in six European countries, including France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.

“Despite extensive police investigations, these women were never identified, and evidence suggests that some of them could have come from other countries,” Interpol said in a press release. “Who they are, where they are from and why they were in these countries is unknown.”

Interpol issued a Black Notice for each victim, and while the alerts are for police only, Interpol released extracts of the notices for the public to review.



Along with the extracts, there are details about each case, including facial reconstruction images, with hope that someone may be able to recognize them and help determine the circumstances that led to their death.

One of the cases, for example, is called “The woman in the well,” which roots back to Aug. 6, 1991.


Interpol is asking for the public’s help in solving 46 cold cases of women whose bodies were discovered in Europe between 1982 and 2021, including the woman in the well, whose was found in a well in Belgium. (Interpol)

That day, a woman estimated to be between 30 and 55 years old was found in a rainwater well in Holsbeek, Belgium.


Police say the woman was wearing a beige/brown knitted cardigan, a t-shirt with black vertical stripes, an image of two surfers and three palm trees with text reading, “sun-surf-sea,” and dark plaid shorts.



Interpol is asking for the public’s help in solving 46 cold cases of women whose bodies were discovered in Europe between 1982 and 2021, including the woman in the well, who was found in a well in Belgium. (Interpol)

Police also said the woman’s body may have been in the well for up to two years before it was discovered.

Another case called, “The body in the bog,” was opened on Oct. 14, 2001, when the body of a woman between the ages of 20 and 30 was found in a bog in the Worringen quarter of Cologne, Germany.

Police said the woman is presumed to have had a dark complexion and had black hair with interwoven artificial hair.




Interpol is asking for the public’s help in identifying 46 women whose bodies were found in Europe between 1982 and 2021. (Interpol)

Her body was discovered by a mushroom picker, and it is suspected of being there for at least four months prior to its discovery, though police added it may have been there for up to four years.

Experts reconstructed the woman’s face in April 2002, to get an idea of how the woman may have looked at the time of her death.

For each case on the website, police have a link that people can click to contact Interpol and the police agency of the particular country where the body was found.


“We need you to help us resolve these cold cases,” Interpol Secretary General Jürgen Stock said in a post on X. “Our goal is to identify these deceased women and bring answers to families.”



China’s ‘New Great Wall’ Casts a Shadow on Nepal



China’s ‘New Great Wall’ Casts a Shadow on Nepal

The Chinese fence traces a furrow in the Himalayas, its barbed wire and concrete ramparts separating Tibet from Nepal. Here, in one of the more isolated places on earth, China’s security cameras keep watch alongside armed sentries in guard towers.

High on the Tibetan Plateau, the Chinese have carved a 600-feet-long message on a hillside: “Long live the Chinese Communist Party,” inscribed in characters that can be read from orbit.

Just across the border, in Nepal’s Humla District, residents contend that along several points of this distant frontier, China is encroaching on Nepali territory.

Source: OpenStreetMap, ESRI

By Agnes Chang


The Nepalis have other complaints, too. Chinese security forces are pressuring ethnic Tibetan Nepalis not to display images of the Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, in Nepali villages near the border, they say. And with the recent proliferation of Chinese barriers and other defenses, a people have also been divided. The stream of thousands of Tibetans who once escaped Chinese government repression by fleeing to Nepal has almost entirely vanished.

Yet Nepal’s leaders have refused to acknowledge China’s imprints on their country. Ideologically and economically tied to China, successive Nepali governments have ignored a 2021 fact-finding report that detailed various border abuses in Humla.

“This is the new Great Wall of China,” said Jeevan Bahadur Shahi, the former provincial chief minister of the area. “But they don’t want us to see it.”

China’s fencing along the edge of Nepal’s Humla District is just one segment of a fortification network thousands of miles long that Xi Jinping’s government has built to reinforce remote reaches, control rebellious populations and, in some cases, push into territory that other nations consider their own.


The fortification building spree, accelerated during Covid and backed by dozens of new border settlements, is imposing Beijing’s Panopticon security state on far-flung areas. It is also placing intense pressure on China’s poorer, weaker neighbors.

Chinese buildings stand just meters away from a border fence splitting Tibet and Nepal.

Without proper roads, it takes these goat herders three days to reach Simikot, the capital of Humla District, from their village in the district.


China borders 14 other countries by land. Its vast frontier, on land and at sea, remained largely peaceful as China’s economy grew to become the world’s second-largest. But amid Mr. Xi’s tenure, Beijing is redefining its territorial limits, leading to small skirmishes and outright conflict.

“Under Xi Jinping, China has doubled down on efforts to assert its territorial claims in disputed areas along its periphery,” said Brian Hart, a fellow at the China Power Project of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

Viewed individually, each action along China’s borders — fortifying boundaries, contesting territory and pushing into disputed zones — might seem only incremental. But the aggregated result is startling.

Near its eastern maritime reaches, in what are internationally recognized as Philippine waters, China has turned a coral reef into a military base. On its far western land border, China’s People’s Liberation Army has pushed into disputed mountain territory shared with South Asian neighbors.

Two dozen soldiers from India and China, both nuclear powers, died in high-altitude, hand-to-hand combat in 2020. Another border clash two years later injured more soldiers.


China’s border buildup is a major reason that the U.S. Department of Defense, in its 2023 China Military Power Report, declared that China has “adopted more dangerous, coercive, and provocative actions in the Indo-Pacific region.”

The shifting security landscape is drawing the attention of global powers and leading to new alliances. Small nations with ties to China, like Nepal, are vulnerable, even as they downplay or deny border disputes for fear of losing Beijing’s economic favor.

An eatery in Hilsa, a village in the Humla district. Humla is Nepal’s poorest and least developed district.

The Nepali paramilitary police office in Hilsa. Nepali officials tend to play down or deny border disputes for fear of losing Beijing’s economic favor.


oh“Weaker states like Nepal,” Mr. Hart said, “face immense pressures because of the overwhelming power differential with China.”

“If China does not face costs for encroaching on its weakest neighbors, Beijing will be further emboldened to threaten countries in the region,” he added.

Nepal’s foreign minister, Arzu Rana Deuba, said in an interview with The New York Times that she had not received complaints about problems on the border with Tibet and that the government’s focus was more on the southern boundary with India, where more Nepalis live.

“We have not really thought much of looking at the northern border, at least I haven’t,” she said.


A Top Secret Report

The distance from Simikot, the capital of Humla District, to the frontier village of Hilsa is 30 miles. But the drive to the border with Tibet takes more than 10 bone-jarring hours through rough, rocky terrain. Humla is unconnected to Nepal’s national road network. Cars and heavy machinery must be flown in.

Himalayan passes in Humla reach nearly 16,400 feet. Deadly altitude sickness can set in fast. It was to this district, Nepal’s poorest and least developed, that members of a fact-finding mission — composed of Nepali Home Ministry officials, government surveyors and police personnel — traveled three years ago.

Armed with a 1960s map from when Nepal and China formally agreed upon their boundary, they set out to discover whether the official cartography diverged from the reality on the ground. The mission members trekked to remote border pillars. They chatted with yak herders and Tibetan Buddhist monks.

Eventually, they produced their report to Nepal’s cabinet. And then the report disappeared. The public was not allowed to see it. Even high-ranking officials and politicians were refused access, several people involved said.


The veil of secrecy extended to the historical map that the mission brought with it. Survey department employees said they have been cautioned that sharing it could be a security breach — a strange warning for a map accessible in American archives.

A copy of the report obtained by The Times shows that the government mission documented a series of small border infringements by China. Also coursing through the report are worries about China’s grander geopolitical intentions and fears about upsetting Nepal’s powerful neighbor.

A nation of 30 million people, Nepal is small, landlocked and underdeveloped. Its government is headed by a Communist, who this year replaced a former Maoist rebel as prime minister. In ideology and in economics, Nepal leans heavily toward China, even as it remains in the orbit of nearby India.

The report says that in several places in and around Hilsa, China constructed fortifications and other infrastructure, including closed-circuit TV cameras, that are either in Nepal or in a buffer zone between the two countries where building is prohibited by bilateral agreement. Chinese border personnel took over a Nepali irrigation canal fed by the Karnali River, the report said, although the Chinese retreated when the Nepali mission visited.

Chinese forces have illegally prevented ethnic Tibetans living in Nepali areas near the border from grazing their livestock and participating in religious activities, the report said. Such constraints bring extraterritorial menace to Mr. Xi’s campaign of repression in Tibet.


The report advised that Nepal and China urgently needed to address various border disputes, but a bilateral mechanism for resolving border problems, which includes joint inspections, has been stalled since 2006.

N.P. Saud, Nepal’s foreign minister until March, said in an interview with The Times that bilateral “border meetings are held frequently.”

But one of Mr. Saud’s deputies told The Times that no border inspections had occurred in more than 17 years. Asked about this, Mr. Saud amended his statement.

“I can share with you that the joint inspection team will work soon,” he said. “I can’t tell you the exact time until it is finalized.”

Mr. Saud said that he did not know why the Humla report had not been made public.


“The border of a country,” he said, “is not a matter of secrecy.”

Mr. Saud said Nepal could not make any determination on the report’s validity until the joint inspections restart.

“Until and unless we confirm the report,” he said, “how we can raise the issue internationally with another country?”

Building a new road in the Humla District of Nepal, which is unconnected to the national road network.


Nepali workers loading goods from China in sight of the Chinese-built border fence.

Ms. Deuba, who replaced Mr. Saud as foreign minister, said she was not aware of the report or of Chinese fencing on the border.

The Chinese Embassy in Kathmandu declined to comment.

The Chinese government says that it is a force for peace in the region. In an article in the party-run People’s Daily, Pan Yue, the head of the National Ethnic Affairs Commission, wrote last year that China “never sought to conquer or expand territorially, never colonized neighboring countries.”


History collides with such national mythmaking. In 1979, Chinese forces briefly invaded Vietnam, which China had once controlled for a millennium. Since the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, China and India have fought two border wars.

Mr. Shahi, the former provincial chief minister from Humla, said that his efforts to publicize Chinese border intrusions have been actively discouraged.

“The Chinese, they say to our government, and then the government says to me, ‘If you talk about this border issue, then they will stop trade, they will stop everything,” he said. “Who the hell can say this to me about our land?”

A Holy Land, Divided

The border fence separating Hilsa from Chinese-controlled Tibet cleaves not only nations but centuries. On the Chinese side, modern buildings feature glass atriums, armored vehicles glide along paved roads and floodlights blaze in the night sky. Nepal, by contrast, seems stuck in a bygone era. Ramshackle shelters hunch in the cold. There is not an inch of asphalt or any reliable electricity.


The Chinese side used to be nearly as remote, the seclusion broken only by a flow of pilgrims to Mount Kailash, which is holy to four faiths. But as part of a push into lands populated by ethnic minorities, the Chinese government has seeded Tibet and the neighboring Xinjiang region with new infrastructure.

Migrants from China’s Han ethnic majority have poured in, including to the Tibetan town of Purang near the border with Hilsa. A new high-altitude airport in Purang, a feat of engineering, serves both civilian and military purposes, part of a transportation network that gives the People’s Liberation Army easy access to border areas. Just 20 miles away is the junction of China, Nepal and India.

The Nepali side of the border seems stuck in a bygone era, without asphalt or any reliable electricity.

A Tibetan Buddhist altar in Hilsa. Ethnic Tibetans live in Nepal, which was a destination for Tibetans fleeting Chinese repression until Beijing’s security state severed the flow of refugees.


Beijing considers a large swath of Indian-controlled territory along the Tibet-India boundary to be its own, calling it “South Tibet.” On the border with tiny Bhutan, China claims more disputed land and has built settlements there.

The Chinese focus on Tibet reflects more than geopolitical ambitions. Mr. Xi’s government has overseen a brutal effort to pacify ethnic minorities. High-tech surveillance of Tibetans, and the fortification of the border, has all but severed their escape route into Nepal, where ethnic Tibetans also live.

Chinese police and border guards, Hilsa residents say, regularly cross over to Nepal without going through normal immigration procedures. They intimidate ethnic Tibetan Nepalis and have captured some of the few Tibetans who succeeded in fleeing to Nepal, said Lhamu Lama, a Humla District village administrator.

An officer with the Nepali paramilitary police in Hilsa said that last year his commander asked the Chinese to retreat from an area that the 1960s official map indicated was not Chinese land. The Chinese never responded, said the officer, who did not want his name used because he was not authorized to speak to the news media.


“China is big and powerful so it can do what it wants,” said Pema Wangmu Lama, who was born in Tibet but now lives in Nepal. “Even if Hilsa is swallowed up one day, who would know or care what’s happening here?”

A fence built by the Chinese to prevent Tibetans from entering into Nepal on the banks of the Karnali river in Hilsa.

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Zelenskyy accuses North Korea of sending soldiers to help Russia in war



Zelenskyy accuses North Korea of sending soldiers to help Russia in war

Ukraine’s president says his country and its allies need to evolve their response in light of Russia’s deepening alliance.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has accused North Korea of sending not only weapons but also soldiers to help Russia in its war against Ukraine.

“We see an increasing alliance between Russia and regimes like North Korea,” Zelenskyy said in his video address on Sunday night. “This is no longer just about transferring weapons. It is actually about transferring people from North Korea to the occupying military forces.”

He said Ukraine and its allies needed to evolve their response in light of Russia’s deepening alliances and reiterated his call for increased military support to prevent a bigger war.

“The front line needs more support,” he said. “When we talk about giving Ukraine greater long-range capabilities and more decisive supplies for our forces, it’s not just a list of military equipment. It’s about increasing the pressure on the aggressor – pressure that will be stronger than what Russia can handle. And it’s about preventing an even larger war.”


Zelenskyy’s pleas to Ukraine’s allies to allow it to use longer-range missiles to attack military targets deep inside Russia and reduce its capacity for war have so far failed.

He said he would continue to try and secure that approval.

“True peace can only be achieved through strength and the entire next week will be dedicated to working with our partners for the sake of such strength, for the sake of true peace,” he said.

Western leaders were due to meet on the issue in Germany last week, but United States President Joe Biden delayed his trip as Hurricane Milton bore down on Florida.

He is now expected to travel to Germany this week with the war in Ukraine high on the agenda.


South Korea’s Minister of National Defense Kim Yong-hyun said last week that there was a “high possibility” of North Korea sending soldiers to help Russia on the battlefield in Ukraine.

He also said that it was “highly likely” that reports that North Korean officers had been killed in a Ukrainian attack on Russian-occupied territory were true.

Russia dismissed the comments as “fake news”.

Relations between North Korea and Russia have deepened since Moscow launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un made a rare visit outside his country in September 2023, travelling by train to eastern Russia where he held talks with President Vladimir Putin and visited military bases and arms factories.


Putin, meanwhile, travelled to Pyongyang in June on his first visit to the country in 24 years with Kim promising his “full support and solidarity” for Russia’s war in Ukraine.

The US, South Korea and Ukraine have all accused North Korea of sending weapons to Russia for use in the war.

In April, United Nations sanctions monitors said debris from a missile that hit Kharkiv on January 2 was from a North Korean Hwasong-11 series ballistic missile.

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‘Frozen’ Animator Lino DiSalvo Taps Into ‘Awesome, Superstitious, Loving, Wonderful’ Italian Roots With Coming-of-Age Tale ‘Twisted’



‘Frozen’ Animator Lino DiSalvo Taps Into ‘Awesome, Superstitious, Loving, Wonderful’ Italian Roots With Coming-of-Age Tale ‘Twisted’

“Frozen” head animator and longtime Disney veteran Lino DiSalvo is developing an animated feature that tells the coming-of-age story of an Italian teenager who teams up with a mythical beast to save her hometown from an evil curse.

Written by Kissy Dugan and produced by Emmanuel Jacomet for Mediawan Kids & Family with Italy’s Palomar Animation, “Twisted” is among the buzzy projects being pitched this week at Rome’s MIA Market, which runs Oct. 14 – 18.

Inspired by the tall tales DiSalvo heard growing up in an Italian American household in Brooklyn, the story is based on a holiday ritual in the Italian town of Andrista, where villagers perform an annual rite to mark the Feast of the Epiphany by hunting and capturing a mythical beast known as the Badalisc.

Describing what he hopes will be “a fun, big movie” as “super silly with tons of heart,” DiSalvo said: “I just want to bring my awesome, superstitious, loving, wonderful, rich history of growing up Italian to the big screen.”

“Twisted” begins in a small town in the Valcamonica valley in Lombardy, where for centuries the villagers have gathered on the eve of the Epiphany to hunt the Badalisc, a mythical, horned creature dwelling in the forests of the Alpine region. Once captured, the beast is paraded through the town, where he exposes secrets, gossip and petty grievances — a ritual that returns the community to peace and harmony for another year.


In DiSalvo’s telling, however, the tradition takes an unexpected turn. “Our movie picks up where everyone has gotten so sick of this guy revealing everyone’s secrets every year that they kick him out of the town,” he said. “This poor creature! He’s been the star of the show for hundreds of years, and…they banish him from the town.”

The Badalisc’s only crime is doing the one thing that comes naturally to him: telling the truth. “In his heart, all he wants to do…is be part of the community.”

Enter Angelina, a smooth-talking teen who works in the family pizzeria. “Her family has this expectation [that] she’s going to be the next prime minister, she’s going to be a fashion designer — things that Italian families want for you to ‘succeed,’” said DiSalvo. “The irony is that all she wants to do is make pizza.”

Unlike the truth-telling Badalisc, Angelina proceeds from the “flawed philosophy” that “it’s just easier to tell people what they want to hear.” “She basically lies to everybody,” said DiSalvo. As the plot kicks into motion, the young hero — with some help from the banished beast — will eventually be called upon to save the people of Andrista, a quest that gives rise to the central tension of the film: “Is it ever right to lie? Should you always be truthful, even if it means hurting someone?”

Now based in Montreal, the Brooklyn native drew heavily on memories from his childhood while developing “Twisted.” “I grew up in a family that had a pizzeria. All my life experiences took place in that pizzeria. It’s the lens that I viewed the world through,” he said. “Being a first-generation Italian American and belonging to a family that was traditional but also interestingly modern in their take, they had expectations for me. I was going to be the first DiSalvo not to make pizza.”


DiSalvo was head animator on Disney’s Oscar-winning “Frozen.”

His success since then would do any Italian grandma proud. Recruited at the age of 20, DiSalvo spent 16 years at Walt Disney Animation Studios, where he served as head of animation on the Academy Award-winning film “Frozen” and worked as a supervising animator on projects including “Tangled” and “Bolt.” After leaving Disney, he served as creative director for Paramount Animation and later as the head of creative at ON Animation Studios in Paris. More recently, he directed and produced the Emmy-nominated Christmas special “Reindeer in Here” for CBS Studios and Paramount+.

For “Twisted,” he’ll join forces with Paris-based powerhouse Mediawan Kids & Family, which in the past year has been growing its slate of prestige animation.

“Ever since I mentioned it to them, Emmanuel Jacomet, the producer there, he’s been championing the project,” said DiSalvo. “He’s believed in it. The leadership there believes in it. Then they started giving me resources to put together writers and…bring my wish list to fruition.”

Early returns have been encouraging, with the animator and his Mediawan partners presenting “Twisted” earlier this year to industry audiences at Annecy and Cartoon Movie in Bordeaux.


“After we showed this proof of concept, the response from the industry has been awesome,” DiSalvo said. “It really warms my heart that theatrical distribution in Europe and South America, there’s a hunger for these personal stories that still feel fantastical and silly and comedic and action-based, told with a very specific point of view.”

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